Showing posts sorted by relevance for query teeth. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query teeth. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query teeth. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query teeth. Sort by date Show all posts

Is Chewing Gum Good for Your Teeth?

Is it Okay for Your Kids to Chew Gum?

Is it okay for your kids to chew gum? Two Thumbs Up.
Two Thumbs up for Trident Gum!
My kids love to chew gum, in fact, gum is a good bargaining chip in our house! As a health conscious mom and Dental Hygenist, it's important to me that it's sugar-free and good for their teeth. Trident Gum fits the bill on both counts. This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Trident. The opinions and text are all mine.

The kids really enjoy all the amazing chewing gum flavors available - especially the fruit ones! And, I am so happy for it to meet my health requirements. So... Enjoy!

I also love, love, love that Trident supports the non-profit Smiles Across America which provides preventive dental care to underserved children. Their donation of 2.5 million dollars has helped more than 2 million children. That's a win in my book and even better - during the week of September 20, $.05 from every pack sold will be donated to help more kids (up to $250,000). Void in AL,MA, and SC.

Dental care is super important to our family, and chewing gum can actually be a great adjunct to seeing your dentist every six months along with brushing twice and day and flossing daily. Chewing Trident can actually help clean and protect your teeth and 4 out of 5 dentists recommend it to patients. There's a reason Trident was the first and is the leading sugar-free gum - cavity fighting has never tasted better!

Is Chewing Gum Good for Your Teeth?
Check out those Trident happy smiles!

What is your favorite flavor? We all have different favorites! My husband likes the blueberry and mine is one of the mints or cinnamon. My oldest loves anything orange, my middle two like strawberry, and my youngest will take whatever she can get her hands on! Have you tried the Trident Layers Gum? YUM! So many creative flavor combinations.

New flavors of Trident Layers Gum.
Have you tried this flavor?! So many others, too!

So, try a new flavor the week of September 20 and know that your purchase will help a child in need!


Follow Our Tooth Fairy Saga

Teeth Clip Art

The Night Before the Tooth Fairy*

Toothfairy - Do I have to do this 32 times? Includes Free Clipart

Are you looking for toothfairy clipart or coloring pages? We have teeth clipart and cute stories here just follow the links.

How many teeth do little people have?  I feel like we're on our one-hundredth tooth!

I snuck in with a fresh, crispy dollar bill.  When I pushed it under the pillow, it went CRUNCH!

teeth clipart toothfairy clipart
Clipart Teeth are perfect, you don't have to brush them.

Continue for Tooth Fairy Coloring Sheet

My son awoke, and looked at me. He lifted his pillow.  I checked his temperature pretending not to notice (he's been sick).  "Yep, you've still got a fever. I came in to give you your medicine."

Cute Tooth Fairy Coloring Sheet Page Printable
Right Click to save to computer and print or click here to get a PDF file.

When I came back with the meds, he was looking under his pillow.

"She didn't come, again!"  "What!? Are you sure?"  "Yes, here's my tooth, and there is no money!"

How can this be?  I just put the dollar there!  

"Well, maybe she got frightened by something and took off."

I'm running out of excuses here, any ideas?  I couldn't get the tooth out from under his pillow. 

"Hey look around maybe it got lost?"  "No!  My tooth is still here."

Then...  I saw the money on the floor. 

"Hey, look there's a dollar under your bed."

"What should I do with my tooth?"  "Save it for me."

The End. 

Wait, no, if you've been counting, we're only at tooth number seven...  maybe eight.

I can't count; I'm still sleepwalking.  Only twenty-two more to go??

"Mom, my friend gets $5 per tooth.  How come the toothfairy only gives me $1?"

That's a good question- How come I only got a quarter?  

"Hmm," I said. "Maybe you get more for the first tooth and less and less each time?"


Recommended Reading:

The Night Before The Tooth Fairy (Reading Railroad)*

The Toothfairy Burglary

Toothfairy Burglary? Includes free toothfairy and teeth clipart

Tooth fairy... the saga continues with Teeth printable.

This really happened.
teeth clipart tooth fairy
A full set of teeth makes for a lonely tooth fairy.

 I think I will write a book called "The Toothfairy Sagas", it will include all the free toothfairy clipart.  I know back-story is frowned upon in the blogosphere but you need a little info.  So...

Jake lost another tooth.

Okay. So, in a past life I lived with an alcoholic. If booze came into the house it lasted less than 24 hours nevermind how much of it entered. Thank goodness the past is the past.

My S.O.and I  have a liquor cabinet above the fridge and another above the microwave.  We have lots of liquor.  His Dad sends us various things from various countries that he visits and we purchase rum, vodka, even whiskey to make mixed drinks for New Year's Eve or other celebrations. We have liquor as old as our oldest child who is twenty-two. The cabinet has survived two teenagers without a locked door.  Needless to say... we don't really drink. I guess I should throw some of it out but that requires work.

This info may seen irrelevant, but I figure some may assume 'I got my drink on'- that would explain a lot.

Now, those of you who know us personally might become fearful as you read this, but I think I solved the mystery. So hold your breath until the end.

Wait, don't, it's kind of a long story, you might die.


During the trip home from a holiday party last Saturday night, Jake lost another tooth. It was late. We were tired!  It was the day I took all of the kids sledding for the first time after a long day at a craft fair. When he held his tooth up in the air with a big smile- my smile turned upside down.

I must stay awake until he went to sleep or worse wake up in the middle of the night. Luckily, he was worn out and fell asleep quickly.

Around midnight I snuck into Daddy's wallet, snuck into Jake's room and tossed (yes, tossed) a dollar at his face quickly returning to the warm bed awaiting me.

I slept. It was to be a spectacular night for sleeping. No one would wake me up!  Everyone was so tired.

When what to my wondering ears should I hear?
But a boisterous crash at the top of the stairs and several loud bangs that brought me to fear.

Earlier in the evening I could not sleep for fear- no one had remembered to lock the front-door.

Begrudgingly, I drug myself out of bed, headed downstairs and found I was right as my feet hit the foyer floor.
I trodded back up and fell fast asleep until ...

All of a sudden I arose from my bed, threw off the blanket, slammed my feet on the floor and flew out the door. I shouted at Daddy but he did not care. "Go away, go away, I'm trying to sleep!" He began to swear.

As I approached the hall I saw the stairway gate crashed to the floor.
I shouted to Daddy, "Please wake-up! I think someones here."

He mumbled and grumbled and closed his eyes tight.
"I'm sure its the cat.  Now come back to bed it's the middle of night!"

Of course, I couldn't listen.  I must see for myself.  So, I ran to the kid's room where...

Jake had been sleeping, "Hey Mommy she came, but this time she forgot my tooth!"
"Jake did you hear that?"
"Did you try to go downstairs?"
"Hear what?  I woke up because you're yelling."
"Shoot!"  At least he didn't suspect me the tooth fairy.

I ran to my teenager's room where she lay- fast asleep.
I switched on her light, tore open her covers-
and sure enough she was sleeping, just like the others.

My mind could not rest so in a flash; I ran back downstairs.

Grabbing a roll of holiday wrap, held up like a bat-
Looking in closets, behind chairs and under couches- all I ever found was the cat.


The sliding doors in the kitchen were unlocked and slightly open!

I held my gift wrap tightly and started to shiver.
This detective work is not for those with a lily liver.
No wet footprints dirtied the floor.
No water from melted snows tickled my toes (that's right, snows).

So, still clutching my wrapping, I ran back upstairs defeated and scared.

Amidst the snoring, I quickly uncovered a rather difficult clue.
At the end of the gate was a Budweiser bottle cap in a Christmas-red hue.

Was it a drunken Christmas mouse?
No one here had any beer at the party.
We don't have any beer in the house.

My first thought was fear.
My second one anger.
Tooth Fairy is having a very bad year.

Toothfairy Free Clip Art cute with wand
The Tooth Fairy.


Although the story is completely true after some digging I remembered a clue. All of the children claimed not to recognize said bottle cap.  "Did you find it outside playing in the snow and put it in your pocket?"  I just couldn't let it go.  "No, no, no!"

I seem to vaguely remember the littlest one collecting a cap after a late, November trike ride. It was shiny, she liked it.

Although I assumed she threw it away, I suspect said cap came here to stay.

Recommended Reading:

Toothfairy Failed

Toothfairy Failed Again

Dear Tooth Fairy*

The Night Before The Tooth Fairy (Reading Railroad)*

Helping Your Kids Stay Fit and Healthy

 Get Started with these Quick Parenting Tips Today

All parents want their children to be happy and healthy, but it's often difficult to encourage our kids to follow a healthy lifestyle, especially if they have grown used to sweet treats and like to spend a lot of their time in front of their screens. If you’re a parent who is concerned about their child’s health, or would just like a few useful tips to keep in mind, below are a some simple suggestions on how you can help your children stay fit and healthy. You know how to do it, getting started is the hard part. So, here's your motivation.

This post contains Amazon affiliate links for your convenience.


A good place to start is looking at your children’s diet and whether or not there need to be some changes here. You don’t have to feed your kid all organic food to make sure they maintain a good diet, and obviously, not all households can afford the more expensive products. If you want to make sure your kids are eating well, make sure they get plenty of fruits and vegetables and lots of good carbohydrates. 

Strawberry Raspberry Smoothie Recipe

If your kids are fussy eaters, think of creative ways to get them to eat a variety of foods, like making them a healthy smoothie or soup so the veggies and fruits are hidden from view. Also consider taking time to cook meals with your children so they can start to learn this important life skill and about nutrition and what constitutes a healthy diet. We've started ordering dinnerly, an economical food delivery service. Teenagers can cook their own gourmet meals or easy weeknight dinners, you choose the recipes each week.

After School Snack Planning Ideas Printable


Sticking to a good exercise routine, can be difficult. Kids are no different. The best way to encourage your kids (and yourself) to get moving is by finding a sport or activity that they truly enjoy. By making exercise fun, kids are more likely to engage and exercise regularly, especially if their friends are involved. Get the family out and moving together on weekends, whether it’s going for hikes or playing Frisbee together in the park.

Outdoor Play Ideas

Oral Hygiene

As well as making sure they’re eating right and getting their hearts pumping, also watch out for your children's oral health. A lot of kids don’t like having to brush their teeth before bed, particularly if they’re already tired and cranky. However, this is an essential routine they need to get into early to avoid problems with their gums and tooth decay, which can be very painful and unpleasant. Make sure your kids brush their teeth twice a day, and be sure to teach them how to floss. If they hate toothpaste, have them brush with water to get the food out and then do an oral rinse.

Is Chewing Gum good for your Teeth?

Mental Health

Physical health is important, but your child’s mental well-being is also crucial to help them stay physically healthy. This isn't always as easy to see, but the best way you can help is by creating an environment at home where your child feels comfortable talking with you about their feelings and problems. If you discover concerning behaviors, ask your kids' teachers if they've noticed anything at school. The pandemic has been rough on everyone, but especially our kids.Make sure you're paying attention, any changes in behavior might be a cry for help. Kids are struggling with depression from being forced to stay inside.

Mental Health articles from Adventures of Kids Creative Chaos

Raising kids is the most challenging thing anyone can do. Keeping your kids fit and healthy is an important part of parenting. Hopefully, these tips will help you find new, creative ways to keep your kids happy and healthy. Be sure to click on the titles between the paragraphs above, for more detailed information on each topic.

As always, thanks for reading. You matter.


Behavior Tips for Parents

Organic Protein Powder

Tips for Adopting a Healthier Lifestyle

Sunday Food for Thought Weight 2011

What have I learned from a year ago today?  Things don't change you nor do resolutions, other people, or guilt. Only the right mind set can you change you. Focus on what you can do and will stick to, not what you probably won't do and can't stick to, filter out everyone else's fodder. Once you start changing that mind set everything else will fall into place.

I'm updating my blogs and my life.
Here is a fun, personal post from a year ago, Weight Loss Saga of an Overweight Food Hater
Do you do the Dew?  Even a vanishing rat won't stop me.  It's my drug of choice.  It improves my mood, cuts the flim-flam from my cough, and seems to keep everything flowing properly.  My teeth and my weight are it's nemesis. I'm gonna be that lady from this old post too.  Chaos (Scroll down and you'll see her, the future me, with her cart and no teeth.)

I gotta run. It is getting late and I haven't had my morning Dew yet.

Read more

Saint Patrick Day Recipes with Leprechauns

Saint Patrick Day Recipes Leprechaun

Here are a few Saint Patrick Day Recipes I'm going to try- they look so yummy! Wondering when is St Patrick Day? It is March 17.

Gingebread Leprechauns
How about these Lucky Leprechaun Cookies from 

Here's an original idea - Leprechaun Fortune Cookies from Gourmet Cookie Bouquets.

Here's a green cookie those of you who like Girl Scout Thin Mints can sink your teeth into.

From Betty Crocker.

Edible Art and Crafts Groundhog Day Recipes honoring Punxsutawney Phil

Recipes for Groundhog Day? That doesn't sound appetizing, but these are fun kid-friendly food crafts.

Groundhog Day, such a cute creature, but so few cute edible art and crafts out there. You've heard of Punxsutawney Phil? He's like a little teddy bear crossed with a beaver. He's so popular he has his own website with lesson plans for his special day. This is just one of our many marshmallow activities for kids. Enjoy!

Edible Art and Crafts Groundhog Cookie and Lesson Marshmallow crafts for preschool
Groundhog Craft for Companion Snack.

I noticed most of the Groundhog Activities and Crafts out there look like tiny, adorable teddy bears. Groundhogs aren't so cute in real life. So, we focused on his true features. Note the tiny ears and big nose. I forgot to add his big teeth!

We used an upside down Snyder's Pretzel Chip, an old-fashioned oatmeal cookie, a small chocolate marshmallow, and holiday icing to glue it together. I stuck some green chips from the icing into the pretzel for eyes. IDK. Scroll down for the traditional teddy bear variety.

Real Groundhog Picture
From National Geographic ~A face only a mother can love?

teddy bear or groundhog edible craft for preschool - Punxsutawney Phil
This one uses Vanilla Wafers glued in back
 for the teddy bear look.

Recommended Reading:

February Calendar of Special Days and Holidays

Groundhog Day Book by Gail Gibbons*

Groundhog Day Fun Facts*

Sign up for our free newsletter!

ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products.

*We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

Things to do in Indianapolis in Summer: Great Times

Have a Great Time this Summer in Indy

This summer has taken forever to get here, but we see the signs, and we're following them! If you are looking for things to do in Indianapolis this summer, we've got a fun activity for you. Don't forget to bring the BANANA BOAT® Sunscreen, you'll need it with all of the great, summer, outdoor activitiesIndiana weather changes minute by minute. You never know what kind of weather you're going to get! We decided to spend the day exploring all of the fun things to do at Great Times in Indy. The best activities are the outdoor ones. That's why we stopped at Walmart to get some BANANA BOAT® products.

BANANA BOAT®  Sunscreen has products for swimming, sporting, and lounging on the beach.
BANANA BOAT®  Sunscreen has products for swimming, sporting, and lounging on the beach.

BANANA BOAT® has a tons of products for kids. Whether you are sporty, swim in a pool, or on the beach, BANANA BOAT® has you covered. If your kids are like mine, they hate being covered in sunscreen, especially if they aren't swimming. The spray on sunscreen from BANANA BOAT® is perfect for kids in a hurry to get to the fun activities.

What is the best sunscreen for Summer Activities for kids?
What is the best sunscreen for Summer Activities for kids?

So, you need to make it as fun as possible. We made up a song to sing while applying sunscreen. You've heard you are supposed to sing your ABC's to brush your teeth, why not sing to apply sunscreen too! Each time you reapply, be sure to sing the sunscreen song! The lyrics to our song are shared below. Make it a part of your sunscreen routine.
  • Sunscreen, sunscreen, protect my skin while I play.
  • Sunscreen, sunscreen keep me safe all through the day.
Did you know that sun protection requires 1 oz.every 2 hours in the sun? I didn't. Be sure to apply about 2 tablespoons of sunscreen to yourself and your kids' entire bodies 30 minutes before going outside and then reapply every two hours or immediately after swimming or excessive sweating.
So, now that we're all prepared for a great time in the sun, let's talk about Great Times Family Fun Center. We went on a Thursday and to our delight, all activities were all inclusive from 11-6 with the purchase of an $11.50 per person, three hour wrist band. Yep, we spent 3 hours in the sun! And guess what... You guessed it! No sunburn.

First, the bumper boats!

Bumper Boats in Indianapolis at Great Times.
Bumper Boats in Indianapolis at Great Times.

Their favorite thing to do was ride the go-karts, the ride is nice and long. These are on an all concrete track in full sun, so don't forget to reapply your sunscreen.

Go karting at Great Times is a fun thing to do in Indy in the sun!
Go karting at Great Times is a fun thing to do in Indy in the sun!

There's also a very cool miniature golf course.

Things to do in Indianapolis in Summer: Great TImes
Things to do in Indianapolis in Summer: Great Times.

After all of the fun in the sun, you can go inside for a bite to eat, play games, or climb through the maze room. We'll be spending a lot of time here this summer. Good thing we have our trusty BANANA BOAT® SPF 50.

Banana Boat Sunscreen SPF 50
Banana Boat® Sunscreen SPF 50 Kids Free.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Banana Boat® . The opinions and text are all mine.


Things to do in Indy with Kids

Summer Camp Games to Play Outdoors

Summer Games to Play Outdoors*

Someone Thinks I'm Stylish - Blogger Award - About Me

Looking for Blogger Awards to share? We have several snoop around.

I'd like to thank 'New England Mommy' at Muddy Feet for awarding me the 'Stylish Blogger Award'.

Stylish Blogger Award about me Kids Creative Chaos


Seven Things About Me:

1.  At twenty-five I thought I was too old to become a mother.
Now (depending how you count it) I have four kids ages 4-22.

2.  We also have three pet kids.  A turtle, I mowed over in the back yard, a cat, and an eleven-year old cockatiel.

3. I use to clean my woodwork with a toothbrush (when I was twenty-five).  Now, I am lucky to find time to clean my teeth with a toothbrush.

4. My career goal was to work on Sesame Street but I never moved to New York. (Elmo Rocks!)

5. In another life, I directed a theatrical troupe and I portrayed the director of a theatrical troupe whilst directing said troupe!

6. I look really interesting on paper- less so in real life.

7. My dream/goal is to write/illustrate children's picture books.

Rules for accepting this award are:

1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded it to you.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pay it forward to 15 recently discovered great bloggers.
4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their Blog Award!

Here are the 15 sites I am Paying it forward to:


Wow!   Fifteen is a lot!  If I award the blog to you how about 7?
That way, you might actually complete the task.  Happy Reading!

Ringling Bros. Barnum Bailey DRAGONS at Banker's Life Fieldhouse Circus Trivia

Circus Trivia Questions: Cute Dragon Clipart Printable

Do you like Trivia? How about Circus Trivia? The Ringling Bros. Barnum and Bailey Circus comes to Banker's Life Fieldhouse every year. We visited in the year of Dragons. Before we went, we caught up on some Circus Trivia. Scroll down to see how much you know about the Circus. Enjoy!

This post contains affiliate links for your convenience.*

Circus Trivia Questions: Cute Dragon Clipart Printable

Circus Trivia Questions: Cute Dragon Clipart Printable.

Trivia Question from Previous Post:

So, how far away can a lion's roar be heard? 

Up to 5 Miles.

Click here for a DRAGON printable



1) What four virtues are required to summon a dragon to Ringling Bros. and Barnum and Bailey® Circus?  
Answer: Strength, Courage, Wisdom and Heart.

2) How far away can a lion’s roar be heard?  
Answer:  5 miles away

3) Kung Fu movements are based on fighting tactics of what animals?  Answer:  Tiger, Snake and Dragon.

4) What Ringling Bros.® animal has 4 teeth each weighing the same as a nine-pound bowling ball? Answer:  Asian Elephant.

5) What Ringling Bros. performer has an average shoe size of 28EEEEE?  Answer:  A Clown.

6) Shaolin Warriors performing in Ringling Bros. Presents DRAGONS practice how many hours a day?  
Answer:  7 hours a day.

7) What circus apparatus is most like a playground seesaw*?  Answer:  A Teeterboard.

8) What are considered BIG CATS?  
Answer:  Lions and Tigers.

9) How many bags of popcorn are consumed in each city that Ringling Bros. visits?  Answer:  Over 1,000 pounds of Popcorn.

10) What is the average span of a tiger’s swipe?  
Answer:  Five feet.


Glitter Dragon Head Pattern Printable

Circus Crafts

Circus History*

ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products.

*We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

Back to School Life Lessons from a Dyslexic's Mommy

Life Lessons for Homeschooling

Back to homeschooling dealing with brain drain. By now, most kids are back in school full-time.  As homeschoolers, we officially started August 12 with Connections Academy, since there were no scheduled live lessons we eased back into it.  Life lessons for homeschooling quickly ensued. Enjoy!

Brick and mortar schools have late start Monday, so why can’t we?  We started late (10:00) did a lesson, took a break, did another lesson, ate lunch, did another lesson, went swimming (hey, it counts as P.E), and then called it a day.  Although, it sounds easy- it wasn’t!  I’m great at giving advice, remember this post on summer brain drain?  Well, turns out, I didn’t follow my own advice.  How much brain power can one lose in a few weeks, right?  


back to school homeschool: Back to School Life Lessons from a Dyslexic's Mommy
School is back in session.

Jake is doing great, on task, a little hurried so he can get back to his video games, but overall excellent.  He had a perfect spelling test, near perfect Math homework, and he was all smiles and ready to roll.  He hates school, but it comes easy.

Mayhem.  Mayhem.  Mayhem.  That’s not her given name, but that’s what we call her, Mandy Mayhem.  We woke up, brushed our teeth, freed the chickens, collected eggs and tomatoes, took a walk to the pond, and then made scrambled eggs and toast.  Everything was fine. She was excited to start school- and then we started school.  GRR.  “I can’t make this work- the page disappeared- do I have to read this?”  AND  “I can’t find my Notebook- where is a pencil? –You wrote in my sketchbook!”  On a positive note, reading her assigned story, Iris and Walter went well.  It seemed she’d retained more than I thought.

AND THEN…It was time for written work.  “Number your page for a spelling test”, Mommy politely said.  “Are you ready? This is just a pre-test”, Mommy smiled ignoring the tantrum.  “Don’t worry, it is only practice.”  There was much complaining, whining, and pencil pounding. “I’m sure those letters are backwards!”  “I can’t remember how to spell that word!”  “Which letter comes first?”  And so, it resumed.  All the work, we’d done last year, on the “it’s probably not dyslexia just age appropriate transposition of letters and numbers” was lost.

The paper wasn’t numbered from 1-15.  There were big words and small words scribbled all about, there were capital A’s and small a’s intermixed in the same word.  There were words, that had just been practiced in a worksheet, spelled on tiles, and read in the story.  Not one word was written correctly.  Although, if  you paid close attention and understood the common transpositions, backward or upside down letters, you could decode the correct spelling word.

DeKs, backward J-oB, sAD, LTis, S A backward C- K, DutS, and pockt.

I think its interesting, that the only misspelled word is the only one written in appropriate all lowercase letters.  Did you need a translator?  Desk, job, sad, list, sack, dust, and pocket.  A teacher would have taken one look at the sloppy mess and given up.  Mommy took the time to decode it.  Then, I wrote lines in pink highlighter, filled in the word 'desk' written correctly, and asked her to recopy her words with proper capitalization.  

Dust, chop, Desk, Durm, backward j-ob, t- backward a and g, letts, snack, rook, Rib, engine, mess, and list.

 She did a great job on chop, engine, mess, and list, but snack and rook aren’t on the list.  I will have to decode those later. The good news is the words are written within the lines with appropriate letter size, and numbered from 1-15.  We’ll focus on that for now-  2nd grade.

Teacher asked if I wanted to pass her last year.  “What kind of question is that?”  She had straight A+’s in first grade.  She hated it.  It was “boring” and too easy.  Except, if the teacher and I hadn’t taken the time to decode the hand-written work…  Did you see that?  Handwritten work?  That’s right, she doesn’t transpose when typing!  Unfortunately, in second grade, she is required to turn in handwritten papers in preparation for academic testing. Bummer, next year I won’t waste those summer months.

In the meantime, she’s going to relax with some art and sensory play with her favorite medium, clay.  This is a great fun dough product perfect for sensory play for children with autism or other processing disorders.Crazy Aaron's Putty World Super Scarab Putty  is unique.  It has thermodynamic and phosphorescent properties perfect for science exploration. Thermodynamics explores the relationship between heat and other forms of energy. The putty changes colors when touched.

thermodynamic putty heat sensitive
Thermodynamic putty.


Homeschool Projects for Elementary

The Dyslexic Advantage: Unlocking the Hidden Potential of the Dyslexic Brain*