Free Online History Lesson for Homeschoolers: The Treaty of Paris
In this fun Social Studies Lesson for Kids, we delve into the
1783 Treaty of Paris. Like most of our free online lessons for homeschoolers, this lesson can be adapted for children from K-12. We always try to include something for all age groups. Teacher Resources, Curriculum, Free Printable PDFS, and Lesson Plans are included at the bottom of the page. Scroll Down to start the lesson.
Social Studies for Kids: Treaty of Paris Free Online Lesson for Homeschoolers. Pictured from top left to right: King George III, George Washington, Benedict Arnold, and General Cornwallis. |
We encourage you to use Google Docs for journaling. Our kids work in Google Docs and then share the their work with us. In Google Docs, we can chat, message, and edit at the same time. You can also make slide presentations and forms for free. It is a great way to collaborate or work remotely with others.
First, you will want to learn about the American Revolution. BrainPop Subscribers:
What caused the American Revolution?
American Revolution Review Quiz. No BrainPop? Click Here:
Causes of the American Revolution for Children.
1783 Treaty of Paris recognizes the 13 colonies as free, sovereign, and independent states.
To get a quick overview of the history of The Treaty of Paris, watch this history rap video and then test your knowledge on the interactive american revolution timeline linked below.
Visit the
Interactive Timeline for the American Revolution and put your knowledge to the test.
Spelling and Vocabulary Component
Terms to Know
Pick eight of the terms below. Define and describe what role they played leading up to or in the 1783 Treaty of Paris. Use your daily journal or a Google Doc.
Townsend Act
First Continental Congress
Revolutionary War 1775
Independence Day 1776
Writs of Assistance
Benedict Arnold
General Cornwallis
George Washington
West Indies
Crispus Attucks
Paul Revere
Dicey Langston
French and Indian War
Stamp Act
Boston Massacre 1770
Boston Tea Party 1773
Tea Act 1773
Intolerable Acts
King George III
Coercive Acts 1774
James Otis
Sons of Liberty
Tarred and Feathered
Daughters of Liberty
Summary of
Liberty Kids Video on Treaty of Paris.
SchoolHouse Rock No More Kings from our
history lesson on U.S. Capitals. When you click the link, you'll find many SchoolHouse Rock videos that tell the history prior to the Treaty of Paris.
Language Arts Component: Research and Writing Skills
From the
vocabulary words to know, choose a famous person from the Revolution. Write a biography including details about the 1783 Treaty of Paris. How did this historical figure affect the Treaty? What role did they play? Do you think the Treaty would have happened without their input? Why or Why not?
Make a video or slideshow about this historical figure. Use this sample as a guide:
The Treaty of Paris Video. Use your research paper to write the script for your video.
Google Docs, start a rough draft for your
research paper.
How do you research? What are the main things you need to do? Click here: What you need to know about
How to Write a Research Paper. Read the "Research" text window. If you are a Brainpop subscriber, watch the video. Then fill in this
Research Graphic Organizer (Save it to your computer). If not, try these
outline tips.
Teacher Resources:
Liberty Kids Program Descriptions Printable PDF
Homeschool Lesson Plan for the American Revolution
9 Week Study on Treaty of Paris
Recommended Reading:
U.S. Currency Lesson Plans
Smart About the First Ladies: Smart About History*
Celebrating President's Day Book
Benedict Arnold: American Hero and Traitor (Graphic Biographies)
Napoleon: Emperor and Conqueror (Wicked History)
George vs. George: The American Revolution As Seen from Both Sides
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