Homeschooler Homework Ideas for Black History Month
What time is it? It's time to learn about black history! These black history homeschool homework ideas will prepare your homeschooler for an oral report on their favorite person in black history. We've organized the famous black Americans by school subject so that you can choose one that fits your interest. With so many famous African American achievers, there's no sense in studying a subject you find boring!
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When is Veterans Day? In the United States, we celebrate Veterans Day (also known as Armistice Day) on November 11. You probably know a war veteran: a school teacher, a principal, a grandparent, a cousin, or a member of your church. Just ask! Often, when we think of Veterans, we think of historical wars and senior citizens, but there are many young war veterans these days. We hope you'll try some of these Veterans Day lesson ideas and then go out into your community and thank a war veteran.
Scroll down for Veterans Day Videos for Middle School and a fun song for preschoolers!
What can you do to teach about and help celebrate Veterans Day? Educate and engage with a history lesson or simply thank a Veteran. You can do both, when you combine a Veterans Day history lesson with a letter writing campaign. We found some awesome, editable letter to soldiers and thank you card templates for elementary at
Hop over to TeacherSherpa to find printable Veterans Day games and activities to add to your lesson plans.
Hey kids, did you know War Veterans are men and women who served in any branch of the military including the National Guard? You may know a veteran who served in one of these wars:
World War 1
World War 2
Called Armistice Day in 1919 to commemorate the end of World War I, it was renamed Veterans Day in 1954 to include American veterans of all wars. On November 11, we honor the wartime service of men and women in all branches of the armed forces.
This cute song from Kiboomers is fun for preschoolers.
Fun Fact:
Veterans Day is not Veteran's Day because it is not a day owned by Veterans. If it were a day owned by all Vets, it would be called Veterans' Day. Veterans Day is a day to celebrate Veterans. Yep, I've been messing that up for years, and I know the rule. Childrens' not Children's - Child's not Childs' - Kids' not Kid's.
In fact, this blog was originally titled 'A Kid's Creative Chaos' then I dropped the 'A' and kept the logo, 'Kid's Creative Chaos.' It took me years to realize my error. Humiliating. In my head, it was still one kid's creative chaos (my son's.) Now, I just incorrectly call it 'Kids Creative Chaos' because it looks better. Sigh. The more you know, the more you realize you don't know. Recommended:
Chapter Three Young Adult Fiction Novel Moon Magic
Are you reading the YA Fiction Novel, Moon Magic? If not, start here: Moon Magic starts here. This is Chapter Three of Moon Magic online. In Chapter Two, Aurora attended a football game. It wasn't a pleasant experience. That weird guy followed her to the band room. She thinks he's a weirdo, but there is something about him that she finds intriguing. What is it? Find out inChapter Three of Moon Magic. Enjoy!
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YA Fiction Novel Online: Moon Magic Series Chapter 2
Have you been reading the Young Adult Fiction Novel, Moon Magic? If not, start here: Moon Magic starts here. If so, this is the third post in the series or Chapter Two- if you missed the last post start with Chapter One. Last chapter, Aurora had some trouble in English class. She decided to sit down for solidarity. Has she gotten any braver? Find out in Chapter Two of Moon Magic. Enjoy!
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Free Online Books for Teens and Tweens: Moon Magic It Begins Here
Teens and Tweens? I'm sharing my young adult novel online for free. If you like magic and suspense this YA Fiction Novel is for you. Each week, chapter by chapter, you'll live Aurora's story as she uncovers the secrets of her birth father, becomes comfortable in her own skin, and gets into a little mayhem along the way.
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Scroll down for the intro and prologue or click here for Chapter One.
French Lessons and Worksheets for Homeschool or Classroom
If you homeschool like we do, you're probably teaching several grade levels at once. For this France Country Study Lesson, we've found worksheets and activities that work for toddlers to tweens to teens. Scroll down for Videos on the French Revolution, French Word Search Printables, Famous Artists, Art Projects, and Games they play in France. School teachers, you'll find fun classroom activities and worksheets that work in a classroom setting too. Enjoy!
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For Elementary and Middle School, Make a Passport like this one from De Su Mama.
Printable Passport Activity from De Su Mama.
Make an Eiffel Tower with bits of colored straws like this one from Cutting Tiny Bites. While this craft activity is fun for elementary, it also aides preschoolers in fine motor skills.
Hopscotch: This game is played outdoors on a flat, paved surface, but you can paint an old sheet or use cardboard squares to play indoors. You can also purchase a hopscotch board for indoor or outdoor play. Each player needs a small item to toss onto the hopscotch squares. Rocks or quarters work well. Not sure how to play? Get the rules to hopscotch. Petanque: How to Play Petanque
La Semaineor "The Week" is played with 1 or more children with chalk and a pebble (pennies work too). Use the chalk to draw seven squares in a row. Label each square with a day of the week. Now, a player throws their pebble into the Monday box. If they miss, it is the next player's turn. If they hit it, they must jump on one foot to get to the stone, pick it up while still standing on one foot, and then jump back to the start. Players repeat for each day of the week (seven times). Repeat the task every time a mistake is made. For example, they trip or hop on two feet. Game is won when one player covers all squares and makes it safely back start. French Cricket You will need aCricket bat or tennis racket and ball. Players stand in a circle. The first player stands with their feet together, defending the 'stumps,' which in French Cricket are the batman's legs below the knees. Now, the players in the circle take turns to bowl at the 'stumps' and the batsman must hit the ball away from them. The bowler gets clever to distract the batsman.
If the batman's legs are hit, he's out. He's also out if he moves his feet at any time from the original position. If the bowler, or any of the fielders around the circle, catch the ball before it hits the ground, the batsman is also out. Everyone takes a turn until the batsman is out. The bowler who 'stumps' the batsman takes his place.
When is Black History Month? February is Black History Month. Chances are, you're looking for famous African Americans for classroom projects. Whether you need names of famous black people for biography or history lessons, you'll find well-known and lesser known people, lesson plans, worksheets, and free classroom printables for Black History Month. Enjoy!
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Photo above by The Visibility Project,
Claudette Colvin [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.
When is Columbus Day? Columbus Day is always celebrated on the second Monday in October. In 2022, Columbus Day is Monday, October 10. In 2023, Columbus Day is October 9. Learn more about it with these Columbus Day online lessons and activities. Enjoy!
We like technology. Whenever possible, we use it to educate. One of our favorite sources for educational videos is YouTube! We also use Nextflix to find movies and documentaries, but YouTube has great educational videos for kids that are designed for classroom and homeschool use. We often share lesson plans with links to our favorite educational videos. So, here are the videos we make sure to include in our weekly curriculum. Enjoy!
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Our favorite Educational Videos for Kids YouTube.
We stumbled through a lot of poorly animated and lame educational videos before finding a set group of YouTubers to subcribe to. The one that sold us on YouTube educational videos for kids was the SciShow.
Hank Green is the creator of the SciShow. They talk fast, but it is entertaining. Some say the SciShow isn't designed for kids. You'll all learn something new, that's for sure. I suggest it for tweens, teens, and adults. If you're concerned, have younger kids watch SciShow Kids.
While we were watching the SciShow, we noticed another guy who sounded and looked familiar. It is John Green, wondering where you've seen him? He's a famous author! Find more about him here: John Green.
Note: John Green was born in Indiana. At the time of this post, he had moved back to the Indy area. (We're in Indiana too.)
Why is that important? Hank and John created Crash Course! These are our very favorite educational videos on YouTube.
You can watch a Crash Course in U.S. History or a Crash Course in Word History or Crash Course in almost anything. They are a very entertaining way to learn about history... quickly. Subscribe Here: Crash Course YouTube for the series of all Crash Course videos.
Here is episode one, but you don't have to watch them in order.
You can watch a Crash Course in just about anything. Here is a Crash Course in Physics. They also have psychology courses.
We are also big fans of Khan Academy on YouTube, but if you use it to homeschool, you'll want to go to their website. You can keep track of what you've learned and what grade level you've completed. Pretty cool. Khan Academy Lessons.
Nova is awesome for older kids, but on YouTube, you'll have to pay for it. You can find older episodes on some YouTuber's channels. Best bet, search for it on Netflix.
Here's another YouTuber, that is always creating new educational videos:
If you are like us and don't get cable, you might not be able to tune into your local PBS station. Never fear, PBS YouTube is here!
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History Online for Homeschool and Classroom Curriculum
Looking for a History Learning Site? These online history lessons include videos, printable worksheets, and free online educational games. When planning your classroom or homeschool curriculum, check here for all of your lesson plan needs. We're always adding new online lessons for students so check back often. Enjoy!
Online History Lessons:Curriculm, Printables, and Videos.
ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products. *We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on!
These Helen Keller activities and lesson plans focus on the senses. First watch this Brainpop video about Helen Keller or watch Disney's The Miracle Worker below. Then, do the fun activities to learn about Helen Keller's life. Keep scrolling to win a book about Helen Keller's life. Enjoy!
Helen Keller Lesson Plans Elementary Middle School.
Health Component:
If you have a Brainpop password, you can also watch these videos on Hearing and Vision.
The Helen Keller Website is full of biographical information and interesting facts about Helen Keller.
Use this Braille Alphabet Printable as a guide to spell your name or the name of a famous person with candy dots. Glue the dots to a piece of paper in the braille patterns and have your partner "read" them with only their sense of touch.
I am Helen Keller by Brad Meltzer: Companion book for Helen Keller lesson.
Need a Helen Keller biography? This book from, The Ordianry People Can Change the World, series is the perfect companion book for kids of all ages. Keep scrolling to win your own copy.
We can all be heroes. That’s the inspiring message of the biography series from historian and author Brad Meltzer. This book tells the story from the point of view of a child Helen Keller.
When Helen Keller was very young, she got a rare disease that made her deaf and blind. Suddenly, she couldn't see or hear at all, and it was hard for her to communicate with anyone. But when she was six years old, she met someone who change her life forever: her teacher, Annie Sullivan. With Miss Sullivan's help, Helen learned how to speak sign language and read Braille. Armed with the ability to express herself, Helen grew up to be come a social activist, leading the fight for people with disabilities and so many other causes.
Fun Activity:Use Your Senses the Alabama Quarter from the U.S. Mint. Guess who is on the back of the Alabama quarter.
Click the link below for a printable worksheet for a What's in the Bag activity about the senses. You will need headphones or ear plugs, a blindfold, and a paper bag full of various items.
Working with a partner, find small items to fill up the bag. Each person fills a bag keeping the contents secret from their partner.
Then, take turns with the headphones and blindfold to see what's in the bag with only the sense of touch and the sense of smell.
ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products. *We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)
MLK Activities to Celebrate Martin Luther King Day
When is Martin Luther King Day? It is celebrated on the third Monday of January. In the United States, many schools and businesses have the day off to celebrate. What do you do to remember MLK? We have many Martin Luther King Day Activitieson the blog. In this post, we're sharing free printable signs for a Martin Luther King rally or impromptu parade and a book review for "I am Martin Luther King". Enjoy!
Print these signs and then glue a large craft stick between two printed rally signs so that you can flip it over for a different message. Reduce the size of the image to 5 x 7, and it becomes a sign for classroom desks. Just use a popsicle stick, make a clay base, and display on your desks! Keep scrolling for book review and chance to win.
It might seem strange to imagine Martin Luther King, Jr. as a child, but just like you, he was once a kid too. Even then, he knew things weren't right. He dreamed of change. Learn how he made a difference with his rallys and marches when you read the latest book from the "I am" series. "I am Martin Luther King", by Brad Meltzer, tells the story of this great historical figure. It is told from the point of view of a child.
We love the "I am" books and use them in our history lessons for homeschoolers. You might like this lesson on Ameila Earhart.
The, "I am", series from Penguin Books is a fun way to learn about famous, historical figures. In these Amelia Earhart lesson activities,you'll learn all about the history of the famous pilot. Penguin was kind enough to send us the book for review. Enjoy!
Scroll Down for our Online Lesson Activities and a chance to win.
Amelia Earhart Lesson Activities.
"I am Amelia Earhart", by Brad Meltzer, is told from the point of view of Amelia as a child. The illustrations are fun and lively enough to capture everyone's attention. Read it to younger children, let early readers read it aloud to you, and older children will learn about history with this easy reader.
Dear Teachers and Educators: We searched for the best resources on Amelia Earhart and shared them in this online lesson plan so you don't have to spend valuable time researching for your Amelia Earhart lesson activities.
Students: Follow the links to learn all about Ameila Earhart. When you've completed the lessons, play the games related to flight.
*Language Arts Component: After watching the video and reading the biography of Ameila Earhart, write your own autobiography in a Google Doc or your Language Arts journal.
Play this Forces of Flight Game with your friends, it is sort of like Simon Says. The Pilot calls out the forces of flight, and the other players do the action. For detailed instructions visit Scouter Mom.
ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products. *We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)
Free Online History Lesson for Homeschoolers: The Treaty of Paris
In this fun Social Studies Lesson for Kids, we delve into the 1783 Treaty of Paris. Like most of our free online lessons for homeschoolers, this lesson can be adapted for children from K-12. We always try to include something for all age groups. Teacher Resources, Curriculum, Free Printable PDFS, and Lesson Plans are included at the bottom of the page. Scroll Down to start the lesson.
Social Studies for Kids: Treaty of Paris Free Online Lesson for Homeschoolers. Pictured from top left to right: King George III, George Washington, Benedict Arnold, and General Cornwallis.
We encourage you to use Google Docs for journaling. Our kids work in Google Docs and then share the their work with us. In Google Docs, we can chat, message, and edit at the same time. You can also make slide presentations and forms for free. It is a great way to collaborate or work remotely with others.
1783 Treaty of Paris recognizes the 13 colonies as free, sovereign, and independent states.
To get a quick overview of the history of The Treaty of Paris, watch this history rap video and then test your knowledge on the interactive american revolution timeline linked below.
Terms to Know Pick eight of the terms below. Define and describe what role they played leading up to or in the 1783 Treaty of Paris. Use your daily journal or a Google Doc.
Townsend Act
First Continental Congress
Revolutionary War 1775
Independence Day 1776
Writs of Assistance
Benedict Arnold
General Cornwallis
George Washington
West Indies
Crispus Attucks
Paul Revere
Dicey Langston
French and Indian War
Stamp Act
Boston Massacre 1770
Boston Tea Party 1773
Tea Act 1773
Intolerable Acts
King George III
Coercive Acts 1774
James Otis
Sons of Liberty
Tarred and Feathered
Daughters of Liberty
Review SchoolHouse Rock No More Kings from our history lesson on U.S. Capitals. When you click the link, you'll find many SchoolHouse Rock videos that tell the history prior to the Treaty of Paris.
Language Arts Component: Research and Writing Skills From the vocabulary words to know, choose a famous person from the Revolution. Write a biography including details about the 1783 Treaty of Paris. How did this historical figure affect the Treaty? What role did they play? Do you think the Treaty would have happened without their input? Why or Why not?
Make a video or slideshow about this historical figure. Use this sample as a guide: The Treaty of Paris Video. Use your research paper to write the script for your video.
How do you research? What are the main things you need to do? Click here: What you need to know about How to Write a Research Paper. Read the "Research" text window. If you are a Brainpop subscriber, watch the video. Then fill in this Research Graphic Organizer (Save it to your computer). If not, try these outline tips.
ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products. *We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)
50+ Easy Circle Time Games for Three, Four, and Five Years Group Time for preschoolers often happens several times a day, you need fres...
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