Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts

Teens Halloween Party Ideas Cool Activities

10 Halloween Decor, Games, and Activities for Teenagers

Ah, your little preschool darlings have blossomed into not so darling teenagers. Sigh. At least a few times a year, you'll still get some of those old time, good vibes with birthdays and holidays. Halloween is our favorite time of the year. Rarely have we lived in a place where trick or treating door to door was a possibility, so we've always gotten creative. Throw your teens a Halloween Party with these cool ideas and activities for Halloween! Oriental Trading generously sent us the supplies for this post. We hope you enjoy our tips for Halloween decor, games, and activities for teenagers!

This post contains Amazon and other affiliate links. 

Teens Halloween Party Ideas Cool Activities

Teens won't admit it, but they love to play funny games and win prizes. Sure, they'll groan how uncool you are, but inside they'll feel all giddy and look forward to the fun! This Halloween, tone it down, be cool, and have fun!

10 Cool Halloween Activities for Teens

tips for Halloween decor, games, and activities for teenagers
Dragons guard the Halloween candy dish.

  • These Cheesy Ghost Chicken Nuggets taste delicious and make a spooky appetizer for a Halloween Party. Be prepared to work quickly, the cheese gets solid fast.

how to make cheesy ghost chicken nuggets

  • Use a paint marker to write 'Boo' on the bottom of one mini popcorn bucket. Have everyone check their  buckets. Whoever gets the 'boo' wins a special prize. Be sure to tell everyone else to boo the winner! Teens like that stuff, you know.

Alternative trick or treat items, allergy friendly
We like to use these Mythical Halloween Creatures from Oriental Trading as boo prizes.

the story of how the Jack-o-Lantern originated
The REAL story of the Jack-o-Lantern started with a turnip.

Oriental Trading has tons of cool decorations for Halloween parties. Our teens chose to go with a dragon theme for their Halloween party. We ordered dragon skeletons, swords, gloves for knights in shining armor, and more. 

  • The black light up bat wreath is perfect for various themes. In fact, it can be used as a centerpiece decoration for a Medieval-themed Halloween party. Be sure to include other Medieval decorations. For starters, give your walls an ancient look by covering them with stone wallpapers and hanging shields. Also, provide minimal natural light using chandeliers and torches. Equally important, don't forget to dress appropriately for the event. Men can sport a "noblemen" look by wearing tunics, leggings, and breeches. Meanwhile, medieval costume ideas for women include long gowns and ankle-length tunics belted at the waist.

Cool Halloween Party Decorations and Ideas for Teens
We filled these mini milk jugs from Oriental Trading with assorted M and Ms.

  • Play ring toss with the candy filled milk jugs and some Halloween bracelets. When the kids toss a bracelet over a jug, they win the jug and the bracelet!

cool ideas and activities for Halloween
Halloween Party Candy Theme Table Decorations.

Edible Art: Pumpkin Biscuits.

  • The large Dragon Skeleton is perfect for posing for pictures for teens to share on their social media! #HalloweenGames  After they've posed, blindfold them, tape a paper flame (with tape on both sides) to the end of the sword, and play PIN THE FLAME ON THE DRAGON.

pin the tail on the dragon skeleton party game for teens
Pin the Flame on the Dragon Party Game.

  • Make your own Halloween Pumpkin and Ghost lights with plastic cups and cheap string lights. Learn how here: Pumpkin and Ghost Lights for Party. When teens arrive, give them each a cup and some markers. Let their creative juices flow and then collect the cups and pop them on a strand of lights. Hang it on your entry way, so they can see their art work as they head home.

Realistic Earthworm Gummy Candy from Oriental Trading.

  • On Halloween, a house party full of teens needs haunting! Hang sheets to make mazes throughout the rooms, turn out the lights and light the way with strobe lights or flickering string lights. Add creepy creatures at every corner, and make the final exit a 'dead' end.

Dragon Skeleton Decoration for Yard
Dragon Skeleton for Yard.

Follow us on Pinterest and Instagram for more fun Halloween Party Ideas!


Cool Games and Songs for Teen Parties

Get Halloween Costumes for Teens from Amazon

More Halloween Activities and Recipes from Kids Creative Chaos

20 Easy DIY Halloween Costume Ideas for Kids

DIY Halloween Costumes

Looking for SUPER EASY homemade Halloween DIY Costume Ideas for Kids? Over the years, we've thrown together a ton of quick Halloween costumes for kids. Pre-teens and Teens love them too. All of our costume ideas are no-sew and most were made by Mayhem! She loves to create something from nothing. All are easy to throw together in an afternoon. So, what will you be for Halloween? 

20 Easy DIY Halloween Costume Ideas for kids and teens.

Do you have Transformer fans like we do? This Optimus Prime costume made from a box is the bomb! It even transforms to a truck when not in use. Way to go, ModernKiddo.

Optimus Prime Homemade Costume from ModernKiddo.

We know your baby is super, so show the world with this fun DIY Clark Kent costume from CostumeWorks. Tip: Works for super Dads too!

Clark Kent DIY Costume from CostumeWorks.

Do you have a teenage boy who needs a Halloween costume? Try this head-in-a-jar costume from ThirtyHandmadeDays. They've got an amazing tutorial!

DIY Jar Head Costume by ThirtyHandmadeDays. 

More Easy Halloween Costume Ideas for Kids from Kids Creative Chaos

If you try any of these diy Halloween Costume Ideas for kids and teens please share your images on our Facebook page.

Hope you have an amazing Halloween!

Halloween Ideas: Diy Decorations

DIY Halloween Decoration Ideas

Halloween is so much fun! The holiday seasons begins with hayrides, bonfires, and pumpkin patches. To get you into the holiday spirit, we're sharing some Halloween decor ideas that you can make at home or purchase online at Oriental Trading and display around your party area. Make homemade Halloween lights to show off your festive Halloween decor. Enjoy!

Oriental Trading supplied these items in exchange for a post. 
This posts contains affiliate links for your convenience*

Owl Halloween Paper Crafts

Cute Paper Crafts for Halloween with Owls

We just discovered Whisker Graphics. They are a cute, online craft store. While we were perusing the "aisles", we found free owl print outs for cupcakes and bag decorating. This creator of Divine Twine™  offers lots of cute, Halloween Paper Crafts on Sale. We picked out some of our favorite items. Scroll down for the Free Printable Owl Labels and Invitations. Enjoy!

These Chevron Bitty Bags™ come in all colors. What a fun way to customize your Halloween goody bags for trick or treaters. You can add cute tags too. Best of all, these bags are food safe, biodegradable, and recyclable!
Halloween Paper Crafts Goody Bags
Chevron Halloween Trick or Treat Goody Bags.

Don't miss out on this Halloween Special. It includes tags, bags, papers, Divine Twine™, and more. Check here for more details: Halloween Paper Crafts. You can create personalized invitations and adorable wrapped packages with this kit.
Halloween Craft Kit Sale
Halloween Paper Crafts Kit available at Whisker Graphics.

Here's the best part, you can get these adorable owl printables for FREE! Just hop over here: Cute Owl Print Outs, and download the PDF. They are fully customizable too! How fun is that?

Printable Owl Labels and Invitations.
Printable Owl Labels and Invitations.

There's a bonus Halloween Printable on the Skip to My Lou blog.


Owl Crafts

Cute Baby Owl Costume*

Owl Food Craft for Preschoolers

ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products. *We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Blogvertise, The Blogger Network, Chitika, Google Adsense, and Social Spark ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

When is Roald Dahl Day: Activities

When is Roald Dahl Day?

It's Roald Dahl Day! Sept. 13, 2015. How will you celebrate? This year, we did several activities including, a "The Witches" party. We've included a list of our favorite Roald Dahl books which are perfect for Elementary Students. Scroll down to see how you can win a free copy of your favorite Roald Dahl book and a fun printable crossword puzzle. Enjoy!

When is Road Dahl Day: Activities
Have a "The Witches" Party to Celebrate Roald Dahl Day or Halloween!
We found The Witches movie on Amazon. The movie has some scary moments, but we won't give those away. Depending on the child, the whole concept of the story could be traumatic. The Witches are everywhere wearing human masks! How can you tell a witch? She'll have purple, glowing eyes, among other things!

The Witches is an award-winning story by Roald Dahl about a boy, his grandmother, and a hotel full of witches. 
"This is not a fairy tale. This is about real witches."  

Books by Roald Dahl include The Witches and James and the Giant Peach.
Books by Roald Dahl include The Witches and James and the Giant Peach.

After we watched the movie, we visited the Roald Dahl website and chose some fun ideas for lessons. We made posters that explain how to spot a witch. Beware! They are everywhere.

We have a fun idea to make human masks!
  • Copy a photo of someone in the classroom or house, paste it to tag board, and then decorate it with markers or colored pencils. When done, cut out, poke holes in the ears, tie an elastic string through each hole, and wear it!
  • To make it more fun, also make a witch mask and wear it underneath your human mask. Tee Hee! Now, that's fun!
You'll want to make some spooky treats and creepy snacks for your party. We found these cute witch broom donuts at Giggles Galore.

Witch Broomstick Donuts! Find the How to at Giggles Galore.
We don't want to give the story away. You'll have to read it and watch the movie to understand why we made a mouse craft. We have lots of recyclables around the house, so we turned a styrofoam cup and a plastic grocery bag into a cute little mouse.

Recyclable Mouse Craft for The Witches Book by Roald Dahl.
Make a mouse craft with recyclables.
To make the little mouse, paint a styrofoam cup your favorite color. Poke a pipecleaner in the bottom, curl it around a pencil to make a curly tail. Roll up a grocery bag, place it inside the cup, and then tape on foamy or construction paper eyes, nose, and ears. Eek! That was easy. Preschoolers will enjoy making this simple mouse craft.

Then, each kid chose a Roald Dahl book to read. We chose The BFE and Monster....

Roald Dahl Reading List

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Danny, the Champion of the World
Enormous Crocodile
Esio Trot
Fantastic Mr Fox
George's Marvellous Medicine
James and the Giant Peach
Revolting Rhymes
Short stories
The Twits
The Witches

Hop over and like and comment on our Facebook Page post about Roald Dahl, and you can win a "The Witches" Prize pack and a Roald Dahl book. Contest ends Sept. 20, 2015.


Halloween Crafts on Pinterest

Room on the Broom*

Have a Spooky Sleepover and Pajama Reading Party with Halloween Books from Scholastics

Have a Spooky Sleepover: Pajama Reading Party with Candy Corn S'mores Recipe

It's easy to plan a spooky sleepover with a Scholastics story and EVEREADY® Gold batteries in your flashlights! We decided to plan our spooky pajama party around fun Halloween books for kids! "We picked some fun spooky books and decided on a Candy Corn S'more Recipe as the perfect companion snack! There was an Old Lady who Swallowed a Bat" by Jared Lee, "Splat the Cat" by Rob Scotton, and "Ten Timid Ghosts" by Jennifer O'Connell. Read on to learn more about the best sleepover ever!

*This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of EVEREADY®. The opinions and text are all mine. It contains affiliate links.

Plan a pajama sleepover party with spooky books, treats, and Halloween shadow puppets.
Have a pajama sleepover with spooky Scholastic Books and EVEREADY® Gold.

Spooky Book for early readers, Scholastics, Ten Timid Ghosts.
Spooky Book for early readers, Scholastics, Ten Timid Ghosts.
Before the party, we gathered supplies for our craft, snack, and pajama party tent. The kitchen nook worked best, because it has room for a large, family-size tent. We used the walls and bench to construct a tent from one of our favorite blankets. Mommy filled a basket with books, juice packs, popcorn, and flashlights. Then, we created some, super cute edible crafts- with a ghost theme of course. Candy Corn S'mores!

How to Make S'mores with candy corn and candy corn marshmallows Recipe.
Candy Corn Smores Recipe: Make S'mores with candy corn and candy corn marshmallows.

For our Candy Corn S'mores recipe, we used graham crackers, candy corn marshmallows, candy corn, and chocolate chips to make our S'mores. They were the best S'mores we ever had! Messy, but delicious.

While our sleepover snacks were baking in the toaster oven, we started the spooky ghost craft. We used cheesecloth, Styrofoam cups, and buttons to make a Halloween Ghost craft.

Spooky ghosts from Styrofoam cups.
Spooky ghosts from Styrofoam cups.

After reading the story, Mayhem wanted to make a bat too. So, we cut out a pattern that looks like the bat on the cover of the book. To make our bat you only need scissors, construction paper, and glue. If you want to make an outdoor Halloween decoration, before cutting, cover your paper with Duct Tape in coordinating colors. The duct tape will make a durable Halloween decoration for your door.

While we enjoyed reading stories to each other and making shadow puppets on the walls, we had some surprise guests! They wanted to hear about Splat the Cat, and they wanted to chase the lights from our EVEREADY® Flashlights!

Curious cats crash our pajama party!
Curious cats crash our pajama party!
Educational Element for Homeschooling

We wanted to count this experience as school, so we found a free printable story starter and Lesson Plans for, There Was an Old Lady, on Scholastic's website. From the list of lesson plans, we also chose to try the edible estimations. This is a fun math lesson for kids where you compare the things the old lady ate with similar weighing objects around the house or classroom and then calculate the grand total of everything she ate. The EVEREADY® website has free printables to help plan for a disaster.

Grab your favorite Scholastic books, and EVEREADY® flashlights and get reading! When you purchase 2 special marked packs of EVEREADY® Gold Batteries or EVEREADY® flashlights, you can redeem them for a free book. How fun is that?

It must be time to go to sleep, our guests are yawning!

Yawning Cat and Sleepy Cat
Hey lady, don't shine that light in my eyes!
Where are my pajamas? Those stories made me sleepy!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of EVEREADY®. The opinions and text are all mine.

Recommended Reading:

There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Bat!

Splat the Cat Storybook Collection

6 Edible Apple Crafts for Kids

Here are 6 fun, easy things to do with apples!

Apples, Apples, Apples! It's September and the best apples are ripening on the trees. Around here, the apples and pears are falling off attracting wasps and bees. I need to collect these gifts from nature and do a creative craft for kids like this first fun apple idea from It's Gravy Baby.

Monster Edible Apple Crafts for Kids
Monster apples and pears from It's Gravy Baby blog.
What could be better than than scent of fresh apple pie?  Why not try to add some sensory play to your play dough? It's Gravy Baby also offers up this apple pie scented play dough. She must have a lot of apples too!

edible apple craft for kids apple pie scented play dough
Apple Scented Play dough.... can you smell it?
How about this wormy apple craft from  Worms are squishy, ooey-gooey, fun. This edible apple snack is perfect for Kid's Birthday Party Treat, a Halloween Edible Apple Craft, or an April Fool's day surprise.

Easy Worm Edible Apple Craft for kids
Apple Worm Craft for Kids from
I'm not really a Star Wars fan, but lots of people think I am. You want to know why? I'm a Sesame Street fan. I LOVE me some Sesame Street. My favorite character is Super Grover. This translates to a special appreciation for Yoda from Star Wars. I even named my favorite pet bunny after him. So, when I saw this green apple craft for kids depicting Yoda I was all, I've got to try that one. Wait, no, I mean, I have to DO that one! Check it our for yourself at Bit Rebels.

star wars yoda edible apple craft for kids
Edible Star Wars Craft for kids from Kitchen Fun with my 3 Sons.
Why is it watermelons make the cutest crafts for kids or baby shower edible art? I just love these mock watermelon slices made from green apples and jello. Find out how to make them at Chocolate on my Cranium blog.

edible Watermelon apple craft for kids
Mock watermelon slices apple craft for kids snack.
And finally, you've probably seen better versions out there in the blogosphere, but this was one of our first craft idea posts for our summer camp. Turkey Edible Apple Crafts for Kids with Dollar Store candy. Since then, I try to make healthy edible art and crafts for kids!

Turkey Edible Apple Snack Craft for Kids
Turkey Edible Apple Snack Treat for Kids.

Recommended Reading:

Apple Kids and Acorn Frolics: Linework Pattern Workbook

Apples by Gail Gibbons

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3 of my Favorite Pinterest Fall Craft Activities

Here are 3 of my all-time fav Pinterest Fall Craft Activities

Sniff sniff. Can you smell it? Fall is almost here! We love a little Fall fun. When I saw these 3 fall activities on Pinterest, I just knew they'd be perfect for preschoolers. So, gather up some supplies and sit down with the littles and make some memories while you craft up your favorite fall preschool activity. Click the links for details on how to make the owl wreath, paperbag scarecrow, and easy Lite Brite pumpkin. Enjoy!

  1. Who's There Owl Wreath by Sherri at About Family Craft
Cute owl fall craft wreath from Pinterest
Cute Owl Fall Craft Wreath from Sherri Osborn.

2.  Paperbag Scarecrow from Easy Child Crafts

cute paper bag scarecrow craft Pinterest
Paperbag Scarecrow Craft from lunch bag.

3. Lite Brite Pumpkin from Giver's Log.

Lite Brite Pumpkin diy decorating from Pinterest
Lite Brite pegs in your pumpkin. Too cute!

Recommended Reading:

Fall Edible Crafts and Fun Games for Kids*

Fall Wreath           

Things to do with Pumpkins         

ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products.

*We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

Repurpose Anything into Handmade Magnetic Chalkboards even Pumpkins

Is that a chalkboard pumpkin? 

Why yes it is a chalkboard pumpkin, why do you ask?

That's Right, anything can make a chalkboard. It started with a kitchen wall for my pre-schoolers. I hadn't discovered magnetic paint yet. I bought a black can of chalkboard paint (green didn't go with my decor) and painted an entire wall. It made a fun, new place to teach spelling and math for our homeschoolers.  Enjoy!

Make a Plastic Pumpkin Painted with Chalkboard Paint.
Make a Plastic Pumpkin Painted with Chalkboard Paint.

That's our chalkboard on the wall behind Jake.
It's Kitschy ~ I signed into Etsy and saw someone selling horse statues they had painted with chalkboard paint. Well, a light went off in my head. I love to create 'stuff' from junk. I repurpose everything I can to help make the world a better place. :) 

how to make a magnetic chalkboard pumpkin for fun fall homeschool lesson
How to make a magnetic chalkboard pumpkin 
for fun fall homeschool lessons.

Well, hello there, proud, magnetic pumpkin!

Start with a plastic pumpkin. You can find them at Michael's and JoAnn's. Sand the pumpkin lightly so the paint will take hold.  Then add 2-3 layers of magnetic paint. It is imperative that you let it dry 24 hours between coats. When magnets stick to it you're done.

Paint a chalkboard on your wall
Paint a chalkboard on your wall like this one behind Mayhem.

You can eve make your own magnets from re-purposed puzzle pieces painted with a silly character. I have so many advertiser's magnets (flat ones from doctor's offices). I cut them up and hot glue them to the backs of things. Here are some cool magnets from the NURTURE STORE.

Originally, I used a can of chalkboard paint and a brush. Then, I discovered chalkboard spray paint...  Awesome!  I had concerns that it would run, but it was excellent and left no messy brush strokes! Again, you must wait 24 hours between coats. Patience is a virtue for a reason. I used two coats allowing it to dry for 24 hours before prepping for chalk. To prep, color the entire item with chalk and let it set overnight. Wipe clean with a damp cloth.

You Might Also Like:   Edible Scratch and Sniff Water Colors

Recommended Reading:

The Runaway Pumpkin *ad