Autism Jobs Awareness: Crafter's for Life

Jobs for Autism?

If you have Autism or know someone who does, the idea of a job may seem daunting or impossible. Just like anyone else, you can make your own destiny. That is exactly what the family behind Crafter's for Life did. They created Autism jobs and in doing so, they are promoting Autism Awareness. You can support Autism by purchasing an item handcrafted by people with Autism. Enjoy!

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Autism Jobs Awareness: Crafter's for Life

Easy Cinnamon Scones Recipe

This Scone Recipe is Easy to Make

French Scones. They sound so fancy schmancy, don't they? Whether you eat them as dessert or for breakfast, these Easy Cinnamon Scones are a special treat. This yummy scone recipe is flavored with chopped dates, nuts, cinnamon, and cloves. They are perfectly paired with your favorite coffee on a cold winter morning. Enjoy!

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Easy Cinnamon Scones Recipe

Best Musical Instruments for Children

Hitting the Right Note: Online Music Lessons and Instruments

So, your child wants to play an instrument? Great! The benefits of playing a musical instrument are endless- playing a musical  instrument increases memory capacity, concentration levels and coordination, teaches perseverance and discipline, promotes social skills and the ability to listen, nurtures self-expression, and relieves stress. The pros outweigh the cons, now all you need to do is choose a musical instrument, find a music teacher and take some music lessons. Simple. We've got it all sorted out for you, including some of the best online music lessons for children. Enjoy!

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Best Musical Instruments for Children

Learning Quote: Willingness is a Choice

Willingness is a Choice Quote

"The capacity to learn is a gift. The ability to learn is a skill. The willingness to learn is a choice." What a great quote about learning. Make the right choice and be open to learning and it will change your life! Not everyone is given the gift of a capacity to learn, don't waste it. This is an educational quote to share on Facebook or in the classroom. Enjoy!

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Learning Quote: Willingness is a Choice
Learning quote to share.

Planet Study: Mars

Learn about Mars with Online Lessons and Worksheets

Mars. The planet all ages love. Is there the possibility of life on Mars? Will you have the opportunity to live on mars? In this Mars Planet Study, we've compiled a series of online lessons and activities for kids from preschool to high school. Enjoy!

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Planet Study: Mars Lesson Homeschool