What I did for Christmas: Nativity Play and Easy No Sew Costumes

How to Make Easy, No Sew Nativity Costumes

We made our no sew costumes from the choir robes for our production of the Nativity play at church. Mary, Joseph, three Wise Men, the angels, and the burrow all wore easy, no sew costumes that are easy to make. Enjoy!

Nativity Play and Easy No Sew Costumes
Nativity Scene with no sew choir robes for Mary and Joseph.
Little burrow is wearing brown hoodie with ears and tail attached with hot glue.

We made the costumes with what we had on hand,so we used choir robes, altar gowns, hoodies, and pillow cases.

Easy no sew Joseph and Mary costumes from choir robes.
Easy no sew Joseph and Mary costumes from choir robes.

Head coverings are made by wrapping pillow cases (no sew).

Church altar decorated for Nativity Play.
The setting was magical. Mayhem wore her fanciest dress.

Nativity Angels no sew choir robe costumes
Nativity Angels no sew choir robe costumes with Christmas garland accents.

The miracle of Jesus must have played a hand. The kids did a fantastic job acting out the nativity play, despite only one performance with the entire cast. The little angels are wearing altar gowns adorned with Christmas garland. Poster board wings are also decorated with gold garland and attached with white ribbon arm straps looped thru two slits in the wing like a backpack strap.

What we do in real life: Outreach to Senior Citizen's Homes. Kids join our Drama Club or take a class and then we present it to real-life audiences spreading a message of  'Good Cheer' all thru the year.


Princess Pirate Costume

Perry the Platypus Costume

How to Make a Gingerbread House

Stained Glass Cookie Ornaments

The Donkey in the Living Room Nativity Set: A Tradition that 
Celebrates the True Meaning of Christmas*

Christmas Is... by Gail Gibbons*

ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products.

*We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to, amazon.com, endless.com, myhabit.com, smallparts.com, or amazonwireless.com. We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

What's for Christmas? Teen Heartbreak-Part One

Teen Heartbreak and Advice for Girls: Beware of Holidays

Teen Heartbreak and Advice = Beware of the Holidays
Teen Holiday Heartbreak.
A big-fat break-up wrapped with a puke-colored bow and sprinkled with salty tear-sparkles, that's what.

Boys suck.  You know they do- even if you have one of your own. It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all? Try telling that to a heartbroken teenage-girl after her first boyfriend breaks up with her thru a text message three days before Christmas.

She thinks I have ESP. Perhaps I do, whatever you call it I have an Extraordinary Mother's Instinct. I saw it coming.  In fact, I've been there more than once. Although, I must confess, I am happy with the end result; I cannot bare the pain I see in her eyes.

At the beginning of the semester her Honor's English teacher called to say she is failing English (the fifth English Teacher in a row).  We discussed options and made the tough decision that extra-curricular Jazz Band would have to go. Said boy = Jazz Band.

One tiny paragraph stood in her way between passing class and extra-curricular activity bliss. Three weeks ago her Honor's English teacher called to say she is still failing English. One tiny paragraph stands in her way blocking her from passing with a D-!  The same paper.  Teacher loves her, "I cannot comprehend this."

"Me too", I lie.

I struggled with what to do -with what to take away.  The teacher says she is an excellent student. Teacher has no explanation for the outcome. She's tried everything. So have we. Band is all consuming...

Well, at least I thought it was band, but of course it was said boy.  Did I mention that boy's suck?

So, we grounded her until second semester and exiled her from band for the rest of the year.  You cannot go anywhere but 'Sucky Boy' can come to our house.  He can go to Thanksgiving, to the Family Office Party, he can come hang and watch movies, go to lunch, go sledding- you get the drill.

He couldn't find the time.  He didn't want to come over to our house.  He kept asking her to do things that he knew she couldn't do- frustrating her beyond words. Elevating her anger with her evil parents. "Why does he keep asking me to do stuff he knows I can't do?"  I knew the answer but I kept my mouth shut.

I wanted to say, "Because he knows you can't and this way he can keep stringing you along.  He gets to keep you on a rope and still have his fun."  Instead, I said, "What are we going to buy 'Sucky Boy' for Christmas?"  Wait remove the quotes I didn't say that exactly.  I politely used his name and smiled sweetly waiting for ideas to throw my hard-earned money away- on a boy who can't even use the telephone to speak words.

That's right- there aren't any late night 'I love yous' or 'Sweet Dreams' no 'I just needed to hear your voice'- Just some crappy text that say things like,  "What Up?" or "Okay Then".  Is this modern love and I'm just an old-fashioned old lady at forty-one?

My instincts were correct as usual.  Apparently, 'Sucky Boy' had his eye on someone else.  In my daughter's absence he's been spending time with 'the other woman'. I remember holidays with my boyfriend.  He went everywhere with me.  I didn't find out he was a 'Sucky boy' for years!

Her 'Sucky Boy' says, "I can't wait until January when you aren't grounded."

Excuse me? Wait for what?  Good riddance, fair weather friend.  
Merry Christmas 'Other Woman'.

And then technology hit the fan-  He changed his Facebook status and seconds later an influx of text messages filled her inbox. "OMG!" and "What's going on?" "Are you okay?"  Every time the phone vibrated she cried.

We did what any awesome parents would do; we took the phone away. But I'm a sucker and I let her use mine to text her best-friend.  Minutes later it zinged to remind me I had a unread message.  Sucky Boy was texting her back.  "Y wut?"

I'm angry at myself for giving her my phone.  Angry at her for texting him "Y?"  And angry at him for sucking so much. Really? "Y wut?"  He's such a lame.

So, I'm thinking, 'Thank you for ruining our holiday stupid boy and a true, heartfelt Thank you for ending it now rather than after the holidays which would make you look even more sucky in my eyes. And a GREAT BIG THANK YOU for saving me the money of purchasing an awesome gift for an unworthy recipient.'

What do you think? Is it better to break-up before the holidays or try to be 'polite' and do it after to save feelings? I had a boyfriend who would break up with me before my birthday or Christmas so he didn't have to buy me a gift. "For Reals."

I dedicate this post to all the texting teenagers out there.  Write a letter.  Use your voice. Even if your 'Sexting'   it is still a detachable relationship.  IT'S NOT REAL. It's too easy to type, "It's over."  Why not try saying that eye to eye?  Man up now before it is too late because many men never do.

Look for Part Two next week, "Why Sucky Boys Make Me Cry"

Fun Holiday Edible Craft: Cream Cheese Snowman and PBJ Gingerbread Man Toast

Christmas Cream Cheese Sandwich Snacks

This fun, holiday, edible craft is healthier than Christmas Cookies. It is made with cream cheese and food coloring. Add fruit for an after school snack or breakfast your kids will eat. Use your Christmas Cookie Cutters to make holiday shapes with plain, white bread and add food coloring to the cream cheese. Enjoy!

Christmas Cream Cheese Sandwich Snacks Edible Crafts
Christmas Cream Cheese Sandwich Snacks: Fun Holiday Edible Craft.

Want your kids to eat? Let them play with their food! We played and made a Toast and Cream Cheese Snowman, Toast with Peanut Butter and Jelly Gingerbread Man, Toast and PBJ 'hamburger' and Cream Cheese Christmas Tree.

Fake Hamburger with PBJ and Bread edible Craft
Fake Hamburger with PBJ and Bread edible craft.

Cream Cheese Edible Christmas Tree after school Snack.
Cream Cheese Edible Christmas Tree healthier than Cookies Snack.

Just add a drop of food coloring to cream cheese and 'paint' your toast with a plastic knife. You can even paint a tree or snow scene on your toast with our  Edible paint your toast.

This is one of our original, oldest posts from back when flip phones were rad because they had cameras :) For more updated ideas, see below.


Cool Things to do with Chicken Nuggets

More Edible Art Ideas

Healthy Homemade Snacks You and Your Kids Will Love*

ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products.

*We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to, amazon.com, endless.com, myhabit.com, smallparts.com, or amazonwireless.com. We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

Bigfoot is a Ho' - Jake's Jokes for Kids

Jake's jokes and funny things kids say.

Jake's jokes for kids and the funny things kids say.
Jake the jokester.

Jake's Jokes: The Joke might have been on Jake, but it cracked us all up. Last night, I listened to Jake read for the first time since the teacher told me he reads and comprehends at 12th grade level. It is amazing- he rarely slows to sound anything out- even the words that give me pause. My tears fell on the pages of his book while he read aloud.  And then tonight...
Amanda:  Is Bigfoot real?

Jake:  (As it sounded to my ears) No!  He's just a great, big Ho' Axe.

Mommy:  (Worriedly) What's a Ho' Axe?

Sam:  Hoax!

Daddy:  Ho' Axe...  And SAM figured it out first!

Mommy:  Hoax!  He's a hoax?  It depends who you ask.  
Jake, great sounding out of the word, but we pronounce it Hokes.

Jake:  Ohhh...  It looks like Ho' Axe. (laughs)

I really like thinking about Bigfoot being a great, big Ho'...       Axe.

See more Jokes for Kids in our tabs above.

P.S.  Last night I warned him that if you don't ask for help you may misread a word your entire life. For me it was laughter. Lawter. I can't see it without reading Lawter.  Thank Goodness we caught this one before it was too late.

Someone Thinks I'm Stylish - Blogger Award - About Me

Looking for Blogger Awards to share? We have several snoop around.

I'd like to thank 'New England Mommy' at Muddy Feet for awarding me the 'Stylish Blogger Award'.

Stylish Blogger Award about me Kids Creative Chaos


Seven Things About Me:

1.  At twenty-five I thought I was too old to become a mother.
Now (depending how you count it) I have four kids ages 4-22.

2.  We also have three pet kids.  A turtle, I mowed over in the back yard, a cat, and an eleven-year old cockatiel.

3. I use to clean my woodwork with a toothbrush (when I was twenty-five).  Now, I am lucky to find time to clean my teeth with a toothbrush.

4. My career goal was to work on Sesame Street but I never moved to New York. (Elmo Rocks!)

5. In another life, I directed a theatrical troupe and I portrayed the director of a theatrical troupe whilst directing said troupe!

6. I look really interesting on paper- less so in real life.

7. My dream/goal is to write/illustrate children's picture books.

Rules for accepting this award are:

1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded it to you.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pay it forward to 15 recently discovered great bloggers.
4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their Blog Award!

Here are the 15 sites I am Paying it forward to:

1.    http://www.thecooksnextdoor.com
2.    http://michellesjournalcorner.blogspot.com/
3.    http://twobearsfarm.blogspot.com/
4.    http://www.thesnyder5.com
5.    http://frugaltractormom.blogspot.com
6.    http://www.imalazymom.com
7.    http://www.jdaniel4smom.com
8.    http://mommysmidwestmountain.blogspot.com
9.    http://showmemama.com
10.  http://featuredsacredmuse.blogspot.com
11.  http://starsunflowerstudio.blogspot.com
12.  http://tatertotsandjello.blogspot.com
13.  http://thedaisyhead.blogspot.com
14.  http://www.thetamom.com
15.  http://apocketfullofbuttons.blogspot.com/2010/12/christmas-bento-7-gingerbread-men.html

Wow!   Fifteen is a lot!  If I award the blog to you how about 7?
That way, you might actually complete the task.  Happy Reading!

Edible Crafts - Sausage Reindeer and Christmas Tree Waffles - Fun Christmas Breakfast

In honor of Muffin Tin Monday - Edible Sausage Reindeer and Christmas Tree Waffles for Christmas Breakfast

We turned our sausage links into reindeer for a fun Christmas morning breakfast idea for kids. Cheese eyes and ketchup nose, turn our sausage links into Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer. This is a super easy holiday meal for kids. We cut waffles into little triangle Christmas trees and decorated them with green sprinkles and other cookie decorating items. I know it isn't healthy, but it's Christmas. Enjoy!

Edible Crafts - Sausage Reindeer - Fun Christmas Breakfast
Eatable Art with Sausage: Sausage Reindeer for breakfast.

Okay, so maybe he looks more like a red-nosed, sausage bunny.
Go create something great today!

Easy Christmas Tree Waffle Ideas for Kids Holiday Breakfast.

Amanda made one too...

Each kid gets their own side. Apples are healthy, so there's that :)

Recommended Reading:

Gluten-Free Recipes for Kids: Fun Eats from Breakfast to Treats

Toothfairy Burglary? Includes free toothfairy and teeth clipart

Tooth fairy... the saga continues with Teeth printable.

This really happened.
teeth clipart tooth fairy
A full set of teeth makes for a lonely tooth fairy.

 I think I will write a book called "The Toothfairy Sagas", it will include all the free toothfairy clipart.  I know back-story is frowned upon in the blogosphere but you need a little info.  So...

Jake lost another tooth.

Okay. So, in a past life I lived with an alcoholic. If booze came into the house it lasted less than 24 hours nevermind how much of it entered. Thank goodness the past is the past.

My S.O.and I  have a liquor cabinet above the fridge and another above the microwave.  We have lots of liquor.  His Dad sends us various things from various countries that he visits and we purchase rum, vodka, even whiskey to make mixed drinks for New Year's Eve or other celebrations. We have liquor as old as our oldest child who is twenty-two. The cabinet has survived two teenagers without a locked door.  Needless to say... we don't really drink. I guess I should throw some of it out but that requires work.

This info may seen irrelevant, but I figure some may assume 'I got my drink on'- that would explain a lot.

Now, those of you who know us personally might become fearful as you read this, but I think I solved the mystery. So hold your breath until the end.

Wait, don't, it's kind of a long story, you might die.


During the trip home from a holiday party last Saturday night, Jake lost another tooth. It was late. We were tired!  It was the day I took all of the kids sledding for the first time after a long day at a craft fair. When he held his tooth up in the air with a big smile- my smile turned upside down.

I must stay awake until he went to sleep or worse wake up in the middle of the night. Luckily, he was worn out and fell asleep quickly.

Around midnight I snuck into Daddy's wallet, snuck into Jake's room and tossed (yes, tossed) a dollar at his face quickly returning to the warm bed awaiting me.

I slept. It was to be a spectacular night for sleeping. No one would wake me up!  Everyone was so tired.

When what to my wondering ears should I hear?
But a boisterous crash at the top of the stairs and several loud bangs that brought me to fear.

Earlier in the evening I could not sleep for fear- no one had remembered to lock the front-door.

Begrudgingly, I drug myself out of bed, headed downstairs and found I was right as my feet hit the foyer floor.
I trodded back up and fell fast asleep until ...

All of a sudden I arose from my bed, threw off the blanket, slammed my feet on the floor and flew out the door. I shouted at Daddy but he did not care. "Go away, go away, I'm trying to sleep!" He began to swear.

As I approached the hall I saw the stairway gate crashed to the floor.
I shouted to Daddy, "Please wake-up! I think someones here."

He mumbled and grumbled and closed his eyes tight.
"I'm sure its the cat.  Now come back to bed it's the middle of night!"

Of course, I couldn't listen.  I must see for myself.  So, I ran to the kid's room where...

Jake had been sleeping, "Hey Mommy she came, but this time she forgot my tooth!"
"Jake did you hear that?"
"Did you try to go downstairs?"
"Hear what?  I woke up because you're yelling."
"Shoot!"  At least he didn't suspect me the tooth fairy.

I ran to my teenager's room where she lay- fast asleep.
I switched on her light, tore open her covers-
and sure enough she was sleeping, just like the others.

My mind could not rest so in a flash; I ran back downstairs.

Grabbing a roll of holiday wrap, held up like a bat-
Looking in closets, behind chairs and under couches- all I ever found was the cat.


The sliding doors in the kitchen were unlocked and slightly open!

I held my gift wrap tightly and started to shiver.
This detective work is not for those with a lily liver.
No wet footprints dirtied the floor.
No water from melted snows tickled my toes (that's right, snows).

So, still clutching my wrapping, I ran back upstairs defeated and scared.

Amidst the snoring, I quickly uncovered a rather difficult clue.
At the end of the gate was a Budweiser bottle cap in a Christmas-red hue.

Was it a drunken Christmas mouse?
No one here had any beer at the party.
We don't have any beer in the house.

My first thought was fear.
My second one anger.
Tooth Fairy is having a very bad year.

Toothfairy Free Clip Art cute with wand
The Tooth Fairy.


Although the story is completely true after some digging I remembered a clue. All of the children claimed not to recognize said bottle cap.  "Did you find it outside playing in the snow and put it in your pocket?"  I just couldn't let it go.  "No, no, no!"

I seem to vaguely remember the littlest one collecting a cap after a late, November trike ride. It was shiny, she liked it.

Although I assumed she threw it away, I suspect said cap came here to stay.

Recommended Reading:

Toothfairy Failed

Toothfairy Failed Again

Dear Tooth Fairy*

The Night Before The Tooth Fairy (Reading Railroad)*

Peeping Tom? Still Suffering from a Load of Junior High Lack of Self Esteem

Confessions of Self Esteem Issues in Junior High

Remember how you hated junior-high - we all suffered with a lack of self-esteem. Here is my story. Enjoy!

spongebob band, self esteem
Sponge Bob in Marching Band.

Hey you, I see you there. Are you a Peeping Tom? Junior High is the worst. Are you still suffering from a lack of self-esteem? We all struggle with life in those awkward teen years. Here's my take.

Shh...  Don't tell anyone. I like to window peep, strike that, make it love.  I love to window peep especially during the holidays.  Driving thru the city with the clever vise of looking at Christmas lights, I secretly spy on families thru their picture windows. It's neat to see what they are doing -to notice their dining room decor or their living room doings.  I'd never hop out of the car, knock on the door, and scream, "Hey, I'm watching you!"

No, I'd never do that.

Why do we like to know when someone reads our blog?  Why do we ask them to advertise our button to share the love?  Two years ago, when I launched my blog I worried about who might see or read it.  I got a few blog hoppers who asked me to visit their blogs. I discreetly perused other blogs for ideas and ways to improve mine.  I never left a comment.  I didn't want anyone to know I had stumbled upon their most personal thoughts.  Mostly, I wondered why I would want other bloggers to read my blog.

I wanted readers, fans, followers, anything but bloggers...  Now I get it.

Bloggers are our equals.  Bloggers will become friends.  Friends will become followers and fans.

So, why do I still hide much of the time?  Most bloggers know I've visited because they keep track. I look at many blogs everyday following anyone who asks me to, and I visit other blogs, but I only read a few.  One of my favorites is "I'm a Lazy Mom".  Why?  Because, I am a lazy Mom.  It validates my life.  It makes me feel okay with my lazy, little secrets.  In a recent post she discusses cleaning the stove off with a vacuum.  Been there, done that!  I peek in her window a couple of times a week -she didn't ask me too- but I'm sure she doesn't mind.

Why, then, do I feel uncomfortable about peeking into a blog that is written by someone I know in real life?  I've read several blogs written by friends and acquaintances from high-school, but I rarely go back for more.

 A girl, okay a woman, I went to school with, blogs regularly.  Apparently, she's been doing it for awhile.  I pop in and covet her header, her followers, her style. I knew her in high-school. We weren't exactly friends, but we weren't enemies either. At least, I don't think so.

I don't really know much about her. Whenever I talked to her, I liked her, but we rarely talked. I heard an occasional hearsay comment about this or that from her brother or my boyfriend who were best friends.  I made assumptions about her through hearsay as I expect she did about me.

Cheerleader clipart, self esteem,  junior high

She was a cheerleader and I was band-geek.  A cool, band-geek I might add.  I played the bass guitar in Jazz Band.  The point is we had different interest and different classes. The last time I remember having her in class was in eighth grade, I think.  Oddly, I sometimes confuse her with another girl.  I think this is because they were both nice to me at times, and I didn't know what to do with it.

You see, I felt geeky most of the time. Yep, I know we all did; too bad  we didn't know that then. Both girls were pretty and popular.  Apparently, I was too, but I didn't understand that back then. I was an awkward skinny, terrible-toothed, little girl until the fourth grade. I got cuter for a second, and next thing I knew I was a chubby puberty-bound girl with a fat face.

The summer before seventh grade apparently something changed.

Bert and Ernie Picture
Bert and Ernie.

Seventh Grade.  Yuck.  All of the elementary schools meet up.  New faces. New friends.  New people to tease me.  They called me "Jimmy Carter" and "Big Lips".  I smiled a lot and had, get this... big lips.  They told me I had bushy eyebrows like Brooke Shields and a uni-brow like Bert.  I guess today that would be considered bullying?

I was clumsy.  I could  can trip over nothing.

I plucked my eyebrows to nothing.  Oh, how I wish I had Brooke Shield's eyebrows to sculpt today.  Please explain to me how having "Brooke Shield's" eyebrows transpired to lowered self-esteem?

Advice for Teens who struggle with self-esteem: My story

The first thing my husband said to me when he saw me - you and your lips remind me of Angelina Jolie. (Wonder if he still thinks that two kids later?)  Brooke Shields?  Angelina Jolie?  Smiling all the time?  Aren't kids nuts?  Today, those things make me blush.  What extraordinary, backhanded  compliments for a middle-aged, overweight, has-been.

So, I confuse these two pretty girls because they both complimented me during Junior-High.  One spoke to me for the first time after gym in the locker room.

"Are you trying out for cheerleader?"
I blushed.
I laughed.
I said, "No!", as if it were the most ridiculous thing I'd ever heard.

It was the most ridiculous thing I had ever heard.

Why would she ask that?  Was she teasing  me?  Of course not.  At that moment, I lost a potential new friend.  She later became one of my best-friends, best-friends.  I never really talked to her again.  How rude and nasty she must have thought I was... I bet she never knew I thought she was beautiful and untouchable, someone who couldn't possibly want me as a friend.

Tortoise Shell Glasses
Tortoise Shell Glasses.

Back to the blogger.  I think she once told me she liked my clothes.  Another time, my hair. Preposterous! I think both girls were in that eighth grade English class.  I didn't care for the snobby, preppy teacher and the feeling was apparently mutual.  One day, she asked if anyone knew what kind of glasses she was wearing. The other girls, fashionably aware, raised their hands.

My best sweater came from Sears and had my initials neatly embroidered on the front.  The preppy teacher called on me!  I figured she picked on me to humiliate me.  I looked around and thought, "Of course, they know the answer!"  Why didn't she call on them?  I had no idea so I blurted, "Bifocals"?  I don't know.

Wow.  No... apparently not bifocals.  If the teacher didn't like me before...  Yikes.

Everyone laughed, but I didn't get the joke.  I was red from ear to ear.
'You're so stupid,' I thought to myself.

Now, I get it.  Oops!

The irritated, English teacher called on one of the prettier, popular girls.  The girls whose hair and clothes I coveted, their smiles, and bubbly personalities, and their confidence.

"Tortoise Shell?"

"TORTOISE SHELL!  What the heck?"

The teacher looked back at me.

"I've never heard of that!"

"Of course you have," she grunted. (She thought I was a royal b who purposely said bifocals to make a mockery of the situation. I didn't even know what bifocals were. To me, they were just a type of eyeglasses.)

No, I really hadn't. I may have looked like a fashionista in my garage sale, K-mart, Hill's, and Sears clothing, but I'd never even been to a mall until eighth grade.

My mother always ironed my clothes. I obsessed that everything matched perfectly all the way down to my socks.  I appeared to be a preppy.  Other kids would call me a 'Prep' with a nasty glint in their eye.  I didn't really know what a prep was, but I sure knew I didn't want to be one.  Unfortunately, even though I couldn't afford Ralph Lauren, Gloria Vanderbilt, or Nike's in eighteen colors I was a prep.

In retrospect, the teacher probably called on me because she assumed such a stylish, popular, pretty, young girl would know the answer.  Again, I cast a stone against them (all three of them) without warrant or intention.

I dated boys because they asked me too; rarely because I wanted to. I didn't want to hurt their feelings.  It never lasted long.  They moved on when they realized nothing was about to happen.  So when a cute boy asked me to the carnival I decided to meet him there.

We waited in line to ride the octopus and he combed his hair.  He combed his hair in glare of the adjacent car.  He wore a comb in his pocket.  That was that.  End of story.  Back then, I heard this girl, now turned blogger, liked him and was upset with me.  If you know anything about me, you know I am nothing if not naive.  Again, I cast a stone.

My boyfriend was a hussy.  He told stories on himself all the time.  He told stories about blogger-girl.  She unknowingly cast a stone against me or maybe not.  Maybe it was intentional pay back.  Maybe it never happened.  I don't know.  I don't care.  It never mattered.

I always liked blogger-girl's point of view; apparently, I still do.

I follow her, but I try to hide my visit when I see myself show up on the Blog-Frog button.  I feel my face burning like I am doing something wrong.  What if she thinks I am spying on her?

The truth is, I like her blog.  I like her style.  If I didn't know her personally, I'd be telling her how awesome I think her blog is and how much I enjoy her postings.

Oh I don't know... she probably thinks she is lazy and imperfect but there are different levels of imperfection to consider here.  It seems she likes nice things.  It looks like she takes care of herself.

I am a lazy, mom blob.  I don't know if we'd ever be friends in the real world, but I really like her blog; it makes me smile. I read it whenever I get the chance. Is it because I enjoy peeping into her life- seeing how her life turned out? Or is it because her writing entertains me and her anecdotes often bring a tear to my eye or have me laughing out loud?  You decide.  It's a great blog, so I'll share a link, http://www.sellabitmum.com I'm tired of deleting my visits.

Don't worry, I sent her a head's up so she can read this too. This is my Olive Branch for the week.  'Tis the season go out and extend your own Olive Branch today.

This post is dedicated to my teenage daughter who will one day understand what it means to feel beautiful.

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Teen Pages

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Ask Amanda "Mommy You Look Beautiful"

Sweet words out of the mouths of babes, Ask Amanda for Advice

Amanda has opinions. In this "Ask Amanda" column, we share her advice and quotes. She's got some doozies!

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Ask Amanda advice form kids is the best on beauty.
Ask Amanda for the truth.

My significant other never, ever says a word when I have a bad hair day or when I have a bad face day or when I have a bad bloat day. So, it came as quite a surprise when we were out to lunch and he grimaced, "Did you remember to comb your hair today?"

At first I thought it was a joke. I had looked in the mirror before I left and thought 'I look better than usual'. I had even made the extra effort to apply make-up.

Whenever I'm sick, I tend to look better than when I'm well. I rarely wear makeup. If I have something to do outside the house, I might throw on mascara and lip stain. But, I'm sick, I go the extra-inch and add powder or (my new favorite thing) eraser by Loreal. It was cold. My hair felt slightly frizzy, but I felt good about my overall appearance in my flawless wrinkle remover.

Aghast? I have no wrinkles- just a few seniority lines on my forehead and at the corner of my eyes from scrunching my face into smirks far too many times. By the by, I got this makeup stick for free. It normally retails for around $30; a price I would never pay for anything, much less for makeup.

Chris grabbed a glob of my hair, "It looks like Jake's does in the morning, all mangled." Quickly searching the inner depths of my brain, I wondered...  Did I remember to comb my hair today?

Yes! I combed my hair with a brush with no handle. My brush is always walking out of the bathroom. It never stays in one place. Amanda screamed, "Don't brush my hair, don't brush my hair!" So, I brushed her hair right after I pulled the little wiry, oval thru my bangs and sides. She took off into another room and I made chase.

Amanda's hair looked beautiful when I dropped her off at pre-school.

Before meeting up for lunch, I combed my fingers thru my sides and pulled my hair back with sunglasses.I plan to invent lens free hair-glasses one day. Headbands hurt and make me feel like Hillary Clinton. Did I brush the back of my hair? Signs point to No.

I can't wash my hair everyday or it turns brittle and breaks into a thousand tiny pieces all over my clothes. It has nothing to do with hair product or styling equipment its just always been crappy hair. I washed it, put it in a scrunchy, started blogging and fell asleep.

Yes, Kathy a scrunchy! (Kathy, once posted on her Facebook page that she was not aware scrunchies were back in style. She wasn't speaking of me, but I resemble that remark.

Oh, I know the real answer, but ponytail holders break my hair. Scrunchies are so much nicer for the lazy likes of me. I woke up around 2:00 a.m. and pulled the scrunchy ponytail out. If only I had taken a picture of the mess. 

So, the next morning, I decided to tame the wild hairs with a curling iron.

"Why are you doing that," asked Amanda.

"My hair is yuck and I look ugly," I replied thoughtlessly.

"Well, I don't think you look ugly. I think you look beautiful, Mommy."

This from a rotten little, mean-girl, my arch-nemesis. Instead of crying, I said, "Thank you."

"Yea, 'cuz did you know, I know that you always look good? You can ask me anytime and I will tell you."

"Thank you, Amanda! That is so sweet. I love it when you are nice to me."

"You're welcome 'cuz it's true. Mommy, you look beautiful, you really do."

The expression on her face was priceless. I'm sure mine was too.

Fun Friday - Ask Amanda advice out of the mouths of babes.

My Musings on Life, "Ask Amanda" Kid Advice

Amanda is always full of fun musings on life. This is her column for kid advice.

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Ask Amanda funny things kids say and advice from Mandy Mayhem.
Mandy Mayhem has lots of advice. Just ask Amanda.

Amanda always takes her seat-belt off while I'm stopped on the street waiting to pick up the after-school kids. One of the elementary schools is no big deal, the other one is a busy city street. Policemen and Crossing Guards direct cars there.

Amanda: "What?  That policeman saw me, and I didn't get arrested."

Mommy:  "What if we have an accident?"

Amanda:  "We're stopped."

Mommy:  "Well, if a car doesn't see us stopped on the street and runs into the back of us, you'll go flying thru the window. You could get whiplash or even die! What would I do with your Christmas presents if you died?"

Amanda: "Put them on my carving stone at the cemetery."

Mommy:  Speechless.

You know how people live on golf courses? We live like that on a cemetery garden. In the Spring, Hispanics gather to remember a slain country singer who escaped to America to flee would-be murderers.

I don't know the particulars, but they found him and then murdered him in a small town near our house. His gravestone is over 6' tall and nestled behind the trees in our backyard. They bring him gifts, play music, and even have picnics.

I can only assume that is how she formed this silly hypothesis.


Ask Amanda: Mommy, You Look Beautiful 

Sensory Game for Children with Marshmallows: Fun for Kids!

Marshmallow Sensory Game for Kids

Need a few minutes of peace and quiet, Marshmallows are fun game for kids and this SENSORY game for children is the perfect fix. Kids can't talk with the straws in their mouths!  Everyone is intent on winning and they all loved it! Looking for more marshmallow activities for kids? In the sidebar, enter marshmallow(s) for a list of our posts with Things to do with Marshmallows. Enjoy!

Sensory Marshmallow Game for Preschoolers Edible
Fold the straw in half and use it like chopsticks 
to pick up the marshmallows. This way is easier for preschoolers.

Sensory Marshmallows Game for Children fun for kids activities
Marshmallows make great sensory games for children.

How to play Sensory Marshmallow Game

  • Open up a bag of mini-marshmallows and spread them in the center of a cloth covered table. Give every kid a cup and a straw. (The teenage counselors liked it too.)

  • Start with a stop-watch to increase the excitement. Let the Marshmallow Games begin!  Ready, Set, Go!  It is a race to see who can suck up the most marshmallows and place them in their cup.  No hands allowed. Suck and hold until you drop into the cup.

  • I quickly realized no stop-watch was needed and let them play until all marshmallows were gone. We counted who had the most.  The winner got stickers and candy and everyone else got to eat the marshmallows!

Aren't marshmallows fun?

Squishy Sensory Marshmallow Edible Game for preschoolers.
For another sensory element, poke marshmallows with straw.
Then, try to pick up and place into the cup before they fall off.