When is Dr. Seuss's Birthday? Celebrate with Sue Snue Birthday Party Activities
I bet Dr. Seuss, Theodore Geisel, liked to celebrate April Fool's Day. Why not celebrate his birthday with this joke shaving cream cake trick activity and read Sue Snue. Dr. Seuss's Birthday is March 2, 1904. Remember, it is Seuss, not Suess. Enjoy!
Theodore Geisel: Dr. Seuss. |
Shaving Cream is Versatile. Mix up one batch and enjoy three fun, messy activities for kids. This is a fun way to celebrate a kids' birthday party!
Shaving Cream Sensory Play Ideas. |
You will need:
1 can of Shaving Cream
Gel Food Coloring
Plastic Spoons
Cake Decorating Sprinkles
Birthday Candles
Recycle Plastic Containers
Paint Brush
Read "Who Are You, Sue Snue?" From Jim Henson's Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss. Sue has a birthday and everyone in town wonders what she will do to celebrate.
Who Are You, Sue Snue?
From Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss. |
Fun Kid's Activity #1
Mix up some shaving cream with a few drops of your favorite color of gel food coloring. Grab a clean, empty, cream cheese container, turn it upside down, and ice it like a cake. Add a candle on top. This is a great idea for Sensory Play!
Fake Shaving Cream Birthday Cake for playing
an April Fool's Joke on your kids. |
Cool Craft for Kids #1 Variation
The cake looks good enough to eat. Why not play a fun April Fool's Joke on a friend?
Trick your children with this fake joke cake for April Fool's. |
Kiddie Version of Shaving Cream Cake.
Let your kids make a cake to play a trick on Dad. |
Activity #2
Grab a paint brush and paint the sidewalk with your leftover shaving cream mixture.
Activity #3
After the kids have made a sufficient mess, use your left-over shaving cream "icing" in the bathtub. It works great and cleans up easily. (They are going to need a bath!)
Recommended Reading:
Who Are You, Sue Snue? Birthday Book*
Daisy Head Mayzie Activities
*Special Thanks to Momto2PoshLilDivas for the cake idea.
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