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What are the Best Ideas to get Kids to Exercise

 How to Get Your Kids Interested in Exercise

Nowadays, with all of the video games and gadgets available, it’s difficult to get kids to put away their screens and try something active. This has led to a huge rise in childhood obesity and health problems related to sedentary behavior. As a parent, you want your child to be as happy and healthy as possible, so how can you encourage them to become more interested in exercise rather than playing video games or watching TV? Here are some of the best ideas to get kids to exercise to give you inspiration.

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how to get your child to exercise

Ways to get Children to Exercise:

Try out a sport

If your child finds exercise ‘boring,’ then maybe they just haven’t found a sport they like yet. Sports are both lots of fun and a great way to burn extra calories, and team sports can also teach your child vital life skills like teamwork and cooperation. 

Volleyball is a fantastic, fast-paced sport that your kids will love. If you buy volleyball equipment to play this sport at home, then you’ll need to make sure you look after it so it doesn’t get damaged. In particular, volleyball ball pumps are essential for keeping the ball in perfect condition.

Go to after-school clubs

If you don’t have the space or equipment for your kids to play sports at home, then you can sign them up for after-school sports clubs instead. These clubs will have much better facilities and will be able to teach your child more about the sport, helping them reach their full potential. Additionally, your child will participate with other children at these clubs, which will help them make new friends and learn how to collaborate.

Walk to school

A small change you could make to your child’s routine is walking them to school instead of driving them there (or letting them walk alone if they’re old enough). This will get them used to moving more and will reduce their total amount of sedentary behavior. 

Try sports and dance games

A fun family activity that’ll get you all moving is sports or dance games. Although video games often reduce your child’s activity levels, these games actually make them get up and move around in order to win. Games like Just Dance are also extremely fun and competitive - you’ll be having as much fun and getting as much exercise as the kids!

Just Dance Nintendo Switch

Ask them what activities they like

Most importantly, you can’t get your kids interested in exercise if you don’t listen to what they’d like to do. Forcing them to take part in sports and activities they hate will only make them resent exercise. For example, you may find out that your child prefers competitive team sports, solitary sports like running, or simply going for long walks. You may also find that your child isn’t very interested in sports but loves creative activities like dance. Try out a variety of activities to see what works for them.

Once you’ve found a form of exercise that your child enjoys, it’ll be so much easier to establish healthy habits and avoid harmful sedentary behaviors. Whatever you choose, make sure you enjoy the ride!


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How Does too much Screen Time Affect Health

Is too much Screen Time Dangerous?

No matter how much you may try to avoid it, screens are an integral part of everyone’s lives and they are inescapable. With the increased use of electronics also comes increased concerns about how they affect us and our children. Many of us grew up with the old adage of “getting square eyes” or "you'll go blind" when we sat too close to the TV, but what are the real-life effects of too much screen time? Read on to see how too much screen time affects our eye health.

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How Does too much Screen Time Affect Health 
Samsung curved screen monitor available on Amazon.

Screen Effects on your vision

The rise in popularity of blue light filtering glasses has made us all think about how brightly lit screens might negatively impact our vision. If you work on a computer all day then you have probably felt some of these effects of too much screen time such as headaches and dry eyes, but you can also start to suffer from eye strain and even blurred vision. To combat these problems, you can use the aforementioned blue light filtering glasses, always work in good light, and avoid sitting in the dark staring at a screen. The number one rule for fighting computer vision syndrome is the 20-20-20 rule – every 20 minutes you should take a break and stare at an object that is about 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This helps give your eyes a break, and if you keep it up, you should notice a significant difference in your level of eye comfort.

Cut Down Screen Time

Eye Strain Sleeping problems

We are all guilty of scrolling through our phones right before bed but when we do this the light emitted from the device can interfere with your brain's sleep cycle and prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep. The bright blue light that comes from phones and tablets disrupts your natural production of melatonin (the hormone that makes you sleepy.) To keep this disruption to a minimum, you should ban phones from the bedroom and avoid screens for at least an hour before you plan on getting into bed.

Is your Child Cyber-Bullied

Chronic pain

Aside from the effect of the brightly lit screens, we can also see electronic devices affecting our posture and causing neck, shoulder, and back pain. If you are sitting at a computer or laptop for long periods of time, then you will often find yourself hunching over or gradually starting to slump. Take regular breaks from sitting down to walk around the room, stand up or stretch your body, and make sure your chair has sufficient back support. Check out the correct seating posture for office work and make sure you follow the guide on how to sit.

Limit screen time

Set an example – remember that you are an example for your children, so avoid that absentminded scrolling on your phone when your children are around.

Set aside time to unplug – choose a time when the whole family has to unplug from their electronic device and spend quality time together without phones, tablets, or TVs.

Use parental controls – not only can parental controls block unwanted content, but you can also set daily screen time limits that lock your children out of apps once they have reached a set amount of time.

If you follow these simple tips, you can reduce the effects of too much screen time. Your eyes will thank you!


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Helping Your Kids Stay Fit and Healthy

 Get Started with these Quick Parenting Tips Today

All parents want their children to be happy and healthy, but it's often difficult to encourage our kids to follow a healthy lifestyle, especially if they have grown used to sweet treats and like to spend a lot of their time in front of their screens. If you’re a parent who is concerned about their child’s health, or would just like a few useful tips to keep in mind, below are a some simple suggestions on how you can help your children stay fit and healthy. You know how to do it, getting started is the hard part. So, here's your motivation.

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A good place to start is looking at your children’s diet and whether or not there need to be some changes here. You don’t have to feed your kid all organic food to make sure they maintain a good diet, and obviously, not all households can afford the more expensive products. If you want to make sure your kids are eating well, make sure they get plenty of fruits and vegetables and lots of good carbohydrates. 

Strawberry Raspberry Smoothie Recipe

If your kids are fussy eaters, think of creative ways to get them to eat a variety of foods, like making them a healthy smoothie or soup so the veggies and fruits are hidden from view. Also consider taking time to cook meals with your children so they can start to learn this important life skill and about nutrition and what constitutes a healthy diet. We've started ordering dinnerly, an economical food delivery service. Teenagers can cook their own gourmet meals or easy weeknight dinners, you choose the recipes each week.

After School Snack Planning Ideas Printable


Sticking to a good exercise routine, can be difficult. Kids are no different. The best way to encourage your kids (and yourself) to get moving is by finding a sport or activity that they truly enjoy. By making exercise fun, kids are more likely to engage and exercise regularly, especially if their friends are involved. Get the family out and moving together on weekends, whether it’s going for hikes or playing Frisbee together in the park.

Outdoor Play Ideas

Oral Hygiene

As well as making sure they’re eating right and getting their hearts pumping, also watch out for your children's oral health. A lot of kids don’t like having to brush their teeth before bed, particularly if they’re already tired and cranky. However, this is an essential routine they need to get into early to avoid problems with their gums and tooth decay, which can be very painful and unpleasant. Make sure your kids brush their teeth twice a day, and be sure to teach them how to floss. If they hate toothpaste, have them brush with water to get the food out and then do an oral rinse.

Is Chewing Gum good for your Teeth?

Mental Health

Physical health is important, but your child’s mental well-being is also crucial to help them stay physically healthy. This isn't always as easy to see, but the best way you can help is by creating an environment at home where your child feels comfortable talking with you about their feelings and problems. If you discover concerning behaviors, ask your kids' teachers if they've noticed anything at school. The pandemic has been rough on everyone, but especially our kids.Make sure you're paying attention, any changes in behavior might be a cry for help. Kids are struggling with depression from being forced to stay inside.

Mental Health articles from Adventures of Kids Creative Chaos

Raising kids is the most challenging thing anyone can do. Keeping your kids fit and healthy is an important part of parenting. Hopefully, these tips will help you find new, creative ways to keep your kids happy and healthy. Be sure to click on the titles between the paragraphs above, for more detailed information on each topic.

As always, thanks for reading. You matter.


Behavior Tips for Parents

Organic Protein Powder

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Ways to Cut Down Kids Screen Time

 Cutting Down Your Kids’ Screen Time

Using electronics can be great for your kids, it'a a source of both entertainment and education. However, like all good things, they should be used in moderation. Too much screen time can contribute to a whole host of problems, so here are a couple of ideas for alternative activities.

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how to cut down kids screen time


Books are a brilliant alternative to using screens before bedtime. The blue light from screens can interfere with the sleep hormone melanin, which can hinder sleep and keep your kids awake. Switching to a book not only helps them relax but comes with a long list of other benefits. Staring at screens for extended periods of time can put a lot of strain and stress on your child's eyes, leading to problems such as dry eye, which is uncomfortable and irritating. Making small changes to your child’s routine can help minimize the risk of these issues developing, while still keeping them entertained.

Dress Up Games

Activities that stimulate imagination and creativity are essential for children. The younger they start, the better. Besides the usual arts and crafts projects, activities  such as dress-up games are good for kids to exercise their creative mind. Provide your kids with tools and supplies to play dress-up. They can use old clothes and refashion them with various embellishments. Or you can get costumes and pieces online that they can modify according to a theme or design. Of course, they have to have a venue where they can show off their creations. Organize a mini fashion show at home with the entire family or make it a community event and invite their friends to join in on the fun!

Arts and Crafts

Being creative is another great way to entertain and educate your child. There are so many activities to choose from, so you will be able to find something your child loves, regardless of age and ability. Painting and coloring are easy options that don’t require lots of room or equipment, as sets are readily available in many places. This is also a great chance for your child to grow their imagination and just have fun, without feeling as though they have to create a masterpiece! You can find coloring sheets online that can be printed off, as well as instructions on creating items out of things you already have in your home. 


Exercise and fresh air are incredibly important for your child, so turning off the screens and taking them for a walk can have huge benefits. Spending time in nature will help nurture their curiosity and teach them about the world. Even just being in the backyard can be a lot of fun, and there are plenty of outdoor activities and games that you can play. Sports clubs are great for building teamwork skills while getting exercise, and they allow your child to make friends, let off some steam and learn a new sport. Exercise strengthens muscle and bones and helps prevent weight gain and other issues that can occur in later life.


Depending on their age, your child may enjoy helping with the cooking or baking. You can find lots of child friendly recipes online, and they can have the feeling of accomplishment at having created something. There are plenty of baking kits available that are aimed at children and parents, with easy-to-follow instructions and basic ingredients, which are a great introduction to the kitchen. Baking can provide your child with many useful skills, such as reading, collaboration, creativity, and fine motor skills, and is also a lovely opportunity to spend time together. It doesn’t matter if you’re not a great cook yourself, as you can find and adapt recipes to work for you and learn and make mistakes together! 


How to Get your Kids Excited About Nature at a Young Age

How do you Get Kids to Enjoy Nature?

There’s no refuting that encouraging our kids to get out in nature and engage in outdoor play will result in your family reaping a myriad of benefits, spanning from improved physical and emotional health to providing your children with a ton of fun opportunities for both learning and family bonding. But we also know how difficult it can be to get your kids genuinely excited about outdoor time in this age of screens, screens, and more screens. So, how can you get kids to enjoy nature? Here are a few quick tips!

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How do you Get Kids to Enjoy Nature?


1. Plan regular outings

Hands down, the best way to get your kids excited about being out in nature is to make sure that you take regular family trips to beautiful places. Make full use of your local hiking trails on weekends, and set some time aside every week to go on a nice, long (and maybe even educational) bushwalk! If you’ve got younger kids with you, be sure to come equipped with a sturdy Joolz stroller, or another kind of stroller that you’re certain can handle off-road terrain if you plan to stray from the beaten path. 

2. Watch nature documentaries

It’s safe to say that young children have very few opportunities to engage with the wonders of the wider world, especially if your family has no upcoming travel plans. But you don’t need to go to Africa to see the lions of the Serengeti or to the Arctic Circle to see polar bears! If you have an allocated family movie night, be sure to flick on some David Attenborough and other nature documentaries every now and then to keep your kids in absolute awe of the natural world. Not only this, but documentaries can also be a great tool when it comes to teaching your kids about the effects of climate change and the importance of decreasing your household’s carbon footprint. Putting these complex issues into real-world contexts can really help your kids develop and maintain healthy living habits.

how to get kids outside in nature

3. Grow your own garden

Speaking of healthy living habits, did you know that even the pickiest kids are more likely to eat veggies that they’ve grown themselves? And that not only is gardening a natural stress reliever, but it’s also been proven to boost our immune systems and strengthen our fine motor skills? Both suburban and city-dwelling families alike, are jumping on the gardening bandwagon and using any free outdoor space to cultivate their own little veggie patches. And you don’t need to go all-out here to reap the benefits either! Even families living in apartment buildings can utilise balcony space to nurture their own herbs and potted produce like tomato plants. If you’re uncertain of where to start, here are five low-maintenance plants that will be sure to get your kids excited about flexing their green thumbs for years to come.

4. Play some outdoor games

Some of our strongest memories from childhood are made during outdoor play, whether we’re bouncing on a trampoline in the backyard or swinging from the monkey bars of our nearest playground. For this reason alone, it’s highly recommended that you take any and all opportunities to play some outdoor games with your kids and to encourage your kids to play sports and other outdoor activities with their peers. Even younger kids can join in on the fun with some inclusive activities like a sandcastle-building competition, and older kids will have a whale of a time with age-old classics like ‘Tag’ and ‘Capture the Flag.’

Finally, it’s a good rule of thumb to always have a small debrief with your little ones after any outdoor activity, just so you can gauge what interests them and what you can do to nurture those interests. If you listen well, you’ll be sure to have some very avid little hikers, bikers, and gardeners on your hands who will only find more ways to keep themselves learning and developing new skills as they grow up!


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Nature Games

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Tips to Get TEENS to Read More

Turn Your Teens into Readers: 5 Handy Tips to Encourage Teenage Reading

Most parents want their teens to become avid readers.One poll found that three-fourths of parents with kids between the ages of 6-17 agreed with the statement, "I wish my child would read more books for fun." Getting a teenager to read is often more challenging than getting a 10-year-old to read. By the time your child is a teenager, they're more interested in screen time than book time. Not every kid is going to stay up late reading books, and that's okay. You can encourage teenage reading by choosing the right book for your kid, read on for five of the best tips to get your teen to read more.

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Turn Your Teens into Readers: 5 Tips to Encourage Teenage Reading
How to get your Teen to Read.

5 Tips to Get TEENS to Read More

1. Take Teens to Bookstores and Libraries 
Bookstores are far less common now than 20 years ago. The bookstore shortage is even affecting highly cultured cities like New York. Many people who buy books do it online.
Buying online isn't the same as having a world of books that you can reach out and touch with your fingertips. Bookstores and libraries are great places to discover new authors and get recommendations while fulfilling those bibliophile needs. Smell the pages, caress the covers, see the beauty of the illustrations as they were meant to be seen.
2. Encourage Fun Reading
Sure, you may wish that your teens would read Jane Austen or Charles Dickens.These days, if they're doing that, it's probably for a class. Reading a book for a grade can suck the joy out of reading a good book. 
What does that mean for parents? It means that you should encourage your teens to read for fun, even if "fun" looks different for you than it does for them. They should read what they want, even if it's just a magazine or a comic book.

A few years ago, some parents freaked out at the idea of teens reading the Twilight novels. But vampire romance novels, no doubt, made some kids into lifelong pleasure readers. Raising our hands here! When a kid that never reads gets addicted to a book series, you jump for joy!

Books for Teenage Boys: All Quiet on The Western Front
3. Create Screen-Free Zones
These days, both adults and teens are constantly on their smartphones. One way to fight the technology craze is to create zones where screens aren't permitted.

For instance, let's say dinner starts at 6 pm. Want to eat? Have everyone in your family, including the adults, drop their phones into a basket outside the dining room before sitting down to eat.

The more you look at your phone, the harder it is to look away. Taking a break from screens can make it easier for kids to pick up a book and start reading

Or Encourage Kindle Reading: Whatever works, right!

4. Encourage Teens to Write
A teen interested in writing is more likely to get interested in reading. That's because trying to write a book gives you a different perspective on the books that you read. 

If your kid has a story to tell, give them the time and space to write it down. It can be anything from short-form fan fiction to a full-blown novel. Grab some cool writing journals and encourage them to get creative. If you want, you can even customize your book cover
5. Talk About Your Own Reading
Make reading a family priority. When you sit down with a book, you're sending your teen a message. Your teen may not think you're cool, but they're paying attention to what you're doing. 
If they ask what you're reading, tell them. Encourage them ask questions. They may tease you, but you're still showing your teen what it looks like to enjoy reading, even when you have a job, kids, and other obligations.

Books for Teens Boys Girls Read More

Get Your Teenager Reading
The idea of trying to get your teenager reading can feel impossible. But it's possible, and you don't even have to nag. In fact, nagging is more likely to backfire. Remember that, you know how it felt.
Of course, reading is great, but we've also got plenty of other ways to keep your kid entertained at any age. Bookmark our site to stay up to date on the latest parenting teens articles.


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