Ways to Cut Down Kids Screen Time

 Cutting Down Your Kids’ Screen Time

Using electronics can be great for your kids, it'a a source of both entertainment and education. However, like all good things, they should be used in moderation. Too much screen time can contribute to a whole host of problems, so here are a couple of ideas for alternative activities.

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how to cut down kids screen time


Books are a brilliant alternative to using screens before bedtime. The blue light from screens can interfere with the sleep hormone melanin, which can hinder sleep and keep your kids awake. Switching to a book not only helps them relax but comes with a long list of other benefits. Staring at screens for extended periods of time can put a lot of strain and stress on your child's eyes, leading to problems such as dry eye, which is uncomfortable and irritating. Making small changes to your child’s routine can help minimize the risk of these issues developing, while still keeping them entertained.

Dress Up Games

Activities that stimulate imagination and creativity are essential for children. The younger they start, the better. Besides the usual arts and crafts projects, activities  such as dress-up games are good for kids to exercise their creative mind. Provide your kids with tools and supplies to play dress-up. They can use old clothes and refashion them with various embellishments. Or you can get costumes and pieces online that they can modify according to a theme or design. Of course, they have to have a venue where they can show off their creations. Organize a mini fashion show at home with the entire family or make it a community event and invite their friends to join in on the fun!

Arts and Crafts

Being creative is another great way to entertain and educate your child. There are so many activities to choose from, so you will be able to find something your child loves, regardless of age and ability. Painting and coloring are easy options that don’t require lots of room or equipment, as sets are readily available in many places. This is also a great chance for your child to grow their imagination and just have fun, without feeling as though they have to create a masterpiece! You can find coloring sheets online that can be printed off, as well as instructions on creating items out of things you already have in your home. 


Exercise and fresh air are incredibly important for your child, so turning off the screens and taking them for a walk can have huge benefits. Spending time in nature will help nurture their curiosity and teach them about the world. Even just being in the backyard can be a lot of fun, and there are plenty of outdoor activities and games that you can play. Sports clubs are great for building teamwork skills while getting exercise, and they allow your child to make friends, let off some steam and learn a new sport. Exercise strengthens muscle and bones and helps prevent weight gain and other issues that can occur in later life.


Depending on their age, your child may enjoy helping with the cooking or baking. You can find lots of child friendly recipes online, and they can have the feeling of accomplishment at having created something. There are plenty of baking kits available that are aimed at children and parents, with easy-to-follow instructions and basic ingredients, which are a great introduction to the kitchen. Baking can provide your child with many useful skills, such as reading, collaboration, creativity, and fine motor skills, and is also a lovely opportunity to spend time together. It doesn’t matter if you’re not a great cook yourself, as you can find and adapt recipes to work for you and learn and make mistakes together! 


Snow Day Activities

 5 Snow Day Activities to Keep Your Kids Entertained

Snow days are basically the best thing ever for kids. What’s not to love about a random day off from school? For parents, though, seeing their child’s school scroll by on the list of closures during the morning news isn’t always such an exciting experience. Having the kids home on short notice can be stressful for lots of reasons. For some parents, arranging childcare is a huge challenge. Even for stay-at-home parents, having the little ones home unexpectedly isn’t always easy. Don’t let the next snow day get you down. Prepare yourself by checking out these snow day activities to keep your kids entertained.

“Snow day” written in fresh snow.

After a heavy snow, your kids will likely want to spend their morning sled riding or building snowmen. Once the chill sets in and they get tired of being outside, though, you can expect to listen to a chorus of “I’m bored” all afternoon. That is, unless you plan ahead and come up with some indoor activities in advance.

Activities for Snow Days

Bake Up Some Tasty Treats

Baking is always a fun way to warm up and pass the time when you are stuck indoors. Most kids love helping in the kitchen, and with proper supervision, baking is an activity that is fun (and rewarding) for kids of all ages.

There are all sorts of kid-friendly recipes for things like cookies, breads, cupcakes, etc. Pick out a few options and stock up on the supplies necessary to make them. Keep everything on hand and you’ll be prepared for the next snow day.

Baking with your kids is a great way to work on your holiday gift list, too. If a snow day falls prior to the holidays, spend the day making cookies and other goodies to share with your loved ones. The kids will have fun and you’ll get to check something off your holiday to-do list. Talk about a win-win!

Customize Clothing

Tubes of paint for clothes and t-shirt in tie dye style on a white wooden table. Flat lay.

Arts and crafts projects are the standard go-to when it comes to keeping kids entertained when they are stuck indoors. If you want to try something a bit different from the usual drawing, painting or stringing beads activities, though, consider stocking up on wholesale clothing. There are many ways to customize blank t-shirts and other apparel, and kids of all ages enjoy making their own wearable art.

Wholesale kids’ t-shirts are the perfect foundation for tie-dyeing, drawing, painting and much, much more. You can dye cotton t-shirts with food, use readily available dye kits, customize them with iron-on decals… The options are virtually endless.

Older tweens and teens can also use blank t-shirts and sweatshirts to make entirely new garments and accessories. They can transform t-shirts into purses, skirts, headbands and all sorts of other fun things. There are plenty of ways to give sweatshirts a makeover, too.

Build a Fort

Sometimes, the best activities are the tried and true classics. Chances are, you have your own happy memories of building a fort in your living room or bedroom when you were a kid. Why not help create those memories for your little ones, too?

You can keep things old school by building a fort by draping blankets over chairs and tables or making one out of a large cardboard box for a nostalgic feel. Or, if you want to be a bit more modern, there are now fort building kits that make things much easier. Whichever option you prefer, you and your kids will have a great time building and playing in a fort. You’ll also have a blast getting to see your little one’s imagination at work as they design their creation.

Read a Book Together

When the weather is cold and snowy and you are trapped indoors, you can escape to a place where the weather is a lot more pleasant (or simply doesn’t matter) by getting lost in a book. Consider picking up a few adventure books and tucking them away for the next snow day. Any genre works, but adventure books are great when you want to help your kids mentally escape for a little while.

Cuddle up on the couch with a soft, cozy blanket and read together. Put on your best performance to help your child feel like they are really in the story rather than just listening to it. You may find yourself getting lost in the book, too!

Have a Treasure Hunt

Kids playing treasure hunt graphic

Keep a special toy or treat on hand to surprise your child with when they are home on a snow day. Hide it and then create clues that they need to follow in order to solve it. Riddles are great for older kids. For younger kids, each clue can be something simple, like a picture of where they need to go next.

Putting together this type of scavenger hunt does take a bit of time and planning. If you are running short on time, you can make it a simple game of “hot” and “cold” instead. Tell your child that you have hidden a surprise, and when they are getting closer to it, tell them that they’re getting “warmer.” Tell them they’re getting “colder” if they move farther away from it.

If you have older and younger kids, ask your older child to hide the prize and draw a map that their sibling will then use to find it. As you can tell, there are all sorts of ways to have an indoor treasure hunt. Get creative with it!

The Bottom Line

Keeping your kids entertained when they are stuck at home doesn’t have to be difficult. With a little bit of creativity, you can come up with all sorts of snow day activities that will pass the time and keep you from having to listen to whining, arguing, etc. Look at a snow day as an opportunity for making family memories instead of as a burden. Changing your perspective will make it way easier to have fun with these unexpected days off rather than dreading them.


Games for Kids from Adventures of Kids Creative Chaos

Cool Snow Day Activities from Amazon

Fishy Crafts from Adventures of Kids Creative Chaos

Marketing your Business Yourself

 How to Market Your Business without Hiring a Marketer

Marketing is one of the most important aspects of running a successful business. It is the oxygen of the company, as some say, and they’re not wrong. A strong marketing campaign can help your business get noticed, but it can often be difficult to engineer such a campaign on a strict budget. For some budget-friendly ways to market your business without breaking the bank, try one or more of the following suggestions on how to market your business without hiring a marketer.

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Marketing your Business Yourself

Go Back to School

If you are struggling with creating the next marketing campaign, now might be a good time for you to go back to school and try your hand at a business certificate, specifically a marketing one. 

For example, consider enrolling at the Kelley School of Business, one of the most prestigious institutions in the field. The Kelley Online Marketing Strategy Certificate can be yours in less than five months. 

What’s more, you can take the courses online, which is a lot easier to fit into your busy schedule than heading to class. This program can easily fit into a hectic life, and, most importantly, it equips you with the core concepts and skills that make a good marketer.

Trust in Networking

Many people shy away from networking events because they can take up a lot of time and don’t always provide instant results. Not seeing big results after putting in a lot of work can be frustrating, and you might think, “why bother?” 

But, when you do it right, networking can provide a lot of support. Through a strong network, you can find new opportunities naturally for your company. 

Networking generates organic publicity for your company through the people you meet and the opportunities they bring with them. So, free up your calendar and look for some networking events!

Ask Your Customers

Often, businesses shy away from asking their customers to refer others, but that is an excellent way to generate more organic traffic. By offering your existing customers an incentive for every referral, you motivate them to go out there and bring you more customers. 

For example, you might offer them a discount or a coupon. These new customers are a lot more likely to trust your company if a friend recommends you, rather than if they found you accidentally online.

Experiment with Free Trials

People love a freebie, that’s a given. So, if someone has the chance to try out your service for free for a limited time, they are likely to try it and invest some time in it, to “make the most” out of their trial. 

By the time the trial is done, they will like it so much that they will invest in the full product. This trial could be as short as a week or even extend to a month.

Final Tip: Get Involved with the Local Community

Often, marketers “overshoot it” by trying to cater to a global audience. But thinking small can be infinitely more effective if done right. You can stay involved virtually too. Find local groups on Facebook.

Affirm your presence through various local events (related or not to your field.) The more times people see you and your brand mentioned, the more likely they are to trust you.

If you still need help, we're happy to act as your marketing consultants! With over fourteen years of social media marketing experience, we can direct you to the easiest ways to market your business online.

How to Make Your Home Safe for Children

 Safety First : Safe Home Tips

Every year, thousands of children around the world are injured in home accidents. Most are minor, while some are more serious and result in death. You may believe that your home is safe, but there are many aspects that you may not have even thought about which could be putting your child in danger. Even if you believe that you have done a good job of child-proofing your home, there is a high chance that you may have missed even the most obvious hazards. Rest assured, this article will steer you in the right direction on how to make your home safe and child-friendly.

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How to Make Your Home Safe for Children

Living Room

The living room is one room of the home that is greatly overlooked when it comes to child-safety, however, there are things to consider which will make it a safer environment.

1. Fire hazards need to be considered for keeping your child safe in the home. Ensure that matchboxes placed next to candles are out of reach. It is extremely easy for a youngster to light a fire with matches simply through intuition, even if their motor skills have not been well developed.

2. The TV is one of the most common fixtures that toddlers climb in the living room. The additional weight may cause the TV to tip and cause injury. Therefore, securing the TV and the stand to the wall is advised.

3. While photo frames can add visual appeal to your décor, but they can be a major hazard. The sharp corners can cause injuries, and if the frame is dropped, the glass may fragment and cause deep cuts. It's a good idea to place frames on high shelving or hooked on the wall, rather than free-standing on lower surfaces.


Obviously, the kitchen is potentially the most dangerous room in the home for small children, therefore, many things need to be taken into consideration to ensure their safety. Here are some tips to bear in mind.

  • Your little one may have an inquisitive nature to go exploring for objects and utensils which are dangerous objects and should be kept out of reach. As a precaution, ensure that all sharp kitchen utensils are stored in above-the-counter cupboards.

  • Small appliances are also in easy reach when stored on countertops and can be easily tipped over and brought to the ground. Even if appliances are placed at the rear of the counter, loose wires can be tugged. Therefore, the wiring should be tied up and out of sight.


Unfortunately, many people are unaware of the dangers that the standard garden poses for small children, but this is a part of the home that should be a cause of concern.

Installing garden fencing or screenings is the highest priority for keeping your children safe in the back garden, especially if your property backs onto the main road. This will ensure they aren’t vulnerable to escaping. There are many different types of screenings to keep your property secure including hedging and glass screening from arbourlandscapesolutions.co.uk

Fishponds are another major hazard and are one of the most common causes of drowning in small children, while dangerous plants have even been known to cause injury, and in serious cases, death. 

6 Reasons You Should You Retrain as A Nurse

 6 Reasons You Should You Retrain as A Nurse

Whether you've homeschooled or attended public school, the field of nursing is a great profession to learn. In the past, not that long ago – once you had a job and were on a career path, you stuck with it. Essentially, jobs were for life, and changing wasn’t something that a lot of people did. If you worked in a store, you stayed a store worker. If you were a laborer, you remained a laborer. However, if you've ever thought about changing careers, now might just be the time to become a nurse!

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Should you Become a Nurse?

Today, things have changed. We’re not even expected to think of our jobs as being for life, and evolving midway through our careers is something that more and more people are willing to do. After all, why be unhappy in your job when you could retrain as something else and start a career that makes you glad to be working and makes you feel as though you are truly contributing to society? 

Technology plays a big part in allowing us to do this. Not only does it mean we can research different careers and apply for new jobs, but if we need to learn how to do something, or we need additional qualifications, we can do that online too, often while we work at something else in the meantime. 

Nursing is one of the careers that people tend to want to go into later in their lives. Whether they have experienced being in a hospital and were impressed with their nursing care, or they liked the way nurses helped a friend or family member, or even if nursing was something that had always wanted to do. Still, their life circumstances meant they couldn’t do it at the time and have to try, later on, nursing is something that is always going to be there for you. 

Get a Guide to Becoming a Certified Nurses Assistant

Nursing is a rewarding career to go into, and if you're thinking of changing your career, this is a great career choice to move to; here are some of the reasons why. 

You Can Be A Nurse 

We need to be honest; although nursing is a fantastic career with many different prospects and areas to progress into, and much job satisfaction, it isn’t something that is going to work for everyone. There is shift work to consider, the job is hard, and you need to be a caring, compassionate person who wants to take care of other people. Not everyone can do this; it’s just not in their nature, and many people might feel uncomfortable and unhappy if they were to become a nurse. 

Learn How to Succeed in Nursing School

However, if you do have the kind of personality and skills that make for a good nurse, and you feel this is what you are meant to do with your life, then there aren’t many barriers to entry. This is a skilled role, but one that offers the chance to everyone who wants to take it to learn exactly what to do and how to do it. You do need to realize that it might take some time to gain the qualifications needed, especially if you're still working full time at your current job, but the fact you can study online means the choice is yours, and the career is open to everyone with the right mindset. 

The personality traits that will make for a good nurse include:

  • Patience

  • A willingness to learn

  • Being able to listen

  • Compassion

  • Organizational skills

  • Dedicated to the job

  • Able to cope with shift work 

  • Being good with people

  • Being physically fit 

So Much Choice 

The term ‘nurse’ is an overarching one that describes the profession as a whole but might not accurately describe exactly what it is you want to do as a career. This is because there are many different types of nurses and so much choice within this seemingly simple career. 

For example, if you love children, you can be a children’s nurse. The same is true if you want to work with senior citizens. There are trauma nurses and OR nurses. There are also different levels of nursing within each sector too. Each type of nurse must have a thick skin, be compassionate, and in a good state of mental health. Nursing can get depressing.

You might ask why become a nurse practitioner or look into other branches of nursing. This is something you can do, even if you're already working as a nurse or if you're changing your career. In either case, you can gain the additional qualifications needed and move across to a different area. In all, there are potentially dozens of different routes you can take when you have your nursing qualifications. 

It’s A Calling 

For some, even the thought of questioning the idea of whether nursing is the right thing to do or not wouldn’t cross their minds; it is simply something they know they have to do, and they'll fight hard to be able to do it. That’s because nursing is sometimes seen as ‘a calling.’ Essentially, this means that those people who feel like this know there is no other career they would be as good at or love as much, and even if it means earning less money or going back to school or rearranging their lives entirely, they'll do whatever it takes to become a nurse. 

However, what shouldn’t be allowed to happen – if we want to be as happy as possible, of course – is to pass up the opportunity to retrain as a nurse later in life when our circumstances change. At this point, your calling can finally be met, and the fact that you can train online and learn as much as possible in your spare time before you qualify is a wonderful idea that means you can now do anything you want, and it will never be too late to try. 

You’ll Have Plenty of Support 

If you're retraining at a later stage in life to become a nurse, you might feel worried or unsure about whether you're making the right choice or not. It can be scary to make such a big change, especially if you haven’t been working, or if your career has been something that doesn’t relate to nursing and caring for people at all. In this case, you might want to start out as a CNA, just to learn the ropes.

There will always be people around to support you. Ideally, some of this support will come from the people you already know, your family, and your friends. Still, if they are, for whatever reason, unsupportive there will be many others outside of your current circle who will look out for you and help you when you need assistance. These will likely be other people training at the same time as you, course leaders, and those who are keen to see you succeed in life. Those you train with and work with as nurses, will become lifelong friends.

With this kind of help and encouragement, you'll feel much more positive about making the changes you have to in life, and retraining to become the nurse; you always wanted to be. 

Every Day Is Different 

One of the things that can start to get people down when it comes to their current jobs is that every day is the same. Even down to the time they wake up in the morning, to the route, they take to work, to the tasks they carry out when they get there. Everything is the same, day in and day out. It's like the movie, Groundhog Day.

This can be comforting, and for some, it is the ideal situation, but this is not the best thing for everyone. For those who don’t enjoy routine work, it can make every day extremely boring, causing them to ultimately be miserable and unfulfilled in their work and their lives. 

If this is the case for you, it will make sense to retrain as a nurse instead. Every day as a nurse is going to be completely different from the next, and you'll never feel bored. The truth is, whether you are working in a hospital, a clinic, a doctor’s office, or you go out into the community to see people in their homes, you just never know what you will get from one patient to the next. It is a stimulating, interesting, fascinating job that allows your body and mind to work. Add to this the immense feeling of job satisfaction that you'll get, and the idea of retraining to become a nurse will seem even better than ever. 

You, Will, Make A Difference

Perhaps the biggest reason that people choose to become nurses either through retraining or from the start of their working lives is how much of a difference you will make to people. If you think back to any time you have ever been in the hospital, it will have been a nurse who gave you the most comfort and help, and a nurse who was able to make a difference to your life and your health, whether you had something seriously wrong with you, or it was a minor ailment. 

It feels amazing to make a difference in someone’s life, in whatever way, big or small. You might also consider a career as an Activities Assistant in a long-term care facility. Some of these positions require you to hold a CNA license, but you get the added enjoyment of entertaining seniors in their last years of life. You can honestly make lives so much better; why wouldn’t you want to retrain as a nurse knowing that? 


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