How to Enter Indiana State Fair: County 4 H Fair

What to Know for 4 H Club 

How do I enter the Indiana State Fair? Want to know, we've got answers and all details of what to expect during your first year of 4 H. Enjoy!

Never Underestimate the Power of the Silent Majority: Lora's Law #13

Lora's Law #13: Never Underestimate the Power

You feel like you are the only one. No one else thinks the way you think. Everyone else makes derogatory comments. Everyone else passes secret smirks to each other when you admit your feelings or beliefs. You're afraid to come forward and admit the truth. You don't want to be shunned by society or made the fool. Then, something happens that shocks them... and you. You weren't the only one. You were just the only one brave enough to take the flack for your inner feelings. Right? Never underestimate the power of the silent majority and then go share this Lora's Law quote. Enjoy!

Dory Bathroom Decor Ideas for Kids

Got a Finding Dory Fan? Decorate Your Bathroom in an Under the Sea Theme

Got a little one who is a big fan of Nemo or Finding Dory? If so, you'll want to decorate your bathroom in an under the sea theme. These fish decor ideas make perfect Dory bathroom decor ideas for kids. Enjoy!

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Dory Bathroom Decor Ideas for Kids

So, we've got SpongeBob fans who are even bigger carnival games fans. You know, pop the balloon with a dart, pull a duck out of a baby pool, toss a ping pong ball in a fishbowl. What do you do with all of those tiny little stuffed animals? We give a lot to Goodwill, but we always have a fresh supply. When we moved to our new (old) house I noticed a fish switch plate, so decided to go with an under sea bathroom theme. Add a set of fun fish curtains for a kids' bathroom and you're good to go!

Notice our SpongeBob is pink? He's a special stuffy for Breast Cancer Awareness. We just couldn't give these guys up- each one of them is a special memory from a fun, family vacation or holiday gift.

These are easy to hang with fishing line or kite string. Attach the string to the stuffed animal with a straight pin and then use an office push pin to hang it from the ceiling. I wrapped one end of the string around the pin and then made sure to poke through the end of the string when I poked the pin into the ceiling.

So, there's a story or two here. We have ducks. We like ducks. We have Guppies. The guppy cross-stitch was created by me in 1987! I guess it's my modern form of a stitch sampler. The many ducks came from my son's first bathroom when he was only one year old. The biggest duck is a stuffed animal that is coated in a scented wax and serves as a room freshener.  How to make a wax stuffed animal room freshener,

One of those duckies above is a night light. Don't forget to add the right lighting, an aqua glass sconce is the perfect companion lighting for an under the sea theme bathroom.

Before we moved, we had a powder room decorated in a whimsical Winnie the Pooh theme. I made a border around the wall with rubber stamps and stencils and then colored it in with pastels. I couldn't let it go and now most of the Pooh decor is in my kitchen. 

Yep, whimsy would probably be a good word to describe me. Do you have a fun bathroom decor idea? Share it with us in the comments.


Lora's Law #12: People Don't Mean What They Say Quote

Just Because You Say What You Mean...

As I age, life gets easier. I've begun to understand that no two people are alike. I'd always assumed that when people say something mean or cruel about you, they believe it. Why would they say it otherwise? It has taken me decades to realize that other people don't mean what they say.

I do. If it comes out of my mouth, I believe it to be true. That's why you'll never hear me say, You're ugly! Never. I'd have to believe it to say it. If I believed it, I couldn't say it. You can QUOTE me. I mean, the truth hurts, right? Lots of people say terrible things that they don't mean. They'll say anything to get out of a situation, to hurt your feelings, or to get you to be quiet. Never mind it how it makes you feel, they'll apologize later. Lora's Law #12 is all about how people don't say what they mean. Enjoy!

Beach Theme Pool Party Ideas for Teens and Tweens

Sweet Sixteen Pool Party Decorations and Ideas

Planning a pool party for a sweet 16? A beach themed pool party is a lot of fun! It can be difficult to plan a birthday party theme for teens and tweens. Even if you don't have a "real" pool you can have a pool party for a sweet 16 birthday party. Just get an inflatable pool (or two) and add lots of fun decorations and beach themed food. We love planning parties with The Oriental Trading; they are our go to spot for summer fun. They have the most fun decorations at the best prices. So, have the best pool party ever for teens or tweens with these pool party activities, food, and fun decorating ideas with a pink and green flamingo theme. Enjoy!

Make a List Quote: Lora's Law #11

Quotes to Remember: Make a List

A loaf of bread, a container of milk, and a stick of butter. A loaf of bread, a container of milk, and a stick of butter. A loaf of bread, a container of milk, and, ooh, chocolate! A loaf of bread, a container of- what's this? It looks like some kind of new ice cream. Okay, I got the chocolate, the ice cream... what did we come here for? Oh, yeah, a loaf of bread. This is me shopping with the kids. I need butter to make cookies for a bake sale. I often make lists on paper. They stay at the house or in the car or sometimes wadded up in my purse. As soon as I get home and get to work, I remember what I really went the store to get. Yesterday, it was duct tape. Lora's Law #11 is all about making lists. This quote is to remind us that we need to make lists and remember to read them!!! Use your phone. Enjoy!

Open Letter to Future Homeschoolers: Free Homeschool Lesson Plans Curriculum

Free Homeschool Lesson Plans and Curriculum Resources We've Tried

Disclaimer: This is my homeschooling journey story. To avoid my open letter to future homeschoolers and the homeschool haters, just scroll down to the bottom for the free homeschool lesson plans and curriculum resources. This post contains affiliate links for your convenience. Enjoy!

It is Better to Try and Fail Than Never to Try at all: Lora's Law #10

Quote: It is Better to Try and Fail Than Never to Try at All

It seems all you do is try, try, try, and never get anywhere. You have to keep trying to succeed. If you are too afraid to try, you will always feel like a failure. There is no try- only do! You can do it, we say that every day. We keep trying to be a success, but maybe we already are, because we aren't afraid to try. Stay positive, and share this quote to keep motivated. It is better to try and fail than never to try at all. Enjoy!

Leftover Barbecue Meat Recipe: Easy Cowboy Baked Beans

Easy Weeknight Dinner: Turn Leftover BBQ Meat into Cowboy Baked Beans

Summer is barbecue season in the states. We have Memorial Day, family reunions, Independence Day, and Labor Day. All of these summer activities are perfect for barbecuing. Chicken, hot dogs, brats, steak, ribs, pork chops, baked beans- we want to make sure we have enough for everyone. Sometimes, we over plan and over cook. All of that leftover barbecued meat is expensive. You don't want to throw it away. When microwaved, it doesn't taste so good. You need some leftover BBQ meat recipes. Leftover BBQ meat stew is good, but most kids don't like stew. What's a poor cook to do? We've got a roundup of leftover recipes for barbecued meat including some yummy Cowboy Baked Beans. Enjoy!

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Leftover Barbecue Meat Recipe: Easy Cowboy Baked Beans
Easy weeknight recipe: Easy Cowboy Baked Beans from leftover BBQ.

The day after an outdoor barbecue, you may find yourself inundated with leftovers: leftover beans, leftover meats, and cooked veggies. The meat is dried out. It doesn't taste so great on day number two, what can you do? Turn those leftovers into Cowboy Baked Beans. These are super easy to make!

Recipe for Leftover BBQ Meat, Cowboy Baked Beans

Take your leftover meats and cut them into bite size pieces.

Use leftover baked beans- if you don't have baked beans, use canned baked beans.

Simmer the beans over low heat. If the beans are flavored, you don't need to do anything else for a super easy weeknight dinner. We like to add 1/2 C. Barbecue Sauce to 2 - 16 oz. cans of baked beans. If you really want to eat like a cowboy on the ranch, add 2 Tbs. of Molasses.

Next, add the chopped leftover meat from your barbecue. If you like onions, add 1/4 C. chopped onion. Stir until combined. Stew over medium heat until bubbly. Turn heat down and simmer another 5 minutes. Sprinkle shredded Colby Jack Cheese over top of beans.

Serve warm with a side of sourdough bread.

Cowboy Baked Beans from leftovers.
Cowboy Baked Beans from leftovers.

Here are some more things to do with leftover barbecue meat:


Limit Smartphone Use App: Are You Addicted?

Put Down Your Phone! It Can Save Your Child’s Self- Esteem

Do your kids have mobile phones? We recently purchased a smartphone to use as a house phone. Though, my kids have tablets and free access to computers, I worry about the cell phone, the texting, the access to the world in the palm of your hand. Smartphones have become addictive. I wondered, is their an app for that? Of course, there's an app for everything! Should we limit smartphone use? In this post, Hilary Smith, shares some insight on the overuse of technology combined with our kids, but it might not be the child who has the problem. That's right, Mom (or Dad), you might need an app to limit smartphone use. Enjoy!