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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query babies. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query babies. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query babies. Sort by date Show all posts

How to Get Babies to Sleep Through The Night Tips

The True Secret to Getting Babies to Sleep Through the Night

There's no denying that every parent wants their child to have peaceful sleep throughout the night – an uninterrupted night of great sleep. However, the reality is most kids don’t function that way and will keep waking up time after time, night after night. That’s really frustrating, especially for a parent, you can't sleep if your baby is awake. So what's the secret on how to get babies to sleep through the night?

How to Get Babies to Sleep Through The Night Tips baby infant toddler

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Even though it’s common for babies and toddlers to wake up frequently and “refuse” to take quality naps during the day, there are some things you can do to help your baby sleep better through the night. If you were wondering what you can do to make bedtime sleep better for your infant or toddler, consider the following tips:

Baby Sleep Tips

1. Avoid Over Tiredness

Overtired babies find it hard to sleep, which means you might think your child can’t sleep, while it’s actually an effect of over tiredness. It's in your best interest to know your baby’s sleep patterns and to avoid keeping them awake for longer than necessary. Doing so can help you catch the earliest signs of tiredness in your baby, hence address them effectively.

2. Swaddle your Baby

Most babies love being swaddled, and it makes sense! Newborns have just come from a safe environment in their mother’s womb, and they're used to being held tightly, which is why swaddling a baby makes perfect sense. Besides, a swaddled baby won’t be able to hit themselves in the face, which in most cases, wakes them up. Ensure that your baby is comfortable, wearing overnight diapers, and you'll be surprised by how peaceful their sleep will be through the night (and yours too.)

3. Calm your Baby Before Sleep

Babies need some settling time before bedtime, it helps their body to begin a “shut-down” process which enhances better sleep. This is the time when you turn off the TV or music, take your baby to their bedroom which is a quieter environment, and let them have their settling time (10 – 15 minutes.) There are different ways to calm down a baby, dimming the lights and ensuring that the room temperature is perfect are both helpful options. Also, playing nature sounds such as chirping sounds of crickets and other calming nature sounds can help soothe baby. With these calming techniques, your baby’s mind will easily adjust, allowing them to fall asleep faster and easier.

4. Have a Routine

According to Sleep Reports, a sleep routine for baby’s nap times and bedtimes can help. As far as sleeping is concerned, our bodies “learn” and adjust so that they're always ready for the same process. A bedtime routine can involve activities such as bathing your baby, changing their clothes, feeding them, and then observing some “quiet time.” After the bath, it’s always a good idea to avoid playing, and preserve such moments for cuddling and giving your baby the comfort they need to help them fall asleep faster.

5. Avoid Over-stimulation

If your baby can't sleep, the best thing you can do is avoid overstimulating them. Look around your baby’s room, and you’ll notice it’s probably very stimulating. Lots of shapes, colors, sounds, objects, and even other people.

Of course that was the plan, you designed it to stimulate your baby’s senses. One of the ways babies get overstimulated is when you play with them at bedtime or giving them toys to keep them company. This causes them additional stimulation and makes it hard for them to sleep throughout the night. It’s the same as when an older child plays video games at bedtime.

6. Embrace the Sun

When a baby’s “body clock” is off schedule, it can be “reset” by exposing it to the sun, whether it means opening the blinds once your baby is awake or taking them for a morning walk in their stroller. Wondering how that makes them sleep better? If your baby’s sleep patterns aren't set, they’ll have some trouble sleeping through the night. However, correcting that by exposing them to sunlight once they wake up, helps your baby sleep better at night.

7. Avoid Sleeping Props

Another thing you'll want to keep in mind is that babies learn by association. Once you understand that, you should discourage using sleep props to lure your baby to rest. Sleep props are things that you regularly use, such as, feeding or cuddling, to encourage your baby to sleep. If you use sleeping props as solutions to get your baby to fall asleep, your baby will get used to them, which means you have to use such “solutions” every time the baby needs to sleep. As long as your baby is relaxed and not over-stimulated or over-tired, you don’t have to stimulate them to fall asleep – they’ll do so automatically.

8. Handle Night Wakings 

It’s normal for your baby to wake up at night for diaper changes and nighttime feeding during the first few months. When such situations arise, they should be handled correctly so that your baby won’t find it hard to go back to sleep again.

The most important thing you can do is to ensure you remain in their bedroom if it’s time to feed or change their diapers. Don’t take them to another room or they'll learn this routine. Also keep the room as dark as you can, but ensure that you can see around the room comfortably. You also have to avoid making any unnecessary interactions with your baby – stick to simple feeding and changing.
Once you’ve done everything your baby needs, it’s time to get your baby back to sleep. This is something you need to do quickly to ensure your baby doesn’t get confused thinking it’s time to rise and shine. Make it less complicated, as you want your baby to start learning that they need to sleep through the night.

In some cases, your baby might wake up only for you to find out that they're not hungry nor do they need a diaper change. During such times, you should only give them gentle pats or strokes to encourage them to go back to sleep.

As a result, getting your baby to sleep through the night shouldn't be impossible. One thing you need to remember is that some babies are just better at sleeping than other babies, which is why the above tips might not always work effectively for every kid out there. If you have repeated issues with bouts of crying, you’ll want to check your baby for colic or other health concerns.


Articles on Sensory Baby Play

Homemade Non-Toxic Safe Face Paint for Babies

Shop for Babies

10 Toy Safety Tips for Babies and Toddlers

10 Game and Toy Safety Tips for Caregivers

Toys! Mommy, can I have that toy? Can I, can I, can I? Think before you give in and buy it. All toys are not created equal. Toy safety isn't just for infants and toddlers. Children with special needs are prone to accidents with toys too. Even young, elementary-age children can choke on small toy parts or game pieces. Until about age six, kids have a tendency to put everything in their mouths. So, make yourself familiar with Game and Toy Safety TipsEnjoy!

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10 Game and Toy Safety Tips for infants, babies, and toddlers.

Toy Safety Tips and Toy Recall Information:

  1. Toy shopping shouldn't be done on sight alone. When shopping for best infant toys, consider the child's age and ability. Don't waste money on flashy toys the child may not be capable of playing with.
  2. Toy labels give safety warnings and recommended ages for safe toy play.
  3. Children, especially those under the age of three, love to put toys and small objects in their mouth. Small game pieces, broken toys, or loose parts are choking hazards. If something can fit inside the center of a cardboard toilet roll or paper towel tube, consider it a choking hazard.
  4. When putting a toy or game together, always read the instructions. Items put together incorrectly can fall apart and become a choking hazard.
  5. Plastic bags and packaging are dangerous. They can be stuck in the mouth or placed over the nose. It isn't just bags that cause suffocation. A small toddler or infant can suffocate on a piece of plastic stuck over their mouth and nose.
  6. Children, especially infants and babies, must be supervised at all times during toy and game play. Never leave the room and leave a small child unattended.
  7. Don't mix baby toys with those of older children. Small blocks are especially attractive to younger children. Keep older children's toys put away in containers. Teach older siblings to put their toys away.
  8. When toys break, discard them! Don't keep old toys around. Check toys often for broken or loose parts and sharp edges.
  9. Toy storage is essential. Toys on the stairs can cause family members to trip and fall. Toys left out on the floor can be swallowed by a toddler. Keep toys for babies stored separately from toys for older children.
  10. Toys with wheels and motors can pinch fingers or entangle hair. Watch children closely with these types of toys. Even cars designed for toddlers can present a problem.
For more game and toy safety tips visit

Recommended Reading:

Looking for Baby Monitor Reviews?

Keera, Levana's Touch Panel Video Baby Monitor

With a Baby Monitor like the Keera, you can do more knowing your child is safe. The thing we'd do more of is get some sleep! Our babies were into co-sleeping. We never felt safe with them in the other room- if only we had this monitor! Keep reading this review to learn how you can WIN your own. Enjoy!

Looking for Baby Monitor Reviews?
Keera, Levana's Touch Panel Video Baby Monitor.

We really wanted a video monitor. Not only does everyone here at Kids Creative Chaos have babies and small children, some of us have GRAND babies! Our little granddaughter often spends the night at our house. We wanted to feel secure knowing that she is safe and sound, not climbing out of her bed, and not getting squished by a big, fat cat.

But... there were other reasons we wanted a baby monitor...

Our 9 yr. old is very in to detective work. It has been her dream for the last 5 or so years to catch Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy in the act. Mommy wants to know what the cats do when we're gone. I mean, do they sleep all day or do they terrorize the house? AND, what do the cats do when they see the Tooth Fairy? 

You need special software to view your baby monitor videos on your computer. This helps keep them safer from hackers. We wanted to share the soothing music, so we took a video of our video! :) The pictures and videos are high quality, and make great family keepsakes when you download the software.

Full Disclosure: We'd also planned to use the camera to monitor the chicken coop at night, but after receiving this one for review, we quickly decided against that. This is a very NICE camera. Far too good for placement in the chicken coop!
Keera, Levana's Touch Panel Video Baby Monitor
Keera, Levana's Touch Panel Video Baby Monitor.

The Keera, Levana's 3.5" touch panel baby monitor has pan, tilt, and zoom. It can record video and take pictures while viewing the live performance on your monitor. The battery lasts up to 24 hrs. The monitor has a touch panel with simple icons that make selecting the features easy. You can do more knowing your child is safe. Imagine using it as a Nanny Cam while you have an older sibling babysit as you make a run to the store for bread and milk.

All Levana monitors are cordless, eliminating the risk of strangulation. You can keep the charging cords in another room or out of your babies reach.
  • They know their stuff! Levana launched the first-ever wireless handheld baby monitor in 2002.
  • The monitors are state of the art with invisible LED's and ClearVu Digital Wireless Technology (to protect from hackers).
  • They are one of the first movement monitors ever introduced.
  • Smart LED Indicator Ring
  • Sound indicator ring changes color with the sound of your baby’s voice alerting you if she is crying out when you have the volume turned down and features adjustable sensitivity.
Pink - Disconnected
    Blue – Whispers
      Green – Murmurs
        Yellow – Cooing
          Orange – Chatter
            Red – Yelling

            Blah, blah... you want to know how we liked it? More importantly, you want to know how to score your own, right? Loved it. 

            This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Levana. The opinions and text are all mine.

            Breast Milk or Formula? What Challenges Defined your Choice?

            Which Infant Formula is Best?

            Here at Kids Creative Chaos, the mommies have nursed over 20 babies. Whenever possible we encourage breastfeeding, but that isn't always the reality of life. Some of us adopted our children as infants, others faced milk allergies, and some just couldn't produce enough milk.
            Infant formula Parent's Choice Walmart
            Walmart infant formula.

            Personally (Lora), faced a child with a rare true milk allergy- not lactose intolerant. What does that mean? Everytime, I had milk in my cereal, a glass of chocolate milk, or ice cream, Jake projectile vomited. At first, the doctor thought it was acid reflux, but we soon realized it was milk! During the time we thought it was acid reflux, we tried forumula. I used Enfamil. Eventually, we had to swtich back to mommy milk. Turns out, Jake was allergic to soy too, so I had to give up my indulegences. We breast fed until Jake was nearly two years old. Yep, I recently discovered there is a name for my parenting style. I practice attachment parenting.

            Anyway, I just went to the Wal-mart website and wow! Look what I could have saved if I had used Parent's Choice formula.

            Another one of our mommies, Jessica, used Parent's Choice Formula. Here's what she had to say about it:

            "I was determined to breastfeed, however (long story), I had to begin supplementing with formula beginning at 8 wks old. We used Parents Choiceformula from 2 mos to 1 year. We even used Parents Choicetoddler formula for about a month. We were always very happy with it - no issues. AND, because we DID supplement, we were able to continue a successful nursing relationship well into toddlerhood!"

            which infant formula is best? Parent's Choice.
            Photo of a happy formula baby.

            Turns out, Parent’s Choice Formulas are clinically proven to be as well tolerated as the national brands.

            It contains DHA and ARA which may support brain and eye development - Just like Enfamil®. It is milk-based which is good for most babies! It also contains prebiotics which support your babies' immune systems. Go check it out so you can give your baby the best and save money too!  Parent's Choice

            We'd love to hear about your challenges. It is always nice to know you aren't alone.

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            How to Renovate a Nursery for First Time Parents

            How do you Plan a Nursery?

            The prospect of becoming a first-time parent is an equally daunting and exciting journey. There are many things that need to be done in preparation for your baby’s arrival, and for first-time parents, the list can often seem never-ending and overwhelming. Wondering how do you plan a nursery? A key task within that list is decorating the nursery, and organizing a space for the newest member of the family. Although it’s a joyous project, there are various factors and small details that are required to create the perfect nursery for your baby. Here at We Buy Any Home we’ve composed a guide on how to renovate a nursery for first time parents, along with things to include and some helpful tips. This article is written by Holly Herbert.

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            How do you Plan a Nursery?

            Planning a Nursery Step-by-Step Guide

            Step 1- Make A Plan:

            It’s no question that preparing for the arrival of the baby takes planning, and planning the nursery is no exception. Your nursery will serve as a multi-functional room, not only will it be the place where your baby will eventually sleep, but it's where you will dress them, change, teach and feed them. Ensuring you have an in-depth plan is a great way to make sure you have everything you need and no little detail is missing.

            Nursery on a Budget Ideas

            Step 2- Cleaning and Maintenance:

            It’s vital that you ensure your future nursery is pristine before you begin to think about decorating. Babies are incredibly susceptible to germs that arise through dust, pet hair and mold, so it's important that you spend a good amount of time cleaning all surface areas. However, try to refrain from using harsh chemicals when cleaning as the fumes can linger in the air and be toxic if inhaled by your baby. 

            It’s important to consider the smaller factors about the room. Are there drafty windows? Is the main light overbearing? Do the door hinges creak? All these small maintenance checks need to be fixed prior to the arrival of your baby, as you want them to have the most comfortable time in their nursery.

            Whimsical Nursery Decor Ideas

            Step 3- Themes and Painting:

            Once you have decided where you are going to put the nursery, then it's time to get creative. If you're thinking about painting then your options are limitless. Traditional colors are usually pink and blue, however neutral color palettes are becoming increasingly popular for a minimalist feel to the room. If you're thinking of being extra creative then you may want to consider going with a theme or perhaps a mural wall. A side note- if you opt to paint the nursery, make sure you buy a non-toxic paint that won't flake.

            Don’t forget to decorate the ceiling too. Babies spend a lot of time on their backs, so why not give them a feature to look at. Consider adding a ceiling mural or a soothing color to enhance your nursery.

            Under the Sea Children's Bathroom Decor

            Step 4- A Focal Furniture Piece:

            Most nurseries are centered around a focal piece of furniture such as a crib, but there are other options to choose from. A painted dresser can work well, or a large window or alcove. A small checklist of essential nursery items includes:

            A helpful tip is to ensure that everything is in reach of the changing table- including wipes, changing table covers, diaper disposal system, laundry hamper and a pacifier. This will allow you to reach for things with ease, avoid stress but more most importantly, keep your eye on your baby at all times. 

            What Style Baby Sling are You?

            Step 5- Don’t Forget About Flooring:

            As your baby grows, you will notice that they will begin to spend more time on the floor- therefore it's an important factor to consider before they get to that stage. If you’re opting to lay down a carpet, ensure it’s a shade that won't highlight stains and spills.  Wooden floors are a popular choice, and you can put down a rug to add a pop of color and cushion any tumbles.

            How to Make a Birthday Balloon Cupcake

            Step 6- Sentiment:

            This is your baby’s first room, so don’t forget to make it feel like home. Including items of sentiment for example, family photos, generational gifts such as soft toys and blankets are a neat touch to completing your nursery.


            Portable Nursing Station

            Educational Toy Ideas

            Nursery Decor Ideas Amazon

            Tips to get Baby to Sleep Through the Night

            Sensory Baby Play: Teach your Baby with Music Play

            Your Baby Can Learn by Playing Music

            Have you ever wondered how a toddler would interact if you put musical instruments in front of her? Babies and toddlers learn through play. Music is sound, rhythm, and more. All of that can translate to music, math, and science. Enjoy!

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            A great way for a toddler to learn is by hitting a drum, shaking a maraca, a tambourine, or some shaker eggs. You can make your own drum, grab some pots and pans, or buy a baby music set to teach your baby to play music. 

            We’ve experimented with the B. Parum Pum Pum Drum Set. This set is for ages 18 months-24 months, and it is perfect for baby sensory play.

            Sensory Baby Play: Teach your Baby with Music Play
            Music is one of the best forms of baby and toddler sensory play.

            Our baby tester loved playing with this toy. She laughed and mimicked mommy hitting the drum. Beat the drum and count out to ten. This is a great way to introduce counting to a toddler. Practice with them. 
            Will she tap the drum ten times too? Make it a game and practice each day. You can experiment with patterns too. You know, rumpa pum pum. Tap the drum or shake a shaker in a numerical pattern: 3-1-3-1-3-1 or 5-2-5-2-5-2 and so on. If you speak the counting of each beat, the child will begin to learn to count as well: “One- two three- one- one- two- three- one- one- two- three- one.

            Make your own drum, grab some pots and pans,  or buy a baby music set to teach your baby to play music.

            Baby’s favorite toy in the B. Parum Pum Pum Drum Set is the shaker egg. Whenever she shakes it she laughs! Each instrument makes a different sound which is excellent for sensory play. Demonstrate each toy’s sound to your toddler. Can she copy the sound with her voice? “Shh Shh Shh Shh”. Practicing to copy these sounds, and moving her lips to form the sounds, can help her learn to speak.  

            This music play set should entertain your child, keeping her busy for long enough for you to do the dishes! If you have older children, they can join in on the fun too. Let them be a babysitter and play tutor. They will enjoy making music (or just banging and shaking the instruments to make noise). All of the items store inside the drum so it stays together making it easy to put away.

            Baby play with musical Instruments helps a child learn creativity through play. Another way to teach creativity and reduce sensory issues is to paint. Starting art lessons early will aid in color and shape recognition. Check out the recommended reading list below to find more posts and books on sensory play for babies and toddlers.

            Recommended Reading:

            Easy Edible Glue or Paste Recipe for Toddlers and Preschoolers

            Kid-friendly Recipe for Edible Glue for Toddlers and Preschoolers 

            We make this kid-friendly recipe for edible glue for toddlers and preschoolers in our messy play class. It is easy to make, the kids can even help make the edible paste. Enjoy!

            Easy Edible Glue Recipe for Paste Preschoolers Toddlers Babies
            Easy Edible Glue Recipe for Paste Preschoolers Toddlers Babies.

            Christmas Gift Ideas for Tweens: Gift Guide Review

            Find the Best Christmas Gifts for Preteens (Tweens)

            Searching for the best Christmas gift ideasChristmas gift ideas for tweens? Check out our gift guide for tween boys and girls aged 9-12 yrs. These Christmas gift ideas for tweens were tested by our staff's own children and have received a two thumbs up! 

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            Finding the right gift for preteens is tough, because they’re not little kids anymore, but they’re not quite teenagers yet. Most tweens are outgrowing their favorite toys and developing their own tastes. What they loved yesterday is old news! Tweens often like gifts that are related to their interest and seem cool and fun: Think Nifty

            Because shopping for teens and tweens is difficult, it's tempting to take the easy way out and give them money or a gift card, but a great gift is much more memorable and lets them know that you really care. Below are some of our top picks for teen and tween Christmas gifts.

            5 Top Picks for Tweens Gift Guide Review

            • Fujifilm Instax Mini 9 Camera

            holiday gift idea for preteen tween girl girls

            Our tween girls love this camera! Nifty is its middle name. The Instant Camera is the perfect gift for tween girls. It’s stylish and it's an excellent value for the price. The Fuji camera comes in a range of funky colors and uses automatic exposure to help make it easy to use for beginners. All you have to do is turn the power on, adjust the dial, take the photo and wait for the film to develop. The tiny photos instantly pop out like old fashioned Polaroid pictures.

            The camera is compact and lightweight so tweens can easily carry it around with them and even take photos one-handed. A highlight is the simplicity of the design because it doesn’t overwhelm kids with features and accessories they won’t use. Be sure to stock up on lots of film, kids love taking pictures of everyone during the holidays!

            • My Cinema Light Box

            Last year, this was a hit with our preteens and tweens! A cinema light box is another nifty gift that helps tweens express their personality by showcasing a message they can personalize. Kids can share their own fun or inspiring messages to friends and family. Plus, there are lots of fun emojis included and plenty of room to add a range of messages that tweens will love. The light box has a cool color changing background with different settings that include fade, flash, and strobe to give a variety of effects. This is a truly unique gift for theater and other creative kids. Put their name in lights under the tree and brighten your preteen’s holidays.

            • Kanken Classic Backpack

            The iconic Kanken backpack design is Retro which automatically translates to cool these days. Available in a wide range of colors, the large capacity storage space allows for plenty of room for school supplies and tablets. In addition to the main compartment, it has two side pockets and a front zippered pocket. The laptop pouch in the main compartment is perfect for a 13" Macbook Pro but won’t fit any larger laptops. Material is durable and water resistant, so if you're tweens are outdoorsy, it’s a great bag to take on hikes.

            • Electronic Drum Pad Set

            Music lovers will have hours of fun with the electronic roll up drum pad set. Tweens can learn about the different sounds a drum kit makes and develop a sense of rhythm by playing a beat along to their favorite music. Use it with headphones to play at night and it won’t disturb your neighbors.

            An electronic drum set pad is a great alternative to a full size drum set. Who has the room for a full-size drum set? It’s also easy to roll up and carry, so your kids can take it anywhere. We bought one of these for our tween boy last year. Pardon the pun, but it was a hit! We also bought this electric roll up piano for our musical tween daughter. She takes it with her everywhere she goes!

            • Crystal Growing Kit 

            Crystal growing kits are a hit with 9 and 10 year-olds. If your preteen is into science or shows an interest in precious gems, the crystal growing kit is a perfect gift idea. Kids can grow red, blue, and white crystals and monitor their progress day by day as they transform into fully grown crystals. Once they’ve grown, add them to an LED display to show them off in their full glory. How cool is that?

            These Christmas gift ideas for tweens are some of the best rated gifts for preteens on Amazon and have been proven hits with our own kids. If you didn’t find the perfect gift for your preteen, check out some more cool suggestions on Good Old Gifts. Hopefully, you'll find a gift suggestion that matches your preteen’s interests so you can give them something they’ll truly love this Christmas.

            Be sure to follow us on Instagram and Pinterest to stay up to date on our reviews and travel tips!


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            Christmas Gift Ideas for Tweens: Gift Guide Review

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