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There are many different brands, types, and styles of breast pumps, including portable and wearable pumps. It comes as no surprise that many moms like you might feel overwhelmed over these numerous choices.
Indeed, it can be challenging to pick the best one, but you might want to consider your lifestyle as a factor for making the right choice.
Here are some helpful tips to help you choose a breast pump that may suit your lifestyle:
How Do You Plan to Use The Breast Pump
Ask yourself how you plan on using the breast pump.
Will you be breastfeeding exclusively and only need a backup pump, or will you be an exclusive pumper?
These questions will matter because you’re likely going to need a heavy-duty pump as an exclusive pumper. Still, you can even pick a manual pump if you’ll only need one as a backup.
Do you plan on pumping and storing a lot of breast milk in your fridge?
If that’s the case, then you’ll also need a heavy-duty pump that can handle the rigorous task. Picking a double pump can be ideal so you can get more milk more quickly.
Are you returning to work or traveling regularly?
If so, then you’ll probably need a portable pump that you can easily bring anywhere. Better yet, a wearable pump can let you pump discreetly, even in the middle of a meeting or while you’re on the go.
Just in case you opt for a wearable pump, make sure that you pick one that’s quiet yet powerful enough to pump discreetly.
Will you be away from your child for several days?
Bringing a portable pump can be convenient, but it could be costly to buy so many batteries to keep it working while you’re away for extended periods.
You can opt for a portable pump that comes with rechargeable batteries or simply bring your plug-in pump if there’s a place for you to pump discreetly.
How much time do you have to pump?
As you might already know, pumping varies for every mom. There are also certain conditions or types of breast pumps that can promote better extraction.
If you’re a busy mom who’s always on the go, you’ll surely need a powerful double electric breast pump. You can use this device to pump milk from both breasts at the same time.
What’s your pumping preference?
If you’re a mom who likes to pump the other breast while your baby feeds from the other, then a single pump would be ideal for you.
Where will you use the pump?
As a working mom, you’re entitled to a breast-pumping break.
Your workplace is required by law to provide you with a quiet, private place where you can collect your milk.
But if you feel uncomfortable about others hearing you pump, you can pick quiet models or brands that still provide great suction power, even with the silent motor.
Do you need to transport the breast pump regularly?
Plug-in breast pumps are usually more powerful than portable, battery-operated ones, yet they also tend to be bulkier. If you need to regularly transport your breast pump, such as bringing it to work daily, then it may be more practical to opt for a lighter, portable pump.
What about a backup plan?
What if your batteries run out or there are no power outlets for plugging your device? You can create a backup plan using a manual breast pump or bring along extra batteries at all times.
In Conclusion
You can pick the right breast pump by considering your lifestyle and needs or preferences.
But just in case you’re still unsure, you can also seek help from a lactation consultant.