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14 Circle Time Activities and Ideas for Preschoolers

Preschool Circle Time is for Group Lessons, Games, and Interaction

Running out of ideas for Preschool Circle Time? Every preschool program needs circle time for group interaction. This is a time to build structure into the program, so the children know what to expect each day. It is great to offer circle time at least twice a day- once in the morning, and once just before time to go home. These ideas will help build a sense of togetherness, (community) a time for sharing, and a fun learning environment for the kids. Enjoy!

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Elementary Circle Time Games, Activities, Ideas for Preschoolers and Toddlers
Elementary Circle Time Games, Activities, and Ideas for Preschoolers and Toddlers.

 14 Ideas and Activities for Circle Time

1.  Dance Freeze - Play some music or sing a song. Everyone dances willy nilly. Suddenly, stop the song, but don't sing to the end of a verse, that is too predictable. Everyone must freeze in their position. Is one leg up? Are they doing the worm? If they move, they must sit frozen in that spot, criss-cross applesauce and wait to see who can freeze the longest. No blinking or twitching allowed.

2.  Bug in a Rug - This is an oldie, but a goodie. Everyone sits in the circle. Before you begin to play, explain EXACTLY how the game works. Grab a blanket or a big beach towel. Now, pick one child to leave the room or wear a fun blindfold. Teacher picks a student. Shh! Just point at the child, grab their hand and take them away from the group. Now, point at another child and then to the "rug". Hide the child under the "rug." Bring the other preschooler back. Can they guess who is missing? 

3. Pass the Movement - I played this for years with preschoolers and school-age children in summer camps, but I didn't give it a name. I found the name at Preksharing Blog. She says it is adapted from a book published in 2011, but we used to do this years ago in summer camp and afterschool programs. Just goes to show, great minds think alike! It is simple to play. Teacher starts with a movement. Perhaps, you wave your hand in the air. Now, the person sitting to your right must wave their hand and add a movement like wiggling their nose. The next person to the right, does those movements and adds one of their own. It is a "WAVE" of different movements.

4. Shake the Sillies Out - Need a game to get kids' moving?  Find some Dragon Tunes from the cartoon, Dragon Tales, and every morning, "Shake the Sillies Out"! Just play the song, and follow the instructions. Kids love this one!

5. Circle Time Collaborative Painting - I like the idea of painting circles in collaboration like the one from Art Project Girl in the link. You know, where Teach lays out a big sheet of paper and painting supplies and everyone paints concentric circles? What if we do it as a part of Circle Time? Pass the painting, and make a PROGRESSIVE PAINTING. 

This idea teaches patience. Everyone must wait their turn. It builds excitement too. Lay out a large painting tarp, sit the children in a circle on the tarp, give each child a cup of paint and a brush. No painting unless it is your turn. To make it less frustrating, pass two large poster boards around starting at opposite ends. Children are allowed to paint only 1 circle or shape of their choice per turn. While they are painting, teacher shares an art lesson on shapes!

Collaborative Concentric Circle Painting
Collaborative Concentric Circle Painting from Art Project Girl.

6. Click, Clack, Moo Story Starter - You know the story about the unhappy cows in the barn? They have a typewriter. They are making demands. An electric blanket would be nice. What else might the farm animals want from the farmer? 

Click Clack Moo Story Starter Circle Time Game.
Click Clack Moo Story Starter Circle Time Game.

Play a Circle Time Game where each child is given an animal. Before the game, print out cards with farm animal pictures on one side and their name on the other. Each child draws a card from a hat. Give this example to the kids: What does the (insert animal here) pig want? "Dear Farmer Brown, the barn is smelly. Please send air fresheners." Have each child come up with their own idea for what the animal on the card might want from the farmer.

7. Animal Movement Game - Take the game above one step further. Get the kids moving like the animals. Ask, "What does a pig say?" Now, "How does a pig move?" The children take turns walking around the circle like the animal on their cards. 

8. Quiet Mouse, Still Mouse - When Circle Time is done, keep children in a circle to release them to the next preschool activity. The teacher explains, the child who sits as quiet as a mouse (the quietest) get to line up first. Continue until everyone (or almost everyone, I don't like to single out those who can't sit still or quiet) is in line.

9. Calendar Time -  Sing "Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday Friday, Saturday. Suunday, Munday... TUUESday" Emphasize the current day of the week. Sing the song and then check the calendar. Who can find today on the calendar? Here's another days of the week song sung to the Addam's Family theme. 

10. Alphabet Shopping - Using the first letter of each child's name, pretend to go shopping for an item that begins with that letter. For example, “Jake will buy a jump rope.” Go around the circle until everyone has had a turn. This helps with letter recognition. For more ideas like this visit Early Childhood News.

11. Talking Stick - Bring in a cane, or recycle a cardboard wrapping paper tube. The kids can help decorate the "Talking Stick" with Washi or Duct Tape, Glitter, or Feathers. During Circle Time, grab the stick. Now, explain to the group that this is a talking stick. Only the person who holds it may speak. This is a great tool to use for Show and Tell or other situations where children take turns sharing. More lessons in patience and turn taking.

12. Birthday Day of the Week Bags - PreK Pages Blog has a fun idea for Day of the Week Bags. Make a brown paper bag for each day of the week. Give it a colorful label, and fill it with the names of classmates who have birthdays on this day or other special things that happen on this day of THIS week.

   13. Pictures with Facial Expressions - Hold up magazine pictures of facial expressions. Ask, "What is this person feeling." Have the children take turns making the face. After you play this game, have the kids draw themselves like this emotion art lesson.

14. Play Duck, Duck, Goose? - This old standby might be boring to you, but it is likely new to the toddlers and preschoolers in your class. Change it up each day. After they get the hang of the game, add a creative play element by acting it out. Have the kids act and walk like the animal as they toddle around. Walk and Talk like the animal. For older or school-age children, change the theme to pig, pig, cow or ghost, ghost, vampire.

Preschool Circle Time Activities

Chicken Art Project for Preschool

Preschool Circle Time Songs

Nature Based Circle Time Activity

How to Play Four Corners Group Activity

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14 Circle Time Activities and Ideas for Preschoolers

Kid's Creative Chaos ~ @The Play Connection, Inc.

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Fun Carrot recipes for Kids: Ever wonder what you can do with carrots? Cute, Edible Carrot Crafts for Preschool Kids

Make carrot cars and cute, edible carrot healthy snack crafts for kids.

Yum! Eating them is always good, but playing with carrots first is fun for preschool kids. So, have fun with these edible art carrot crafts and fun recipes. Enjoy!

Cute, Edible Carrot Crafts for Preschool Kids Make a car healthy snack
Peanut butter and carrot snacks.
I searched the web for carrot snacks and crafts for Easter. Not much out there, go figure. The big carrot pictured is made from an icing baggie. 

To make it: Fill with carrots and tie with a green pipe-cleaner. It makes a great favor for a classroom party. The original one was filled with Cheese Puffs. Fun, orange, good but not so healthy.

Edible Art with Carrots for Classroom Snack
Edible Art with Carrots.

Here's an idea: Sneak Carrots in Sloppy Joe Recipe

Healthy Classroom Carrot Snack Recipe Cute Edible Art for kids.

Vroom! We always encourage playing with your foodCarrot cars are glued together with peanut butter. It is surprisingly good and your kids will love it. Add cracker shapes and Cheez Whiz, or Peanut butter is a great source of protein.

after school carrot snacks for Easter
Healthy afterschool snack for preschool

In honor of the month of May in Indy, we made making car crafts at 'The Play Connection' Zoom, zoom! 

Recommended Reading:

Free Printable Car coloring sheet

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*We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

Eagle Creek Park Earth Discovery Center and Bird Sanctuary: The Perfect After-School or Summer Camp Activity

Eagle Creek Park in Indianapolis has a lot to offer when it comes to Things to do in Indiana

Earth  Discovery Center Scavenger Hunt Activity
Take a scavenger hunt and find animals hidden in the mural.
One of of my favorite things to do in Indianapolis is to visit Eagle Creek Park. The park is full of fun, free (or nearly free), educational things to do with kids. The activities are spread out, so ask for a map when you enter the gate. I say free, but your car is charged a small fee to get through the gate.
Eagle Creek Park Earth Discovery Center offers educational activities for Homeschoolers
Eagle Creek Park Earth Discovery Center offers educational activities.
We enjoy bird watching at the Bird Sanctuary, Friday Night Frog Watches for Families, Swimming at the Beach, and visiting the Earth Discovery Center which is full of science and nature programs. You can visit the air-conditioned Earth Discovery Center and do a self-guided tour to learn about turtles, frogs, and other creatures that inhabit the park. We especially like the scavenger hunt room. They also offer summer camps and afterschool programs. If you are adventurous and want to spend some money try the Go Ape experience.

Eagle Creek Bird Sanctuary: The Perfect After-School or Summer Camp Activity
Eagle Creek Bird Sanctuary:
The Perfect After-School or Summer Camp Activity

When you visit the largest park in Marion County and one of the largest city parks in the nation, you will discover many treasures hidden among the 3,900 acres of land and 1,400 acre reservoir. The Ornithology Center or Bird Sanctuary is accessed by two main gates, which charge $3 per bicycle, $5 per vehicle, and $50 for a season pass.

Need to unwind after-school? The Eagle Creek Park Ornithology Center is the perfect place. On most Wednesdays and Fridays at 4 p.m. you can take your children to 'Meet a Raptor.' Park Staff will introduce you to a live bird of prey and even let you get up close and personal in an intimate setting. It is a great opportunity to sneak educational programming into an afternoon of fun.

The Center is nestled between the reservoir and a fun frog pond, which offers many opportunities for bird and frog watching. Check the special events calendar for "Friday Night Frog Watches" where you can learn to identify the various sounds of frogs vs. birds. Also, outside the center, (weather permitting) rescued hawks and owls are exhibited in special cages. A rustic deck, perfect for outdoor picnics, overlooks the reservoir.

Inside, boasts two bird viewing areas complete with binoculars and reference materials. One area overlooks the reservoir. Here, you can challenge your children to a game of eye spy that focuses on the various bird species flying over the water.
On any given day, you will spy a Great Blue Heron, Loon, or one of the two-hundred and sixty other species of Indiana Birds that call Eagle Creek Park home. Kids won't need binoculars to view the circus of squirrels that have taken over the manmade bird sanctuary fighting with Blue Jays and frightening Cardinals.
The indoor exhibit is filled with Indiana wildlife in their natural habitat and interactive computer kiosks with fun facts. The best kept secret is the kiosk which allows you to listen to various bird songs, match them with the appropriate picture, and even compose a little tune of your own. All of this is included with the park's general admission. For an additional fee the park offers after-school programming at the Earth Discovery Center.

Make a day of it in the summer and visit the beach too. Swimming is $3-4 per person, they have lifeguards, and life jackets are available on request. Yes, there is acutally sand on the beach. Enjoy!

Recommended Reading:
Beginning Birdwatching for Kids

Things to do in Indiana

National Geographic Kids Bird Guide of North America: The Best Birding Book for Kids from National Geographic's Bird Experts

Birds, Nests and Eggs (Take Along Guides)

Minecraft: Sit down at your Crafting Table and Custom Paint these Cube Man Action Figures

Kids are Obsessed with the Game Minecraft: Make Your Own Block Cube Action Figures with Balsa Wood

So many things to craft, so little time. Your kids will enjoy this Minecraft style cube activity. Make your own Minecraft Figure with Balsa wood scraps you can find at Michael's or Hobby Lobby. Find the How to Tutorial below or send us an email, and we'll send you a handmade kit for $2.50 plus shipping. Scroll to the bottom for Minecraft party snacks and free Minecraft printables. Enjoy!

Make your own Minecraft style cube man from Balsa wood.
Make your own Minecraft style cube man from Balsa wood.

Please note the word handmade, no two are exactly alike, and you may want to sand your cube man before painting him. I bet you'll want to call him Steve! 

You must have a Paypal account to place an order. 
Email:  Subject: Cube Man

How to make your own Minecraft style puzzle.
How to make your own Minecraft style puzzle.
Minecraft style Balsa wood cube man puzzle kit. Feel free to call him Steve.
Minecraft style Balsa wood cube man puzzle kit. Feel free to call him Steve.

How to Make your own Minecraft style Cube Man Block Puzzle

First, you will need to purchase some Balsa wood. Amazon offers this grab bag Balsa Wood Economy Scrap Bag. These are similar to what we used to make our block puzzles. 

The pieces aren't perfect. You will need to carve the shapes as pictured above and then sand the shapes. 

We used dowels at the joints to make a permanent connection. Balsa is easy to cut and trim. You don't need fancy wood carving tools, a simple X-ACTO knife will do. Once sanded and glued, it is time to paint your Minecraft style action figure. Just like in the Minecraft game, you can let your creativity run wild only now you are working at a real crafting table and making lasting memories.

Royal Baloo has Free Minecraft Printables and this very cool Minecraft Creeper Paper Mache activity.

Minecraft Creeper Craft Activity

Recommended Reading:

ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products.

*We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

Christmas Games for Parties: Have the Best Party Ever with these Christmas Party Games for Adults (Tips to adapt for children's parties too)

Are You Ready for the Best Christmas Party Ever? 

Here are some fun games for your holiday party for kids or adults: For many years, I was a party planner. The office Christmas party got me started, and then I became a catering and special events manager. I had to come up with creative, innovative ideas for icebreakers and party mixers. We also have some fun ideas for New Year's Eve with the kids. Scroll to the bottom for Cotton Ball games that you can swap out for Marshmallow games. Enjoy!

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Christmas Games for Parties: Have the Best Party Ever with these Christmas Party Games for Adults (Tips to adapt for children's parties too)
Shh... I paparazzied Santa during a summer picnic. 
He was wearing this discreet disguise.

This skill came in handy when I later began teaching summer camp and afterschool enrichment activities for kids. What's cute for little ones is silly for adults and embarrassing for teens. Want to have the best party ever? Pick a few games for parties from the list below.

Click the link to find ideas for the best slumber party ever.

Games for Christmas Parties:

  • Gift Wrapping Game

Divide groups into pairs. Each pair of people stand around a table in front of a piece of wrapping paper, a roll of tape, scissors, ribbon, and shirt gift boxes. Each pair of players stands with one arm around the other person. Say "Go!' and the players must race to wrap their box with one person using only their right hand and the other person using only their left hand. (Keep the other hand wrapped around the partner's waist.) The first pair to wrap their gift box wins!

  • Toothpick Tower Marshmallow Game
Supplies: Toothpicks, mini-marshmallows, and adult supervision or use uncooked spaghetti noodles to make an edible game for preschoolers.  

Who can build the tallest marshmallow tower? It may sound simple, but you have to be super fast and some what creative to win. Suggested for ages 10 and up. Game details and instructions 

  • Shaving Cream Santas
Supplies: Shaving Cream, plastic spoons, and paper towels.

Divide into pairs. Each pair decides who will play Santa. The Santa covers his face with shaving cream. The other player is Santa's barber. Jingle a bell to start! The teams race to "shave" their Santas. The winning team is the first to have a clean shaven Santa and sit their spoon onto the table. To signify they are done, Santa lets out a loud "Ho ho ho"! 

Tip: Make this an edible game for kids with Non-dairy whipped cream.

  • Balloon Stomping Game
Grab a bag of Dollar Store balloons and give one to each player with some curling ribbon. The players blow up their balloon and tie them to their ankles. Now blow a horn or ring a holiday bell to start the stomping! Each party guest has to stomp the other player's balloons. The more you stomp, the better your chances of winning the game. The last person to have a balloon wins! Use masking or painter's tape to mark a circle of play area on the floor.

  • Little Known Secrets Game
Before the party collect little known surprising facts about 5-10 employees or party-goers. Collect photos of them as a toddler. On a colorful poster board, tape photocopies of the baby pictures and write the secret fact underneath the photo as a caption. Label the images from 1-10 (or how many co-workers you chose). Hand out paper and pens as guests arrive. Point them to your board and tell them to number the paper from 1-10.  Can they guess who is who?Winner is the one who gets most correct wins. If several get all the answers correct, place their papers (with their names) in a Santa hat and draw for a winner!

  • What’s in your Stocking
Before the party, fill several stockings with two or three non-breakable items. Tie the stocking closed with a ribbon. Divide party-goers into teams. Have them spread out into different corners of the room to work. Now, each team must guess (by touch alone) what is in their stocking. The winning team wins the contents of all stockings! 

  • The Amazing Maze Game

This is a fun party idea for a  child's party. Choose a variety of Christmas curling ribbon colors in a single roll or ball. One for each player. Tie a prize or party favor to one end of each ribbon. Hide the end with the gift on it somewhere in the house. Now, unwind the ribbon and wrap it all over the room, all around furniture, over tables, under doors, anywhere it will be a fun challenge. Tie a candy cane to the other end of the ribbon. Repeat for each player, tangling the ribbons if necessary. When the guests arrive, give each one a candy cane and have them follow the ribbon to untangle it (wrapping it around their candy cane as they go). Let them know it leads to a surprise! Then, let the chaos begin!

  • Christmas Wrapping Pin the Bow
Wrap three large boxes. Line players up single file behind each box. Give each player a giant sticky bow, spin them around and jingle a bell to start. They must walk around the box and then pin the bow on top, return to the opposite end and sit down before the next team member goes. The first team sitting down wins.

  • Find Santa's Reindeer

  • Buy some cute Dollar Store holiday plushies Reindeer, Angels, Santas, etc. Hide them around the house. The reindeers must be found to drive Santa's sleigh. Attach a clue to each stuffie of where the next one can be found. When they find a reindeer, they line it up next to the Santa stuffie. There are 9 reindeer to be found. When all reindeer are placed next to Santa you announce the winner. The winner is the one who 
    found Rudolph and/or placed him in the lead position next to Santa. They win the stuffie of their choice!

    Cotton Ball Games for Parties Fun Adult or Kid's Activity

    Cotton Ball Games for Parties fun Adult or Kid's Activity
    We have lots of games with cotton balls 
    which are a great sensory activity for kids.

    • Shoveling Snow – Cotton Ball Game
    Supplies: Vaseline, bowl, cotton balls, stop watch, camera

    How to play game: Everyone sits in a circle on their knees or around a table. Place a dab of Vaseline on the tip of each player’s nose. Place a bowl in front of each player with a pile of cotton balls next to the bowl or scattered in front of them on the table. 

    The object of the game is to have them use their noses to pick up a cotton ball and then somehow get the cotton ball off their nose and into the bowl without using hands. Hands should always be clasped behind their back. After 1 minute, the player with the most cotton balls in their bowl wins! The prize can be a wrapped surprise gift or a stocking full of goodies.

    • Sticky Cotton  - Another Cotton Ball Game Fun for all Parties

    Supplies: Bag of cotton balls, two large bowls, a blindfold, and a large wooden spoon or ladle. 

    Blindfold your guests and place them in front of two bowls, one empty bowl and one with cotton balls. Give the players a wooden spoon. They must move as many cotton balls as they can from one bowl to the other using only 3 spoonfuls. Tally the number of cotton balls per player. Have them go to the end of the line when done. Everyone gets two chances! The person with the most cotton balls in both turns wins! 

    • Cotton Ball Relay Races

    Supplies: Bag of cotton balls, two large bowls, a blindfold and a wooden spoon (Note: these are the same for another game above, you could play both at the same time.)

    Divide the co-workers, family members, or kids into groups. Place a bowl of 10 cotton balls at a starting line (Use painter's tape on the floor) and the other bowl 15 to 20 feet away. To begin the cotton ball relay game, player number one takes the spoon, selects a cotton ball, and walks it down to the bowl on the other end dropping it in. When the player drops the cotton ball into the bowl, they must race back to the start. When they touch the bowl, the next player takes their turn, and so on. If the cotton ball falls off the spoon, the player must return and start over. No hands allowed! The first team to empty their start bowl and fill their finish bowl wins. 

    • Cotton Ball Spoon Race

    Supplies:  Bag of cotton balls, bowls, wooden spoons

    This is similar to the game above, but in this one there are no teams just individual players. 

    Set your start line, halfway point, and finish line with painter's tape of chalk. Divide the players and put them on opposite ends of the halfway point. Give each player a cotton ball and a spoon. Ring a bell to start the race. Players must place the cotton ball onto their spoon, and race to the halfway point and return to the start without losing their cotton ball. They cannot touch the cotton ball after initially placing it on the spoon. If it falls they must return to the start line and begin again. The winner is the one who returns to the start line first.

    • Snowman Building Contest 
    Supplies: White trash bags, recycled items, plastic grocery bags, duct tape, etc.

    Get white trash bags and have the teams/players stuff them with recycled plastic grocery bags or old paper (shredded office paper). Get a basket to fill with office or recycled items (you choose what you have on hand). Ask a trivia question about the holiday, your boss, your company, or team members. The team who answers correctly first gets to choose an item from your basket. These items will then be placed onto the trash bag snowman with duct tape. When all of your items are gone the team with the best snowman wins! 

    • Cotton Ball Straw Race
    Supplies: Cotton balls, drinking straws, space 

    Use a long dinner table or the floor for this fun, competitive, sensory game for kids or adults. Hint: Teens love it!

    1. Set a Start and Finish line (10 to 15 feet apart.) 

    2. Give each player a drinking straw and a cotton ball.

    3. Let them know they must move their cotton ball from the Start to the Finish using only their Straw. (Keep hands clasped behind back)

    4. Tip - Do not demonstrate how to play. They can use it like a hockey stick, folded as chopsticks, or as a straw blowing air toward the cotton ball.

    5. The first one across the finish line Wins. You can make a dot on each cotton ball with a marker so you know who is what color. This will eliminate any confusion as to who won.

    *This cotton ball game can also be played as a relay race. 

    • Cotton Ball Target Drop - Easy and fun game for toddlers.

    Supplies: Cotton balls, bowl or jar 

    This is an easy games for the little ones. Toddlers and preschooler will enjoy this party game just as much as teens or adults!

    1. Player stands on a step stool.

    2. Give each player five cotton balls.

    3. They are to hold the cotton ball to their nose and let it drop into the bowl below. 

    4. Each player gets five tries. Give a party favor for each cotton ball that makes it into the bowl. If playing with adults or teens, the team with the most balls in the bowl wins.

    • Cotton Ball Snowball Scoop Up Game

    Supplies: 1 or 2 bags of cotton balls, bowl, spoon, blindfold 

    This is a simple game. Players form a circle. Blindfold the first player and sit them in the middle of the circle to scoop up as many cotton balls as they can within thirty seconds. The middle of the circle is filled with snowballs (cotton balls). Hand the bowl and spoon to the player once they are seated. Jingle a bell to signify the start. The player with the most snowballs in the bowl wins. 

    Recommended Reading:

    Look for more Christmas Party Games in our site. In the meantime, add some Christmas Stories to your kids' holiday party.

    ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products.

    *We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)