Showing posts with label Be prepared. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Be prepared. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Be prepared. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Be prepared. Show all posts

Tips to Teach Kids Before College

Kids Going Off To College? Here Are Some Things To Teach Them Before


It’s a bittersweet time when your children fly the nest after years of living under your wing. While you know it’s going to be an exciting new experience for them to learn and become adults, you can’t help but worry about them. So, to put your mind at ease, and to give them some useful knowledge before they go, let’s have a look at some tips you can teach your kids or speak to them about before they set off for college.

Tips to Teach Kids Before College

Domestic Duties

College is the time when your children will realize all that you do for them around the house, from cleaning up after them to cooking their meals. Hopefully, over the years, they’ll have picked up a thing or two from you, but it’s always a good idea to send them off with recipes, cleaning products, and anything else that will equip them for what lies ahead. College care packages are always helpful, but they need to learn to prepare for life on their own.


You’re still sure to get calls from them exclaiming how the washing machine won't spin (click the link for possible issues and fixes for this) or the oven won’t turn on, which you can help them with, trying to decipher the problem. These will often be simple fixes but if not, they can always get a professional in to fix the problem. This is all part of them growing up and learning how to handle things going wrong and how to make them right again. Here are some healthy eating tips for college students.



College is notorious for parties and drinking, so even if your son or daughter isn’t a drinker, you should still speak to them about this before they go. Ensure that they know to always be safe and never leave their cup unattended at events, as it could pose a threat. Their safety is paramount, so without scaring them or being over the top, you need to talk to them about being sensible and always letting someone know where they are. Make them aware that they never have to buckle to peer pressure, saying “no” is their right and if they don’t want to do something, then they don’t have to.


The Value Of Money

Cash can be tight for college students, so teaching them about budgeting and not splurging on unnecessary items is something that will come in handy for them. You can instill this at an early age, by giving them pocket money if they help you with chores, or when special occasions come around. This will help them to realize that money is earned and if they want something expensive, they have to save for it. You can reiterate what you’ve taught them over the years in the lead up to them moving away for college, as it’s more important now than ever as they won’t be living under your roof anymore. You might also want to look into scholarships. There are several scholarships available to homeschoolers.


Most of the time, your children will learn a lot of this along the way, but if you can offer them any help and guidance beforehand, at least you know you tried! This is their time to make mistakes, and those are often the most prominent learning curves of all. 


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How To Choose A Breast Pump For Your Lifestyle?

How do you choose a breast pump? Tips.

Photo by SHVETS production from Pexels

There are many different brands, types, and styles of breast pumps, including portable and wearable pumps. It comes as no surprise that many moms like you might feel overwhelmed over these numerous choices.

Indeed, it can be challenging to pick the best one, but you might want to consider your lifestyle as a factor for making the right choice.

Here are some helpful tips to help you choose a breast pump that may suit your lifestyle:

How Do You Plan to Use The Breast Pump

Ask yourself how you plan on using the breast pump

Will you be breastfeeding exclusively and only need a backup pump, or will you be an exclusive pumper? 

These questions will matter because you’re likely going to need a heavy-duty pump as an exclusive pumper. Still, you can even pick a manual pump if you’ll only need one as a backup.

Do you plan on pumping and storing a lot of breast milk in your fridge?

If that’s the case, then you’ll also need a heavy-duty pump that can handle the rigorous task. Picking a double pump can be ideal so you can get more milk more quickly.

Are you returning to work or traveling regularly?

If so, then you’ll probably need a portable pump that you can easily bring anywhere. Better yet, a wearable pump can let you pump discreetly, even in the middle of a meeting or while you’re on the go.

Just in case you opt for a wearable pump, make sure that you pick one that’s quiet yet powerful enough to pump discreetly.

Will you be away from your child for several days?

Bringing a portable pump can be convenient, but it could be costly to buy so many batteries to keep it working while you’re away for extended periods. 

You can opt for a portable pump that comes with rechargeable batteries or simply bring your plug-in pump if there’s a place for you to pump discreetly.

How much time do you have to pump?

As you might already know, pumping varies for every mom. There are also certain conditions or types of breast pumps that can promote better extraction.

If you’re a busy mom who’s always on the go, you’ll surely need a powerful double electric breast pump. You can use this device to pump milk from both breasts at the same time.

What’s your pumping preference?

If you’re a mom who likes to pump the other breast while your baby feeds from the other, then a single pump would be ideal for you.

Where will you use the pump?

As a working mom, you’re entitled to a breast-pumping break.

Your workplace is required by law to provide you with a quiet, private place where you can collect your milk. 

But if you feel uncomfortable about others hearing you pump, you can pick quiet models or brands that still provide great suction power, even with the silent motor.

Do you need to transport the breast pump regularly?

Plug-in breast pumps are usually more powerful than portable, battery-operated ones, yet they also tend to be bulkier. If you need to regularly transport your breast pump, such as bringing it to work daily, then it may be more practical to opt for a lighter, portable pump.

What about a backup plan?

What if your batteries run out or there are no power outlets for plugging your device? You can create a backup plan using a manual breast pump or bring along extra batteries at all times.

In Conclusion

You can pick the right breast pump by considering your lifestyle and needs or preferences. 

But just in case you’re still unsure, you can also seek help from a lactation consultant.

How to Make Your Home Safe for Children

 Safety First : Safe Home Tips

Every year, thousands of children around the world are injured in home accidents. Most are minor, while some are more serious and result in death. You may believe that your home is safe, but there are many aspects that you may not have even thought about which could be putting your child in danger. Even if you believe that you have done a good job of child-proofing your home, there is a high chance that you may have missed even the most obvious hazards. Rest assured, this article will steer you in the right direction on how to make your home safe and child-friendly.

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How to Make Your Home Safe for Children

Living Room

The living room is one room of the home that is greatly overlooked when it comes to child-safety, however, there are things to consider which will make it a safer environment.

1. Fire hazards need to be considered for keeping your child safe in the home. Ensure that matchboxes placed next to candles are out of reach. It is extremely easy for a youngster to light a fire with matches simply through intuition, even if their motor skills have not been well developed.

2. The TV is one of the most common fixtures that toddlers climb in the living room. The additional weight may cause the TV to tip and cause injury. Therefore, securing the TV and the stand to the wall is advised.

3. While photo frames can add visual appeal to your décor, but they can be a major hazard. The sharp corners can cause injuries, and if the frame is dropped, the glass may fragment and cause deep cuts. It's a good idea to place frames on high shelving or hooked on the wall, rather than free-standing on lower surfaces.


Obviously, the kitchen is potentially the most dangerous room in the home for small children, therefore, many things need to be taken into consideration to ensure their safety. Here are some tips to bear in mind.

  • Your little one may have an inquisitive nature to go exploring for objects and utensils which are dangerous objects and should be kept out of reach. As a precaution, ensure that all sharp kitchen utensils are stored in above-the-counter cupboards.

  • Small appliances are also in easy reach when stored on countertops and can be easily tipped over and brought to the ground. Even if appliances are placed at the rear of the counter, loose wires can be tugged. Therefore, the wiring should be tied up and out of sight.


Unfortunately, many people are unaware of the dangers that the standard garden poses for small children, but this is a part of the home that should be a cause of concern.

Installing garden fencing or screenings is the highest priority for keeping your children safe in the back garden, especially if your property backs onto the main road. This will ensure they aren’t vulnerable to escaping. There are many different types of screenings to keep your property secure including hedging and glass screening from

Fishponds are another major hazard and are one of the most common causes of drowning in small children, while dangerous plants have even been known to cause injury, and in serious cases, death. 

When your Child is Being Cyberbullied

What To Do If Your Child Is Being Cyberbullied

Your child being bullied is every parent's worst nightmare. Naturally, you want to do whatever you can to stop it and protect your child from the bullies. What will you do when your child is being cyberbullied?

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Cyberbullying is a concern of recent decades. Cyberbullying plays out online, in texts, and on social media, and takes a different form than physical bullying. This makes cyberbullying far more difficult to monitor and manage. It's a lot easier to spot a child being harassed in a classroom than in their Snapchat messages. How can teachers and parents police kids' cyber-lives? How can you even tell if your child is being cyberbullied? 

Here, we break down a few signs that your child may be the victim of cyberbullying, and what you can do about it. There are loads of groups you can turn to for help, whether you are dealing with Cyberbullying in UAE, America, or elsewhere. If your kid is the cyberbully get help here.

When your Child is Being CyberBullied

Spotting the Signs

There are some common signs that your child is being cyberbullied, including:

1) Nervous, anxious, or jumpy when receiving a text, email, or message on social media, or when using it generally.

2) Very reluctant to tell you about what they do online. 

3) Upset, angry, or stressed after online gaming or another online activity. 

4) Suddenly leaving their console, phone, tablet, or computer after using it, or suddenly closing the device before an activity is completed.

5) Disrupted sleep patterns: Your child struggles to sleep at night and/or has become tired and irritable during the day.

6) Doesn't want to go to school or spend time with friends, and withdraws from family and friends in real life. 

7) Sudden, unexplainable changes in health such as weight gain or loss, change in appetite, headaches, stomachaches.

In particular, be alert for changes in behavior that suggest your child is depressed. Any comments that indicate suicidal feelings are an immediate red flag. 

What You Can Do

Parents often feel powerless when they think or know that their child is being cyberbullied. Bullying is bad enough, but cyberbullying lives in a space that is unfamiliar to many parents and out of their reach to help. Don't worry, there are plenty of options out there for you. 

1) Talk to Your Child

Children often feel embarrassed or ashamed when they are being bullied, cyber or not. Talk to them calmly and just listen to their response. Don't make excuses for the bully or minimize what is happening. Validate your child's feelings and consider how they want this resolved.

2) Take Action

Collect evidence of the cyberbullying - encourage them to take screenshots and save messages, conversations, and emails. If your child's bully goes to their school, the school will be able to deal with the child in question based on the proof you provide. Also take notes of how your child seems at the time of cyberbullying, any background to the bullying, and the views of any witnesses. 

Some cyberbullying can rise to the level of criminality, so you can take it to the police if you believe the bullying is severe. Consider this, particularly if the bullying is based on race, gender, sexual orientation, or disability.

3) Avoid the Bully's Parents

Many parents naturally want to confront the bully's parents, but this is unhelpful. They can become defensive if confronted about their child's actions, which won't help resolve the bullying. Only engage with them if the school or another authority is mediating.

4) Consider Counseling

The effects of bullying can be long-lasting and traumatic. Consider seeking out a counselor for your child as soon as they feel ready. A mental health professional can help them process what they are going through. 

Offer Support

Reassure your child that this bullying will not last forever and the issue will get resolved. Tell them you're there for them no matter what's happening. This will help to bolster their mood while the matter of is worked through. Hopefully, these helpful tips help you feel more comfortable in knowing what to do when your child is being cyberbullied.


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4 Suggestions for Smooth Living with Blended Families

Advice for Blending Families

Blending two families together as one can prove to be challenging, especially when different personalities and needs come into play. With children entering the equation on both sides and different parenting styles suddenly merging, it's important to make sure everyone's feelings, needs and wants are taken into consideration before moving in together. 

Read about one of our contributor’s experiences with Blending Families.

Preparing to live together as a family means discussing finances, making sure everyone has their own space, and/or preparing children for the big change in one way or another. Here are some suggestions for making the transition of becoming a blended family as smooth as possible.

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Advice for Blending Families

1. Hash Out Child-Rearing Approaches

Different attitudes on child rearing can make or break a home. Not everyone has the same parenting style. While some parents are considered "pushovers," allowing their children to get and do whatever they want (with no ability to say "no,") other parents are a bit more disciplined. When two people with different child-rearing approaches come together as one blended family, it can be difficult when an incident occurs with their children.

To keep everyone on the same page, it's important to discuss child-rearing techniques and approaches before you move in together. Indeed, it makes for a much more peaceful home. Remember, children need consistency, so try to address this important issue as soon as possible. You don’t want to have to learn your new partner's child rearing stance the hard way. 

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2. Ensure Everyone Has Their Own Space

Blending décor is one of the many challenges facing soon-to-be blended families, but it's completely doable. If it's within your budget, consider letting each child have their own room, which can go a long way in helping smooth out living situations and making sure everyone gets along with each other. It can also help to let your children decorate their own space and put their own stamp on it. This can help them feel a sense of belonging. 

When it comes to designing and outfitting a child's bedroom, consider any number of bedroom sets that show off your children's style and personality. Whether you decide to shop online or head to one of their stores, you'll be able to find all that you need to truly make your new house feel like home for everyone. Be sure to include the child in the process. It’s a fun family experience and can help a new parent bond with their step children.

3. Discuss Your Finances

Before you become a blended family, discuss how you'll manage your finances. Will you keep separate bank accounts and split the bills down the middle? Or, will you have a joint bank account to which you'll each contribute? Think about how you'll handle spending, especially if one partner makes more than the other. It’s always a good idea to keep some finances separate, particularly if you both have full-time careers and are used to spending your money your way. It’s always good to create a joint account for mutual household expenses.

Will one partner need to consult the other before making a large purchase? If so, what amount constitutes a large purchase? Will you have to discuss purchases when it comes to your children or will you have the freedom to decide how you spend your money on them? To avoid arguments in the future, these are some things you should think about before you blend your families together. 

4. Prepare Your Children for the Move

If you want things to go smoothly once the big day arrives, making sure your children are prepared for the move is essential. Let them know ahead of time when and what will happen, so they'll be better equipped to handle the changes ahead. Sit down with your children and discuss the move so they can express their feelings about it.

While you're not exactly asking their permission, it's important to let them know that their feelings and concerns are valid and that you'll help them sort through them if they feel overwhelmed or anxious about their new living situation. Talk about the new routine and let them know you won't love them any less with new children coming into the picture. Be sure to remind them they'll still have a space to call their own- and make sure they do, even if it is a little nook in your dining room!

You might also want to prepare your pets for a life change.

Preparing to Blend Families

Blending families is rarely easy, if ever, but taking the above steps into consideration can help make the transition a bit easier for everyone involved. It also helps keep the peace and ensure everyone is on the same page so that you can work together to create a smooth living situation for the entire family.


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If Mama Ain't Happy Ain't Nobody Happy: The Family Relationship

Family Relationship Challenges

What’s the biggest relationship challenge in your family? How do you keep everything together, day in and day out, day after day? Time commitments, financial responsibilities, and emotional needs of each family member can take a toll on your happiness. Those people pleasers who need to take care of everyone often forget to take care of themselves. In my situation, I never wanted to spend money on personal needs (including health care) if it would take away from things my kids needed or wanted.

For years, we didn’t have health insurance, so any health setback caused major financial problems. I also didn’t take care of myself in other ways. I cut my own hair, never had a manicure until I was fifty years old, wore the same old clothes year after year, never went out to lunch with friends, never even saw my friends, and never indulged in frivolous things that I might want for the house. I considered any of that selfish.

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if mama ain't happy ain't nobody happy quote song

It’s important to take care of yourself. You’ve probably heard the quote, “If Mama ain’t happy, ain't nobody happy.” I’m sure there’s some truth to this. You can put on a happy face, but if your needs aren’t being met and you have nothing to look forward to, your relationship is going to suffer- even if you're not the one causing the majority of the turmoil. I know it’s difficult. I used to see other women spending too much time on themselves, ignoring the needs of their children. They’d go shopping for themselves several times a month while their children wore clothes they’d outgrown. I never wanted to be like that, but I took it too far the other way. You’ve been there. We don’t have to be martyrs to be mothers. Taking care of yourself, puts you in a better place. You’ll be better equipped to tackle those relationship issues with your partner. Communication is a key factor in the downward spiral of relationships. When communication is poor, everything else becomes difficult.

Eventually, lack of communication breaks the partnership. In my relationship, the more I tried to communicate with my partner, the more difficult the relationship became. There are things couples need to discuss. Things that can’t be swept under the rug. Plans for the future, health of your children, plans to make about family events to attend, even how each of you are feeling about the status of your relationship. When you have a partner who won’t talk to you about any of it, you’ve got a problem that needs fixed. Parents need to keep a united front for their children. They need to work together as a team for the greater good of the family, even if it means sacrificing the personal desires.

For me, self-care felt like a selfish, personal desire because my partner took up all that empty space for himself. He worked all the time or found extra things to do to help others, just to avoid coming home and facing real life problems. These problems ranged from my serious illness where I was bedridden for months, to house repairs, financial responsibilities, and even mental health problems the kids were facing. I couldn’t run off for a haircut or even a doctor’s appointment because there was no safety net. He couldn’t seem to  find an hour to give me a break and if he did, he’d use that hour to sleep - not to watch the kids. So, everywhere I went, I took the kids. Everywhere. 

Check out this old post about a family excursion, see any red flags?

Let me tell you, this is not only unhealthy for you, it’s also unhealthy for your kids. We all need time apart from each other. The kids feel it too. They need options. They need time away from the family.  Sure, we attended homeschool groups, summer camps, special events, 4-H and any other free or low cost activity I could find, but none of it made the pitfalls in our broken family any better. It just kept our mind’s busy enough to make it through another day- or so I thought.

Mama needs time to feel good about herself. Sure, you may think you don’t want to jog or join a walking club. You may think you can cut your own hair to save money for the greater good, you may think a vice here and there, maybe a pint of ice cream or bar of chocolate, are good survival mechanisms, but in the long run, if your always the one making sacrifices life’s not going to turn out like you hoped.

Remember when you started your relationship with your partner? You took care of yourself, you took showers- maybe even relaxing baths, you did your makeup, and bought yourself a flattering outfit. You went out to lunch with your friends. You had dinner dates with your partner and even did activities that you both enjoyed together. You probably even talked about your hopes and dreams for the future. Don’t let yourself get lost in the shuffle.  If it's not too late, fix it. If it is too late, do yourself a favor and try to fix it before throwing in the towel.

Don’t try to wait it out and hope it will get better. There’s no need to feel guilty about taking time for yourself.. If you can’t possibly spare the money or feel like spending money on relationship counseling would set you back financially, there are many affordable online counseling services out there. ReGain is a great place to start. There are  plenty of self-help articles and videos that can kick start your decision making process and help you decide what’s best for your family. 

Going back to school and investing in one's self is also a huge deal for self-confidence and mental stimulation/relaxation. Healthcare-related fields offer great satisfaction and challenge.  Looking at community colleges or schools for certification or insurance coding can be a great first step.

Life balance is important. Don’t suffer in silence. Don’t decide that you must've done something to deserve your current situation. Sometimes, you can’t fix it on your own, sometimes the answer is right in front of you, but the outcome will have unavoidable consequences. On the flip side, sometimes, if you make small changes in your personal life, if you start taking care of yourself and taking pride in your own achievements, everything else will fall into place. Your children won’t suffer from a parent who takes care of themselves, when Mama is happy, there’s a far better chance that everyone else is happy too. Don’t wait until it’s too late. 

Your happy ending is waiting for you.


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