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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query sensory baby. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query sensory baby. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query sensory baby. Sort by date Show all posts

Sensory Baby Play: Teach your Baby with Music Play

Your Baby Can Learn by Playing Music

Have you ever wondered how a toddler would interact if you put musical instruments in front of her? Babies and toddlers learn through play. Music is sound, rhythm, and more. All of that can translate to music, math, and science. Enjoy!

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A great way for a toddler to learn is by hitting a drum, shaking a maraca, a tambourine, or some shaker eggs. You can make your own drum, grab some pots and pans, or buy a baby music set to teach your baby to play music. 

We’ve experimented with the B. Parum Pum Pum Drum Set. This set is for ages 18 months-24 months, and it is perfect for baby sensory play.

Sensory Baby Play: Teach your Baby with Music Play
Music is one of the best forms of baby and toddler sensory play.

Our baby tester loved playing with this toy. She laughed and mimicked mommy hitting the drum. Beat the drum and count out to ten. This is a great way to introduce counting to a toddler. Practice with them. 
Will she tap the drum ten times too? Make it a game and practice each day. You can experiment with patterns too. You know, rumpa pum pum. Tap the drum or shake a shaker in a numerical pattern: 3-1-3-1-3-1 or 5-2-5-2-5-2 and so on. If you speak the counting of each beat, the child will begin to learn to count as well: “One- two three- one- one- two- three- one- one- two- three- one.

Make your own drum, grab some pots and pans,  or buy a baby music set to teach your baby to play music.

Baby’s favorite toy in the B. Parum Pum Pum Drum Set is the shaker egg. Whenever she shakes it she laughs! Each instrument makes a different sound which is excellent for sensory play. Demonstrate each toy’s sound to your toddler. Can she copy the sound with her voice? “Shh Shh Shh Shh”. Practicing to copy these sounds, and moving her lips to form the sounds, can help her learn to speak.  

This music play set should entertain your child, keeping her busy for long enough for you to do the dishes! If you have older children, they can join in on the fun too. Let them be a babysitter and play tutor. They will enjoy making music (or just banging and shaking the instruments to make noise). All of the items store inside the drum so it stays together making it easy to put away.

Baby play with musical Instruments helps a child learn creativity through play. Another way to teach creativity and reduce sensory issues is to paint. Starting art lessons early will aid in color and shape recognition. Check out the recommended reading list below to find more posts and books on sensory play for babies and toddlers.

Recommended Reading:

How to Get Babies to Sleep Through The Night Tips

The True Secret to Getting Babies to Sleep Through the Night

There's no denying that every parent wants their child to have peaceful sleep throughout the night – an uninterrupted night of great sleep. However, the reality is most kids don’t function that way and will keep waking up time after time, night after night. That’s really frustrating, especially for a parent, you can't sleep if your baby is awake. So what's the secret on how to get babies to sleep through the night?

How to Get Babies to Sleep Through The Night Tips baby infant toddler

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Even though it’s common for babies and toddlers to wake up frequently and “refuse” to take quality naps during the day, there are some things you can do to help your baby sleep better through the night. If you were wondering what you can do to make bedtime sleep better for your infant or toddler, consider the following tips:

Baby Sleep Tips

1. Avoid Over Tiredness

Overtired babies find it hard to sleep, which means you might think your child can’t sleep, while it’s actually an effect of over tiredness. It's in your best interest to know your baby’s sleep patterns and to avoid keeping them awake for longer than necessary. Doing so can help you catch the earliest signs of tiredness in your baby, hence address them effectively.

2. Swaddle your Baby

Most babies love being swaddled, and it makes sense! Newborns have just come from a safe environment in their mother’s womb, and they're used to being held tightly, which is why swaddling a baby makes perfect sense. Besides, a swaddled baby won’t be able to hit themselves in the face, which in most cases, wakes them up. Ensure that your baby is comfortable, wearing overnight diapers, and you'll be surprised by how peaceful their sleep will be through the night (and yours too.)

3. Calm your Baby Before Sleep

Babies need some settling time before bedtime, it helps their body to begin a “shut-down” process which enhances better sleep. This is the time when you turn off the TV or music, take your baby to their bedroom which is a quieter environment, and let them have their settling time (10 – 15 minutes.) There are different ways to calm down a baby, dimming the lights and ensuring that the room temperature is perfect are both helpful options. Also, playing nature sounds such as chirping sounds of crickets and other calming nature sounds can help soothe baby. With these calming techniques, your baby’s mind will easily adjust, allowing them to fall asleep faster and easier.

4. Have a Routine

According to Sleep Reports, a sleep routine for baby’s nap times and bedtimes can help. As far as sleeping is concerned, our bodies “learn” and adjust so that they're always ready for the same process. A bedtime routine can involve activities such as bathing your baby, changing their clothes, feeding them, and then observing some “quiet time.” After the bath, it’s always a good idea to avoid playing, and preserve such moments for cuddling and giving your baby the comfort they need to help them fall asleep faster.

5. Avoid Over-stimulation

If your baby can't sleep, the best thing you can do is avoid overstimulating them. Look around your baby’s room, and you’ll notice it’s probably very stimulating. Lots of shapes, colors, sounds, objects, and even other people.

Of course that was the plan, you designed it to stimulate your baby’s senses. One of the ways babies get overstimulated is when you play with them at bedtime or giving them toys to keep them company. This causes them additional stimulation and makes it hard for them to sleep throughout the night. It’s the same as when an older child plays video games at bedtime.

6. Embrace the Sun

When a baby’s “body clock” is off schedule, it can be “reset” by exposing it to the sun, whether it means opening the blinds once your baby is awake or taking them for a morning walk in their stroller. Wondering how that makes them sleep better? If your baby’s sleep patterns aren't set, they’ll have some trouble sleeping through the night. However, correcting that by exposing them to sunlight once they wake up, helps your baby sleep better at night.

7. Avoid Sleeping Props

Another thing you'll want to keep in mind is that babies learn by association. Once you understand that, you should discourage using sleep props to lure your baby to rest. Sleep props are things that you regularly use, such as, feeding or cuddling, to encourage your baby to sleep. If you use sleeping props as solutions to get your baby to fall asleep, your baby will get used to them, which means you have to use such “solutions” every time the baby needs to sleep. As long as your baby is relaxed and not over-stimulated or over-tired, you don’t have to stimulate them to fall asleep – they’ll do so automatically.

8. Handle Night Wakings 

It’s normal for your baby to wake up at night for diaper changes and nighttime feeding during the first few months. When such situations arise, they should be handled correctly so that your baby won’t find it hard to go back to sleep again.

The most important thing you can do is to ensure you remain in their bedroom if it’s time to feed or change their diapers. Don’t take them to another room or they'll learn this routine. Also keep the room as dark as you can, but ensure that you can see around the room comfortably. You also have to avoid making any unnecessary interactions with your baby – stick to simple feeding and changing.
Once you’ve done everything your baby needs, it’s time to get your baby back to sleep. This is something you need to do quickly to ensure your baby doesn’t get confused thinking it’s time to rise and shine. Make it less complicated, as you want your baby to start learning that they need to sleep through the night.

In some cases, your baby might wake up only for you to find out that they're not hungry nor do they need a diaper change. During such times, you should only give them gentle pats or strokes to encourage them to go back to sleep.

As a result, getting your baby to sleep through the night shouldn't be impossible. One thing you need to remember is that some babies are just better at sleeping than other babies, which is why the above tips might not always work effectively for every kid out there. If you have repeated issues with bouts of crying, you’ll want to check your baby for colic or other health concerns.


Articles on Sensory Baby Play

Homemade Non-Toxic Safe Face Paint for Babies

Shop for Babies

Baby Carrying Babywearing Mama? What style Sling are you?

What Style Baby Carrier Sling is Best for You?

Those cumbersome Baby Slings got little love when I was a babywearing mama. Apparently, I'm too uncoordinated to pull it off. I could never pull off carrying the baby in back. So, what style baby carrying device is best for you? A Sling? A Pouch? Read on and then tell us your favorite. Will your baby be a fashion statement or are you more practical? Enjoy!

forward baby carrier reversible strap easy
Wear this baby carrier forward or Reverse.

So, my babies faced forward- eyes to the world, and not to their babywearing mama. What a lucky baby who gets to snuggle tightly next to his mama and star in her wardrobe as a fashion statement. 

Cool Fashionable Baby Sling Carrier
Purple Boa Baby Wrap Sling Carrier

As a new Aunt again- and a soon to be (ahem) step grandma, I decided to see what kind of baby carrying new moms are wearing these days. I can't believe all the fashionable baby sling options.

Grandaughter with her Uncle.
I was always afraid my baby would suffocate, but these fabrics are breathable. The water carriers are mesh. Sure wish I'd had one of those when we went to the beach!

Maya Baby Wrap Carrier for Babywearing carrying

I love the MAYA WRAP Baby Carrier it is totally me, but the hip carrier seems more sturdy for baby security. Either way, baby is cuddled and snuggled to his Mama or Papa! So, what style baby sling best fits your personality and fashion style?


Sensory Baby Play with Music

Whimsical Nursery Ideas

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Looking for 1 Year Old Birthday Gifts?

Best Toys and Gift Ideas for 1 Year Old Girls

Have a one year old baby's birthday coming up? So, what are the best toys and gifts for a one year old? Nothing feels better than watching your baby girl grow. You want to be there when she makes her first step, and you want to be the first one to hear her alter her first word. These moments are magical. Believe me, it gets even more exciting when she turns a year old. It's her first birthday and it's normal to feel super excited and overwhelmed. How do you make it special and unforgettable? Other than holding a birthday party and inviting all your friends and their kids to celebrate, getting the perfect gift is the best way to ensure that your baby girl never forgets the day.

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Best Toys and Gift Ideas for 1 Year Old Girls

But wait! Which is the best gift for a one-year-old girl? A toy is the best catch here. You want the best for your daughter, something that she will like and even if you were to keep it and show it to her when she is already all grown up, she would have the same smile she had when you first showed the toy to her when she was one year old.

What to get a 1 year old girl on their Birthday? 

Choosing such a toy can be a daunting task. This article aims to make the work easy for you by outlining a list of the best gifts and toys for a one year old girls.

A VTech pull and sing puppy

Kids love puppies, and they find them to be the cutest thing, and it gets even better when puppies and toddlers are combined. Not all girls are into barking, taking dogs for walks and having a pooping pooch. You do not have to get a real puppy to match the experience for your baby girl. If she loves puppies, a VTech pull and sing puppy is an excellent choice.

Gift Ideas for 1 year old birthday baby

The little guy can do tricks and other stuff that real dogs can do and more. He can sing, teach numbers, body parts and colors as the baby pulls him around his leash. It comes with over 50 songs and melodies to keep the kid entertained, and she will never get bored even if you were to leave her alone as you do chores around the house. You, however, need to include a battery.

Baby Einstein take along tunes

Kids are sensory. Its smell and touch alone are enough to make the baby glued to the creature as she tries to figure out how the machine can respond to her queries. If your kid is already a young jammer trying to get her tune in line, this toy will do her good. It's a kind of jukebox that switches between a total of seven melodies.

What's more? It lights up as it sings. It also comes with a volume control button and two AA batteries. It's a perfect toy for small hands, and your kid will not struggle as she plays with it. Even better; it is made of a soft polypropylene surface which makes it safe for children. The color and design are cute, so it does not scare the baby away.

Fisher Price brilliant basics first doll

Girls love trying to play-pretend at this age, and a baby doll is a perfect gift to help foster her imagination. She can tote the doll around as she tries to learn new words and understand different body parts like the mouth, legs, hands, and eyes. Dolls are soft and cuddly which makes it ideal for helping the baby in social recognition and giving them a sense of comfort when playing with it. She will carry the doll where she goes which is also a way of learning a sense of possession.

Fisher-price Baby’s first Blocks playlist

Your child will have a blast with this gift set on her birthday. It features two Fisher-Price toys a baby’s first block and a rock-a-stack. What she has to do is sort them for fun, which is a perfect way to keep baby busy and put her mind at work.

Best Toys for 1 year old child

Such toys help develop problem skills too. The toy is meant to prepare kids for preschool through mental development. Grasping, sorting, and stocking the blocks is a fun way for your baby to stay happy as she explores. It will teach her a sense of discovery as she tries to see what happens after all the rings are sorted and stacked.

LeapFrog count and crawl number Kitty

Get your child on the move on many skills with this unique, cute kitty. The doll is designed to enhance a great push and play experience for little ones, keeping them busy and offering them a positive way of having fun. It comes with keys, that when pressed, make the cat start counting in a rhythm. How exciting is that? That's not all.

There are also music mode keys that command the cat to play meows in low and high modes as she makes silly sounds. Pushing the kitty makes her produce fun counting songs that your baby girl will want to listen to the whole day. The kitty can sit, bat, scoot, and crawl. This toy is a perfect way of nurturing mental development and balance in your baby as she explores and counts numbers one to twenty and learns new music. It comes in beautiful colors to keep your baby's attention.

The choices are endless, and these are only a few of the best and highly reviewed toys. The best part is that they are all durable and you can keep them and show them to your baby girl when she is all grown up.

How do you choose a good toy for a one year old?

You shouldn't choose the first toy that comes when conducting an online searches in sites. Let's take look at what should inform your purchase of a one year old's gift. 

Considerations when buying a present for a one year-old girl

Safety – some toys are just not safe for babies and they even come with a safety warning signs. You will realize that some of them have been written to explain that they aren't recommended for kids under the age of five. This is probably because the toy has some aspects that could compromise the baby’s safety. Kids at this age love putting things in their mouth and you have to ensure that what you get cannot choke your baby. Also, make sure that the toy is non-toxic and doesn't have sharp edges.

1 year old birthday gift ideas

Go for educational toys – it shouldn't be all about play and fun. The child should be able to learn something when interacting with the toy. This is the developmental stage, and therefore, the toy should at least sharpen her mental development, communication skills, and cognitive capacity. Your baby will probably be spending most of her time with the toy, and therefore, it should be in a position to help her learn.

The toy should enhance coordination – it's around this time of her life that a baby girl will be learning how to roll over and pull up as she tries to take her first step. Choose a toy that can help her enhance her motor skills and coordination as she starts to stand and walk. Keeping baby's hands and legs busy improves her strength too.

Color and material – these are also aspects to keep in mind. You want something that will attract a baby girl and you should choose brightly colored toys over the dull ones. Pink, blue, yellow, red, and white are the most recommended colors for girls. The material takes you back to safety. Choose something soft but durable.


Baby Articles for New Moms from Kids Creative Chaos

Best Selling Toys for One Year Old Girls

Gift Ideas for Girls

Ten Easy Sensory Play Activities for Children

Easy Sensory Play Activities for Kids

Squishy, slimy, cold, hot, ooey, and gooey are a just few good words to describe Sensory Play Activities which help children of all sorts, but especially those with Sensory Processing Disorders. Enjoy!

sensory play activities for preschool and processing disorders
Sensory Play Based Learning Activities.

Splat! Release your inner Pollack:
Put on an old shirt, attach old white sheets to the walls and floors and get splatting. Don't be worried if it takes your child a while to warm up to the idea. Let them watch you or other kids enjoying the activity; before you know it your child will ease into the action. Some kids just like to watch. Their eyes are processing!

Wet! Release your inner Monet:

Play with your Food and Paint it with Milk Paint.

Milk paint on toast is fun edible art.
Milk paint on Toast. It is fun to eat!

Pound! Pretend You're a Chef:
Bake some Homemade Pizzas or Dough-nuts ~Donuts then pound, roll, and flatten. Even everyday family activities can be sensory play.

Sensory Play with Baking Activities
Pound a pretzel.
Sensory Play with Baking Activities
Baking is the oldest form of sensory play.

Slimy! Sensory Egg Sparkly:
Decorate them, crack them, and eat them. This is a virtually mess-free way to decorate eggs for those who have issues getting their hands dirty. Try to touch the eggs and compare and contrast the un-decorated egg versus the one with sparkle. How does it feel?

Decorating Eggs is a Sensory Activity.

Bump! Baby Boppers:
It's like Sumo Suits and Bumper Cars all rolled into one.
Bounce into your buddy or roll around on the ground- bet you 
can't get up by yourself! We got these at 

Bopper Inflatable Bumper Cars
Bumper Rings.

Cold! Shaving Cream:
Shaving Cream, Food Coloring, and the Great Outdoors what could be better? I know, Cool Whip and Food Coloring. It works great as Sidewalk Paint too.

We made a shaving cream cake in our Messy Play Class for preschoolers.

Blow! Marshmallow Sensory Fun: Squishy, Soft, Suck in through a straw, Hold, Drop into a cup. Times Up ~ Most in Cup Wins.

Squish! Sensory Spaghetti with Edible Paint

Sensory Spaghetti Play Ideas
Sensory Spaghetti Play Ideas

Think! Creative Play:  
Gone Fishin' with Rainbow Fish
and Ziploc Aquarium Squishy.

Things to do with Pool Noodles
Pretend to fish with Pool Noodles.

Packing Peanuts Sensory Play Activities
Packing peanuts are fun, but please be careful and never leave a child unattended. They are a choking hazard and if left alone, a child could suffocate in a large pile.

Tickle! Packing Peanuts:

More fun than a ball pit. Play in them or make a Snowy Craft.

Sensory Play Activities with Shaving Cream
Bearded with Shaving Cream Fun.

Recommended Reading:

ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products.

*We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

Valentine's Activities that Incorporate Sensory Play

Valentine's Day Activities that are perfect for the classroom

The Sugar Aunts are back with this fun classroom Valentine activity that includes sensory play. Enjoy!

Valentine's Day activities are so much fun!  This party activity is perfect for classroom parties or even a themed play date. We loved the sensory aspect of it and played for a long time!  

Incorporating sensory play into learning and play activities is a great way to explore textures, scents, and so much more.  The learning that comes from sensory play is vast!  For children, sensory play builds language, self-esteem,  and independence...all as they learn through the five senses.

Our classroom Valentine's Day activity does just that, with a little fine motor thrown in!

Valentine's Day Activities and Games can incorporate sensory play.
Sensory play activity for Valentine's Day.

We started with a bin of water and a half cup of pomegranate scented bath salts.  Any scent would do for this activity. We loved the pink color of these salts and the smell was divine!

Mix the bath salts in the water until all of the salt dissolves.  Depending on the amount of water you have, you may need more or less salt.  Add a little at a time until all of the salt is dissolved.

Next, I drew a heart shaped bulls eye on our chalkboard easel.  You could also do this activity on a white board.  I added some small numbers for keeping score. 

Sensory play activity for Valentine's Day.

I added some hearts cut from foam sheets to the scented water and set out a pair of kitchen tongs.  This activity alone was enough to inspire sensory play and exploration!  It was fun to just play in the sweet smelling water and grab the hearts with the tongs.

Grabbing the hearts with the tongs required fine motor coordination (especially to use the tongs correctly and not with two hands!)  Little Guy, age 4, was able to do this, but tended to switch over to using two hands on the tongs.  What a great pre-scissor skill this was! 

Eye-hand coordination was needed to grab the hearts with the tongs as they swished around in the water.  As we did, we were enjoying the scent of pomegranate!

After they caught a heart in the tongs, they could apply them to the bulls-eye.  Little Guy closed his eyes and tried to get the heart into the middle.  Baby Girl (age 2) liked to just play around in the water and stick the hearts up on the chalk board.  This was a good age-appropriate modification for her!

We had so much fun with our scented water bin, that we kept it out for a good portion of the day and enjoyed more sensory play!

The Sugar Aunts are three sisters who blog about all things creative in motherhood.  They love playful learning, creative kid's crafts, sensory and fine motor activities, kid's party themes, DIY, and so much more.  Between the three Aunts, there are 6 cousins (with more on the way!) who are around each other so often, they are more like siblings than cousins! You can see the action at

Recommended Reading:

Kids Creative Chaos Cooks: Kitchen Kids Series: Holiday Recipes*

Printable Clipart Hearts for Valentine's Day Cards

ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products.

*We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)