Kid's Breakfast Ideas: Welch Rarebit with Fun Shapes
Want breakfast ideas for kid's recipes? Here's one with lots of protein that you've probably never heard of or you did, but you had no idea what it was. Welch (misspelling) Rabbit (confused letter transposing) = Welsh Rarebit. This was my first attempt. It tastes good, but looks sad. Enjoy!Egg and cheese mixture. |
Prepared toasts on baking sheet. |
While baking the rarebit recipe. |
My finished product a Pinterest Fail. See how it should look below. |
This old-fashioned, easy recipe requires only a few simple ingredients. We left out the traditional grated bread crumbs because I didn't have any, but you shouldn't! Ours ran all over the baking pan and off the toast.
Welsh Rarebit Recipe for Kids
1/4 C. Shredded Cheese (your choice of flavor), 2 Eggs, Butter, Salt, Pepper, Dash of Dry Mustard, bread crumbs, and Toast.
Mix Shredded Cheese with Eggs and 2 Tbs. Butter. Mix in a pinch of salt, pepper, bread crumbs, and dry mustard. Cut the crust off toast. Cut toast into fun shapes with cookie cutters. Lay out in baking dish (Line with foil and spray with non-stick cooking spray). Spread the egg paste on the toast. (Texas Toast works smashingly or use Melba Toast). Sprinkle with shredded cheese. Place in oven at 350 degrees until lightly browned and cheese is melted.
They made this in the White House! You can find a similar recipe in The White House Cook Book, 1887. I guess Grover Cleveland liked Welsh food. Hmm... I need to research if he was Welsh. I wonder if he had a rabbit? Oooh Oooh... Should I make a Grover Cleveland President Paperbag Puppet? Hmm...
From Mama Smiles and Joyful Parenting. Yeah, yours should look like this. |
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