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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query smoothie. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query smoothie. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query smoothie. Sort by date Show all posts

Organic Strawberry Raspberry Smoothie Recipe

Healthy Organic Strawberry Smoothie Recipe Kids Like

Kids like shakes. If only they knew healthy yogurt smoothies are just as good. This healthy, organic, strawberry-raspberry smoothie recipe is fun to make at home and delicious too. Enjoy!

Healthy Kid-friendly Strawberry Smoothie Recipe
Healthy Kid-friendly Strawberry Smoothie Recipe.

Healthy Kid-friendly Strawberry Smoothie Recipe
Cascadian Farm sent us coupons and a little book of 
recipes to made our Strawberry Smoothie.

Blend the Strawberry Smoothie.
Blend the Strawberry Smoothie.

To Make a Strawberry Smoothie at Home you will need:

Fresh or Frozen Strawberries and Raspberries
Crushed Ice (We tweaked the recipe.)
Plain or Vanilla Yogurt.
Whip Topping (Added that too...)

Cascadian Farm Spa Smoothie Recipe 

So good, kids will love to drink smoothies.

Fun Try It:

We also made a Smoothie with Frozen Virgin Strawberry Daiquiri Mixer, Frozen Strawberries, and Vanilla Yogurt. Tastes great, but the Mixer is sweetened with High Fructose Corn Syrup. Grown-ups can add the rum for a little extra kick. :)

Recommended Reading:

Kids' Fun and Healthy Cookbook*

Kids Creative Chaos Cooks (Kitchen Kids Book 1)*

ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products.

*We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

Salted Strawberry Smoothie with Banana Recipe

Sugar Free Smoothie Recipe: Salted Strawberry Banana

Are you a fan of the Salted Caramel Recipe Trend? Why should Caramel get all of the love? Sea Salt your smoothies for a delicious dish! This Salted Strawberry Smoothie with Banana Recipe is sugar free and gluten free. Serve it for breakfast, brunch, or as a low cal dessert. Enjoy!

Salted Strawberry Smoothie with Banana Recipe
Salted Strawberry Smoothie with Banana Recipe.

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What are Carrots good for? Here are Simple Carrot Snack Recipes and Edible Crafts perfect for Easter

Easter: Things to do with Carrots for Snacks

Carrots. Bunnies eat them. They are rumored good for eyesight. What else are carrots good for? Here are some simple, easy, snack carrot recipes your kids will enjoy- just in time for Easter.
Simple Carrot Snack Recipes and Edible Crafts
Yummy, Easy Carrot Recipes: No Bunnies Allowed.
Carrots are good in lots of recipes, not just carrot cake. We found Carrot Pancakes from Iowa Girl Eats blog, adorable Bird's Nest Carrot Cupcakes from How Sweet Treats blog, and an Apple Carrot Smoothie from Akers of Love blog. Click the links below to visit their pages.

Recommended Reading:

Easter Knock Knock Jokes

Holiday Edible Art and Snack Crafts

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Helping Your Kids Stay Fit and Healthy

 Get Started with these Quick Parenting Tips Today

All parents want their children to be happy and healthy, but it's often difficult to encourage our kids to follow a healthy lifestyle, especially if they have grown used to sweet treats and like to spend a lot of their time in front of their screens. If you’re a parent who is concerned about their child’s health, or would just like a few useful tips to keep in mind, below are a some simple suggestions on how you can help your children stay fit and healthy. You know how to do it, getting started is the hard part. So, here's your motivation.

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A good place to start is looking at your children’s diet and whether or not there need to be some changes here. You don’t have to feed your kid all organic food to make sure they maintain a good diet, and obviously, not all households can afford the more expensive products. If you want to make sure your kids are eating well, make sure they get plenty of fruits and vegetables and lots of good carbohydrates. 

Strawberry Raspberry Smoothie Recipe

If your kids are fussy eaters, think of creative ways to get them to eat a variety of foods, like making them a healthy smoothie or soup so the veggies and fruits are hidden from view. Also consider taking time to cook meals with your children so they can start to learn this important life skill and about nutrition and what constitutes a healthy diet. We've started ordering dinnerly, an economical food delivery service. Teenagers can cook their own gourmet meals or easy weeknight dinners, you choose the recipes each week.

After School Snack Planning Ideas Printable


Sticking to a good exercise routine, can be difficult. Kids are no different. The best way to encourage your kids (and yourself) to get moving is by finding a sport or activity that they truly enjoy. By making exercise fun, kids are more likely to engage and exercise regularly, especially if their friends are involved. Get the family out and moving together on weekends, whether it’s going for hikes or playing Frisbee together in the park.

Outdoor Play Ideas

Oral Hygiene

As well as making sure they’re eating right and getting their hearts pumping, also watch out for your children's oral health. A lot of kids don’t like having to brush their teeth before bed, particularly if they’re already tired and cranky. However, this is an essential routine they need to get into early to avoid problems with their gums and tooth decay, which can be very painful and unpleasant. Make sure your kids brush their teeth twice a day, and be sure to teach them how to floss. If they hate toothpaste, have them brush with water to get the food out and then do an oral rinse.

Is Chewing Gum good for your Teeth?

Mental Health

Physical health is important, but your child’s mental well-being is also crucial to help them stay physically healthy. This isn't always as easy to see, but the best way you can help is by creating an environment at home where your child feels comfortable talking with you about their feelings and problems. If you discover concerning behaviors, ask your kids' teachers if they've noticed anything at school. The pandemic has been rough on everyone, but especially our kids.Make sure you're paying attention, any changes in behavior might be a cry for help. Kids are struggling with depression from being forced to stay inside.

Mental Health articles from Adventures of Kids Creative Chaos

Raising kids is the most challenging thing anyone can do. Keeping your kids fit and healthy is an important part of parenting. Hopefully, these tips will help you find new, creative ways to keep your kids happy and healthy. Be sure to click on the titles between the paragraphs above, for more detailed information on each topic.

As always, thanks for reading. You matter.


Behavior Tips for Parents

Organic Protein Powder

Tips for Adopting a Healthier Lifestyle

September Calendar of Special Days Holidays: Free Printable Calendar

September Calendar of Holidays and Special Days Printable 2018

September is a special month with Special Days caught between summer and fall. The weather is pleasant. The children are back to school. Kitchens are cooking wonderful food from the fall harvest. The smell of autumn is in the air. Find a September Calendar Printable 2018 and a September calendar song, to help preschoolers, kindergartners, and kids of all ages learn about this very special month. Enjoy!

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September Calendar of Special Days Holidays: Free Printable Calendar
Click the link to get the FREE DOWNLOAD: September Printable Calendar  2018

September Calendar of Special Days Holidays with Calendar Song.
September Calendar of Special Days Holidays with Calendar Song.

Unique Days and Holidays in September

Labor Day - When is it? It is an American holiday celebrated on the first Monday in September. It is a celebration of the Labor Movement. Everyone gets a day off of laboring to appreciate laboring! That's work. Whistle while you work.

Sept. 6 - Read a Book Day

Sept. 7 - Grandparent's Day or the first Sunday in September.

Sept. 12 - Chocolate MilkShake Day

We don't have any chocolate milkshake recipes, but here's a yummy yogurt smoothie recipe instead!

Sept. 15 - Make a Hat Day

Sept. 16 - National Play-Doh Day!

Celebrate National Play-Doh Day in the U.S.
Celebrate National Play-Doh Day in the U.S.

Sept. 18 - Rice Krispies Treats Day

Sept. 19 - Talk like a Pirate Day

While you're talking like a pirate why don't you dress like one too! Here's a diy pirate costume for kids.

Sept. 22 - Elephant Appreciation Day

Celebrate Earth Day Organically with these Activities: Grilled Chicken and Raspberry Salad Recipe

Raspberry and Grilled Chicken Recipe for Earth Day

This Earth Day, celebrate with organic and green friendly recipes. Let the kids help make dinner with this easy grilled chicken and raspberry salad recipe. Enjoy!

Grilled Chicken Raspberry Salad Organic Recipe for Earth Day activities
Click Photo for Free Printable Recipe from Cascadian Farm.

Earth Day. What a fabulous day to celebrate life. This year, Cascadian Farm sent us an awesome gift pack to help us celebrate organically. The main thing I want to say is, YUM!

Earth Day: Celebrate with a Cooking Lesson for kids.

I love the honey granola cereal, chocolate chip granola bars, and the to die for raspberry fruit spread.

They sent us a picnic basket with water bottles and yummy recipes to try. We chose to make the Grilled Chicken and Raspberry Salad with Spa Smoothies and Spinach Manicotti

Marinate Chicken in Pomegranate Red Wine Vinegar
 and Raspberry Fruit Spread.

Arrange on plate. Why, yes, that is a styro-foam plate. Not Earth friendly you say?  I use them, wash them, and re-use them for lots of craft projects. We try...

Happy Earth Day!  Note the Earth Friendly Tickle Me Crown and Necklace.

This weekend, we moved into our new home on five, amazing acres (in which I have high hopes for self-sustainable farming) we'll have a picnic next to the pond with the awesome basket they sent.

Recommended Reading: 

I Can Save the Earth!: One Little Monster Learns to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle (Little Green Books)*

Hip Moms Go Green
Very Berry Smoothie Recipe and Organic Garden Party  

For Such a Time as ThisEarth Day Picnic  

In the Kitchen with AudreyWhat's for lunch? 

Cascadian Farms and Snack Girl's:  Healthy Blueberry Muffins

ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products.

*We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

How To Take Care Of Your Entire Family This Winter

Flu and Cold Season is on the Way

The beginning of the school year, can signal the beginning of colds and flu in your home. When the weather becomes cooler and the days grow shorter, health may become a significant concern. Coughs, colds, and even the flu, as well as more severe diseases, can suddenly become considerably more common. It's essential to understand some of the ways you can help your whole family stay healthy during winter so you can enjoy the time you spend together while everyone is safe and sound. The following tip will help you take care of your family during winter months of cold and flu season.

Tips to Keep entire family healthy this winter in cold and flu season

Tips for staying healthy during cold and flu season

Eat Healthily 

Our bodies are amazing machines that convert what we put into them in the form of food and drink into energy and hormones that do everything for us. We are happier and healthier when we eat the proper meals. A bad diet means our immune systems don't work as well as they should, and sometimes shut down altogether, so eating correctly to get enough vitamins and minerals to keep our bodies strong and ready to fight off the numerous illnesses that attack us, particularly during the winter months, is crucial. Try this recipe for baked salmon.

Adopt Healthy Lifestyle as a Family

Fruits and vegetables are the simplest methods to get these nutrients, so getting your five a day is critical. If it's a challenge to include more fruits and vegetables into your diet, try preparing a nutritious morning smoothie for everyone.  Here's a fun way to get kids to eat potassium rich bananas.

Healthy Banana Snack for Kids

Keep Clean 

The simple act of washing your hands can help to keep everyone in the home healthy, and not just the individual who did the hand-washing. The initial point of contact between you and a virus or illness is usually your hands. Giving a loved one a hug, shaking hands, holding hands, and so on can spread diseases from one person to the next. By ensuring that everyone washes their hands frequently (particularly after using the bathroom, changing a diaper, and wiping your or a child's nose), you can minimize the chance of unpleasant diseases spreading. If washing your hands causes dry skin (as it may during the winter months), then invest in some excellent hand lotion as well to keep the momentum going. 

This "how to wash your hands" interactive printable lesson is great for the classroom or homeschool, it explains the importance of hand washing in detail and makes it fun.

Wash Hands activity for classroom

Check The Animals 

If you have pets, you might discover that they are prone to sickness during the winter months as well. They, too, have immune systems, and although they don't function exactly like ours, that doesn't mean they can't become sick. It is important to take your pet to a great vet, such as, if you suspect they are ill. In this way, you can keep your pet healthy, and everyone else in the family since some animal illnesses can spread to humans.  Our pets can even catch Covid19, so if you're sick, watch them for symptoms. Our bird, a Cockatiel, was very sick when we had Covid, luckily he recovered with some TLC.

Adult Male Cockatiel


Getting adequate exercise is another brilliant way to strengthen the immune system. This could be as easy as taking your dog for a walk or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Park a bit further away from the supermarket's entrance, so you'll have to walk a little longer. Spend some time cleaning up the leaves in the garden. It doesn't have to be an exercise class or an hour at the gym, and the more people that participate, the better.  We've got some fun PE Activities to get you moving,check them out!

Throw a Backyard Party Tips and Ideas

Throwing a Child’s Party in Your Yard: A Guide 

Planning a birthday party? Are you tired of indoor bouncy play areas? How about mini golf or pizza arcades? Do you never want to see a ball pit ever again for as long as you live? If so, do something different for your child’s next birthday party. Throwing a backyard party is easier than you think! Here's a guide to help you prep for the best garden yard party ever!

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Throw a Backyard Party Tips and Ideas

Sure, you could invite your child’s friends over to a party inside your home, but that always results in a big mess to clean after the party. No doubt something will end up broken. Who wants to deal with all that after entertaining a house full of kids all day?

When you host an outdoor yard party for your child, you don’t have to worry about fingerprints on your door, dirt tracked in your kitchen, or things getting broken. Especially, if you rent a port-a potty! You can finally sit back, relax, and actually have a good time.

Just add a portable camping toilet. Get Pod tent on Amazon.

Always expect the unexpected! To ensure that your guests have a good time at the party, prepare in advance to avoid last minute hassles. Make sure the yard is safe place for the kiddos to run around. Things happen, these yard party tips and ideas will help you avoid mishaps and unhappy guests!

3 Things to Do to Host a Fun and Safe Child’s Backyard Party

Rid your Yard of Pests

Before throwing a party, most people don't consider all of the creatures that run a muck in their yard. The last thing you want at an outdoor yard party is a swarm of nasty wasps or an infestation of ants taking up residence and ruining the party. Most kids are afraid of insects and rodents, which is why you should rid your yard of pests before your guests arrive and the party starts.

When you take on the all-important challenge of banishing pests from your yard, it’s essential that you enlist the help of a professional pest service such as Moxie Pest Control. They'll have the tools, the all-important know-how, and the experience needed to ensure that your pest problem is dealt with in the most effective manner possible. 

Once the pests are under control, you can begin the fun tasks of setting up and decorating for the party.

Set up Food and Drink Stations

Want to be really fancy? If you’ve got plenty of space in your yard, consider setting up different food and drink stations. Galvanized buckets are perfect for serving up treats and even party games. This gives your birthday party guests something to pick at or indulge in while waiting for the cake. Nobody will get hungry, thirsty, or bored at your party. So it will reduce the number of fussy kids and party-goers.

Are you stuck for inspiration when it comes to deciding what food and drink stations to set up in the backyard? Consider the ideas below for party food and drink stations for a crowd.

galvanized bucket for food and drinks at party
A galvanized cart with wheels is perfect for toting
around beverages at a garden party.

For the kids:

Ice-cream stations
Candy stations, get bulk candy at OrientalTrading.
Smoothie stations

For the adults:

Espresso stations
Cheese stations
Pimms stations

Always Consider the Weather

Even if you plan your child’s yard party in the midst of the summer, you can never be quite sure that it won’t rain on the day of the party. To ensure that your shindig isn’t ruined by the weather, check your weather app often. Prepare for the worst, but hope for the best! Be sure to have a backup plan, such as, a wet weather tent on hand just in case the heavens do decide to open and rain on your party.

Follow the tips mentioned, and you’ll be sure to host a stress free backyard party for kids!


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Throwing a Child’s Garden Birthday Party in Your Yard: A Guide