Showing posts with label parenting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label parenting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label parenting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label parenting. Show all posts

Parent Teen Relationship

How To Build A Closer Relationship With Your Teenager

Having teenagers around the house can be tough and challenging. If you take the right approach, it can also be a happy, rewarding experience. Your child is now grown up and able to interact and connect with you on a deeper level, which is an exciting milestone. So, what do you need to do to build a closer relationship with your teenager?
Keep scrolling for some advice to consider as you strive to build a closer relationship with your teenager and get to know them better. While this is often a difficult task, it's possible, with the right strategy and attitude. Stay patient, some days are easier than others and building a stronger relationship with your teen takes time.

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Parent Teen Relationship Advice

Spend Quality Time Together

Build a closer relationship with your teenager by committing to spending quality time with them. You can stay indoors and let them teach you how to play their favorite video game or get active together and do activities such as going kayaking, going to the movies, going out for a bike ride, or simply taking a walk on a nice, sunny day. Know that if anything should happen to either of you while biking that you’re protected under the law if you’re not at fault. Contact The Compensation Experts should either of you have a cycling accident and would like to know if you have a case to seek compensation for your damages or injuries.

Practice Open Communication

Another useful tip for building a closer relationship with your teenager is to practice open and honest communication with one another. It's tough at first. When your teen feels comfortable talking to you, you'll likely hear things that surprise, upset, or even hurt you. Bite your tongue and listen. This is a great way to create trust and get on the same page without counseling. Making assumptions or not conversing much will likely cause a lot of conflict between the two of you. It’s okay to have disagreements, but each of you should try to refrain from yelling, name calling, or other forms of intimidation and instead focus on sticking to the facts and speaking in a respectful tone of voice.

Be A Good Listener

In addition to communicating well, you should also work on being a good listener with your teenager. You can build a closer relationship with them by refraining from judging and instead simply opening your ears and listening to their opinions. You may learn a lot from them when you’re open and willing; they too will appreciate that you're taking the time to hear their side of the story and viewpoints on the matter. Take a deep breath and repeat back what your teen is saying at the time instead of having their words go in one ear and out the other and immediately giving your opinion on the topic at hand.

Show A Genuine Interest in Their Life

Build a closer and deeper relationship with your teen when you show an appreciation for and an interest in their life. For example, this includes asking about what’s going on at school and attending their sports games or activities,. You’ll connect better and be more admiring of each other when you respect one another’s lifestyle and choices. Encourage them to try different extracurricular activities and then be there to cheer them on no matter how it is they decide to spend their time.


Self Care Tips for Parents

A Guide to Taking Care of Yourself as a Parent

Self-care is often not a parent’s number one priority. First and foremost, they tend to the wants and needs of their child, and everything the parent wants and needs comes in a resounding second place. Parents need to take care of themselves to properly care for their children. We've compiled some self care tips for parents.
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Self Care Tips for Parents

Living without self care for too long, however, will do neither parents nor their children any good. It will lower the elder’s morale and make them more susceptible to fatigue, and the younger won’t get the care they need as a result. If you feel that you, as a parent, are guilty of not taking care of yourself as often as you need to, then, you need to make a change.

To see what you can do to take care of yourself without forgoing your responsibilities as a parent, be sure to check out the following self care tips for parents.

Guide on How to Take Care of Yourself as a Parent

Don’t be adverse to napping

If you find yourself with a bit of spare time on your hands (if your parents offer to have your child for the afternoon, for instance), don’t feel that you need to spend your free time cleaning the home or getting dinner ready. Spend your break wisely, even if that means taking a little nap. Sleeping is always an excellent idea for parents, especially those that feel particularly run down, and even a few minutes here and there will prove beneficial. No matter the time of the day, if you feel in need of some rejuvenation, just get your head down for a nap!

Exercise regularly

On the other hand, physical activity can also prove to be a significant benefit in this instance. Whether you head to the gym, go on a run, take a brisk walk, or workout at home while your child is playing or sleeping, you will release endorphins around your body when you engage in physical activity, and these endorphins will make you feel instantly more positive. When you are tasked with the demanding job of being a parent, being positive as often as you can is pivotal, which, in turn, makes exercising regularly a must.

If you really are opposed to strength training and cardio work, then why not try yoga? This form of exercise, whether it’s rigorous or gentle, will release the endorphins as mentioned above just as well. What’s more, it will keep you in shape both physically and mentally to boot. Making you a better parent!

Engage in therapy

Sometimes, all you need to do to take care of yourself as a parent is to engage in therapy. When you talk to a neutral third-party, you'll be able to dump a lot of the feelings, fears, and worries that you have long carried around with you without having to worry about what your friends and family may think about you. The neutral advice that they offer will also allow you to see your life from a whole new perspective. Again, this will make you a better parent.

For more information on how you can engage in a therapeutic program, especially that that is centered around substance abuse and mental health, make sure to check out With compassionate and effective programs on offer, Forward Recovery could help you to become not only a better person but a better parent.

By making a point of taking care of yourself, both you and your child will benefit. Take the advice laid out in the guide above, then, and start putting yourself first for a change. Self care while you're parenting is essential to a healthy family life. Don't feel guilty to the time you need for yourself!


Teen Activities

How to Recover from Surgery When Raising Kids

Facing Surgery? How do You Recover When Kids Need You?

Surgery isn’t often a choice, it's a necessity. However, the procedure and recovery period can affect your everyday life when you're a parent. After all, experiencing plenty of rest doesn’t always come easy when caring for children. If you're set to undergo surgery and want to be back on your feet as soon as possible, here are some handy tips on how to recover from surgery when raising kids.

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How to Recover from Surgery When Raising Kids

Follow Your Doctor’s Instructions
After surgery, a doctor will provide you with various instructions on how to make a swift recovery, such as avoiding baths and swimming, or not lifting anything heavier than ten pounds. You know the drill, take it easy.
It's essential to follow his or her orders, which means not lifting your children up or carrying heavy loads of washing. If you fail to follow their orders, don’t be surprised if you need to return to hospital. Avoid lifting up heavy objects by having people help you around the house. Your kids can help too!

Attend All Follow-Up Appointments
Many patients fail to attend their follow-up appointments, as they might believe the worst is over. However, even if your wound is healing and you're feeling better each day, you must still attend each appointment set.
While it might stand in the way of cooking a homemade meal or a relaxed day with your children, a doctor will need to review your wound to check the incision is healing well and there are no signs of infection. They also might need to order follow-up blood work and identify if the surgery successfully treated the condition.
If, however, a doctor fails to schedule follow-up appointments, and you experienced an infection or impairment as a result, this will be viewed as inadequate care and you would be wise to turn to The Medical Negligence Experts to make a claim.

Prevent Infection
Every patient is at serious risk of developing an infection following surgery. Signs of an infection can include:
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Redness
  • Pain/soreness
  • Pus or drainage
  • An unpleasant smell from a wound
You can, however, prevent the problem by thoroughly washing your hands before touching an incision wound.

Enjoy a Healthy Diet
It's common for people to go off food after a surgical procedure, as they might feel constipated or nauseous. However, if you want to make a swift recovery for your children, you must eat a healthy diet and stay hydrated, as both will:
  • Promote healing
  • Alleviate anesthesia side effects
  • Reduce common complications
Remember, your body needs fuel for energy, so get back onto your feet by eating three meals a day and drinking eight glasses of water.


Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pneumonia are both common complications after surgery. You can, however, reduce their likelihood by walking every hour or two, but talk to your doctor before embarking on any exercise. Walking is a gentle form of physical activity that can help you to eventually return to your daily activities. However, always walk at a slow, relaxed pace and stop or sit down when necessary.


How to Motivate Your Child to Practice Guitar

How to Motivate Kids to Practice Guitar

Whether you homeschool or not, you probably have a difficult time getting your child to practice their musical instrument. No matter the instrument, be it a ukulele, guitar, piano, clarinet, or saxophone, practice makes perfect. So, how do you motivate kids to practice guitar? Read on for some valuable parenting tips that may just save your sanity.

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How to Motivate Kids to Practice Guitar or Ukulele
How do you motivate your child to practice their musical instrument?

No matter how much your child loves playing the guitar or the ukulele, there comes a time when he or she isn’t in the mood to practice. When this happens, what can you do?

First, you need to determine why your child doesn’t feel like practicing. Perhaps they find their old guitar to be too unwieldy or cumbersome, or it won’t stay in tune and they’re not enjoying the sound that comes out of it. If the problem is the starter guitar, it would be a good idea to look into other guitar models that kids would like. A great-sounding small guitar is one of the best motivators for kids to keep practicing.

More ideas on how to motivate your child to practice guitar:

tips to motivate child to practice musical instrument guitar

Assess the practice schedule
If practice time is set too close to bedtime, your child may already feel too tired to pick up the guitar. Sit down with your child and talk about a good practice schedule he or she can stick to. Some children may enjoy a 15-minute practice session in the morning before school and another 15-minute session in the afternoon. Put your child in control of the daily practice schedule and give them a gentle reminder to stick to it.

Set up a reward system
Construct a reward system based on goals. For this you’ll need to work with your child’s guitar teacher so you’re on the same page. You can utilize a number of methods for the reward system, such as points for every goal met or number of minutes of practice. It’s up to you and what you think would work best according to your child’s personality. Find ways to keep the reward system fun - level up rewards or create bigger challenges to keep your child aiming for the gold.

Schedule regular performances
Performances keep young guitar players excited. Nervous too sometimes, but it’s part of motivating children to practice. After all, no one wants to play badly at a recital, so one is really bound to practice. Performances also work to hold kids accountable, while helping them develop confidence and keeping them inspired to keep on learning.

Offer words of encouragement
Learning to play the guitar isn’t always a sunny experience. There are good days and bad days. Children may become frustrated at not being able to play a particular chord or learn a new song. Times like these, it’s up to you as a parent to keep their pep up.

Ask how their guitar lessons went and ask them to show you what they've learned. Listen to them play the guitar and cheer them on. Tell them how proud you are of how good they’ve become and how they could get even better with more practice. When they see you are really interested, they are more likely to practice so they can show you more of their guitar skills.

Track progress
Many kids learning guitar may not feel up to practicing because they are not aware of the amount of progress they’ve made from Day One. To motivate your child to practice, track their progress and show them how far they’ve come. You can do this by taking short video clips of practice sessions and performances. When your child sees how much they’ve improved because of practicing, they will become more motivated to keep at it and make their guitar practicing more consistent.

Do you have other tips for motivating children to practice playing the guitar? Share them with us in the comments.


What is Sepsis?

Is it Sepsis? Don't Wait to Find Out.

This is a post prepared under a contract funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and written on behalf of the Mom It Forward Influencer Network for use in CDC’s Get Ahead of Sepsis educational effort. Opinions on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of CDC.

What is Sepsis?
Sepsis is the body’s extreme response to an infection. It is life-threatening, and without timely treatment, sepsis can rapidly cause tissue damage, organ failure, and death. Sepsis happens when an infection you already have—in your skin, lungs, urinary tract or somewhere else—triggers a chain reaction throughout your body. This could include small skin infections from a bug bite, a burn, or any injury to the skin.

what is sepsis?

For yourself, and as a caregiver, it is important to know the signs and symptoms of sepsis. If you or someone you love has a chronic medical condition, such as an autoimmune disease, you need to pay special attention to infections that aren't improving.

Anyone can get an infection, and almost any infection can lead to sepsis. Certain people are at higher risk:

  • Adults 65 or older
  • People with chronic medical conditions, such as diabetes, lung disease, cancer, and kidney disease
  • People with weakened immune system
  • Children younger than one

    We've often shared about our personal struggles with a “bad” diabetic. Bad refers to the fact that he won't go see a doctor. The typical excuse is that he doesn't have time, he doesn't have insurance, or he just doesn't like hospitals. It's frustrating and upsetting to the family. Not just our immediate family with young children, but to his older children, his parents, my parents, and anyone who cares about him.

    I knew that diabetics had an increased risk of skin infections in the legs and feet, but I wasn't aware of the signs and symptoms of sepsis.

    So, I'm warning and begging all of you who have loved ones, (that's every one of you) please be aware of the signs and symptoms of sepsis. Sepsis is life-threatening and without timely treatment sepsis can rapidly cause tissue damage, organ failure, and death. Time matters.

    Know the signs and symptoms of sepsis

    Sepsis signs and symptoms can include one or a combination of the following:

    • Confusion or disorientation
    • Shortness of breath
    • High heart rate
    • Fever, or shivering, or feeling very cold
    • Extreme pain or discomfort
    • Clammy or sweaty skin

    Knowing the signs and symptoms of sepsis can save lives. Get Ahead of Sepsis encourages patients, their caregivers, and healthcare professionals to know the risks, spot the signs and symptoms, and act fast when they suspect sepsis.

    Sepsis is a medical emergency. If you or your loved one suspects sepsis or has an infection that's not getting better or is getting worse, ask your doctor or nurse, "Could this infection be leading to sepsis?"

    To learn more about sepsis and how to prevent infections, visit

    For more information about antibiotic prescribing and use, visit

    Get Pregnant Calendar: Fertility Calculator and Tips

    Looking for a Fertility Chart, Calendar, or Calculator?

    Are you dreaming of having a family? Excitedly wishing and hoping for a positive pregnancy test? When you make the big decision to start a family, it can be exciting, scary, and overwhelming. When is the best time to try? Are their tips to help you get Pregnant? What can you do to help the process? Scroll Down for a Fertility Calculator and a Printable Calendar ChartEnjoy!
    It was difficult for us. Once we made the decision, we were eager to have a little one join our family. It was not an easy journey for us and as our friends excitedly announced their pregnancies, we were thrilled for them, but anxious for it to be our turn. Maybe you are in the same boat or maybe you have just started trying.

    Get Pregnant Calendar: Fertility Calculator and Tips
    Get Pregnant Calendar: Fertility Calculator and Tips.
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    If you have just started trying or have been trying for a while, Conceive Plus® fertility lubricant can help increase your chances of getting pregnant naturally! Now available from selected online retailers from just $14.99. SASMAR Conceive Plus® sponsored this blog post. The opinions and text are all mine.