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Tips to Teach Kids Before College

Kids Going Off To College? Here Are Some Things To Teach Them Before


It’s a bittersweet time when your children fly the nest after years of living under your wing. While you know it’s going to be an exciting new experience for them to learn and become adults, you can’t help but worry about them. So, to put your mind at ease, and to give them some useful knowledge before they go, let’s have a look at some tips you can teach your kids or speak to them about before they set off for college.

Tips to Teach Kids Before College

Domestic Duties

College is the time when your children will realize all that you do for them around the house, from cleaning up after them to cooking their meals. Hopefully, over the years, they’ll have picked up a thing or two from you, but it’s always a good idea to send them off with recipes, cleaning products, and anything else that will equip them for what lies ahead. College care packages are always helpful, but they need to learn to prepare for life on their own.


You’re still sure to get calls from them exclaiming how the washing machine won't spin (click the link for possible issues and fixes for this) or the oven won’t turn on, which you can help them with, trying to decipher the problem. These will often be simple fixes but if not, they can always get a professional in to fix the problem. This is all part of them growing up and learning how to handle things going wrong and how to make them right again. Here are some healthy eating tips for college students.



College is notorious for parties and drinking, so even if your son or daughter isn’t a drinker, you should still speak to them about this before they go. Ensure that they know to always be safe and never leave their cup unattended at events, as it could pose a threat. Their safety is paramount, so without scaring them or being over the top, you need to talk to them about being sensible and always letting someone know where they are. Make them aware that they never have to buckle to peer pressure, saying “no” is their right and if they don’t want to do something, then they don’t have to.


The Value Of Money

Cash can be tight for college students, so teaching them about budgeting and not splurging on unnecessary items is something that will come in handy for them. You can instill this at an early age, by giving them pocket money if they help you with chores, or when special occasions come around. This will help them to realize that money is earned and if they want something expensive, they have to save for it. You can reiterate what you’ve taught them over the years in the lead up to them moving away for college, as it’s more important now than ever as they won’t be living under your roof anymore. You might also want to look into scholarships. There are several scholarships available to homeschoolers.


Most of the time, your children will learn a lot of this along the way, but if you can offer them any help and guidance beforehand, at least you know you tried! This is their time to make mistakes, and those are often the most prominent learning curves of all. 


Prep Seniors for College, Academically

Don't forget these Dorm Essentials with our Checklist

How To Get Fit While Watching TV

Sit in Front of the TV and Get Fit!

Kids – and plenty of adults – love to watch TV, and in a lot of respects, this is a positive thing. TV is an ideal way to take some time out and relax, and it can be highly educational too. However, the problem comes when we are sitting too much, and the modern lifestyle that many of us follow involves a lot of sitting during the day. If you add more sitting thanks to TV, you could be making yourself very sick. 

How To Get Fit While Watching TV

Studies have shown that for every hour of TV you watch, you’ll shorten your life by as much as 22 minutes. Not only that but there appears to be an increase in those developing cancer (especially lung and colon cancer) when you sit for long periods of time. Add to this the circulation issues you can experience, and suddenly TV doesn’t seem like such a great idea anymore. 

However, it can be okay as long as you are fit and active during the day or if you’re not if you can combine your TV watching with exercise. More self-care tips

Use Commercial Breaks 

What do you do when the commercials come in during your favorite shows? If you’re like a lot of people, you’ll either watch them, or you’ll reach for your cellphone and scroll through social media until they’re finished. Perhaps you’ll go and make a drink or grab a snack. 

However, it would be far better to use this time to exercise. It might only be for two or three minutes, but if you’re watching two or three hours of TV and you exercise during every commercial break, this will soon add up. Even a small amount of exercise is better than none at all, and therefore using this time effectively is a great idea. 

Of course, if you’re using a streaming service, there won’t be any ad breaks, but you can create your own. Every twenty minutes, pause the show and do some exercise for two minutes before restarting it. You’ll soon get into the rhythm. The great thing about this is that you can do this no matter what kind of health you are in; you can even do this before cataract surgery, as there is no evidence to suggest that TV watching permanently damages the eyes. 

Do Circuits 

If you want to know what kind of exercises you might benefit most from while you fit them in to your TV watching, circuits are a great choice. You don’t even have to wait until the ad breaks to get started. 

Begin by looking at the length of the show you want to watch. Once you know that, you can create a circuit routine that matches. So, it could be 30 minutes, an hour, or something else. Spend five minutes doing each exercise and then move on to something else, and all of the actions can be done while still watching the TV. Or perhaps you don’t want to time things. In that case, you can have a list of different exercises and switch from one to another after each scene ends, for example. 


If you practice yoga, you’ll already know how good it can be for you. It’s relaxing, improves your overall strength, and will build your balance and flexibility too. Some people like to practice yoga in silence, but if you don’t mind a little noise while you’re doing each exercise, having the TV on at the same time could work out well. 

You’ll simply need to clear some space in your living room or bedroom (perhaps adding a yoga mat for comfort and safety), and then carry out a routine while your show plays. You should find that your yoga routine feels easier and that you can reduce a lot of stress because you’re focusing on the screen and letting your other troubles drift away. 


Self Care Tips

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How To Choose A Breast Pump For Your Lifestyle?

How do you choose a breast pump? Tips.

Photo by SHVETS production from Pexels

There are many different brands, types, and styles of breast pumps, including portable and wearable pumps. It comes as no surprise that many moms like you might feel overwhelmed over these numerous choices.

Indeed, it can be challenging to pick the best one, but you might want to consider your lifestyle as a factor for making the right choice.

Here are some helpful tips to help you choose a breast pump that may suit your lifestyle:

How Do You Plan to Use The Breast Pump

Ask yourself how you plan on using the breast pump

Will you be breastfeeding exclusively and only need a backup pump, or will you be an exclusive pumper? 

These questions will matter because you’re likely going to need a heavy-duty pump as an exclusive pumper. Still, you can even pick a manual pump if you’ll only need one as a backup.

Do you plan on pumping and storing a lot of breast milk in your fridge?

If that’s the case, then you’ll also need a heavy-duty pump that can handle the rigorous task. Picking a double pump can be ideal so you can get more milk more quickly.

Are you returning to work or traveling regularly?

If so, then you’ll probably need a portable pump that you can easily bring anywhere. Better yet, a wearable pump can let you pump discreetly, even in the middle of a meeting or while you’re on the go.

Just in case you opt for a wearable pump, make sure that you pick one that’s quiet yet powerful enough to pump discreetly.

Will you be away from your child for several days?

Bringing a portable pump can be convenient, but it could be costly to buy so many batteries to keep it working while you’re away for extended periods. 

You can opt for a portable pump that comes with rechargeable batteries or simply bring your plug-in pump if there’s a place for you to pump discreetly.

How much time do you have to pump?

As you might already know, pumping varies for every mom. There are also certain conditions or types of breast pumps that can promote better extraction.

If you’re a busy mom who’s always on the go, you’ll surely need a powerful double electric breast pump. You can use this device to pump milk from both breasts at the same time.

What’s your pumping preference?

If you’re a mom who likes to pump the other breast while your baby feeds from the other, then a single pump would be ideal for you.

Where will you use the pump?

As a working mom, you’re entitled to a breast-pumping break.

Your workplace is required by law to provide you with a quiet, private place where you can collect your milk. 

But if you feel uncomfortable about others hearing you pump, you can pick quiet models or brands that still provide great suction power, even with the silent motor.

Do you need to transport the breast pump regularly?

Plug-in breast pumps are usually more powerful than portable, battery-operated ones, yet they also tend to be bulkier. If you need to regularly transport your breast pump, such as bringing it to work daily, then it may be more practical to opt for a lighter, portable pump.

What about a backup plan?

What if your batteries run out or there are no power outlets for plugging your device? You can create a backup plan using a manual breast pump or bring along extra batteries at all times.

In Conclusion

You can pick the right breast pump by considering your lifestyle and needs or preferences. 

But just in case you’re still unsure, you can also seek help from a lactation consultant.

What is Hoarding Disorder?


What can you do when someone suffers from hoarding disorder?

Have you ever joked about a friend being a hoarder because their desk is covered in papers, or their home is cluttered? Hoarding is a real issue for some people, and it is very distressing. At first, a lot of hoarders don't notice the issue and they probably can't see how it’s affecting their lifestyle or worrying their loved ones. If they do recognize the problem, hoarders might feel embarrassed and isolated from friends and family. So, what is hoarding disorder, and how can you help someone who suffers from it?

What is hoarding disorder? Are you a hoarder?

Hoarding Disorder and Causes

Hoarding disorder is when an individual keeps a lot of things, no matter what the value of these items.They could have anything from broken appliances to old newspapers stored away in their homes leaving their home untidy, dirty, and a generally unpleasant space to be in.

A person with hoarding disorder feels upset or anxious about getting rid of the clutter because they've often formed a strong emotional attachment to these objects, particularly if the hoarded item represents something sentimental to them. Several mental health issues can be connected to hoarding disorder: severe depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and psychosis. If the person with hoarding disorder has recently gone through a difficult period in life, such as the death of a loved one, the breakdown of a relationship, or another traumatic event, this may serve as a catalyst for developing the disorder.

Hoarders often find comfort in collecting and saving items for future use. Of course, hoarding disorder can happen to anyone, but it isn’t uncommon for hoarding to develop in people who live alone or grew up in an untidy environment.

What Can You Do About It?

Hoarding disorder is when an individual keeps a lot of things, no matter what the value of these items.They could have anything from broken appliances to old newspapers stored away in their homes leaving their home untidy, dirty, and a generally unpleasant space to be in. 

A person with hoarding disorder feels upset or anxious about getting rid of the clutter because they've often formed a strong emotional attachment to these objects, particularly if the hoarded item represents something sentimental to them.

Several mental health issues can be connected to hoarding disorder: severe depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and psychosis. If the person with hoarding disorder has recently gone through a difficult period in life, such as the death of a loved one, the breakdown of a relationship, or another traumatic event, this may serve as a catalyst for developing the disorder. Hoarders often find comfort in collecting and saving items for future use. Of course, hoarding disorder can happen to anyone, but it isn’t uncommon for hoarding to develop in people who live alone or grew up in an untidy environment.

Since hoarding is linked to mental health, typical treatments include CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) and counseling to identify the root cause of the hoarding. If the hoarding is associated with depression, antidepressant medication might be prescribed and allow for some relief.

If you're concerned that a loved one has a hoarding disorder, gently suggest that they visit the GP with you. Remember, a lot of people with this disorder don't recognize that there's a problem. Others may feel embarrassed, so be patient with them. Let them know that you care and that you are there for them whenever they feel overwhelmed or when they're ready to talk about their circumstances.

When a hoarder is ready to deal with the issue and start organizing their home, you might also need professional services to help. Hoarder clean up services are specialists in dealing with these situations and understand how emotional and difficult it can be for the individuals who suffer with the disorder. A clean up service will also be able to deep-clean the property to make it a safe, healthy living environment for your loved one. While people might joke about being a hoarder, for many people, this is a serious issue that impacts their daily lives. If you're concerned that you or someone you love has developed a hoarding disorder, speak to mental health professionals for further advice on what steps you need to take.


Protect your Teen from Mental Health Disorders
Suffering from Emotional Issues?

7 Winter and Christmas Activities to Do with Your Kids

Simple Christmas Activities to Do with Your Kids

Winter is here! Oh, and Christmas is also just around the corner! Not only do kids love this time of year, but so adults do too! Even the most mature people in society can’t help but get a little giddy when it’s snowing outside and the bells are ringing! Christmas brings out everyone’s inner child. Of course, winter means it’s time for fun, family, holiday activities and lots of them! Read on for 7 simple winter and Christmas activities to do with your kids.

Simple Christmas Activities to Do with Your Kids

Seven Simple Activities to do with Kids during Winter Season

There's no need to spend a lot of money or stress over making glorious holiday decorations and delectable cookies to achieve the perfect Christmas with kids. Simple winter and holiday activities make the best, long lasting memories. Why not start a new family Christmas tradition with these simple activities for family time with the kids.

  1. Decorate your whole house with fancy lights

Winter isn’t the holiday season without fancy lights. 

From the colorful to the vibrant, get creative and beautiful LED fairy lights to your favorite rooms. Make sure to get the kids involved by allowing them to have input on which lights go in which location. LED lights don't get hot like those old fashioned Christmas lights so go crazy this year!

To get some amazing Christmas lights, as well as other cool bulbs and lamps, go to Be a clever mom or dad by ordering your lights now before it’s too late! The more lights, the merrier the holiday season. Your kids will treasure this family tradition, so go make it a thing!

  1. Spend a day at your local slopes

Fingers crossed; it’s going to snow this winter! When it does, the entire family should wrap up nice and warm and head down to your local slopes. They’ll probably be lots of other families and kids there, too, which will make the occasion extra memorable. In Indiana, you can also do some stellar snow toboggan sledding at Pokagon State Park.

Don't Miss these Halloween activities!

  1. Create paper snowflakes

Kids love to get creative during winter and Christmas time. A great winter holiday activity idea is to create snowflakes out of paper. Follow this easy tutorial on how to make paper snowflakes from Martha Stewart. Make sure to carefully guide your kids through the steps, and don’t forget to be extra careful with sharp scissors! Once you’ve created your paper snowflakes, scatter them around your home for a special winter holiday decoration.

Here are some more fun snowflake activities from the Adventures of Kids Creative Chaos.

  1. Read Christmas stories

It's impossible to count the abundance of classic Christmas stories. So, this winter, give your kids freedom of choice when it comes to which stories they want to hear. Maybe it will be The Polar Express, or – wait for it - How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Click here for some great holiday books for kids that you may not of yet read!

Don't miss these Christmas activities!

  1. Go on a Netflix marathon with the family!

Usually, the weather is freezing cold during the winter months in Indiana. Of course, this means that a lot of time is spent indoors (preferably with marshmallow.)

When your family is relaxing around the house during the holiday, load up Netflix and go on a movie-watching marathon! Elf, anyone? If you need extra help, here are 37 of the best Christmas movies for kids available on Netflix. 

Don't miss these New Year activities!

  1. Have a cozy fire in your backyard

Bonfires don't have to be just for fall! If you have a nice spacious backyard, you should have a cozy (and safe) fire. You’ll even be able to toast some marshmallows, have some hot chocolate, and tell your best Christmas stories. While you're at it, make some savory s'mores!

Don't miss these holiday recipes!

  1. Build igloos and snow forts

When it snows, it’s only right that the entire family has a huge snowball fight! When you do, make sure to build some igloos and forts to make it extra exciting. You can even make indoor snowballs for an indoor snowball fight!


Can the Stress of Being a Mom Cause Hair Loss?

How Mom Stress Can Cause Hair Loss

What can cause hair loss in women? With all of the traveling and adventuring, it is easy to become stressed from time to time, especially when you also take into account the challenges of everyday life and work. Although a little stress is normal when you have a family, if you are beginning to feel as if your stress is endless, you must find ways to manage it, as stress can lead to physical symptoms, including hair loss.

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How Mom Stress Can Cause Hair Loss

In the photo above, I have inexpensive hair extensions for a Halloween costume party. I thought it was obvious, but my friends actually thought I went to the salon and got real extensions. My actual hair is shoulder length. Pretty good color match, don't you think? Though, I don't have a problem with hair loss or thinning, I did notice a lot of hair extra hair in the shower drain after recovering from Covid 19.

What causes stress?

You may begin to experience stress due to changes coming up in your life, even if these changes are fun ones like going on vacation or moving into your dream house. You might also start to feel stressed if you feel pressured, whether this is to be a good mom or to meet all of your work deadlines. Some women feel stressed if they do not take enough time off work, or if they are worried about something, such as a new baby or their lack of finances. 

How does stress cause hair loss?

As well as having an emotional impact on you and causing mental health issues, stress can also create a physical reaction in your body. It should also be noted that hormonal changes such as perimenopause and menopause can cause hair thinning and loss in women. When you are stressed, your hair follicles might stay in the resting phase of their cycle rather than fluctuating between resting and growing. If this persists for too long, they might then begin to fall out regardless of what you do to your hair. This can make you even more stressed as you begin to feel self-conscious about your appearance.

Should you get a hair transplant?

Although your hair will usually start to regrow once your stress levels have lessened, if you do find that you are struggling with hair loss to a great extent, you should consider the benefits of a hair transplant from a hair clinic near me. They will be able to restore your hair to its prime and allow you to disguise any bald patches that have formed on your head. With a hair transplant, there;s need for Halloween hair extensions. This can help you to meet your hair goals and to feel like yourself again, boosting your confidence, and enabling you to focus on your family. Although there are many different treatments for hair loss, hair transplants are nearly permanent and can make a dramatic difference that will allow you to start living your life to the fullest instantly. You won't have to hide inside your house in fear that others will notice your hair loss.

How can you reduce stress?

If you want to reduce the stress that you've been experiencing, make sure that you exercise often and get out into nature to enjoy the benefits of sunshine, that you drink and eat enough healthy choices, and that you try to reduce the triggers of your stress.

Take some time off to recenter yourself and perform self-care activities during which you can focus on yourself rather than the rest of the family. If your stress has reached unmanageable levels, consider scheduling an appointment with a therapist, where you can talk through the problems you are facing and process the emotions that you are experiencing. Sometimes, it's as simple as throwing on some silly hair extensions and attending a costume party! Whatever you choose, be sure to keep your stress levels at a minimum. Seek help if the stress feels overwhelming.


Self-Care Tips

Ways to Reduce Stress

Trip to Sheffield with Family

Visiting Sheffield With Your Kids

Thinking of traveling outside the United States? If you're looking for places to visit in the UK with family, Sheffield is a great option. In Sheffield, there are numerous indoor and outdoor activities for children and families. We've highlighted a few to help you plan your visit to Sheffield.

Kids of all ages are offered a wide range of fun activities and hands-on learning experiences at Sheffield's museums. At places like Kelham Island Museum, families can learn about the city's history via interactive displays. If you head a little out of town, you can also find animals, birds, reptiles, and insects from around the world. Families will enjoy an excursion to Sheffeld.

Cafes offering snacks and sandwiches at city parks and gardens and in most museums are family-friendly. Except for some, not all restaurants and bars in the city are family-friendly. Seen below, children will enjoy a trip to Our Cow Molly, Dairy Desserts.

Family Friendly Sheffield Cafes and Restaurants

Many people are choosing Sheffield as an excellent place to raise children and settle down. Many foreigners to the UK also prefer Sheffield to settle down. If this sounds like something you may want to do in the future, you should contact immigration lawyers in Sheffield and get started on the immigration paperwork and application process. The UK is very welcoming to highly skilled professionals and families.

Fun Facts about Sheffield:

As you can see, Sheffield has a rich history and plenty of green spaces where you can find many activities and places to explore with your kids.

The UK National Video Game Museum is in Sheffield.

The Rivelin River

The Rivelin River is historic and has an excellent pathway to take a walk with your child. You can follow a trail that leads to old mills. There is a water park near the café to have some fun. Herons and other wildlife can be sighted here.

The Botanical Gardens

The Sheffield Botanical Gardens are very well-manicured green parks. The 19-acre Sheffield Botanical Gardens are home to more than 5,000 different species of plants. It's easy to roam around with your children and babies as the paths are made of tarmac, making it easy to operate a pram. Admission to the Botanical gardens is free, and you can also relax at the café once you're tired. The best times to visit are spring and summer when the flowers are in full bloom. 

The Winter Gardens

Winter Gardens is a tropical oasis situated in Sheffield city centre. This Garden is amongst the largest temperate greenhouse in the country and is home to nearly 2,500 plant species. You can enjoy nature while your kids can safely walk the paths around the tropical trees.

Weston Park Museum

Weston Park Museum can teach you about culture and history. Founded in 1875, the main collections in this museum are free, and the displays are spectacular. There is a gallery that displays facts about Ancient Egypt. The Weston Park Museum is also known for being the home to Sheffield's social and natural history and archaeology. 

Some of the notable highlights in this museum are the Bronze Age armor and art. Apart from this, you can also visit exhibits from other more prominent museums in the area. The museum has many guided tours to help your family understand the historical importance. 

Weston Park 

Weston Park is in the vicinity of Weston Park Museum. You can relax while your kid runs around in the park. It is a perfect place to have a post museum picnic.

Tropical Butterfly House Wildlife & Falconry Centre

The Tropical Butterfly House Wildlife & Falconry Centre houses a vast array of free-flying birds of prey, owls, reptiles, parrots, meerkats, farm animals, lemurs, and more. While the name does signify butterflies, you can also see the incredible falconry. Animal lovers can learn about otters (from the keepers), feed farm animals, pet a few lemurs, see the meerkats, and photograph as many butterflies as you want. 

National Emergency Services Museum

Sheffield is home to the National Emergency Service Museum – the largest of its kind in the world. There are more than 50 vintage vehicles – police cars, fire engines, and ambulances with uniforms and gear and equipment for different eras. Families with kids can also avail the kids' fire engine rides (included in the ticket admission). If you're in the mood for a treat, you can also rent some of the vintage vehicles and take a tour of the city.


Vacation Tips from The Adventures of Kids Creative Chaos