Plant and Animal Cell Lesson: Got a homeschooler Studying Biology? Hungry? Here's a fun way to learn the parts of a cell and prep lunch at the same time. Make a PLANT CELL PIZZA project. This can also be used as classroom or science fair or 4H project. We've included links to companion worksheets and learning packs. Enjoy!
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Animal and Plant Cell Lesson Plan and Pizza Project.
Encouraging Moms at Home offers a great FREE Plant and Animal Cell Printable learning pack with great worksheets that include a Venn diagram and awesome charts. After clicking the link above, scroll to the bottom of their page for your free plant and animal pack download. (Recommended for 4-6 grade, but we think older kids can benefit from it too.)
Learn about Animal Cells vs. Plant Cells
How to Make a PLANT and ANIMAL CELL Pizza
The museum's program made a pizza and used different ingredients to represent the parts of the cell. We decided to make one pizza to represent an animal cell and another pizza to represent a plant cell. You can use any ingredients you choose as long as you decide ahead of time what ingredient is what cell part. Don't like those options for your pizza toppings? That's okay, just remove the yucky ones before eating!
Don't know what the parts of a cell represent? Get details here: What are the parts of a cell? You can also scroll down and learn about them in our ingredient list.
You can use the following items to represent the parts of a cell.
Cytoplasm: Use sauce for your cytoplasm. Nucleus: Large and round, use a slice of tomato, avocado, or salami. Ribosomes: Small and colorful, use riced broccoli, diced green onions, bacon bits, or shredded carrots. Sprinkle around the cell.
Mitochondria: Black, italian sausage ground beef, olive slices, black beans Golgi Bodies: Use red or green peppers, pineapple, or carrot swirls. Endoplasmic Reticulum: Use sliced of mushrooms or peppers. Vacuole: Can be anything or nothing! Push a whole in your dough. Chloroplasts: Only for plant cells. Use anything green: green peppers, green olives, or green onions. Membrane and Cell Wall: Form a wall with sea salt, herbs, (basil or oregano) or cheese.
Pizza sauce - cytoplasm. The jelly-like substance that suspends the cell organelles
Mozzarella cheese - cell membrane. The membrane that surrounds the cell and controls what substances enter and leave the cell.
Cheddar cheese - cell wall. A rigid structure on the outside of plant cells.
Tomato slice - nucleus. The part of the cell containing the DNA.
Italian Seasoning - ribosomes. Organelles responsible for protein manufacture.
Mushrooms - mitochondria. Organelles responsible for converting nutrients to energy (respiration).
Sliced red pepper - golgi body. Organelle which stores, modifies, and transports proteins and lipids.
Pepperoni - endoplasmic reticuli. Organelles which perform several tasks within the cell. Rough ER and dotted with ribosomes, while smooth ER are not.
Ham - vacuoles. Fluid-filled cavity within the cell serving a variety of purposes. The central vacuole of a plant cell maintains its pressure and keeps it rigid.
Sausage - lysosomes. Organelles found in animal cells that break down nutrients into smaller pieces (digestion).
Black olives - leucoplasts. Plant cell organelles that store starches and oils.
Green olives - chloroplasts. Plant cell organelles that contain pigments for photosynthesis.
Celery - centriole. Animal cell organelles that aid in cell mitosis.
Bake on pizza pan according to package directions or 400 degrees until cheese melts. About 12 minutes.
Vegetarian? Make your plant cell vegetarian. Squash slices could replace pepperoni. Onion slices could replace sausage.
Want to get Creative? Use kitchen shears to cut your ingredients into shapes to match those in your biology book or the lesson links mentioned above.
Have younger family members? Grab some white paper and make placemats showing the parts of the cell based on the page from your biology text or the videos and worksheets above.
Watch the process of making animal and plant cell pizzas on YouTube.
Homeschool Videos for Teens Homeschooling? If you're looking for educational videos for teenagers YouTube, we recommend the following 10 Educational YouTube Videos for teens. We've rounded up teen friendly homeschool videos in science, history, health and wellness, and internet safety. Many of them are filmed or acted out by real teenagers. Enjoy!
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10 Amazing Science Tricks Using Liquid
Teenagers are fascinated by unusual and different tricks and/or oddities. This is a great way to teach science while keeping their attention.
A Glimpse Of Teenage Life In Ancient Rome This animated video shows how teenagers had different lives in ancient times. It's a good way to learn social history and the hard times teenagers went through on a completely different level than today.
Teenage Anxiety
These days, teenage anxiety is common. This video helps teens realize they aren't alone.
Self Control Video
This video on self-control shows teens how not to give into impulses and how to do the right thing. It's filmed in a funny way that will keep their attention.
Managing Anger & Fears
Teaches teens how to manage their emotions and shows teens they aren't alone
Communication Skills For Teens
This is a good video to help teens prepare for future job interviews.
"What Would You Do" An informative drug & alcohol awareness PSA. This YouTube video was made to educate students on the dangers of teen alcohol and drug abuse.
Harmful Effects Of Tobacco On The Human Body
Perfect for teens feeling peer pressure to smoke.
Top 5 Food Mistakes Teenagers Make
Teen interviews- an educational video on the importance of food for health and well-being.
Dangers Of Social Media For Teens
This video is an educational experiment on what someone can find about you online in only 6 clicks. Learn tips on how to guard yourself on social media and use it safely.
If you're looking for math for homeschoolers online, you'll want to check out Make Math More Fun by Shenek Altson. She teaches homeschool math classes online. Check out her guest post to make math more fun by playing simple math games. Enjoy!
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Make Math More Fun by Playing Simple Math Games
Keep It Simple Mommy
As a homeschool mom, if I don’t get anything else done in a day, I like to get some type of reading and math done, because I know those two subjects form the foundation of so many other things. For me, I’ve seen just how beneficial being good in math is, particularly as a homeschooling mom who sometimes needs to help out financially. There’s always someone who needs a math tutor! But many times our kids don’t see the benefit of being a Math Ninja, and they need a lot of convincing that this subject is worth spending tons of time on. So, what can we do to help them learn a subject that has gotten a bad wrap for being boring and tough at the same time? Play simple math games with your kids. Make math fun through games! And you don’t have to come up with these complex, mind blowing games. You’ll be amazed at how much fun you can have with your kids playing simple games.
I find that one of the best ways to make math more fun is by using games. It’s amazing that our young children love spending time with us. I’ve heard that one day this may change, but for right now, one of the number one things my kids like to do, is to spend time with me. And they really enjoy it when we are able to play a fun game together during this time. A huge tip though is to keep things simple. As a homeschooling mommy who has other subjects to cover, lunch to fix, dinner to start prepping, errands to run, bills to send off, appointments to make, you already have a lot of things on your plate. So having simple go-to games that you can play with your kids on a regular basis, can help you to make math more fun while not having to re-invent the wheel (because no one has time for that.)
How to Play Simple Math Coloring Game
I made up a simple Math coloring game that uses dice. My kids are not the type of kids who generally like to color, but they enjoyed playing this fast paced game. What I did was take two coloring pages, and numbered different portions of the pages with the numbers 1 thru 6. Then each child was given a die. They were given the instructions of rolling their dice, and whatever number came up, they were to color one section of their picture with that number. The first child to finish coloring his or her entire picture would be the winner. Boy, oh, boy, my “non-coloring children” became coloring machines. They were throwing those dice and coloring up a storm trying to be the first person finished. We used large dice that I purchased at a dollar store. The next time, to add more learning to the activity, I am going to give each child two dice, and then have them sum the numbers on their dice. Then they’ll color the number on their page that is the sum of the dice.
So step 1 is to take any random coloring page, and number it from 1 thru 6 in the different sections of the picture. If you are going to have them work with sums, number the sections 2 thru 12. For each child, make sure that you number the same number of sections on each child’s coloring page to make the game as fair as possible. It’s not necessary to use the same picture for each child. Just make sure you have numbered the same number of sections on each child’s coloring page. So for example, pick 15 different sections to number in each child’s picture. Below is an example of me numbering a coloring page.
Then give each child a die. If you were going to be letting them figure out sums, give each child 2 dice, so that they can roll up to a sum of 12. Then let the race begin. Each time they roll the die, they color one section that has that number in it. My two children who played did not use the same coloring pages, but again, I numbered the same number of sections in each of their pictures.
So, there you go. A pretty simple way to have your kids practice number recognition or addition. My kids had fun racing to see who was going to be the first one finished. My son ended up winning this simple math game!
About Shenek Alston
Now, let me tell you a little about me. I’m a homeschooling mom to three kids ages 9, 5 and 2, and I have a PhD in Statistics. Before I met my husband, I planned to be a College Professor. Now I’m a homeschooling mom who blogs about ways to make math more fun. I also teach math for homeschoolers online. In my FREE ONLINE LIVE MATH lessons, I help kids with topics such a fractions, decimals, percents, and integers. If you are interested in learning more about these lessons please visit Make Math More Fun and have a great time making math more fun with your kids!
Do you have an eReader or Kindle? Do you read free books online? We've been sharing our YA fiction book online. If you're new, start here- Moon Magic Chapter One. If you've been reading the story, the last chapter published was chapter six. Eventually, this will be published as an eBook. Remember this material is copyrighted and not meant to be published on any other website or platform. Moon Magic is a young adult fiction novel with suspense and historical fiction sprinkles. Enjoy!
You can’t protect your children from everything. Serenity had learned that long ago. She lived in constant fear for her daughter’s safety, so she homeschooled until the third grade when Auri had begged to ride a school bus like the ‘normal’ kids. It went well until everyone hit puberty in the fifth grade.
Well, almost everyone.
Puberty wasn’t typical. Nothing was typical with Aurora, so it took a little longer for the complete transformation. By seventh grade, it was nearly impossible to keep the big secret from her daughter, but Serenity did. At least that’s what Aurora let her think.
It was humiliating to talk to her mom (or anyone for that matter) about her period, hairy underarms, legs, and other hairy places. Difficult, but not impossible. Aurora kept secrets too. It was impossible to strike up a conversation about sanity. “Hey, Mom, I think I might be insane. Yep, I was fine until I hit puberty and then I started making people do crazy things. I don’t do anything really. I just feel. I keep trying not to feel, but this hormone thing makes that really difficult. If I could just feel happy all of the time everything would be fine. Everyone would be fine.” That conversation was never going to happen. Her mother would have her committed.
An awkward afternoon was spent hashing out the school day. Serenity had a series of safe actions in place to help keep an eye on Aurora. Every morning before school she’d ask, “Do you notice anything different or unusual today?” Aurora always had a smart aleck response, “I still haven’t started my period. Don’t worry, you’ll be the second to know.”
After a snack of cream cheese and jelly sandwiches, Serenity felt energized to push a little harder. As soon as Aurora stuffed the first bite into her mouth, Serenity asked, “Did anything odd happen at school today? Did you feel funny when other people were around?” Did you notice any strange animals following you?
“Strange animals?” Aurora gulped down the last bite and shook her head back and forth.
If someone else had had a hand in her child rearing… Well, Aurora couldn’t help but think that she’d be normal. At least a little more close to normal. Environment can make or break a person. Aurora was broken. Her head filled with a scream, but she smiled instead. It was Serenity who needed psychotherapy. Aurora knew she wasn’t like the other kids- she just didn’t know how different. It was her mother who was obviously different. That much she knew for sure.
No encouragement was needed. Serenity burst into a history lesson. “Did you know your great, great, great grandfather was a Native American Shaman. I think somehow our DNA is imprinted with the memories of our ancestors. I think maybe we see and feel things others don’t. The Creek Indians fought hard and most of them died battling for their land. The mess that followed, ‘The Trail of Tears,’ played havoc with our ancestors. The Creeks that stayed behind crossed over the Cumberland River and joined forces with the Cherokees and blended to stay on their land. They learned English and got along with the White man. They civilized to stay alive. Most shunned all of their ancestral beliefs.”
“That’s awesome, Mom. Can I go now?” Aurora jumped up to leave but was pushed back into her seat by the palm of her mother's hand. “Aurora, listen to me, this is important. Our white ancestors feared the Creek. Our Creek family was shunned and mistreated. The Creek Indians had a reputations of evil! To survive, they had to give up all that they were, all that they lived for, asking forgiveness wasn’t enough because so much prejudice remained. The Cherokee were good people, but there connections weren’t as strong. She stopped, gave her daughter the side-eye, and then screeched. "Aurora, do you know what I’m saying?” Aurora snapped back, “A bunch of boring crap, is there a point?”
Taking a deep breath, Serenity leaned in resting her elbows on the counter and and holding her chin in her hands. “The point is, Aurora, the Cherokee danced for Mother Nature but they didn’t know how to fully harness her powers like the Creek did.” Then, she looked over at Aurora and smiled awaiting a response.
“That’s nice, Mother, or should I say, Your Supreme Weirdness. And, big fat no! I haven’t seen any flying monkey or pigs following me home from school.
* * *
Aurora wished she hadn’t always been so rude to her mother. What if her mother never woke up? She’d be all alone and she’d never know the whole truth about her ancestry.
Now, she longed to discover her true genetic makeup. As a teenager with no job or money and a lame arm, the best she could do was research online and with microfiche at the public library. Believe it or not, they still had microfiche machines in the basement.
She needed to get a DNA test. Todd Lowder, her mother’s boyfriend and her Social Studies teacher, had gotten one done. Apparently, he’d been told that he was part Cherokee. Isn’t everyone? Born mixed, half black and half white, he was anxious to find out if he were more African American or Native American or just another European hodge podge.
Todd circulated a copy of the complicated graphs around the classroom. The results showed that he was mostly from some sect of people in Siberia. That could mean anything, based on current genealogy theory. It seems nothing is simply black and white, not even the color of one’s skin.
The oral traditions in Kentucky were strong. Aurora wanted black and white proof of her ancestry. Was she Cherokee? Creek? Everyone seemed to be part Native American of some sort, but no one had any proof. Serenity Waters had named her daughter Aurora Waters. Strange, but not illogical. However, Aurora might as well have been named Merry Christmas. Names seem to fit the traditions of the people. The only tradition this Waters family had was celebrating Christmas every year. Well, Halloween too, but Happy Halloween didn’t sound like a real name.
That wasn’t all. Aurora had been giving her mother grief. She wasn’t completely sure what Serenity was getting at when she had asked, “Do you feel anything unusual?” She did feel something, but what if her mother was talking about something else? She didn’t want to risk freaking her out with the wrong unusual feeling. Everything was unusual when you were a teenager. Then, there was the big, white, feral cat. He kept popping up all over the place. Outside the band room. At the bus stop. Whenever she felt overwhelmed, he appeared, but he wouldn’t let anyone touch him. He’d look up at Aurora, blink his eyes, purr, wiggle his tail and then disappear. Sometimes, she thought he was beckoning her to follow him.
When everything was deafeningly quiet chaos broke out in Aurora's head. She was fairly certain that she’d heard the so called Great Spirit calling her and positive that whispers from the ancestors tortured her. Maybe other people had the same thing but never took the time to pay attention? It was hard to be certain. What if those were just voices in her head, the kind that make you crazy? No way could she confess. If she feared she might be insane, what would everyone else think?
If she did hear the Great Spirit what would people think? Buddha, God, the Great Spirit. Jesus, Zeus, didn’t they all have something in common? Human Spirit. Right vs. Wrong. Buddha and Jesus had both walked the Earth as men sent down by a higher power. Religion made Aurora uncomfortable. Other people called it different things, but Aurora’s mother had always taught her that God and the Great Spirit were one in the same. Serenity's bedtime stories had detailed how he watched over his people and sent down his helpers to guide them. Apparently, the Native American’s had learned to harness the powers that guided them. Maybe that was the big secret her mother was hiding.
It was time to eat crow. Aurora needed a plan. Unfortunately, Todd was in the best position to help. She assumed Serenity probably hadn’t confessed to all of the weirdness in their lives. But, perhaps, she had told him about the Indian heritage and Shaman bloodline.
Todd had been Aurora’s favorite teacher up until he’d called her Mom about a quiz she’d failed. That opened the door for her Mother to ask about her school life and they'd swapped horror stories over dinner one night. The rest, of course, was history. He wasn’t Aurora’s favorite person. Odd Todd. “Easy ‘A,’ my ass, the idiots didn’t know what they were talking about." But, she was thankful for homeschooling, even if Todd had to help out. At least, she didn’t have to live with the constant snickers and glares from the other kids. Anyway, Todd would know how to track these Native American ancestors- that made him worth something.
This post was sponsored by Zap Zap Math, but all opinions are our own.
Zap Zap Math app for kids in K-6 has a new app just for kindergarten. As homeschoolers, we're always looking for new ways to learn mathematics. The kids always have a tablet, phone, or laptop at their fingertips. And, they are always playing a game. Zap Zap math combines math with fun learning games. The math games are easy to play, full of repetition, and a great way to supplement in the classroom or use for students who need some extra practice. Enjoy!
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We've been using Zap Zap Math with Mayhem who struggles with math principles. She hates math, but she's actually pretty good at it. She doesn't want to practice or get started. "I already know how to do it." Well, sort of, Mayhem. But math isn't something you learn with one lesson and then move on to something new. Practice makes perfect. So, an educational, fun math app is the perfect solution!
The younger they start, the more fun they have with apps. This little one is addicted to smartphone apps! So, she loves Zap Zap Math for Kindergarten.
The first time you sign in to Zap Zap Math for Kindergarten, you'll probably have to walk your child through it. The instructions for playing aren't clear and although there is some text that pops up to explain how to play- well, if you can't read, you probably won't be able to play the first game. The next level has a mini tutorial - so kids should be able to figure it out on their own.
As math game play continues, you work to reach new levels. Once you master the concept, reaching new math levels is rather rapid. So, it doesn't get boring like some other math apps for kids.
Our take: The Zap Zap Math app for kindergarten is fast-paced and fun for everyone. With a little help from an adult, preschoolers will enjoy this math app it too!
Teen Fiction Online: Moon Magic Chapter Six. Haven't been following along? Start here: Moon Magic starts here. In Chapter Five, Aurora got some bad news. What happens next?Enjoy!
Pain meds have a way of making the mundane insane. Aurora’s days in the hospital had melded together into one blurred, boring vision. She had been confined to a bed for four weeks, but time stood still.
Television was constantly blaring in the background, but she didn’t pay it any attention. The t.v. was just another fixture in the room- a companion of sorts. The only thing Aurora was able to accomplish was sleep. Even food wasn’t important. The meds gave it all a metallic taste.
When she was finally able to get out of bed, Aurora stayed at her mother’s bed-side flipping through Herbal Remedy Magazine. All the while, she was really trying to make telepathic contact. She didn’t want any of the doctors or nurses to catch on to her psychic experiment. If only some inherent natural instinct would surface. She tried everything that she’d seen in the movies.
Nothing worked.
During these visits, Aurora kept her constant companion tuned to Entertainment Today. Serenity liked to refer to it as, ‘watching the news,’ which had always made Aurora laugh. Serenity knew who was dating who in Hollywood, as well as, what herbs would enrich their lives. It seemed out of character, but, watching and learning about the rich and famous had always given Serenity a sense of hope.
Everyday, after-school, Todd popped in to the hospital for a quick visit. Todd. Aurora wasn’t a fan. He wasn’t just her mother’s current significant other. Nope. Nothing is ever as simple as that. Todd was also Aurora's teacher. Sophomore History. He had tried to comfort Aurora, but she refused to befriend him... again.
* * *
Thanksgiving was a bust. Lucas’s Mother had saved the holiday by bringing in homemade, Caramel Apple Crisp. The aroma had reminded Aurora of helping her Grandmother in the kitchen. Happy times. Wondering if her father had similar experiences, Aurora tried to re-imagine the memory with her father in the picture, but she always drew a blank. No amount of cinnamon and caramel could make him magically reappear.
Dec. 2
Thanksgiving came and went. I described the hospital’s savory turkey and gravy tray to my mother- she’s a captive audience. More like, a captured prisoner. Thankfully, Lucas’s mom, brought dessert.
* * *
At sixteen, it’s got to be a parental crime to make your kid ride the bus. Isn’t their some kind of law against cruelty to teenagers? But, Aurora had to grin and bear it, otherwise the truancy officer would be up her butt. The whirr of the fat rumbling tires and the rhythmic bumping of the green pleather seat against the window, lulled Aurora to sleep. ‘Joe,’ the bus-driver, liked to make chit-chat. Sleeping all the way home was a convenient way to get out of conversing.
“Blarp!” The bus horn sounded like a cow in labor. No chance of sleeping through that.
“Hey Lightning, wake up, it’ your stop.” shouted Joe.
Grumbling, Aurora tossed her book bag over her right shoulder. Her left arm wore a navy-blue sling to remind her not to use it. It also served as a reminder to everyone else of what had happened on Halloween.
“It’s true, eh, you really the kid that got struck by lightning?” asked Joe. You’d think he was talking to a celebrity.
Aurora wiggled her sling around to show him. “Yep, that’s me; the walking miracle.”
“Well, good luck at school today, I sure hope your mother gets well soon.” chimed Joe.
Nothing better than free advertising. Aurora was a walking pity party. Maybe Scary Girl would be touched too. With that thought, Aurora skipped off the bus anxious to walk the halls and try out her new social status. From invisible to enigma- this might get interesting. Hopefully, Todd would honor her wishes and pretend like he didn’t know her outside of class.
Dec. 5
School... I couldn’t have been more wrong. Well, I sure wasn’t invisible. People saw me. They pointed, whispered, and stared. Some of them even trashed me to my face, “Look at the freak!” or “That’s what you get for playing witch in the woods on Halloween.” and “Hope you got the hint, skank.”
Oddly, Scary Girl never came near me. I overheard some kids on the bus saying she wasn’t going to mess with that voodoo witch. Whatever. I hate school!
And.. Somehow, everyone knows Mr. Lowder is dating my mother! I’ll be sleeping in the bathtub tonight.
* * *
After a week of battling the bus and the halls at school, Joanie a.k.a. Ruby Red, helped Aurora withdraw from school. Lucas’s mother had offered up homeschooling. At sixteen, Aurora could legally quit anyway, but Red had encouraged her to continue.
It wasn’t new. Aurora had been homeschooled until the third grade. She and Serenity were always running from one thing or another. To be fair, Serenity would say they were chasing dreams. They never stayed in one place long enough to settle down and register for public school. Aurora never caught sight of any dreams.
Red had become an excellent surrogate Mother. Aurora had confessed her troubles at school and Red decided they could kill two birds with one stone. This way, she could remain at her mother’s bedside during the day and avoid the ripping from relentless teenagers.
“I think this will be easier on you,” encouraged Joanie.
“Are you kidding? I was hoping Ralinda would take my tray up for me.” Aurora winced, “You just want me to become a full-blown recluse! Don’t you think I’m eccentric enough already? I was struck by lightning and survived; do you know how cool that is?” she shouted.
Joanie grabbed her clipboard and stuck a pencil behind her ear. “I do, Shoog. I’m just not certain that you do.”
Homeschooling! Whether you are just starting out, or you've been at it for awhile, you know the importance of getting your homeschool family organized. You've got curriculum to store, ideas to keep track of, assignments, art work, transcripts, oh my! What's a busy homeschool parent to do? Kids, you need to stay organized too! We've scoured the web and our favorite homeschool blogs to find the best homeschool organization tips. Enjoy!
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Chapter Three Young Adult Fiction Novel Moon Magic
Are you reading the YA Fiction Novel, Moon Magic? If not, start here: Moon Magic starts here. This is Chapter Three of Moon Magic online. In Chapter Two, Aurora attended a football game. It wasn't a pleasant experience. That weird guy followed her to the band room. She thinks he's a weirdo, but there is something about him that she finds intriguing. What is it? Find out inChapter Three of Moon Magic. Enjoy!
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YA Fiction Novel Online: Moon Magic Series Post Chapter One
Did you catch the opening post with the prologue and first few pages of the Young Adult Fiction Novel, Moon Magic? If not, start here: Moon Magic starts here. If you read it- then you are ready to start with the second post in the series. This YA Novel is complete except for edits. I'm posting here for your feedback and constructive criticism. Remember, it is copyrighted material. Last week, Aurora wanted to go run and hide in the bathtub. Let's see if things have improved in Chapter One of Moon Magic. Enjoy!
This post contains Amazon affiliate links for your convenience.
Update: The final YA Supernatural Fiction publication is now available on Amazon with a change of title.
Hitting the Right Note: Online Music Lessons and Instruments
So, your child wants to play an instrument? Great! The benefits of playing a musical instrument are endless- playing a musical instrument increases memory capacity, concentration levels and coordination, teaches perseverance and discipline, promotes social skills and the ability to listen, nurtures self-expression, and relieves stress. The pros outweigh the cons, now all you need to do is choose a musical instrument, find a music teacher and take some music lessons. Simple. We've got it all sorted out for you, including some of the best online music lessons for children. Enjoy!
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Learn about Mars with Online Lessons and Worksheets
Mars. The planet all ages love. Is there the possibility of life on Mars? Will you have the opportunity to live on mars? In this Mars Planet Study, we've compiled a series of online lessons and activities for kids from preschool to high school. Enjoy!
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French Lessons and Worksheets for Homeschool or Classroom
If you homeschool like we do, you're probably teaching several grade levels at once. For this France Country Study Lesson, we've found worksheets and activities that work for toddlers to tweens to teens. Scroll down for Videos on the French Revolution, French Word Search Printables, Famous Artists, Art Projects, and Games they play in France. School teachers, you'll find fun classroom activities and worksheets that work in a classroom setting too. Enjoy!
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For Elementary and Middle School, Make a Passport like this one from De Su Mama.
Printable Passport Activity from De Su Mama.
Make an Eiffel Tower with bits of colored straws like this one from Cutting Tiny Bites. While this craft activity is fun for elementary, it also aides preschoolers in fine motor skills.
Hopscotch: This game is played outdoors on a flat, paved surface, but you can paint an old sheet or use cardboard squares to play indoors. You can also purchase a hopscotch board for indoor or outdoor play. Each player needs a small item to toss onto the hopscotch squares. Rocks or quarters work well. Not sure how to play? Get the rules to hopscotch. Petanque: How to Play Petanque
La Semaineor "The Week" is played with 1 or more children with chalk and a pebble (pennies work too). Use the chalk to draw seven squares in a row. Label each square with a day of the week. Now, a player throws their pebble into the Monday box. If they miss, it is the next player's turn. If they hit it, they must jump on one foot to get to the stone, pick it up while still standing on one foot, and then jump back to the start. Players repeat for each day of the week (seven times). Repeat the task every time a mistake is made. For example, they trip or hop on two feet. Game is won when one player covers all squares and makes it safely back start. French Cricket You will need aCricket bat or tennis racket and ball. Players stand in a circle. The first player stands with their feet together, defending the 'stumps,' which in French Cricket are the batman's legs below the knees. Now, the players in the circle take turns to bowl at the 'stumps' and the batsman must hit the ball away from them. The bowler gets clever to distract the batsman.
If the batman's legs are hit, he's out. He's also out if he moves his feet at any time from the original position. If the bowler, or any of the fielders around the circle, catch the ball before it hits the ground, the batsman is also out. Everyone takes a turn until the batsman is out. The bowler who 'stumps' the batsman takes his place.
50+ Easy Circle Time Games for Three, Four, and Five Years Group Time for preschoolers often happens several times a day, you need fres...
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