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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query painting. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query painting. Sort by date Show all posts

14 Circle Time Activities and Ideas for Preschoolers

Preschool Circle Time is for Group Lessons, Games, and Interaction

Running out of ideas for Preschool Circle Time? Every preschool program needs circle time for group interaction. This is a time to build structure into the program, so the children know what to expect each day. It is great to offer circle time at least twice a day- once in the morning, and once just before time to go home. These ideas will help build a sense of togetherness, (community) a time for sharing, and a fun learning environment for the kids. Enjoy!

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Elementary Circle Time Games, Activities, Ideas for Preschoolers and Toddlers
Elementary Circle Time Games, Activities, and Ideas for Preschoolers and Toddlers.

 14 Ideas and Activities for Circle Time

1.  Dance Freeze - Play some music or sing a song. Everyone dances willy nilly. Suddenly, stop the song, but don't sing to the end of a verse, that is too predictable. Everyone must freeze in their position. Is one leg up? Are they doing the worm? If they move, they must sit frozen in that spot, criss-cross applesauce and wait to see who can freeze the longest. No blinking or twitching allowed.

2.  Bug in a Rug - This is an oldie, but a goodie. Everyone sits in the circle. Before you begin to play, explain EXACTLY how the game works. Grab a blanket or a big beach towel. Now, pick one child to leave the room or wear a fun blindfold. Teacher picks a student. Shh! Just point at the child, grab their hand and take them away from the group. Now, point at another child and then to the "rug". Hide the child under the "rug." Bring the other preschooler back. Can they guess who is missing? 

3. Pass the Movement - I played this for years with preschoolers and school-age children in summer camps, but I didn't give it a name. I found the name at Preksharing Blog. She says it is adapted from a book published in 2011, but we used to do this years ago in summer camp and afterschool programs. Just goes to show, great minds think alike! It is simple to play. Teacher starts with a movement. Perhaps, you wave your hand in the air. Now, the person sitting to your right must wave their hand and add a movement like wiggling their nose. The next person to the right, does those movements and adds one of their own. It is a "WAVE" of different movements.

4. Shake the Sillies Out - Need a game to get kids' moving?  Find some Dragon Tunes from the cartoon, Dragon Tales, and every morning, "Shake the Sillies Out"! Just play the song, and follow the instructions. Kids love this one!

5. Circle Time Collaborative Painting - I like the idea of painting circles in collaboration like the one from Art Project Girl in the link. You know, where Teach lays out a big sheet of paper and painting supplies and everyone paints concentric circles? What if we do it as a part of Circle Time? Pass the painting, and make a PROGRESSIVE PAINTING. 

This idea teaches patience. Everyone must wait their turn. It builds excitement too. Lay out a large painting tarp, sit the children in a circle on the tarp, give each child a cup of paint and a brush. No painting unless it is your turn. To make it less frustrating, pass two large poster boards around starting at opposite ends. Children are allowed to paint only 1 circle or shape of their choice per turn. While they are painting, teacher shares an art lesson on shapes!

Collaborative Concentric Circle Painting
Collaborative Concentric Circle Painting from Art Project Girl.

6. Click, Clack, Moo Story Starter - You know the story about the unhappy cows in the barn? They have a typewriter. They are making demands. An electric blanket would be nice. What else might the farm animals want from the farmer? 

Click Clack Moo Story Starter Circle Time Game.
Click Clack Moo Story Starter Circle Time Game.

Play a Circle Time Game where each child is given an animal. Before the game, print out cards with farm animal pictures on one side and their name on the other. Each child draws a card from a hat. Give this example to the kids: What does the (insert animal here) pig want? "Dear Farmer Brown, the barn is smelly. Please send air fresheners." Have each child come up with their own idea for what the animal on the card might want from the farmer.

7. Animal Movement Game - Take the game above one step further. Get the kids moving like the animals. Ask, "What does a pig say?" Now, "How does a pig move?" The children take turns walking around the circle like the animal on their cards. 

8. Quiet Mouse, Still Mouse - When Circle Time is done, keep children in a circle to release them to the next preschool activity. The teacher explains, the child who sits as quiet as a mouse (the quietest) get to line up first. Continue until everyone (or almost everyone, I don't like to single out those who can't sit still or quiet) is in line.

9. Calendar Time -  Sing "Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday Friday, Saturday. Suunday, Munday... TUUESday" Emphasize the current day of the week. Sing the song and then check the calendar. Who can find today on the calendar? Here's another days of the week song sung to the Addam's Family theme. 

10. Alphabet Shopping - Using the first letter of each child's name, pretend to go shopping for an item that begins with that letter. For example, “Jake will buy a jump rope.” Go around the circle until everyone has had a turn. This helps with letter recognition. For more ideas like this visit Early Childhood News.

11. Talking Stick - Bring in a cane, or recycle a cardboard wrapping paper tube. The kids can help decorate the "Talking Stick" with Washi or Duct Tape, Glitter, or Feathers. During Circle Time, grab the stick. Now, explain to the group that this is a talking stick. Only the person who holds it may speak. This is a great tool to use for Show and Tell or other situations where children take turns sharing. More lessons in patience and turn taking.

12. Birthday Day of the Week Bags - PreK Pages Blog has a fun idea for Day of the Week Bags. Make a brown paper bag for each day of the week. Give it a colorful label, and fill it with the names of classmates who have birthdays on this day or other special things that happen on this day of THIS week.

   13. Pictures with Facial Expressions - Hold up magazine pictures of facial expressions. Ask, "What is this person feeling." Have the children take turns making the face. After you play this game, have the kids draw themselves like this emotion art lesson.

14. Play Duck, Duck, Goose? - This old standby might be boring to you, but it is likely new to the toddlers and preschoolers in your class. Change it up each day. After they get the hang of the game, add a creative play element by acting it out. Have the kids act and walk like the animal as they toddle around. Walk and Talk like the animal. For older or school-age children, change the theme to pig, pig, cow or ghost, ghost, vampire.

Preschool Circle Time Activities

Chicken Art Project for Preschool

Preschool Circle Time Songs

Nature Based Circle Time Activity

How to Play Four Corners Group Activity

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14 Circle Time Activities and Ideas for Preschoolers

Painting with Scissors Simple Cut Outs Matisse Abstract Art Project

 How to Paint Like Henri Matisse

Henri Matisse was best known as an abstract artist. He aligned himself with a small group of artists known as Fauvists or Wild Beasts. Unlike other painters during this era, he painted with bold colors and took risks with his art. Matisse called his cut paper art posters, painting and drawing with scissors  So, how do you paint like Henri Matisse?  With paper cut-outs, of course.

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How to Paint Like Henri Matisse with Paper Cut Outs

The Cut Outs or Painting with Paper are part of the Matisse Jazz Series. Matisse created a few artists’ books, many were made in 1941 after he suffered with intestinal cancer. With this technique, he was able to stay in bed and still create art. 

Henri Matisse Paper Cut Outs Video for Students.

The painting of the figure with stars around it is one of the most well-known in his Jazz series. The book is made up of circus and theater theme posters made with cut and pasted brightly colored papers that are printed using a stencil technique known as pochoir. Most of the images in the Jazz series are done in primary colors. 

You may have seen a similar cut paper technique in a series of children's books painted and illustrated by Eric Carle. Carle was influenced by the works of Matisse and other abstract artists. Here's an art lesson on Eric Carle. You can also experiment with Eric Carle's technique of wet paper illustration with this lesson, how to paint like Eric Carle.

The Loyalist - Painting with Scissors Simple Matisse Abstract Art Project

With his cut paper art, Matisse invented a new form of art, the cut-out. He called this new art form drawing with scissors. He cut out various geometric and organic shapes and arranged them on his gouache painted canvas to illustrate his books. He also hand wrote about each image in cursive rather than using a type setting. This style is similar to today's scrap booking. You can create your own book that has meaning to your life with this simple, inspired by Matisse, technique.

Paint Like Matisse

Supplies Needed:

Mixed Media Paper,18 x 24"
Tempera or Acrylic Paint in primary colors
Wide Paint Brush
Brightly Colored Copy Paper
Glue Stick
Subject Matter that is Meaningful 

We decided to take inspiration from the Jazz poster's cover painting. Using the same primary color scheme, we added secondary colors in orange and violet. There are not lines or any drawing on the art work; everything is done in paper cut outs. Remember, it is abstract art! Use shapes and meaningful colors to represent your subject matter. Our paper painting represents a family pet. Our Cockatiel, Nebu, died at the age of twenty-three. Squinting your eyes while looking at a cockatiel will allow you to see his basic features, yellow spiked crest and orange cheek. The heart represents how close he was to our hearts, and the violet squiggles represent his wings in motion. They can also represent a flutter or the beating of his heart.


While you're planning your design think about the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design. How many can you use? Ours has color, line, shape, space, balance, movement, contrast, emphasis, and harmony. Do you see more? In the comments below, tell us what you see.


Painting with Scissors and Paper Cut Outs:  How to Paint Like Henri Matisse

Step one:  Come up with a subject matter that means something to you.
Step two: Sketch it out in your sketch book.
Step three: Think about it in an abstract way.
Step four: Do a thumbnail sketch changing your drawing into basic shapes.
Step five: Paint your paper background in a primary color or black.
Step six: Cut out your shapes.
Step seven: Arrange your shapes on the paper. Think about the Principles of Design, especially balance and unity. Shapes should be abstract, and it shouldn't be immediately obvious what the picture represents (not realistic.) See our student examples below. No drawing! Remember, you are painting with paper.
Step eight: Paste them into position. Tip: Do not use school glue, it bubbles up. Glue sticks work best.
Step nine: That's it! It's that simple to paint like Henri Matisse!

These are student examples from the NCHS Intro to 2D Art class. You may not use these images or reproduce them anywhere else. They are for educational purposes only.

If you want to try this project with preschoolers or elementary students, you may also like to add some books to your Matisse art lesson plans. The books below make excellent companion books for a lesson on Henri Matisse's painting with scissors abstract poster series. Don't forget to read your students some Eric Carle books and remind them that he was influenced by Matisse.

Recommended Reading:

Henri's Scissors Children's Book 

Edible Art: Sensory Play Paint with Spaghetti with Toddlers and Preschoolers

From our Sensory Play Messy Class for Preschoolers and Toddlers: Worm Painting with Spaghetti and Edible Paint Art

Sensory Play is a great way to help preschoolers learn. It also helps with disorders of the Autism spectrum when the child is allowed to explore the subject matter on their own without being pushed. This activity is messy, squishy, fun, and even edible! Enjoy!

Sensory Spaghetti game for kids and preschoolers.
Getting Started with Cooked Spaghetti
Spaghetti Painting or Worm painting
Inspired Modern Art. Worm Painting?

Sensory Play Edible Art Painting with Spaghetti for Preschool and Toddlers

Spaghetti Painting for Edible Art and Sensory Play.
Spaghetti Painting for Edible Art and Sensory Play feels like worms.

How to Make Spaghetti for Sensory Paint Play

  • Cook up a batch of Spaghetti
  • Strain it and pat it dry
  • Mix some Edible Paint (Vanilla Pudding Paint with Gel food coloring works best with the Noodles but you can also try kool-aid paint and  milk paint for other projects.)
  • Prepare to get Messy!
  • Swirl the Spaghetti in the paint, then onto your paper.
Since most in the class are toddlers, I paraphrase the words to get thru it quickly, paying a lot of attention to the photos and asking, "What is that?".  We paired this with the Children's Book, Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs

Next, I gave each child a spaghetti noodle to study. Then, we stood up pretending we were squigly spaghetti noodles. Oops, spaghetti can't stand up, so we fell to the floor and squirmed like worms. We finished up with a game of Duck, Duck, Goose but why not try Worm, Worm, Catepillar?

Painting was a huge success. The sticky spaghetti is so fun, enjoy!

Recommended Reading:

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

Worm Birthday Party Favors

Healthy Spaghetti Recipe

Worm Birthday Party Activity

How do you Keep Kids Happy on Rainy Days?

A Guide to Keeping Your Kids Happy on Rainy Days

For adults and teens rainy days are great: you have the perfect excuse to stay inside, curl up on the couch and catch up with your favorite TV show or video game. Yet for little ones, rainy days force them to face the prospect of one more dreaded day stuck inside the house. When you use this guide to keeping your kids happy on rainy days for tips and tricks, rainy days don’t have to equal boredom for the kiddos!

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How do you Keep Kids Happy on Rainy Days?  Cowboy Costume Dress Up
Howdy Partner! Mayhem in a Cowboy Costume.

Boredom Busters for Rainy Days

Click through the links below for fun activities on how to keep kids happy on rainy days.

Get Creative with Painting
Painting doesn’t have to be just painting anymore; try some fun ideas, like painting with spaghetti, or paint rocks to look like ladybugs (on a drier day before the rain started, of course) or try finger painting in a fun new way. If you're up for it, let the kids try face painting with you as their model!
Maybe you have a designated kids' playroom and you want to get creative with a spare bit of white wall that's just begging for a splash of bright color. You can always paint your wall like a chalkboard and let the kids go wild!
If you're organized, you can prep for rainy day activities during the summer by collecting interesting seashells at the beach or walnuts in the yard, and saving them for a rainy day when you and the kids can paint the shells all kinds of creative ways!

Entertain All of Their Senses
As you know, younger kids are receptive to nearly anything entertaining, so don’t underestimate the power of visual and aural stimulation. Whether it’s a colorful cartoon on the TV or sound waves making the floor vibrate with their favorite childhood tunes, you can use this stimulation as a spin off for a drawing activity like this cartoon anime lesson.
Oh, how times have changed!
Also, you may want to consider investing a little more in home tech equipment for a true all-round experience; for example, has a great range of audio and video equipment, including amplifiers to really fill up the house on those gloomy weather days. With all those beats pumping though the house, you'll be up dancing on the ceiling! Seriously though, dancing with your kids is the best rainy day boredom buster ever!!

Use the Furniture to Your Advantage
If you have a large living space with plenty of couches and chairs, consider building a lion's den or a makeshift maze for the kids. You can move the furniture around and even drape the furniture in towels and bed sheets to create a cozy tent or tepee area for the kids to crawl into and stay quiet for a while. Ask Alexa to read a story while you catch up on some chores.

decorate with fairy lights on Amazon
Decorate with Fairy Lights. Photo Credit: Amazon

Add a sensory element by placing toys and books inside the blankets and light it up with funky fairy lights to make it a space the kiddos will never want to leave (until the sun comes out, of course.)

Catch up with Chores
It doesn't sound like the most fun thing to do, but if you have a whole bunch of household tasks you need to catch up with – and a rainy day just so happens to present an opportunity to do just that – then make the kids pitch in and get all those chores done together.
Need some motivation? Here are some printable chore charts for kids to help you keep track of their progress and work toward rewards!
Turn ‘matching up odd socks’ into a fun game with a prize, or maybe get creative in the kitchen if you have food that needs prepped, and let the kids help whisk up dinner!
You can also turn chores into competitions! Promise a special treat for the winner of ‘who can tidy the front room the fastest!’
How cool is that? Using chores as rainy day boredom busters is a great way to teach kids that helping around the house can be fun!

Play Dress Up in Costumes
You don't need a trunk full of costumes to play dress up with kids and keep them happy on a rainy day. No Ma'am, just raid your closets for old clothes, ties, and bandannas. In the picture above, we raided Grandma and Grandpa's closets for an old vest from the 70's, a gun holster, and an Australian Outback hat. Voila! Instant cowgirl costume.
Making costumes can keep kids busy for at least an hour on a rainy day. Once the costumes are complete, it's time for some good old fashioned pretend play!


Games for Kids from Kids Creative Chaos

Art Activities for Preschoolers

Easy Preschool Art Activities

Preschool art activities don't have to be all finger painting and paper plate crafts. We've collected some art activities for preschoolers that include sensory fun. Read on for easy preschool art activities that are destined to become mini masterpieces.

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Art activities for preschoolers.
Art activities for preschoolers.

Bubble Painting is a fun, sensory way to introduce your preschooler to art. They can experiment with color mixing, layering, and layout. Scoot on over to Kelly Noel's Living the Dream blog for more details.

art activities for preschoolers bubble painting
Bubble Painting Preschool Art Activity from Living the Dream.

Another fun way for preschoolers to experience sensory art activities is to let them play with food coloring and shaving cream. Skip over to our post on how to paint with shaving cream

Coffee Filter Mobiles. All preschool teachers adore coffee filter crafts. Remember the days of the milk carton crafts? Wonder what we'll all switch to when coffee filters become a thing of the past? These coffee filter and cardboard paper towel tube painted mobiles are self-explanatory. We found them posted here but are sure they originated somewhere else. Please leave a comment if you know the original source.

Coffee Filter Mobile Preschool Art Activity.

Art, like sensory play, develops critical thinking skills and hand eye coordination. Click here to learn about how art can aid in brain development.

Handprint and footprint art is a staple in the world of preschool. Introduce your preschoolers to Pointillism with these beautiful fall handprint trees from Arty Crafty Kids.

Handprint Art Activities for Preschoolers
Handprint Tree Preschool Activity from Arty Crafty Kids.

The Jammy Jigsaw offers up an art activity for preschoolers that serves double duty as a science project. This salt dough bone necklace is the perfect companion art project for a lesson on dinosaurs.

Salt Dough Bone Necklace Art Activity for Preschoolers from The Jammy Jigsaw
Salt Dough Bone Necklace Art Activity for Preschoolers from The Jammy Jigsaw.

Looking for more art activities for preschoolers? Visit our Pinterest Board, Preschool Scavenger Hunt.


For activities and games to play with preschoolers check out our Circle Time Handbook on Amazon.

How to paint like Eric Carle Homeschool Art Project Collage

How to Paint like Eric Carle Lesson for Kids

Don't you just love the illustrations of Eric Carle in children's books? Did you ever wonder how to paint like Eric Carle? This Homeschool Art Project takes some time, but it is worth the effort. Enjoy!

How to paint like Eric Carle techniques in Mixed Media

Use different household items to achieve varying patterns. I love how the piece of cardboard makes a herringbone pattern when crossed. The side of a paint brush looks like animal tracks. We even used the end of our paint brush to make stipple patterns. The dirty, wadded up paper towel made a glorious pink, green, and black impressionist style.

Homeschool Art Lesson How to paint like Eric Carle
Jake traced this on our light table 
and then cut his patterned papers to illustrate.

We cut 8 1/2 x 11 white paper into quarter
 and each child painted in each technique.

This is salt painting.

Homeschool Art use The Foolish Tortoise an Art and Writing Prompt
We made 16 different patterns with our paint.

Mayhem made 3D Elements in this
Eric Carle style illustration focusing on Giraffes.

Jake doesn't like to draw so we cut images out of coloring books, traced them and filled them in with bits of our pattern painting projects. Mayhem used a coloring book image but chose to draw many of her own designs. These techniques also work fine motor skills.

Homeschool Art Lesson: How to paint like Eric Carle

You will need watercolor or tempera paint, brushes, paper towels, salt, cardboard scraps, tissue paper, art paper, sponges, plastic bags, and  imagination.

Cut a piece of art paper into fourths. (We used several sheets as it was so much fun!)

Experiment with different painting techniques:

1. Salt Painting - paint with a color, sprinkle salt over it, allow to dry for a sparkly texture.
2. Stipple - use the end of a paintbrush to make dots.
3. Animal Tracks - flatten the brush on the paper to make tracks.
4. Tissue Paper - wet and use it to paint or glue a collage of colors onto your sheet.
5. Toilet Tube - use like a roller or hold upright and stamp circles or hearts with the end.
6. Sponge - cut a sponge into small shapes and blot on paper.
7. Paper Towel - use your dirty paper towel and blot on paper for a fun print.
8. Cardboard Edge - use the edge of the cardboard to make straight lines.
9. Plastic Bag - Tie a bread bag in a knot or wear it like a glove and dab it paint.


Let your paintings dry overnight (at least an hour.) Draw or trace your favorite animals, lay out your design on paper, take your squares, and cut them up to fill in the pictures (think puzzle pieces.) See the example above for ideas.

Jake complained about how horrible his turtle looked. Of course, I think it looks awesome. He enjoyed tracing the turtle. The idea of it looking perfect is very important to him. Flowing, organic art makes him crazy. As a gifted child, he needs and thrives on structure. 

Without structure, all chaos breaks loose. Perfectionism is an artist's worst enemy. Mayhem, on the other hand, sits down and lets her art tell her where it wants to go. Great artist come in both styles. We're working on Jake's rigid issues in Jake's Journey in Art. We'd love for you to join us!

Recommended Reading:

Eric Carle Favorite Animal

The Nonsense Show Book Review and Surrealist Art Ideas

The Art of Eric Carle