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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query science. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query science. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query science. Sort by date Show all posts

Science Online Activities: Lessons and Games

Homeschool Science Ideas for Projects, Experiments, and Lessons

Whether you are looking for Homeschool Science Fair Projects or Ideas for Experiments these online science lessons and curriculum are perfect for classroom or homeschoolers. We gather the best games, videos, printables, and science curriculum so you don't have to. Enjoy! 

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Homeschool Science Online Activities: Lessons, Projects, and Games
Homeschool Science Online Activities: Lessons and Games.

Homeschool Science Projects, Experiments, and Lesson Ideas:


Homeschool Resources: Varun's Quest Review

Great Resource for Homeschoolers

Homeschooling help for parents: Looking for a great resource for homeschoolers? Our website offers many educational resources for homeschoolers. Below is a review of Varun's Quest a wonderful book for homeschoolers of any age. Keep scrolling because we've also added links to our favorite homeschool resources. Enjoy!

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Homeschool Resources

a Great Resource for Homeschoolers: Varun's Quest Review
Jake's Journey in Art includes Language Arts.
Here he reads the beautifully illustrated Varun's Quest by Timothy Goldsmith.

Science Books for Homeschoolers

  • We were given the opportunity to review Varun's Questwhich is a wonderful science book for homeschoolers. Varun's Quest is a fictional tale depicting non-fiction science. The story is fun to read aloud as a family or in a group setting with the ideal audience being 2nd - 5th grade. Older children will enjoy reading the story themselves and then sharing the details with "the class."  The author of this creative tale, is Yale Biology Professor, Timothy Goldsmith. Get your copy here: Buy Varun's Quest.

An elf leads children through the story quest while he shares all about the science around us. It starts with an informative science lesson on bees. Jake, enjoys the way the stories unfold and likes that the stories are based on reality. Whenever he isn't sure about something, he Googles to find out more, so these stories have evolved into a full blown science curriculum. He'll write questions in his daily science journal and then look them up later on Google. What a great way to teach science to your homeschooler! For a fun activity, pair this book with Bee Movie.

We used the book as a catalyst for making scientific posters, doing science experiments, and of course, to practice creative writing.

  • Our all time FAVORITE Science Books for Homeschoolers are the Life of Fred Science books. These books are great for kids of any age. Parents will enjoy them too. Anyone reading Life of Fred will learn something new!

  • Gail Gibbons Encyclopedia Series are a wealth of information for anyone who enjoys reading. All of her books are beautiful illustrated. They cover science, history, and art. While these books may be at a higher reading level for early elementary students, younger children will enjoy looking at the pictures while listening to the stories.

Homeschool Resources

  • Acellus Power Homeschool can be used as an app or as full school with access to teachers.  Check out Acellus Curriculum for Homeschool Students. We currently use the middle school courses. There are lots of classes to choose from including music and art!


Recommended Reading:

The Everything Homeschooling Book: All you need to create the best curriculum and learning environment for your child

Free Online Homeschool Science Lesson: Classifying Plants and Animals Activities

Classifying Plants and Animals Activities and Videos for Homeschool Science

In this free online homeschool science lesson, we are classifying plants and animals. These science activities and videos are a fun way for homeschoolers to learn online. Lessons have material suitable for preschool, elementary, middle school, and high school. We round up the information and links each week as we teach homeschool to our own children. Every link has been child tested. Scroll down for the interactive student lesson. Lesson for Preschoolers is at the bottom of the post.

Free Online Homeschool Science Lesson: Classifying Plants and Animals Activities
Free Online Homeschool Science Lesson: Classifying Plants and Animals Activities.

Classifying Plants and Animals Online Homeschool Lesson

Elementary and Middle School Science: Target Grades 3-8
with components for preschool, early elementary, and high school.

Teacher Resources:

Classifying Plants and Animals Lesson Ideas

Make your own Worksheets and Printables

Early Elementary Lessons on Classifications

Student Lesson:

Do this: Keep these questions in mind as you the watch the videos.

Questions on Plant Growth click on the questions to find the answers, make sure you click through all 4 pages of questions!

PBS Video: What Plants Talk About 

Learn more about Carnivorous Plants.

Play this Cool Science Game on How Plants Grow (8-11 yrs.).

Read about Plant GrowthWhat are the Kingdoms? If you want to watch these videos, you'll have to log into Brainpop. I'm told you can do a search and find Brainpop freebies, coupon codes, and passwords. Here is a free Biology lesson on the Six Kingdoms.

More about Plant Adaptations from Brainpop free for everyone.

Math Component

This Cool Companion Math Game is for Middle School and up. 

This Middle School to High School Plant Lesson Game teaches Math and Economics. You'll start your own business and work to keep the plants alive and well using your math skills. 

We found another cool math game for kids, but... there's an app for that! Ask your parent or teacher if you can install, Ruby Realms.

Art Component

Make Pressed Flowers

Make Thanksgiving Leaf Garland

Science Fair Project or Science Experiment from Science Buddies Experiment on Plant Growth for Middle Schoolers.


Show what you've learned so far:

Grab your Science Journal: Name 3 types of Plant Classifications. Then, draw a plant and then list out the main parts of it.




Classifying Animals Lessons

Classifying Animals - Free Brainpop Jr. Video. Make sure you take the quiz. Try the easy quiz and the hard quiz. You can do it! 

More on Animal Classification from Sheppard's Kids Corner.

Show what you've learned so far:

Grab your Science Journal: What are the Six Kingdoms? Need to research? Do a safe search here







Science Just for Fun Online Games

Are you smarter than a plant?
Are you smarter than a plant? Find out on

Early Elementary Component 
Pre-K - 3, but suitable for older kids too!

Plant Song

Dora's Plant Growth Game for Preschoolers

Farming Lesson for Kindergarten

Fun Activities

Make these Free Printable Animal Trading Cards

Test your knowledge: Play Matching Classification Game

Recommended Reading:

Copyright 2014 by Lora Langston, Kids Creative Chaos.

Recycle Wax Candle Science Fair: Babybel Wrappers

Science Fair Project: Make Candles from Recycled Wax

Need an idea for a school science experiment worthy of the Science Fair? This recycled wax project makes a cool 4H project too. If you like to tinker and experiment with different ways of doing the same old thing, recycle wax from Babybel Cheese wrappers into candles! Just imagine- the power goes out and you've got plenty of cheese, but no candles. No worries. We've got you covered. You can make candles from scratch at home. Enjoy!

Recycle Wax Candle Science Fair: Babybel Wrappers Experiment

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3 Science Things to do with Eggs: Includes Bouncing Egg

3 Fun Science Things to do with Eggs including Bouncing Egg

We've got chickens and ducks, so we've got a lot of eggs! We're always looking for new uses for them. We don't want them to go to waste. Since we homeschool, we decided to try some kid science things to do with eggs. Have you seen the bouncing egg experiment? So, how do you make an egg bounceEnjoy!

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Kids Science Egg Experiments Rubber Bouncing Eggs
Which came first the chicken or the egg? Oh, that's not the egg science experiment we're doing..


For our first egg science experiment, we tried to find out. Will it float? You'll need two eggs and two glasses of tap water.

Bouncing Egg Experiment with Results
Bouncing Egg Experiment with Results.

Drop one egg in each glass.

Do they float? Why or why not? Write down your hypothesis in your journal or a Google Doc.

Slowly add SEA SALT (table salt works, you just need more). Now, what happens? The more sea salt you add what happens?

To find out what is happening, click here: Results.

That was fun! Don't waste those eggs. Keep them for the next experiment! Leave your egg in the cup.

Add enough vinegar to cover the egg.

Check it after 24 hours. Record any changes in the egg in your Science Journal or a Google Doc.


Can you make an egg bounce?
Can you make an egg bounce?

Instructions for the next experiment call for a boiled egg, but we tried it with an unboiled egg- Just to be different.

We used a chicken egg and a duck egg. Since the duck egg has a stronger shell, the results were much better.

You can try it with boiled an unboiled eggs, but remember to test it outside. Do an experiment with both types of eggs and record any differences or similarities that you find.

How is the duck egg different from the chicken egg?

So, how does the egg feel after 24 hrs.? 48 hrs.? 72 hrs.?

We tested our egg after 48 hrs. See the results below.

VIDEO: Unboiled Egg Test Results

Here are ten more cool egg science experiments to try.


Easter Egg Dye Experiments

What else can you do with eggs? Of course, we dye them for Easter. You might want to try to dye your Easter eggs naturally. We tried it as a Science Experiment. Let me just say, we failed miserably. One reason is we neglected to follow all of the steps.

Natural egg colors: How to dye eggs naturally.
Duck and chicken eggs from our farm. Use a Sharpie to write the date of collection.

If you want to dye eggs naturally click the links below to follow the instructions, and use these all natural ingredients that are proven to work.

Red Cabbage Eggs

Yellow Tumeric Eggs

We tried Dandelions...

Can you dye eggs with Dandelions
Can you dye eggs with Dandelions? Maybe.

We tried Violets and other purple wildflowers...

Can you dye eggs with Violets? Maybe...

Soaking an egg in Violet juice.

Can you dye an egg with Halloween Candy?

Dye eggs with old Halloween Candy.
Dye eggs with old Halloween Candy.

Heat the candy slowly over low heat. Green candies turn into a brown, sugary goo.

Orange and Red candies turn into an orange goo. Guess what? It works, sort of...

Beautiful natural shades of our eggs.

Egg soaked in melted orange and red candy.

The results of our egg-periment. For us, only orange and red candy worked.


Free Homeschooling Lessons

Cool Science Experiments Books*

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Simple Machines Homeschool Lesson Plan: Grades 3-5

Homeschooling Online Lesson Plan and Activities for Simple Machines

Homeschool Science Resources: Want to learn more about simple machines? This homeschool lesson plan shares online videos, games, activities, and questions will help homeschoolers learn and experiment with the science of simple machines.

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Simple Machines Homeschool Lessons online with free Printables.


Simple Machines Homeschool Lesson Plans

Target elementary grades 3-5.

If you have a Brain Pop Subscription go here: Simple Machines

(Tip: If you sign up as family vs. homeschool, you can pay monthly $10.95. They also offer a free educational video each day.)


Name this simple machine.
Name this simple machine.

Simple Machine Questions:

Which simple machine is used to split things apart or hold a door open?


Survey the room, list the simple machines you see:





How does an inclined plane make work easier?




Is a door knob a simple machine? Is so, which one?





Science Fair Experiment: Build a Robotic Arm from PBS Design Squad (includes Rubric).

Preschool/Early Elementary Connection:

Recommended Reading:

Homeschool Science Project: Bread Making Investigation - How Does Matter Change?

Science Curriculum Ideas for Elementary Homeschooling: Investigate the MATTER of bread? 

In this homeschool science project you are required to experiment with bread making ingredients to study how matter can change. Enjoy!

After the experiment, make a loaf of bread and watch how yeast makes chemical changes. Find an Easy Artisan Bread Recipe on the internet like the one in this linky. We've included a link to our free printable worksheet: investigating the matter of bread. Instructions for the project are included in the worksheet.

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Kid Science Lesson on Matter Bread Making Investigation
Kid Science Lesson on Matter Bread Making Investigation.

The Science of Bread and Changes in Matter Homeschool Project

Homeschool experiment with bread ingredients. 

Print out worksheets from the link below.

Science: Homeschool Project and Free Printable Worksheet for Matter and Bread Lesson

What happens when you experiment with bread ingredients? 

Get your safety glasses ready and find out. See the Dew? 

Don't do the Dew! Kid never drank it, just the Mommy. 
She quit, lost weight, and has never felt better! 

Recommended Reading:

For Kids Big Book of Science Experiments

Electric Bread for Kids : A Bread Machine Activity Book