Early Childhood Teacher Study Online

10 Things ECE Teachers are Studying Today

What are early childhood teachers studying today? Curriculum for ECE teachers is constantly evolving to keep up with the latest topical trends and innovations. Young children live in a world where computers, tablets, smartphones, music players and gaming devices are readily available, including in their classrooms. Anyone studying to become an ECE Teacher needs to keep up with these trends in technology. The best way to do that is to get your ECE training online and we highly recommend getting your professional development training at ChildCare Education Institute (CCEI.)

Early Childhood Teacher Study Online

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ChildCare Education Institute (CCEI,) the industry leader for online professional development, offers courses that cover the latest in everything from technology and STEAM to bullying, attention disorders and more. Every early childhood teacher and their staff can benefit from the online ECE training at CCEI. Here at Kids Creative Chaos, we've taken several courses and enjoyed each one of them, including CCEI122: Active Learning in Early Childhood course! Check out our review, here. We’ve also reviewed CCEI's online professional development for early childhood teachers in these past articles: Professional Development for Preschool Teachers and ECE Continuing ED Online. No matter how long you've been teaching, you'll discover something new and have an “a-ha” moment during CCEI’s course training.

Personally, I’ve taken many courses online and offline receiving certificates and credits toward my ECE (Early Childhood Education Certification) and CCEI is the best! ChildCare Education Institute offers certificate programs and coursework that meets the requirement for national credentials including the CDA. CCEI also has online certification programs for Director and Early Childhood Credentials. CCEI, a Council for Professional Recognition CDA Gold Standard™ comprehensive training provider, is nationally accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC) and is accredited as an Authorized Provider by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET.)

 online professional development for ECE Teachers Early Childhood Preschool

Below, is a list of the most popular things ECE teachers are studying. What are you most interested in studying? After you’ve taken a look at the list, let us know your thoughts in the comments below the post.

Technology and Digital Media in Early Childhood Preschool

10 Things ECE Teachers Should Study

Here’s a list of TOP 10 trending topics that ECE teachers are studying today (that teachers wouldn’t have studied 10 years ago), according to CCEI:

  • Trauma Informed Care: ECE providers work with diverse groups of students from all walks of life. Statistics show that 26% of children living in America will experience some sort of trauma in their life prior to the age of four. CCEI offers SOC108: Establishing Trauma Informed Practices in Early Learning Environments which focuses on ways to incorporate trauma informed practices into the environment and interactions with children. 

  • Mindfulness: Mindfulness practices can prevent instances of undesired behavior, increase focus and engagement and promote a feeling of ownership and empowerment for children. As an additional benefit, classroom communities tend to be more empathetic and kind. CCEI offers SOC106: The Value of Mindfulness in Early Childhood which explores calming and reflective approaches when working with young children.

  • Spirituality: CCEI’s CHD109: Supporting Spiritual Development in Early Learning Environments is based upon the work of Deborah Schein, author of the book titled Inspiring Wonder, Awe and Empathy – Spiritual Development in Young Children. The course explores what spiritual development is and why it is important to overall development. Participants will also learn how to create moments within their learning environments that promote spiritual development in young children.

  • Caring for Allergies: Child food allergies are on the rise in the United States and continue to be a public health concern. CCEI’s CCEI119: Food Allergies in the Early Care Setting online course provides an overview of food allergies and basic safety principles to employ in the early care setting. Upon completion of this course, teachers will be able to provide a safe environment for children and staff who suffer from food allergies, identify the eight major food allergens, list the theories associated with the rise in food allergies and identify the importance of food labeling and packaging.

  • Dual-Language Learning: In some areas, non-native English speakers may make up the majority of a classroom. It is important for all early childhood educators to be prepared to meet the challenges of guiding a child toward English fluency while maintaining fluency in (and respect for) their home languages and cultures. CCEI offers CHD102: Dual Language Learning in the Early Childhood Environment to provide early childhood professionals with strategies and tools for helping young children develop language and literacy skills in English.

  • Attention Disorders: CCEI offers courses like SPN102: Attention Deficit Disorders to help child care providers understand the symptoms, subtypes and common treatment strategies associated with attention disorders.

  • Diversity and Inclusion: CCEI’s CCEI640: Creating a Multicultural Environment online training course helps teachers define the goals of multiculturalism, plan and implement an anti-biased classroom, incorporate multiculturalism into learning centers and other classroom activities and promote cooperative social skills in diverse classrooms.

  • Bullying in the Classroom: Although bullying has been around for years, today’s teachers are more proactive about reducing bullying. CCEI’s GUI100: Bullying in the Preschool Environment online course helps teachers bring empathy and compassion to the classroom as a way of reducing bullying behaviors.

Bullying in Preschool Classroom ECE Teacher Tips

As you can see, CCEI’s course offerings are full of valuable information that keeps up with the latest trends in early childhood teacher study online. Whether you run a daycare from your home, homeschool preschool, or teach in a public early childhood classroom, CCEI has courses for you.

Early Childhood Teacher Study Online

CCEI has over 35+ certificate programs offered in both English and Spanish! They’ve graduated over 15,000 early childhood professionals from its CDA and other certificate programs -- with over 5 million online coursework completed. Its web-based coursework is available 24/7/365. You can see a full list of certificate programs on their website here, but below are just a few of them:

● NAC (NECPA National Administrator Credential® Certificate)

Early Childhood Teacher Study Online

Becoming a preschool teacher or caregiver is a rewarding experience, but it takes patience and perseverance. Not everyone is cut out for such an important career choice. When this is your calling in life, you want to be the best teacher possible for your students. Keeping up on educational trends is key to providing your preschool class a positive experience that will pave the way for their future educational endeavors. It's important to find a balance between fun activities and the solid building blocks of education. We always try to make learning fun.

If you're in need of continuing education for your early childhood program or for a new career in early childhood education, start here with our review of ChildCare Education Institute. CCEI offers many amazing continuing education courses for professional development in early childhood education. Their extensive course list is full of lessons that are relevant and current for today’s ever changing ECE programming. 

I encourage everyone involved with childcare and early childhood education, whether you work in a brick and mortar environment or a virtual environment, to sign up for a course or two. And for new CCEI users, you can take a trial course a NO COST!  To stay current, be sure to follow the recommendations on the top 10 things ECE Teachers are studying today. I love that they offer so many course options and each course is informative and easily applicable to your lesson plans and teaching technique. Check out CCEI today!

For more preschool and early childhood activities, follow us on Pinterest.

To read more about our experiences with CCEI's online professional development for early childhood teachers read these articles: Professional Development for Preschool Teachers and ECE Continuing ED Online.

Becoming a preschool teacher or caregiver is a rewarding experience, but it takes patience and perseverance. Not everyone is cut out for such an important career choice. When this is your calling in life, you want to be the best teacher possible for your students. Keeping up on educational trends is key to providing your preschool class a positive experience that will pave the way for their future educational endeavors. It's important to find a balance between fun activities and the solid building blocks of education. We always try to make learning fun.

fun preschool activities blog


Preschool Activities from Kids Creative Chaos

39 Easy Games for Circle Time for Kids Creative Chaos

Easy Cheesecake Recipe Chocolate Chip Gluten Free Crust

Chocolate Chip Cheesecake with Gluten Free Chocolate Crust

Has there ever been an easier way to make a delicious dessert? Absolutely not! If you're gluten free or keto, or you just love food in general, you have to try these gluten free veggie crusts by Kbosh! They make these gluten free crusts for pizzas and dinner food, and they also make dessert crusts too! It's the craziest thing, we started with their gluten free chocolate zucchini crust and got creative. Scroll down for our easy, gluten free, chocolate chip cheesecake recipe.

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Easy Cheesecake Recipe Chocolate Chip Gluten Free Crust

Are you on a gluten free diet? Do you do all things Keto? These veggie crusts from Kbosh work as tortillas, crackers, pasta, pie crusts, pizza crusts, and so much more. You'll never know you're eating veggies. The kids loved this simple cheesecake roll. It makes a great after school snack, and the kids can make it on their own!

How to Make Gluten Free Crustless Cheesecake Recipe

Start with an easy, no bake cheesecake mix or get fancy and make your own cheesecake filling from scratch. It doesn't matter, it's all delicious! We used a Jell-O, No-Bake Cheesecake in a box. Ditch the graham crackers, you don't need them and they're full of gluten and extra sugar. Yes, there's sugar in the cheesecake mix. Shh...

Easy Cheesecake Recipe Chocolate Chip Gluten Free Crust
Make a gluten free chocolate cheesecake with a Kbosh dessert crust.

So, all you really need is a bag of chocolate chips, a Kbosh Chocolate Zucchini Crust, and the Jell-O Cheesecake mix. Make the cheesecake according to package instructions.

Next, remove your Kbosh Crust from the freezer and place it in the microwave for 40 seconds. After your cheesecake mix sets, spread it on the chocolate veggie dessert crust.

Chocolate, gluten free pre-made dessert crust with cheesecake spread.

Sprinkle on chocolate chips.

No crust, gluten free cheesecake roll.
Carefully, roll it into a Swiss Roll and then slice in 1" pinwheels to serve.

Seriously, that's all there is to it. Imagine how great this gluten free chocolate chip cheesecake will be when you add strawberries and whip cream on top! Did someone say, time to eat?

For more gluten free, veggie crust recipes follow Kbosh on Pinterest. We're on Pinterest too, follow us for more easy family recipes.


More Easy Dessert Recipe from Kids Creative Chaos

Did Someone Say Gluten Free?

Tips to Get TEENS to Read More

Turn Your Teens into Readers: 5 Handy Tips to Encourage Teenage Reading

Most parents want their teens to become avid readers.One poll found that three-fourths of parents with kids between the ages of 6-17 agreed with the statement, "I wish my child would read more books for fun." Getting a teenager to read is often more challenging than getting a 10-year-old to read. By the time your child is a teenager, they're more interested in screen time than book time. Not every kid is going to stay up late reading books, and that's okay. You can encourage teenage reading by choosing the right book for your kid, read on for five of the best tips to get your teen to read more.

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Turn Your Teens into Readers: 5 Tips to Encourage Teenage Reading
How to get your Teen to Read.

5 Tips to Get TEENS to Read More

1. Take Teens to Bookstores and Libraries 
Bookstores are far less common now than 20 years ago. The bookstore shortage is even affecting highly cultured cities like New York. Many people who buy books do it online.
Buying online isn't the same as having a world of books that you can reach out and touch with your fingertips. Bookstores and libraries are great places to discover new authors and get recommendations while fulfilling those bibliophile needs. Smell the pages, caress the covers, see the beauty of the illustrations as they were meant to be seen.
2. Encourage Fun Reading
Sure, you may wish that your teens would read Jane Austen or Charles Dickens.These days, if they're doing that, it's probably for a class. Reading a book for a grade can suck the joy out of reading a good book. 
What does that mean for parents? It means that you should encourage your teens to read for fun, even if "fun" looks different for you than it does for them. They should read what they want, even if it's just a magazine or a comic book.

A few years ago, some parents freaked out at the idea of teens reading the Twilight novels. But vampire romance novels, no doubt, made some kids into lifelong pleasure readers. Raising our hands here! When a kid that never reads gets addicted to a book series, you jump for joy!

Books for Teenage Boys: All Quiet on The Western Front
3. Create Screen-Free Zones
These days, both adults and teens are constantly on their smartphones. One way to fight the technology craze is to create zones where screens aren't permitted.

For instance, let's say dinner starts at 6 pm. Want to eat? Have everyone in your family, including the adults, drop their phones into a basket outside the dining room before sitting down to eat.

The more you look at your phone, the harder it is to look away. Taking a break from screens can make it easier for kids to pick up a book and start reading

Or Encourage Kindle Reading: Whatever works, right!

4. Encourage Teens to Write
A teen interested in writing is more likely to get interested in reading. That's because trying to write a book gives you a different perspective on the books that you read. 

If your kid has a story to tell, give them the time and space to write it down. It can be anything from short-form fan fiction to a full-blown novel. Grab some cool writing journals and encourage them to get creative. If you want, you can even customize your book cover
5. Talk About Your Own Reading
Make reading a family priority. When you sit down with a book, you're sending your teen a message. Your teen may not think you're cool, but they're paying attention to what you're doing. 
If they ask what you're reading, tell them. Encourage them ask questions. They may tease you, but you're still showing your teen what it looks like to enjoy reading, even when you have a job, kids, and other obligations.

Books for Teens Boys Girls Read More

Get Your Teenager Reading
The idea of trying to get your teenager reading can feel impossible. But it's possible, and you don't even have to nag. In fact, nagging is more likely to backfire. Remember that, you know how it felt.
Of course, reading is great, but we've also got plenty of other ways to keep your kid entertained at any age. Bookmark our site to stay up to date on the latest parenting teens articles.


Writing Journals for Teens

Book Recommendations for Teen Boys

Ways to get TEENS to Practice Writing and Journaling

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Fun Indoor Activities for Kids

Indoor Activities To Do With the Kids

When we leave summer behind and approach the colder months, kids want to stay inside. That means, it’s time to pull out the indoor activities to keep the kids entertained after school and on the weekends. Just because you’re stuck inside doesn’t mean the day has to be wasted! There are loads of great family-friendly activities to do indoors.

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Be sure to click through the links to find all the fun indoor kids activities we've discovered.

If you're looking for great ways to keep kids entertained when the weather’s got you stuck indoors, look no further! Some or these activities, you might do regularly, others you may never have tried before, but they’re all great ways to keep the kids entertained while encouraging them to learn new skills. 


How can you not love an indoor activity where you and the kids get to eat a tasty treat at the end? When the weather isn't very nice, baking is a great way to bring the family together, and you can learn some amazing new skills while you’re at it. 
Don’t worry if you’re not a great cook, the fun is in learning the new skill, and there are some great recipes for beginners out there. Even if you are a beginner, these recipes will have you baking up a storm!
Everyone wins when you get to do a fun family activity and eat some tasty baked goods at the end of the day.

Arts and Crafts

Keep everyone entertained for hours on end with a few well-planned arts and crafts projects. These might take a little bit of pre-planning on your part, but they’re sure to give your family an amazing day of creating things with their hands and bonding with each other. 

Any project with epoxy resin is bound to get the kids excited, and the results you can get with this product are awesome and perfect for a cold or rainy day.

Don’t worry if you’re not an arts and crafts pro, there are plenty of beginner projects to get you going like a pro. 

Kids CRAFTS from our blog.

Board Games

In the modern world of ultra-realistic video games, the old-fashioned board game still has its place. In fact, the classics are often the best, and there’s no better time to pull out the board game collection that when it’s raining outside. 
No matter how much technology moves on, the likes of Monopoly, Cluedo, Jenga, and Uno are always family favorites for a good reason. Once you get everyone together and involved in a game of Monopoly, you’ll find the time just flies by, and you won’t even remember that the weather is terrible outside. Make sure you’ve got a trustworthy banker, and you’ve got an afternoon of fun indoor activities for everyone. 

Rainy Day – Don't Worry

As we approach Fall, the weather might not allow for as many outdoor activities as usual, but that doesn’t mean the fun has to end. There are lots of fun indoor activities that you can enjoy with your family on a rainy day.  For more inspiration, check us out on Pinterest!

What looked like a boring weekend stuck inside, might just turn out to be a weekend full of joy and family fun. You can eat, drink, create, and play games with your family and friends while bringing everyone closer together. Just do a search in our blog for games, crafts, kids recipes, family field trip ideas, and fun indoor activities for kids. Stick with us, and you'll never run out of fun things to do!


Fun PE Activities for Outdoors

Stay in your Car Holiday Activities

How to Save for a Rainy Day Fund

Emergency Cash Sources Every Mom Should Know About

Everyone needs a rainy day fund. Don't get me wrong, being a full-time mom is great, but raising children is very expensive. Especially, when you're a single mother. Whether you've raised many children from birth to adulthood or you're taking care of your first child, there are always extra expenses that don't fit into your weekly budget. With the price of childcare rising, along with all of the other unexpected expenses you'll experience as a parent, you need to know about available emergency cash sources. Here are some tips on how to save for a rainy day fund and ensure that you have access to extra money for your family should the need ever arise... And, you know it will.

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How to Save for a Rainy Day Fund
Get this Rainy Day Fund Bank on Amazon.

Credit Cards and Mattress Money 

If you try to save on every purchase that you make, you might be able to store away a little extra money for a rainy day fund. For example, utilizing coupons is a great way to see your weekly grocery bill go down. With the money that you don’t spend on household expenditures, you can start your own ‘mattress money’ fund. Of course, you don’t actually need to keep your savings under the mattress, but keeping tangible funds somewhere in your home will come in handy during an emergency. Alternatively, using a credit card when you are in a pickle isn’t a bad idea so long as it is for an absolute emergency. In fact, having a couple of credit cards with large available balances is great for when you have an unexpected, last minute child related expense.

Short-Term Personal Loans

A lot of people still think that the only types of personal loans available are the ones that are offered by local banks. The truth of the matter is that there are all sorts of lenders who regularly make short term personal loans. At loanpig.co.uk, for example, small to mid-sized personal loans are often approved online in minutes. So, if you have a big expense that you only have a few days to come up with the money to pay, a short-term loan can save the day. These types of loans also come with manageable repayment terms, so you don’t have to worry about your debt skyrocketing. While you may not want to take out a short-term personal loan to pay for a child’s birthday party, it's certainly reasonable to take advantage of a small loan to help deal with emergencies or to help bridge the financial gap between pay periods.

Charities and Fundraising

There isn’t anything wrong with accepting or even asking for a little financial help whether you're a busy mom or anyone else. There are charities that help moms furnish their nurseries, aid them in rebuilding after tragedies, and just give a hand where needed. A friend might start a fundraiser for a working mom who has always been frugal and yet still is barely managing to make ends meet. There are charities that help moms get toys and clothes for their children during the winter holiday season as well as fundraising efforts that have given working class families the ability to go on amazing international holidays. Find what funds might be available to your family for emergencies and more. 

It is often very difficult for moms to think clearly when facing a financial emergency. You may go whizzing about looking for ways to pay an expense when the solution is right below your nose. Take a breath, relax, and think back to all of the ways you have prepared yourself and your family for the future when seeking a solution. These days, there are all kinds of ways to earn money online. Got stuff to sell? Give Facebook Marketplace a try!


Keep Household Safe. Remember, Safety First!

How to Create a Safe Family Home

Your home should be a safe environment where you and your family can relax, unwind, and spend quality time together. Unfortunately, break-ins and accidents in the house do occur, which can leave families feeling anxious or unsafe. However, there are many simple things you can do to improve the security of your home. Here are some top tips to help you create a safe living environment for you and your family. 

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New Parent Home Safety Tips for Kids

Advancements in technology mean that there are plenty of ways to upgrade your home security. For instance, there is now the option to wireless home alarm systems that offer automated updates, enhanced security, smart home integration, and Wi-Fi communication options that can deliver updates directly to your mobile phone or another device. Many studies have found that a home alarm system is one of the most effective deterrents to burglars and other criminals. Upgrading your home security system is, therefore, an excellent way to improve your security and create a safer family home. You can make your home even more secure by installing security cameras on your property. Security cameras have been shown to be another effective way to deter criminals from targeting your home, thus reducing your chances of having a break-in. Home security cameras also now come with several high-tech safety features, including night vision and motion detection.

Have work completed by professionals  

When your home requires repairs or work to be carried out, it is always best to hire professionals who have received enough training to do a safe and quality job. Doing things like installations and repairs yourself may save money, but you risk causing more damage or leaving your home in an unsafe condition during and after you have carried out the work. It is therefore always worth seeking the advice and skills of a trained professional, especially with risky or complex home jobs. Fortunately, you can easily find local professionals to complete tasks, such as expert washer and dryer installation by checking comparison websites online. These sites also give you the opportunity to find the best rates and read reviews from other customers. 

Install outdoor lighting 

Outdoor lighting is another effective burglar deterrent that will help you and your family feel safe when returning home after dark. Having sufficient lighting outside with also minimize the risk of people tripping or having other accidents when passing through poorly-lit outdoor spaces at night. You can also install motion detector lights in your front and back yard to make your home more secure. These will notify you if anyone enters your yard and will help deter criminals from targeting your home. 

Teach children how to stay safe 

It is crucial that you teach your children how to stay safe at home, and you should also test whether they understand the importance of this advice. According to childhood101.com - “Regularly role-playing different scenarios is one of the most effective ways to ensure that your child will act safely should the unexpected actually happen.” 

Here are some of the critical things you should teach your children to help them remain safe at home: 

  • Explain to your children that they should never answer the door to strangers. 
  • Make sure that your children know their full address, home telephone number, and parents names. 
  • Teach your children when and how to get help in an emergency - make sure they know how to call emergency services in your area. 

Check your front door 

Your front door is the main entrance and exit of your home, so it is extremely important. Burglars often target the front door and use this to access a property. For that reason, you should regularly check your front door for any weaknesses and ensure that it is secure at all times. You can easily enhance the security of your front door by installing a deadbolt strike plate. Or, you can improve any weak spots by using a doorway reinforcement kit.

Keep items stored away 

Having toys and other items left out around the house can cause accidents like trips and falls. Keeping your house clean and clutter-free will help reduce the likelihood of accidents and injuries occurring. What’s more, having expensive items visible through windows or left in the yard, could attract burglars and encourage criminals to target your home. You should, therefore, encourage your children to put their toys away when they are finished with them. Make sure that you also keep any valuable items out of sight and locked away where possible. 

Creating a safe family home is crucial, which is why keeping the tips above in mind is key. By creating a haven to relax and rest in, you can sleep easy at night, knowing no harm will come to your family. 
