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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query activities. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query activities. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query activities. Sort by date Show all posts

7 Creative New Year's Crafts and Activities for Kids fun for boys and girls

7 Easy New Year Activities for Kids for Boys and Girls

These 7 New Year's Crafts are creative and easy enough for little ones to do. The anticipation of the suprise package and the enjoyment of the other activities will help make it the best new year's ever. Enjoy!

 New Year's Crafts and Activities for Kids.
 New Year's Crafts and Activities for Kids.

Click the titles for How to Make New Year's Crafts for Kids.

New Years Activities for Children
Rocket Popper Activity for Children.

Fill this with confetti or feathers.  Ours is filled with colorful, recycled silk flowers from a craft lei project. Perfect for New Years, VBS, or, a Fourth of July Party.

Midnight Care Package New Year Activities
Midnight Care Package New Year Activity.

We used a tiny jewelry box.  Tag reads, "Do not open until Midnight - 12/31/12". Fill this with a fun gift for the kiddos or make it a Midnight Care Package by filling it with a noise maker/kazoo, a pair of silly glasses, and a party hat.

Make a bell from a paper cup.

Recycle a paper cup, plastic spoon, holiday ornament or that jingle bell necklace into a fun kid-crafted bell noisemaker for the year-end celebration.

7 Creative New Year's Crafts and Activities for Kids fun for boys and girls
7 New Year's Decorations.

A clear glass or plastic ornament makes a fun party favor.

New Year's Necklace/Medallion

7 Creative New Year's Crafts and Activities for Kids fun for boys and girls
New Year Medallion a recycled Christmas decoration.

Paint an old, plastic holiday ornament with sparkles and the New Year date.  Insert a shiny ribbon or string and you've got a fun, memento.  Boy's like to wear necklaces too so this is a fun project they can personalize anyway they want.

Easy, Sparkly Ornaments to Deck the Halls

Transform Christmas Balls to sparkly New Year Decorations.

Give that Gold or Silver ball ornament new life.  Add a sparkly, spiraled pipe-cleaner to hang and paint with glitter glue.  We added a gold leaf from an old, holiday decoration to give it a little whimsy.

Fun Ball Drop Whirly-Gig Silent Spin Drum

7 Creative New Year's Crafts and Activities for Kids fun for boys and girls
Fun New Year activity for kids. 
Craft a whirly-gig with preschoolers.

Popsicle sticks and styrofoam make for fun!  Paint a styrofoam ball of any size, paint any color you like (be patient paint takes forever to dry on styrofoam).  Add glitter.  Pop in the stick and decorate to your hearts content.  We added a silver pipe-cleaner and silver, star garland to hang.  Add feathers and spin in your hands like a spin drum or hang upside down in the doorway as a festive replacement for mistletoe.  The kiddos can pretend to let the ball drop if you attach a long string over a hanger.

Tip:  Add tiny pieces of mirror (Find sticky back pieces at Craft Stores) to a styrofoam ball to make a Disco Ball decoration.

Recommended Reading:

P. Bear's New Year's Party: A Counting Book*

The Night Before New Year's*

Grafix 9-Inch-by-12-Inch Adhesive Backed Film Silver, 3-Pack*

More New Year's Craft and Activities

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Universe Lesson Plans: Solar System Activities

  • Solar System Lesson and Activities

  • So many Solar System Activities, so little time! In these universe lesson plans, we've rounded up the most unique solar system projects and shared them in this online Solar System Lesson with fun, free games. Scroll down for activities for each grade level. Enjoy!

Universe Lesson Plans: Solar System Activities
Universe Lesson Plans: Solar System Activities.

  • This Solar System activity is perfect for preschool, kindergarten, and first grade. Of course, even older kids will get a kick out of making a hat and parading around the classroom!

Find this Solar System Activity at

Younger children will enjoy Astronomy Ad Libs with Curious George.

NASA has many universe related lessons, but this one on how to estimate star size is pretty cool and targeted for kids in grades 6-9.

NASA comparison of Star Sizes chart.

Is there life on Mars? has a free video on Mars with quizzes, games, and activities. Subscribers can watch a video on the SOLAR SYSTEM and one on the OUTER SOLAR SYSTEM too! Be sure to read the FYI's for interesting solar system facts, and do the online activities.

Want to size up the universe? This free interactive universe game from Smithsonian is a fun way to learn through edutainment!

Universe Lesson Plans: Solar System Activities
Click the image for Sizing up the Universe from the Smithsonian.

Practice Solar System Grammar and Vocabulary with this Hangman Game from

Free online solar system games
Click the image to play Solar System Hangman.

For more solar system language arts, do these Space Libs.

Solar System Switcharoo is a fun game from NASA.

Interactive Science Space Game.


Solar System Activities from AIAA

Learning Resources Giant Magnetic Solar System*

Moon Lesson Plan

Solar System Planetarium*

Futuristic Craft for Kids

National Geographic Kids First Big Book of Space *

Fun Patriotic Party Ideas and Activities

Red, White, and Blue Party Decor for Fourth of July

Red, white, and blue decorations make these fun patriotic party ideas and activities special! If you are looking for simple party decor for an indoor or outdoor party, these star spangled holiday decorations fit the bill. We found gorgeous Fourth of July bunting and more from Oriental Trading. Read on for ideas and activities for a patriotic theme party that works for birthdays, Memorial Day, Veteran's Day, Labor Day, or Independence Day celebrations and backyard barbecues. Enjoy!

Fun Patriotic Party Ideas and Activities

This post contains affiliate links and was sponsored by OTC.

Oriental Trading gave us our choice of products for review for this party post. The kids have summer birthdays just before and after the Fourth of July. American flag theme decor decorates our rustic country living and dining room, so these items are a welcome compliment to the decor. With the great prices at OTC, you will be ready to celebrate a party or backyard barbecue without breaking your budget.

Have the Best Patriotic Party with these Ideas from Oriental Trading

What says Independence Day more than red, white, and blue bunting? Okay, fireworks do, but the second best answer is definitely bunting. We found several kinds of bunting for decorating for a patriotic party. Below, the flag bunting is durable and outdoor friendly. Tie knots every few feet to give it and old-fashioned flair.

Outdoor red, white, and blue bunting for Fourth of July party decor.

Have the Best Patriotic Party with these Ideas
Hang bunting in a twisted swag for a simple outdoor holiday decoration.

Galvanized buckets make a festive flatware caddy.
Galvanized buckets make a festive flatware caddy.

Traditional Fourth of July bunting
Traditional Fourth of July bunting used as a window valance.

Rustic American flag burlap table runner.
Rustic American flag burlap table runner.

Americana dining room with red, white, and blue holiday party decorations.
Americana dining room with red, white, and blue holiday party decorations.

Celebrate Independence Day with Fun Activities like these:

Most Independence Day parties involve fun outdoor activities. We found patriotic inflatable pool noodles (perfect for pool jousting) and inflatable USA boxing gloves. Mayhem is ready to rumble.

Inflatables for fun Fourth of July party activities.
Inflatables for fun Fourth of July party activities.

Fun, inflatable boxing gloves from Oriental Trading.
Fun, inflatable boxing gloves from Oriental Trading.

No outdoor party is complete without a bounce house. You can purchase small ones for the backyard from OTC or go all out with a big bouncy castle like this one from Moonwalk Madness in Plainfield, Indiana.

Oriental Trading (affiliate)

Genetics Activities for Elementary: Lessons and Games

Fun Lessons and Activities about Genetics

Science is fun with lessons and games! These genetics activities for elementary and middle school (suitable for high school too), will teach you about Punnet Squares, DNA, RNA, and more. Be sure to click all of the links, and do the activities. In our homeschool class, we start the lesson on Monday and work through the week doing the experiments and lessons. Don't miss the just for fun section at the end. Watch how Game Theory discovers the parents of Princess Peach. Enjoy!

This post contains affiliate links.

Genetics  Activities for Elementary: Lessons and Games
Genetics  Activities for Elementary: Lessons and Games.

First, learn about Probability:

Brainpop Subscribers can learn more here: Basic Probabilty for Elementary.

Print (or do the work online) this Probability Worksheet and this Names Probability Chart.

Preview what you know with these questions about genetics. When you get there, hover over each question to reveal the answer.

More about Gregor Mendel. What traits are dominant?

Start with this FREE Movie on Genetics and Heredity from Brainpop. Do the activities here: Traits Graphic Organizer. Be sure to click through the 3 tabs and do all activities. You can fill out the chart and vocabulary on the screen and then save it and send a copy to your teacher or homeschool instructor. (Mom?)

Take this quiz from BrainPop: Online Genetics Quiz.

Watch the video, and learn What is a Punnet Square.

Scholastics Video on Heredity.

Hand Clasping Experiment 
Have you ever folded your hands together by interlocking your fingers? Do it now without thinking about it. Which thumb is on top – left or your right? A study found that 55% place their left thumb on top, and 45% place their right thumb on top. The other 1% have no preference!

University of Utah shares this Downloadable PDF about dominant and recessive traits. This information is a solid background for a genetics lesson. You'll also find a fun game to learn about genetics.

Watch this Video, The Story of Fido, about DNA and then do the following lesson.

This is a fun lesson to learn about traits. The printable PDF to Make your own Dog Recipe (with DNA) is also form UU.

Play a Free Online Game about Dog breeding.

Science Lab: Genetics with Pasta (Free Printable PDF from University of Washington)

Tip: We're always looking for uses for our leftover Halloween or Easter Candy, so we used different candies in place of the colored pasta. It saves time, reuses, and you can eat it if you want.

What is DNA? Once on the page, click through at the bottom to learn about genetic engineering and more.

Watch this fun Video about DNA. Then do the FYI segment. At the top of the FYI, you'll see images; click each one to learn more. Now, do all the tabs of the DNA activities.

What is RNA?
Find out: What is RNA? at

Click over to What is RNA? to read about it. If you want to do the activities and watch the video, you'll have to subscribe. If you are a Brainpop subscriber, be sure to watch the video and take a quiz.

Can you answer these questions about RNA?

Review, All About Genetics. When you pop over click the speaker to hear the article.

Just for Fun

Game Theory: Rosalina and Mario Genetics. Peach is her mother, who is her father? Learn about DNA with Super Mario Bros. and Punnet Squares.


Benjamin Harrison Activities

Fun Facts and Activities about Benjamin Harrison

When was Benjamin Harrison President? Benjamin Harrison was the 23rd President of the United States. He was the last President to serve as a Civil War General. His history (his story) is lesser known than that of other Presidents, but it is very interesting. These Benjamin Harrison activities and lessons will help you learn all about the grandson of President William Henry Harrison. Enjoy!

Benjamin Harrison Activities
Benjamin Harrison Activities. 

First, the facts!

  • Harrison was President from 1889-1893.
  • He was born in North Bend, Ohio in 1833.
  • Republican
  • He lived in Indianapolis for many years.
  • Married twice, his second wife was the niece of his first wife.
  • He died of Pneumonia on March 13, 1901.
  • James Whitcomb Riley delivered his eulogy. 
*Facts found on Benjamin Harrison website.

Watch a video about Benjamin Harrison on the History Channel.

Picture of President Benjamin Harrison.

Immerse yourself in history when you take a tour of the Benjamin Harrison home in Indianapolis. We visited on President's Day and had the privilege of "meeting" President Harrison. They offer school tours and homeschool days. They are open every day except Sunday from 10:30-3:30. The parking and restroom facilities are conveniently located near the Welcome Center. Tours start in the Welcome Center.

President Harrison Home Field Trip
President Harrison Home Field Trip.

Visit the President Harrison Welcome Center for a School Tour.
Visit the President Harrison Welcome Center for a School Tour.

Brig. General Benjamin Harrison.

Carriage House Welcome Center at Benjamin Harrison Home.
Carriage House Welcome Center at Benjamin Harrison Home.

Field Trip Ideas: President Benjamin Harrison Home Tour.

Lessons and Activities:

Win the Whitehouse Presidential Election Game

Benjamin Harrison Word Search Activity

Looking for a civics lesson? iCivics is an amazing site founded by Sandra Day O'Conner that is chock full of history and social studies lessons. Sign up for FREE to play fun online social studies games.

More President Lesson Activities.

Below, check out the scenes from President Harrison's Indiana home.

Presidential Quilt on Benjamin Harrison's Bed.
Presidential Quilt on Benjamin Harrison's Bed.

Benjamin Harrison and daughter.
Benjamin Harrison and daughter.

Sleigh in front lawn of Harrison Home.
Sleigh in front lawn of Harrison Home.

Piano in Benjamin Harrison's Parlor.
Piano in Benjamin Harrison's Parlor.

Benjamin Harrison's Parlor.
Benjamin Harrison's Parlor.

Kitchen with Icebox in Harrison Home.
Kitchen with Icebox in Harrison Home.

Dining Room of Harrison Home.
Dining Room of Harrison Home.
Kitchen in Harrison Home: Reliant Windsor Stove.
Kitchen in Harrison Home: Reliant Windsor Stove.

Harrison and Lincoln China in Harrison Home.
Harrison and Lincoln China in Harrison Home. Lincoln China is purple on second shelf, Harrison China on top shelf designed by Mrs. Harrison.

Silk and Satin Quilt in Benjamin Harrison Home. 1892
Silk and Satin Quilt in Benjamin Harrison Home.

Abraham Lincoln for President Political Banner.
Abraham Lincoln for President Political Banner.

Benjamin Harrison's Carriage House.
Benjamin Harrison's Carriage House.

Benjamin Harrison for President Banner.

Political Campaign Balloon.

Benjamin Harrison Activities
President Benjamin Harrison Activities.


Books about Benjamin Harrison

Visit the Levi Coffin House in Indiana, learn about the Underground Railroad.

Abraham Lincoln Activities

Ways to Celebrate President's Day