Showing posts with label snowmen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snowmen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snowmen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snowmen. Show all posts

4 Holiday Toilet Paper Roll Crafts

4 Cardboard Tube Crafts for the Holidays

Whether you use a paper towel roll, wrapping paper roll, or toilet tube, these cute cardboard tube crafts for the holidays are easy to make. We made 4 fun holiday toilet paper roll crafts with bits and bobbles from cardboard rolls. Scroll down to see our Thanksgiving Turkey, Christmas Reindeer, Snowman, and Little Puppy. Enjoy!

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Cute Cardboard Tube Crafts
Cute Cardboard Tube Crafts.

1. Toilet Paper Roll Turkey

We used cardbboard paper towel rolls and toilet paper tubes to make these little creatures. They are skinnier than most, because we cut a 1" strip out of each roll and then hot glued the cardboard back together. Each holiday creature is cut at a different height, so they can be displayed in an attractive centerpiece for the holidays.

Toilet Paper Roll Crafts Thanksgiving Turkey
Toilet Paper Roll Crafts Thanksgiving Turkey.

If you want to make Cardboard Tube Crafts for Thanksgiving, purchase some felt leaves. We found a Thanksgiving garland kit on clearance and used the pieces to make turkey feathers. An autumn pack of pipecleaners. pom poms, and felt bits were used for his beak and head.

To attach the head, it is best to use hot glue. Place a bead of glue around the top of the cardboard tube and then press and hold the pom pom down until the glue sets.

If you want to paint your tube, do that before you begin decorating it. We like the natural look of of the cardboard roll.

2. Cardboard Tube Puppy

make a cardboard roll puppy
Cut a 2" section of cardboard roll to make a little puppy.

Mini Cardboard Tube Creatures.

3. Cardboard Paper towel Roll Snowman Craft

cardboard tube snowman
Use a vegetable skewer to make hands
for your cardboard toilet roll snowman.

Cardboard Toilet Roll Snowman Craft with Scarf
Twist two pipecleaners together to make a scarf for your snowman.
We glued two cottonballs together to make  his head.

4. Reindeer Toilet Roll Craft

toilet roll reindeer craft
Wrap pipecleaners around your finger or a pencil
to make spiral antlers for the cardboard reindeer.

More Cardboard Roll Crafts for Thanksgiving

Easy Cardboard Toilet Tube Turkeys
Mayhem designed her own Easy Cardboard Toilet Tube Turkeys.

Cut 1/4" strips approximately 3" down the toilet paper roll to make the turkey feathers. Then, bend 1 strip down folding the end up to attach the turkey's head. Cut two orange strips and glue inside the tube to form legs. Now, you have a shelf sitter turkey for Thanksgiving.

Share your ideas with us in the comments.


Paint with Cardboard Tubes

The Night Before Thanksgiving

Holiday Salt Dough Ornaments

Make an Envelope Barn and Toilet Roll Silo

Felt Leaves

Cardboard Toilet Tube Rocket for New Years

Do You Want to Build a Snowman? Indoors!

Do you want to Build an Indoor Snowman?

With Olaf of Frozen so popular these days, we had to ask... do you want to build a snowman? Here at Kids Creative Chaos, we love snowmen! If it is below zero outside and your kids are begging to go outside to build a snowman, we've got some warmer alternatives. Here are 6 fun ways to build a snowman indoors. Enjoy!

Do You Want to Build a Snowman? Indoors!
Dancing with Olaf.

This Sensory Snowman Activity for Toddlers uses lots of sticky stuff to make a cute, paper snowman.

How to make a snowman mobile
How to make a snowman mobile.

Printable Snowman Faces
Printable Snowman Faces.

Snowman Activities for Preschool
Snowman activities for preschool.

Preschool Snowman Ideas
Preschool Snowman Ideas: Snowman in a Jar.

Edible Snowman Recipe

Edible Snowman Recipe.
Edible Snowman Recipe.

These Snowman Party Favors are perfect for a Frozen Theme Birthday Party!

Snowman Party Favors
Snowman Party Favors.

Recommended Reading:

The Snowman*

Frozen Hide-and-Hug Olaf: A Fun Family Experience!*

ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products.

*We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

Snowman Activities for Preschoolers

These Snowman Activities will fill your Preschooler with Joy

Snow is beautiful, but some never get it and others get far too much! Whether you have none or tons, stay inside with your preschooler and make your own snowman projects. We've linked several snow ideas and activities from our site as well as a few of our favorites from Pinterest. Enjoy being warm while you build a snowman. Enjoy!

Mini Peanut Snowman from Kids Creative Chaos.

Edible Snowman from Kids Creative Chaos.

Cute Snowman Soup Recipe Idea from Pinterest
Snowman Soup Recipe from Third Grade Thoughts.

Snowman Activities for Preschoolers
Snowman in a jar from Kids Creative Chaos.

Printable Snowman Activity Coloring
Snowman Valentine Activity.

Easy preschool snowflake snowman
Easy Preschool Snowflake Snowman.

Looking for Snowman Ideas for Winter Activities for the classroom? How about a companion snowman story by Mercer Mayer.

Recommended Reading:

Snowman Classroom Door Decoration

The Snowman Children's Book*

The Biggest Snowman Ever story*

ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products.

*We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

Preschool Sensory Play Activities: How it all got started!

Sensory Messy Play and Preschool Activities

We've had many great years teaching messy play and preschool classes for The Play Connection and hope the future will send even more blessings our way. Here are our top sensory and messy play preschool activities from 2013. What a blast from the past!

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Sensory Messy Play and Preschool Activities

Here is a listing of our top posts of 2013. Many offer great ideas for fun, preschool activities, clip art, and lots of fun for kids! Enjoy!

  1. Christmas Eye Candy: Photos of Christmas Trees in Snow Clipart
  2. Angie's Homemade Artisan Bread Recipe
  3. New Year Preschool Party Ideas and Activities for Kids
  4. Lots of Snowmen and Marshmallows Christmas Crafts and Activities for Kids
  5. Fun for Kids with Phineas and Ferb Printables
  6. Lots of photos of Bread Clipart
  7. Cute Valentine Clipart and Free Printables for Kids Classroom Valentines
  8. 9 New Year Activities for Kids with games for kids too
  9. Marshmallows: Fun for kids SENSORY game great for preschoolers
  10. The Tooth Fairy Sagas: Free Toothfairy clipart and true Mommy Drama
  11. Activities for Kids: Make your own snow for Sensory play fun for kids
  12. Birthday Party games for Kids and Moms on a budget
  13. Our new Series Made the cut! Creative Country Sayings and Inspirational Quotes

Activities for pre school Pre K Kids Creative Chaos Lora Langston Edible Crafts fun for kids
Memories from 2008 - 2012.

Here's my favorite Homeschool Lesson from 2013.

Primary and Complementary Color Homeschool Art and Science Lesson.
Primary and Complementary Color Homeschool Art and Science Lesson.

(Pre K to Elementary)
There are many Homeschool Lessons in this series, so make sure you click the labels under each post. (Still Life, Water Coloring for Kids, Weaving, Self-Portrait activities, Building Models for Science, Christmas Gingerbread House how to diy, Color Theory Lessons, Primary Colors, and even some History  along the way - it's art to me how we've designed our lives throughout the years. I hope you will follow along on the journey.)

We published a Kitchen Kids Cookbook with mix and make recipes for kids. We helped fund raise for Santa's Elves of Indy, we started Homeschooling through INCA (Indiana Connections Academy,) and we moved to a house in the country. 

2013 holds many dreams as we look forward to gardening, raising chickens, goats, and hopefully bunnies and alpacas, get that YA novel published, and share a few of the many stage plays and skits for kids I've written over the years. Bring it! I am excited to get started :-) 

What does your future hold? Leave a comment and let us know.

Follow us on Pinterest (Kids Creative Chaos and Pin it! Online Scavenger Hunt for Pre school Curriculum) and Google +  Can't find us on Twitter? Check the right sidebar for a link we're @playconnection

Recommended Reading:

Fun with Messy Play: Ideas and Activities for Children with Special Needs

Play Out: How to develop your outside space for learning and play

Classroom Snowman Craft for Door: Pin it Online Scavenger Hunt

Classroom Snowman Ideas for Preschool and Elementary

Updated with Styrofoam Cup Snowman Tutorial and more Snowmen from our Pinterest friends who tired it! So, you want to make a plastic cup snowman for your classroom door or bulletin board. It's so cool, but how do you do it? Check out this Styrofoam cup SNOWMAN entered in a teacher's door decorating contest. 

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Did you know you can pin posts from your blog or pictures of your classroom door on our Pinterest board for teachers. We also have a Pinterest board just for Snowmen Stuff, just send a message in Pinterest with a request to join.

Scroll down the page for our favorite classroom snowman decoration ideas and the how to make the door snowman from plastic cups. Enjoy!

Preschool Classroom door snowman from Styrofoam cups
Snowman Uploaded by Tiffany Cone Webb 
Click the pic to follow her on Pinterest.

Styrofoam Cup Snowman: This Classroom Door snowman was designed for a door decorating contest. Yes, he won! But, the question is...

How do you make a snowman for a classroom door from Styrofoam cups

The serious answer is very, very carefully with lots of patience. Plastic Cups are easier to staple than Styrofoam cups. They also have more give when assembling the snowman. Try using sticky Velcro strips to attach your snowman creation to the door, wall, or classroom bulletin board.

This one was created by Destinie S. and uploaded to Pinterest.
Click Plastic Cup Snowman with lights to see the video with flashing lights. Great job!

Good news! We found a video that shows how to make balls from plastic cups. In the video, you'll see that they make two halves and attach them to form a ball. So, you'll only need to make one half and then attach it to the wall. However, if you make the entire ball , you can make a stand alone cup snowman decoration. Check out this cute one, made to look like Olaf from Frozen!

How to Make a Plastic Cup Snowman Decoration for Door
Plastic Cup Snowman made to look like Olaf! We found this one at diycuteness blog.

Get LEGO OLAF on Amazon.

diycuteness also shared this plastic cup snowman for the classroom door.

How to Make a Snowman from Plastic or Styrofoam Cups:

Watch the video above to learn how to make a classroom door snowman from plastic cups. In the video, it shows how to make balls to make light decorations for parties. You can adapt this method to create the snowballs to build your snowman on a door.

Get short Styrofoam cups like the plastic cups in the picture.

FYI: We tried making the Styrofoam cup snowman several times. We finally made something resembling a circle, but never felt it was a good enough snowball to share. However, we tried it with tiny medicine cups which were difficult to staple. And then, we tried using glue to attach Styrofoam cups together. The method in the video with regular size plastic cups stapled together seems to work, but the circles are difficult to get perfectly round. 

Good luck, you're going to need it!

pre school snowmen snowman for classroom
The original source seems to be a teacher's album 

  • We found some great Snowman crafts at OrientalTrading and fun, free snowman worksheets at Check out our post and follow along on Instagram to keep up with all of our crafty classroom activities! 

Winter Bulletin Board: Snowmen, Penguins, and Snowflakes on Amazon.

Recommended Reading:

Get Snowmen At Christmas Book

Plastic Cup Halloween Lights

Easy Felt and Peanut Snowman Kids Crafts: Lapel Pins or Magnets

Easy Felt and Peanut Snowman Kids Crafts: How to Make Lapel Pins

Use your scraps to make snowman art with your preschooler. These make great magnets or lapel pins for an easy holiday gift- great for grandmas :)

Easy Felt Snowman Kids Crafts: Lapel Pins Magnet Craft
Easy Felt and Peanut Snowman Kids Crafts: Lapel Pins or Magnets.
Mayhem (age 2) glued this together all by herself! We just cut appropriate shapes out of felt then glued on beads, bobbles and tiny pom-poms.

Snowman Magnets. 

We glued it all to a craft/popsicle stick with hot glue, then hot glued a craft safety pin to the back of the stick. Moms will wear them with pride :-) For more Snowman Crafts click here.

Here's another lapel pin made from a peanut or how about safety pin jewelry.

Snowman Peanut Lapel Pin Button for kids to make.
Snowman Peanut Lapel Pin Button for kids to make.
Recommended Reading:

Christmas Crafts For Kids: 50 Step-By-Step Decorations And Gift Ideas For Festive Fun

Multicultural Earth Day Pin Button

31 Easy Christmas Ornaments Kids Can Make