Showing posts sorted by relevance for query cream cheese sandwiches. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query cream cheese sandwiches. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query cream cheese sandwiches. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query cream cheese sandwiches. Sort by date Show all posts

Grilled Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich Recipe Grilled Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich Recipe

How to Make GRILLED PBJ Sandwiches Recipe

Love your 'P B and J'  Sandwiches? Try this grilled peanut butter and jelly sandwich recipe. It's awesome and Easy!  So, why didn't you think of this sooner? Enjoy!

How to Make GRILLED PBJ Sandwiches Recipe
                   How to Make GRILLED PBJ Sandwiches Recipe.

You will need:

Non-stick Spray or Margarine
Peanut Butter, Creamy works best.
Jelly or Jam
White or Wheat Bread
Empty Stomachs

Place a skillet on the stovetop.

Spray it with non-stick butter spray or melt butter on medium heat.

Grilled Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich Recipe
Grilled Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich Recipe. 

Grilled PB & J Peanut Butter and Jelly Recipe Warm for Kids
How to make Grilled Peanut Butter and Jelly. The best PB and J ever.

Make a PB and J Sandwich  

like you normally would, but butter both outsides of the bread like you would to make grilled cheese. Place it in the skillet and flip it when bottom is golden brown.

This is great on a cold winter's day! I switched mine up and used cream cheese and strawberry jam for a more grown up (peanut free recipe for kids) version. Yummy!

Recommended Reading:

Peanut Butter Ball Turkeys 

Cooking with the Alphabet (Cooking with Kids Series)*

Healthy Peanut Butter Cars

Cooking Fun: 121 Simple Recipes to Make with Kids*

ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products.

*We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

Cool Creative Lunch Box Ideas for Tweens & Teens

These Lunch Box Ideas for Tweens are Fun and Creative

Do you miss sending cute notes or packing fun school lunches for your toddler? Now that your toddler has blossomed into a tween, you don' t have to stop the fun. Sure, they embarrass easy. Sure, they don't think you are cool, but that doesn't mean you can't pack a cool school lunch! Get creative with these lunch box ideas for tweens. Enjoy!

Cool Creative Lunch Box Ideas for Tweens Teens

You are never too old for Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Crackers, especially now that they have added lots of new flavors. Think Pizza and Parmesan, Pretzels and Cheddar, and so much more. The packages are bold and cool enough for tweens to share with their friends. So, whatever you pack in the school lunch, be sure to add your tween's favorite flavor of Goldfish Crackers.

lunch box ideas for tweens and teens
Jake is checking for his favorite flavor combinations to add to his lunch.

So, yeah, you probably aren't going to pack them swimming in a cup of blue pudding or draw a game of Fish Tac Toe on their lunch bag, but you can get creative with the contents of their lunch box. shares this fun, stoplight sandwich. It isn't too flashy, but your tween will smile when they see it! Better yet, serve it up to a teen about to get their driver's permit.

Creative Lunchbox ideas for Tweens and Teens: Stoplight Sandwich
Spotlight Sandwich from is fun for celebrating a Learner's Permit.

These monster sandwiches are fun for a Halloween lunch idea.

Edible Monster Sandwiches for Cool Halloween Lunches
Find these Monster Sandwiches at

These Mini Corn Dog Muffins from will please picky eaters. Pop in some Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Crackers and their favorite fruit or veggie, and you are cool again! :)

Mini Corn Dog Muffins Recipe for Lunch box
Mini Corn Dog Muffins are perfect for a creative lunch for tweens.

Whatever you pack in your tween or teen lunch box, don't forget the Wet Ones. Did you know Wet Ones makes individually wrapped single wipes that are perfect for school lunch boxes? We found them at Walmart in the Personal Care aisle. They clean sticky hands better than hand sanitizers and kill 99.9% of nasty germs. You know, the germs that all of the kids like to share all over the school!

Where can I find Wet Ones Singles?
Add Wet Ones Singles to your tweens lunch box.

Our go to lunch sandwich is cream cheese on white bread. We add some fruit and a crunchy munchie, like Goldfish Crackers. If you follow the blog, you know that we homeschool, but that doesn't mean we don't pack lunches! We like to homeschool on the road whenever possible. Wednesdays are park days, Tuesdays are museum or library days, and Thursdays are 4-H days. Rather than stopping for fast food all the time, we try to pack a fun lunch.

What do you pack in your tween's lunch? Do they still do chicken nuggets and peanut butter and jelly?

The Best Homemade Kids' Lunches on the Planet

Cool Lunch Box for Tweens: Round Batman Darknight

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Wet Ones® + Pepperidge Farm® . The opinions and text are all mine.

Breakfast Sandwich Ideas

Breakfast Sandwich Recipes

Who needs a breakfast sandwich maker? Grab your toaster, and join us in some easy breakfast sandwich ideas. These breakfast ideas are so easy you can make them in under five minutes. Enjoy!

Breakfast Sandwich Ideas with frozen pancakes
Breakfast sandwich ideas with frozen pancakes.

Start with pre-packaged frozen pancakes or waffles. They don't call them toaster pancakes, but they work just like the waffles do!

We make also make pancakes ahead and freeze them to use.

Toast your frozen pancakes.

Frozen pancake sandwiches with Nutella and Peanut Butter.
Frozen pancake sandwiches with Nutella and Peanut Butter.

Add your favorite ingredients. We made a peanut butter, Nutella, pancake breakfast sandwich. Grab it on the go. It is portable. Stick it in a plastic baggie for less mess on the run.

If you have plenty of time, it is delicious with strawberries on the side or inside!

Know how to make scrambled eggs super fast? We do. Spray a ceramic bowl with cooking spray. Crack your egg into a ceramic bowl, stir with a fork, and then pop in the microwave for about a minute. Remove, and flip it over. You may have to return it to the microwave for a few seconds.

How to make scrambled eggs in the mircrowave.
How to make scrambled eggs in the mircrowave.

Here's what the microwave scrambled eggs look like when done.

Scramble eggs in the microwave.
Scramble eggs in the microwave.

To make an easy breakfast sandwich, place your egg inside two pancakes and add your favorite cheese.

Pancake breakfast sandwich ideas.
Pancake breakfast sandwich ideas.

You can also add sausage, bacon, or Canadian Bacon to your pancake sandwich.

Easy Pancake Breakfast Sandwich.
Easy Pancake Breakfast Sandwich.

Variations:  Cream cheese and jam, oatmeal with a drizzle of Maple Syrup, egg and avocado, and breaded chicken.


ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products. *We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

Read Free Books Online: Moon Magic Chapter 7

Moon Magic: YA Fiction Novel Online

Do you have an eReader or Kindle? Do you read free books online? We've been sharing our YA fiction book online. If you're new, start here- Moon Magic Chapter One. If you've been reading the story, the last chapter published was chapter six. Eventually, this will be published as an eBook. Remember this material is copyrighted and not meant to be published on any other website or platform. Moon Magic is a young adult fiction novel with suspense and historical fiction sprinkles. Enjoy!

This post contains Amazon affiliate links.

Read Free Books Online: Moon Magic Chapter 7

This post contains affiliate links.

Read YA Adult Fiction Online

Moon Magic
Copyright 2017

Chapter Seven 
A History Lesson

You can’t protect your children from everything. Serenity had learned that long ago. She lived in constant fear for her daughter’s safety, so she homeschooled until the third grade when Auri had begged to ride a school bus like the ‘normal’ kids. It went well until everyone hit puberty in the fifth grade

Well, almost everyone. 

Puberty wasn’t typical. Nothing was typical with Aurora, so it took a little longer for the complete transformation. By seventh grade, it was nearly impossible to keep the big secret from her daughter, but Serenity did. At least that’s what Aurora let her think.

It was humiliating to talk to her mom (or anyone for that matter) about her period, hairy underarms, legs, and other hairy places. Difficult, but not impossible. Aurora kept secrets too. It was impossible to strike up a conversation about sanity. “Hey, Mom, I think I might be insane. Yep, I was fine until I hit puberty and then I started making people do crazy things. I don’t do anything really. I just feel. I keep trying not to feel, but this hormone thing makes that really difficult. If I could just feel happy all of the time everything would be fine. Everyone would be fine.” That conversation was never going to happen. Her mother would have her committed.

An awkward afternoon was spent hashing out the school day. Serenity had a series of safe actions in place to help keep an eye on Aurora. Every morning before school she’d ask, “Do you notice anything different or unusual today?” Aurora always had a smart aleck response, “I still haven’t started my period. Don’t worry, you’ll be the second to know.” 

After a snack of cream cheese and jelly sandwiches, Serenity felt energized to push a little harder. As soon as Aurora stuffed the first bite into her mouth, Serenity asked, “Did anything odd happen at school today? Did you feel funny when other people were around?” Did you notice any strange animals following you? 

 “Strange animals?” Aurora gulped down the last bite and shook her head back and forth.

If someone else had had a hand in her child rearing… Well, Aurora couldn’t help but think that she’d be normal. At least a little more close to normal. Environment can make or break a person. Aurora was broken. Her head filled with a scream, but she smiled instead. It was Serenity who needed psychotherapy. Aurora knew she wasn’t like the other kids- she just didn’t know how different. It was her mother who was obviously different. That much she knew for sure. 

No encouragement was needed. Serenity burst into a history lesson. “Did you know your great, great, great grandfather was a Native American Shaman. I think somehow our DNA is imprinted with the memories of our ancestors. I think maybe we see and feel things others don’t. The Creek Indians fought hard and most of them died battling for their land. The mess that followed, ‘The Trail of Tears,’ played havoc with our ancestors. The Creeks that stayed behind crossed over the Cumberland River and joined forces with the Cherokees and blended to stay on their land. They learned English and got along with the White man. They civilized to stay alive. Most shunned all of their ancestral beliefs.”

“That’s awesome, Mom. Can I go now?” Aurora jumped up to leave but was pushed back into her seat by the palm of her mother's hand. “Aurora, listen to me, this is important. Our white ancestors feared the Creek. Our Creek family was shunned and mistreated. The Creek Indians had a reputations of evil! To survive, they had to give up all that they were, all that they lived for, asking forgiveness wasn’t enough because so much prejudice remained. The Cherokee were good people, but there connections weren’t as strong. She stopped, gave her daughter the side-eye, and then screeched. "Aurora, do you know what I’m saying?” Aurora snapped back, “A bunch of boring crap, is there a point?”

Taking a deep breath, Serenity leaned in resting her elbows on the counter and and holding her chin in her hands. “The point is, Aurora, the Cherokee danced for Mother Nature but they didn’t know how to fully harness her powers like the Creek did.” Then, she looked over at Aurora and smiled awaiting a response.

“That’s nice, Mother, or should I say, Your Supreme Weirdness. And, big fat no! I haven’t seen any flying monkey or pigs following me home from school.

*     *     *

Aurora wished she hadn’t always been so rude to her mother. What if her mother never woke up? She’d be all alone and she’d never know the whole truth about her ancestry. 

Now, she longed to discover her true genetic makeup. As a teenager with no job or money and a lame arm, the best she could do was research online and with microfiche at the public library. Believe it or not, they still had microfiche machines in the basement.

She needed to get a DNA test. Todd Lowder, her mother’s boyfriend and her Social Studies teacher, had gotten one done. Apparently, he’d been told that he was part Cherokee. Isn’t everyone? Born mixed, half black and half white, he was anxious to find out if he were more African American or Native American or just another European hodge podge. 

Todd circulated a copy of the complicated graphs around the classroom. The results showed that he was mostly from some sect of people in Siberia. That could mean anything, based on current genealogy theory. It seems nothing is simply black and white, not even the color of one’s skin.

The oral traditions in Kentucky were strong. Aurora wanted black and white proof of her ancestry. Was she Cherokee? Creek? Everyone seemed to be part Native American of some sort, but no one had any proof. Serenity Waters had named her daughter Aurora Waters. Strange, but not illogical. However, Aurora might as well have been named Merry Christmas. Names seem to fit the traditions of the people. The only tradition this Waters family had was celebrating Christmas every year. Well, Halloween too, but Happy Halloween didn’t sound like a real name.

That wasn’t all. Aurora had been giving her mother grief. She wasn’t completely sure what Serenity was getting at when she had asked, “Do you feel anything unusual?” She did feel something, but what if her mother was talking about something else? She didn’t want to risk freaking her out with the wrong unusual feeling. Everything was unusual when you were a teenager. Then, there was the big, white, feral cat. He kept popping up all over the place. Outside the band room. At the bus stop. Whenever she felt overwhelmed, he appeared, but he wouldn’t let anyone touch him. He’d look up at Aurora, blink his eyes, purr, wiggle his tail and then disappear. Sometimes, she thought he was beckoning her to follow him.

When everything was deafeningly quiet chaos broke out in Aurora's head. She was fairly certain that she’d heard the so called Great Spirit calling her and positive that whispers from the ancestors tortured her. Maybe other people had the same thing but never took the time to pay attention? It was hard to be certain. What if those were just voices in her head, the kind that make you crazy? No way could she confess. If she feared she might be insane, what would everyone else think?  

If she did hear the Great Spirit what would people think? Buddha, God, the Great Spirit. Jesus, Zeus, didn’t they all have something in common? Human Spirit. Right vs. Wrong. Buddha and Jesus had both walked the Earth as men sent down by a higher power. Religion made Aurora uncomfortable. Other people called it different things, but Aurora’s mother had always taught her that God and the Great Spirit were one in the same. Serenity's bedtime stories had detailed how he watched over his people and sent down his helpers to guide them. Apparently, the Native American’s had learned to harness the powers that guided them. Maybe that was the big secret her mother was hiding.

It was time to eat crow. Aurora needed a plan. Unfortunately, Todd was  in the best position to help. She assumed Serenity probably hadn’t confessed to all of the weirdness in their lives. But, perhaps, she had told him about the Indian heritage and Shaman bloodline.

Todd had been Aurora’s favorite teacher up until he’d called her Mom about a quiz she’d failed. That opened the door for her Mother to ask about her school life and they'd swapped horror stories over dinner one night. The rest, of course, was history. He wasn’t Aurora’s favorite person. Odd Todd. “Easy ‘A,’ my ass, the idiots didn’t know what they were talking about." But, she was thankful for homeschooling, even if Todd had to help out. At least, she didn’t have to live with the constant snickers and glares from the other kids. Anyway, Todd would know how to track these Native American ancestors- that made him worth something.


Food Play: Edible Thanksgiving Apple Crafts for Kids

These are our after-school kids Edible apple turkey crafts for snack.

The After-school Kid's Apple Turkey Trials and links to other Edible Turkey Crafts and SnacksBon Appetit Creative Apple Crafts for kids snack from the archives. Fun way to play with your food.

Edible Apple Turkey

Food Play: Edible Thanksgiving Apple Crafts for Kids
Apple Crafts for Thanksgiving

Edible Thanksgiving Apple Craft for Kids Turkey
Apple Turkey? Afterschool Snack

To insert candy and pretzels poke holes with the small end of a spoon  or skewer first.