14 Circle Time Activities and Ideas for Preschoolers

Preschool Circle Time is for Group Lessons, Games, and Interaction

Running out of ideas for Preschool Circle Time? Every preschool program needs circle time for group interaction. This is a time to build structure into the program, so the children know what to expect each day. It is great to offer circle time at least twice a day- once in the morning, and once just before time to go home. These ideas will help build a sense of togetherness, (community) a time for sharing, and a fun learning environment for the kids. Enjoy!

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Elementary Circle Time Games, Activities, Ideas for Preschoolers and Toddlers
Elementary Circle Time Games, Activities, and Ideas for Preschoolers and Toddlers.

 14 Ideas and Activities for Circle Time

1.  Dance Freeze - Play some music or sing a song. Everyone dances willy nilly. Suddenly, stop the song, but don't sing to the end of a verse, that is too predictable. Everyone must freeze in their position. Is one leg up? Are they doing the worm? If they move, they must sit frozen in that spot, criss-cross applesauce and wait to see who can freeze the longest. No blinking or twitching allowed.

2.  Bug in a Rug - This is an oldie, but a goodie. Everyone sits in the circle. Before you begin to play, explain EXACTLY how the game works. Grab a blanket or a big beach towel. Now, pick one child to leave the room or wear a fun blindfold. Teacher picks a student. Shh! Just point at the child, grab their hand and take them away from the group. Now, point at another child and then to the "rug". Hide the child under the "rug." Bring the other preschooler back. Can they guess who is missing? 

3. Pass the Movement - I played this for years with preschoolers and school-age children in summer camps, but I didn't give it a name. I found the name at Preksharing Blog. She says it is adapted from a book published in 2011, but we used to do this years ago in summer camp and afterschool programs. Just goes to show, great minds think alike! It is simple to play. Teacher starts with a movement. Perhaps, you wave your hand in the air. Now, the person sitting to your right must wave their hand and add a movement like wiggling their nose. The next person to the right, does those movements and adds one of their own. It is a "WAVE" of different movements.

4. Shake the Sillies Out - Need a game to get kids' moving?  Find some Dragon Tunes from the cartoon, Dragon Tales, and every morning, "Shake the Sillies Out"! Just play the song, and follow the instructions. Kids love this one!

5. Circle Time Collaborative Painting - I like the idea of painting circles in collaboration like the one from Art Project Girl in the link. You know, where Teach lays out a big sheet of paper and painting supplies and everyone paints concentric circles? What if we do it as a part of Circle Time? Pass the painting, and make a PROGRESSIVE PAINTING. 

This idea teaches patience. Everyone must wait their turn. It builds excitement too. Lay out a large painting tarp, sit the children in a circle on the tarp, give each child a cup of paint and a brush. No painting unless it is your turn. To make it less frustrating, pass two large poster boards around starting at opposite ends. Children are allowed to paint only 1 circle or shape of their choice per turn. While they are painting, teacher shares an art lesson on shapes!

Collaborative Concentric Circle Painting
Collaborative Concentric Circle Painting from Art Project Girl.

6. Click, Clack, Moo Story Starter - You know the story about the unhappy cows in the barn? They have a typewriter. They are making demands. An electric blanket would be nice. What else might the farm animals want from the farmer? 

Click Clack Moo Story Starter Circle Time Game.
Click Clack Moo Story Starter Circle Time Game.

Play a Circle Time Game where each child is given an animal. Before the game, print out cards with farm animal pictures on one side and their name on the other. Each child draws a card from a hat. Give this example to the kids: What does the (insert animal here) pig want? "Dear Farmer Brown, the barn is smelly. Please send air fresheners." Have each child come up with their own idea for what the animal on the card might want from the farmer.

7. Animal Movement Game - Take the game above one step further. Get the kids moving like the animals. Ask, "What does a pig say?" Now, "How does a pig move?" The children take turns walking around the circle like the animal on their cards. 

8. Quiet Mouse, Still Mouse - When Circle Time is done, keep children in a circle to release them to the next preschool activity. The teacher explains, the child who sits as quiet as a mouse (the quietest) get to line up first. Continue until everyone (or almost everyone, I don't like to single out those who can't sit still or quiet) is in line.

9. Calendar Time -  Sing "Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday Friday, Saturday. Suunday, Munday... TUUESday" Emphasize the current day of the week. Sing the song and then check the calendar. Who can find today on the calendar? Here's another days of the week song sung to the Addam's Family theme. 

10. Alphabet Shopping - Using the first letter of each child's name, pretend to go shopping for an item that begins with that letter. For example, “Jake will buy a jump rope.” Go around the circle until everyone has had a turn. This helps with letter recognition. For more ideas like this visit Early Childhood News.

11. Talking Stick - Bring in a cane, or recycle a cardboard wrapping paper tube. The kids can help decorate the "Talking Stick" with Washi or Duct Tape, Glitter, or Feathers. During Circle Time, grab the stick. Now, explain to the group that this is a talking stick. Only the person who holds it may speak. This is a great tool to use for Show and Tell or other situations where children take turns sharing. More lessons in patience and turn taking.

12. Birthday Day of the Week Bags - PreK Pages Blog has a fun idea for Day of the Week Bags. Make a brown paper bag for each day of the week. Give it a colorful label, and fill it with the names of classmates who have birthdays on this day or other special things that happen on this day of THIS week.

   13. Pictures with Facial Expressions - Hold up magazine pictures of facial expressions. Ask, "What is this person feeling." Have the children take turns making the face. After you play this game, have the kids draw themselves like this emotion art lesson.

14. Play Duck, Duck, Goose? - This old standby might be boring to you, but it is likely new to the toddlers and preschoolers in your class. Change it up each day. After they get the hang of the game, add a creative play element by acting it out. Have the kids act and walk like the animal as they toddle around. Walk and Talk like the animal. For older or school-age children, change the theme to pig, pig, cow or ghost, ghost, vampire.

Preschool Circle Time Activities

Chicken Art Project for Preschool

Preschool Circle Time Songs

Nature Based Circle Time Activity

How to Play Four Corners Group Activity

Follow us on Instagram for more fun ideas every day!

14 Circle Time Activities and Ideas for Preschoolers

Make a Call of Duty Black Ops Medal Afterschool Activity

 Make your own Black Ops Call of Duty Style Medal

Call of Duty Black Ops and Ghosts are so popular with teens and their gaming Dads too. We've been posting  a ton of Call of Duty birthday party activity themes or after-school boredom busters. Enjoy!

I know, how can you get bored when you have your video games to play?

Well, sometimes you mess up and lose your tech time. Grounded. Don't leave your soldiers all alone. Remember when you used to get dressed up and play make believe? Yep. Now they call it role-playing, and it is cool to be a nerd.

Get your own Official Black Ops Medal

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Make your own Call of Duty Medal.

We made our look-alike (shh, I know it's a stretch, don't hurt my feelings!) medal with recycled cardboard from a cereal box, blue felt, aluminum foil, some Sharpies, and Tacky Glue.

Official Call of Duty Black Ops Prestige Medal.
Official Call of Duty Black Ops Prestige Medal.

How to Make a Call of Duty Medal

We took the image above, printed it out in black and white and then traced it to make a template. It's not an exact match, but it makes a fun Call of Duty activity for kids.

After, we cut out our images, we traced them onto the cardboard. There are 5 separate cardboard pieces making up the medal.

Next, we covered each piece with foil by wrapping the cardboard cut out and rubbing over it with fingers to reveal where to make the cuts. No need to glue the foil down, just wrap the edges so they fold over the back.

Then, we stacked each piece as pictured and glued them down with tacky glue.

Take a break, let it dry. Later, we took the Sharpie and colored the bottom layer. We used brown, but gold looks best. Then, we drew the features of the skull.

Finally, we cut the felt in an odd bow tie, folded it in half, glued it at the top, and then to the wings at the top of our cardboard medal.

If you make a Call of Duty template pattern stencil (see what I did there? That's weird, right?), and cut the pieces out prior to the party, it makes a quick, fun activity for a boys' birthday party.

Need a stencil pattern template - whatever you want to call it, you can find it here as a FREE PRINTABLE CALL OF DUTY pdf on our Mediafire page. If the link isn't clickable, I haven't scanned it in yet. Hold on. I'm getting to it.

Recommended Reading:

Call of Duty: Ghosts Signature Series Strategy Guide 

Free Printable Coloring Pages inspired by Call of Duty

Call of Duty Art Lesson

Army Birthday Party with Call of Duty Theme

15 Slumber Party Games and Activities for Teen Girls: Best Sleepover Ever

15 Fun for Teen Girls Activities: A Sleepover, Slumber Birthday Party

A teenage girl sleepover party with fun games, activities, and swag bags is the best slumber party ever! Don't just read these titles and think, been there done that. We've added a little twist to each birthday party activity.

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15 Slumber Party Games for Teen Girls: Best Sleepover Ever
Slumber Party Sleepover Games and Activities for Teen Girls.

1. Balloon Charades. Grabs some stationary and write down ideas for Charades. What are charades? How do you play charades? You know, when you act something out, pull on your ear for "sounds like", put two fingers in the air to signify two words, but you never speak. Yeah, that game. So, fold the paper up into skinny rectangles, slide it inside a balloon, blow it up, and use it as a party decoration. When you are ready to play charades give each guest a balloon. Have her pop it - sitting on it is the most fun, read it, and act it out for the other guests to guess. Super Fun!

Yeah, you can do this with "Truth or Dare" too, but oh how I loathe Truth or Dare. Shouldn't it be called "Humiliation or Bullying?"

Bonus Activity: Giant Cupcake Balloon for Party
Want a cool photo op for your social media? Make this Balloon Cupcake with your friends and then use it as a backdrop for your photos! Click here: How to Make Giant Cupcake from Balloons!

Giant Cupcake Balloon for Party

2. Sleeping Bag Switch. For this game, each girl brings a sleeping bag or sleeping pad to the party. To start the game, the girls unroll their bags and lay them out on the floor. Then, one girl goes out of the room and the remaining girls pick someone else's bag to hide in. The girl then returns and tries to guess who is who or who is where. You can also have only two girls switch, and see if she can tell who switched. Fun times!
3. Crazy Makeovers. Time to pull out the make up, and let the girls give each other makeovers. No peeking until it is done. The beautician can choose to make a crazy makeover or a beautiful, glamorous one. The girl getting the makeup has to guess which type of makeover she got before the big reveal. 

4. Spin the Nail Polish Bottle. Each girl takes a turn picking out a color and spinning the bottle. This works best on a table. Who ever the bottle points to when it finishes spinning paints a nail with that color. Then, she chooses the next color to spin. When everyone has 10 nails painted, take a picture and share them with your friends on Instagram. Make sure you have lots of color choices!

Nail polish for nail polish bottle spin game
Choose a variety of colors for Nail Polish Spin the Bottle game.

5. Make your Own Glitter Body Scrub. Find small jars that seal tightly, fine glitter, (white is nice) coconut oil, (a wonderful moisturizer for the scrub) scented extract, and sugar or coarse salt. Sugar is best. Salt is great for exfoliating, but bad if it gets in your eyes. Choose an extract: Peppermint, Almond (my favorite) Coconut, or Vanilla. Add a few drops of extract to the sugar and glitter to make a paste. Now you have your own moisturizer and exfoliator. When purchasing coconut oil you want this kind, extra virgin coconut oil.

Coconut Oil for Glitter Scrub.
Coconut Oil for Glitter Scrub.

6. Dress Up Divas. Go to a thrift shop and find evening gowns or formal wear and fancy heels the girls can use to dress up. Place the gowns in a large bag. Before you let the girls see the gowns, have them make blindfolds that double as beauty masks. Once everyone is blindfolded, have them choose a dress by touch alone. After they model the dresses, they can trade and have a fashion show or make up a reality show. Don't forget a full-length mirror.

Make a sleeping mask or blindfold.
For a blindfold or sleeping mask tutorial visit Henry Happened blog.

7. Pillowcase Decorating Activity. Purchase pillowcases to decorate. Grab fabric makers, tacky glue, and ribbon. You can also find fun, iron on transfers to embellish. If you plan in advance, you can decorate a large gift bag for each guest. Load it up with all that Birthday Party Swag! 

8. Pillow Fight. A classic game. As part of the swag bag items, create mini-pillows. You can often find little pillows at the dollar store or use travel pillows. Decorate them as mentioned above. When it is time for bed, be a cool party host. Tell the girls to grab their mini-pillows. On your mark, set, pillow fight! Just watch out for the lamps! You're going to need a big full-body pillow for this pillow fight!

Bonus Activity: Easy Colorful Cupcake Frosting
Make this easy, colorful cupcake icing and decorate cakes or cookies with your friends! Share on Instagram or other social media with #cupcaketime Get the recipe here: Easy Cupcake Frosting.

Easy frosting for Birthday Cake Cupcakes #cupcaketime

9. Flip Flop Decorating Activity. Find out the Flip Flop shoe sizes of each guest before the party. Get some yarn, baubles, Sharpie Markers, and cloth scraps. Decorate to your heart's desire. Toss them in that swag bag to take home.

10. Cup Stacking. When you are buying party supplies, get some extra cups for the party guests to stack. Take turns to see who can get the most cups stacked in a minute or who has the most creative tower. Even better, everyone can start at the same time. This makes it more nerve wracking and chaotic! Hey, don't knock my tower down!

Minute to Win it Games for a Birthday Party.
Minute to Win it Games for a Birthday Party.

11. Minute to Win it Games. Imagine the possibilities! Just like cup stacking, come up with several activities that can be completed in one minute. Everyone grab one of those cups. Set it in the middle of a table, grab a Ping Pong ball, and with only one bounce allowed, bounce the ball into the cup. Hurry! The clock is ticking. Tick Tock. You can also use the a cup to fill a bucket with water (use a colorful sand pail). 

Bonus Activity: Toothpaste Slime
Trick your friends with this toothpaste slime. You'll need 1 C. Blue Hair Gel, 1/2 C. Cornstarch, Water, Super Fine White Glitter.

Slowly add water to 1/3 C. Cornstarch by the spoonful, stir until all is mixed well and becomes pour-able. Then, slowly stir cornstarch mixture into the hair gel. When it all has a thick toothpaste consistency, sprinkle in the super fine glitter. Voila! You have fake toothpaste. See if you can trick your parents with it. Of course, this toothpaste slime isn’t edible!! 

Did you know real toothpaste isn’t edible either? You should always spit it out after brushing. Don’t forget to brush your teeth with real toothpaste every morning (even at a slumber party!) 

Parents,  if you’ve got one of those kids, who doesn’t like to go to the dentist, ABC Children’s Dentistry offers more valuable tips to help you and your child when it comes to oral hygiene. Dental hygiene is something that should be taught at an early age. Why not make it fun?  Here’s a neat sensory toothpaste activity for preschoolers by Still Playing School.

fake toothpaste slime recipe for party activity

12. Dance Off. Time for the girls to get their dance moves on and have fun. This is great to play after the Dress up Diva game. She who dances the longest wins. Ha! You thought it was a game of skill. Nope. It is a game of "get them tired so they don't put your panties in the freezer!"  Sweet Dreams. What's that? You're dreaming of popsicles?

13. Board Games. Don't think "bored" games. These board games are fun because each girl makes her own game to play or collaborate on one super, cool game. Cereal boxes, paper plates, and the white side of the wrapping paper are great ways to make a board. Paper plates make game spinners. Old, recycled business cards make excellent playing cards or game cards. Stickers are fun too. Fold paper and cut it into a cube pattern to make your own dice. Still boring? Take those balloons and fill them with game topics. For example, "Make a game about Rock Stars" or "Make a Mall Shopping Card Game" or "Make a game of questions." Let your imaginations run wild. This can be especially fun for preteens and tweens.

14. Classic Board Games. Find out who your moguls are when you pull out the Monopoly game or start up the giggles with Trouble. But that's boring, right? Pass around a basket of accessories. Think grandma glasses, nerd spectacles, giant clip-on earrings, men's ties, satin gloves, and cowboy hats. Now, play those games in character with silly accents.

15. Slurpin' for Worms. Gummy Worm Game Grab a bag of gummi worms or gummi bears and a can of whipped cream. Place the worms on a paper plate and cover them with the cream. It should look like a fake pie, you know, the kind you get in the face? Yeah, you might want to wear a raincoat for this one, and Mom might want to lay down a painting drop cloth. Players must keep their hands behind their backs at all times. Dive in. This is a great game for "Minute to Win It" too. Who can slurp up the most worms? Who can eat the most?

Recommended Reading:

Outdoor Beach Theme Party

Happy Birthday Mad Libs

Group Games for Tweens and Teens

Teen Camp Songs

Balloons for Your Party

Minecraft Birthday Party Activities

Marshmallow Party Games and Activities

Minecraft Free Printables: Word Search Finder

Minecraft! Word Searches are Fun Activities for After School

Are you or your kids Minecraft crazy? We've got lots of Minecraft free printables. This word search is a printable PDF, click the links to visit our MediaFire page and download your FREE Minecraft word activity. Enjoy!

Recommended Reading:

10 Toy Safety Tips for Babies and Toddlers

10 Game and Toy Safety Tips for Caregivers

Toys! Mommy, can I have that toy? Can I, can I, can I? Think before you give in and buy it. All toys are not created equal. Toy safety isn't just for infants and toddlers. Children with special needs are prone to accidents with toys too. Even young, elementary-age children can choke on small toy parts or game pieces. Until about age six, kids have a tendency to put everything in their mouths. So, make yourself familiar with Game and Toy Safety TipsEnjoy!

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10 Game and Toy Safety Tips for infants, babies, and toddlers.

Toy Safety Tips and Toy Recall Information:

  1. Toy shopping shouldn't be done on sight alone. When shopping for best infant toys, consider the child's age and ability. Don't waste money on flashy toys the child may not be capable of playing with.
  2. Toy labels give safety warnings and recommended ages for safe toy play.
  3. Children, especially those under the age of three, love to put toys and small objects in their mouth. Small game pieces, broken toys, or loose parts are choking hazards. If something can fit inside the center of a cardboard toilet roll or paper towel tube, consider it a choking hazard.
  4. When putting a toy or game together, always read the instructions. Items put together incorrectly can fall apart and become a choking hazard.
  5. Plastic bags and packaging are dangerous. They can be stuck in the mouth or placed over the nose. It isn't just bags that cause suffocation. A small toddler or infant can suffocate on a piece of plastic stuck over their mouth and nose.
  6. Children, especially infants and babies, must be supervised at all times during toy and game play. Never leave the room and leave a small child unattended.
  7. Don't mix baby toys with those of older children. Small blocks are especially attractive to younger children. Keep older children's toys put away in containers. Teach older siblings to put their toys away.
  8. When toys break, discard them! Don't keep old toys around. Check toys often for broken or loose parts and sharp edges.
  9. Toy storage is essential. Toys on the stairs can cause family members to trip and fall. Toys left out on the floor can be swallowed by a toddler. Keep toys for babies stored separately from toys for older children.
  10. Toys with wheels and motors can pinch fingers or entangle hair. Watch children closely with these types of toys. Even cars designed for toddlers can present a problem.
For more game and toy safety tips visit safekids.org.

Recommended Reading:

Sensory Play: Plan your Curriculum and Lesson Plan

Sensory Play Lesson Plans Link Up

Do you have Sensory Play Activities on your blog? Are you looking for Sensory Play Activity Lesson Plans or Curriculum to do with your toddler, preschool class, or day care program? These sensory activities make it easy to plan your curriculum and prep those lesson plans. Check back often for our Sensory Play Linky Parties. Enjoy!

Sensory Play: Plan your Curriculum and Lesson Plan

Are you looking for sensory activities to do with a baby, toddler, preschooler, elementary age, or teen child? We've got you covered with a linky party. If you have a blog or website, please link up your posts in the comments. 

Older children with sensory processing disorders, such as Autism benefit in the same way younger children do. Children can explore their senses with these sensory activities and become accustomed to the sensation of cold paint on their fingers, the sound of crackling paper, the smell of scented dough or spice paints, the taste of edible crafts, and the visual impact of it all. 


Recommended Reading:

Art Develops Critical Thinking

Learning and Playing Outdoors: How to Plan and Create an Inspiring Outdoor Environment (Practitioners' Guides)

Transdisciplinary Play-Based Assessment, Second Edition (TPBA2)

Sensory Baby Play: Teach your Baby with Music Play

Your Baby Can Learn by Playing Music

Have you ever wondered how a toddler would interact if you put musical instruments in front of her? Babies and toddlers learn through play. Music is sound, rhythm, and more. All of that can translate to music, math, and science. Enjoy!

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A great way for a toddler to learn is by hitting a drum, shaking a maraca, a tambourine, or some shaker eggs. You can make your own drum, grab some pots and pans, or buy a baby music set to teach your baby to play music. 

We’ve experimented with the B. Parum Pum Pum Drum Set. This set is for ages 18 months-24 months, and it is perfect for baby sensory play.

Sensory Baby Play: Teach your Baby with Music Play
Music is one of the best forms of baby and toddler sensory play.

Our baby tester loved playing with this toy. She laughed and mimicked mommy hitting the drum. Beat the drum and count out to ten. This is a great way to introduce counting to a toddler. Practice with them. 
Will she tap the drum ten times too? Make it a game and practice each day. You can experiment with patterns too. You know, rumpa pum pum. Tap the drum or shake a shaker in a numerical pattern: 3-1-3-1-3-1 or 5-2-5-2-5-2 and so on. If you speak the counting of each beat, the child will begin to learn to count as well: “One- two three- one- one- two- three- one- one- two- three- one.

Make your own drum, grab some pots and pans,  or buy a baby music set to teach your baby to play music.

Baby’s favorite toy in the B. Parum Pum Pum Drum Set is the shaker egg. Whenever she shakes it she laughs! Each instrument makes a different sound which is excellent for sensory play. Demonstrate each toy’s sound to your toddler. Can she copy the sound with her voice? “Shh Shh Shh Shh”. Practicing to copy these sounds, and moving her lips to form the sounds, can help her learn to speak.  

This music play set should entertain your child, keeping her busy for long enough for you to do the dishes! If you have older children, they can join in on the fun too. Let them be a babysitter and play tutor. They will enjoy making music (or just banging and shaking the instruments to make noise). All of the items store inside the drum so it stays together making it easy to put away.

Baby play with musical Instruments helps a child learn creativity through play. Another way to teach creativity and reduce sensory issues is to paint. Starting art lessons early will aid in color and shape recognition. Check out the recommended reading list below to find more posts and books on sensory play for babies and toddlers.

Recommended Reading:

Be Happy: Happiness Quotes and Sayings

Don't Worry, Be Happy _ Happiness Quote Poster for Facebook

It seems like there isn't enough happiness to go around, especially on Facebook. We've compiled a list of happiness quotes for your Facebook posts. Share them on your wall or on a friend's page, and don't worry, be happy!

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Happiness quotes and sayings, "Be so happy,"

  • Friendship Quote
  • Be the reason someone smiles today.
  • Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect, it means you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.
  • Leave a little sparkle wherever you go!
  • No one is too old for fairy tales.
  • Be happy, not because everything is good, but because you can see the good in everything.
  • A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.
  • No one needs a smile as much as the person who fails to give one.
  • The bad news is there is no key to happiness. The good news is, it isn't locked!
  • Be happy; it drives people crazy!
  • "I have decided to be happy, because it is good for my health." - Voltaire.

Recommended Reading:

The Art of Happiness, The Dalai Llama

Have You Filled a Bucket Today? A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids

Free Printable Minecraft CrossWord Search: Test your Minecraft Knowledge

Our FREE printable Minecraft Crossword Puzzle will Test your Knowledge of Minecraft

Do you know any Minecraft addicts? Are you looking for a Minecraft Birthday Party Activity? Maybe, you've run out of things to do in your after-school program, and the kids are restless? This printable worksheet is a fun way to test your knowledge of Minecraft. How cool is your Mom? Can she pass the test? Enjoy!

Free Printable Minecraft Activity: Word Search Quiz.

Click this link to get the Free PDF on our host, Mediafire.
Free Printable Minecraft Word Search: Test your Knowledge

Printable Minecraft Crossword Puzzle.
What your score says about you:

30 = Minecraft Addict. Nailed it. Enough said. Congrats on a perfect score, maybe a little less Minecrafting and a little more studying for tests? Just sayin'. I'm surprised even you knew that one answer, you know which one I mean. It was a toughy!

28-29 = Minecraft Artisan. You spend more time crafting than interacting. You need to get outside and play! No fair taking your phone outside and playing Minecraft Pocket Edition. Pat yourself on the back though, you are a Minecraft Pro.

25-27 = Minecraft Specialist. Hooray, pretty good stuff. You haven't gone overboard on Minecraft... yet. Be strong. You probably enjoy other activities, maybe some Minecraft role playing?

20-24 = Minecraft Player. Play on! Enjoy! Balance real life with your gaming pleasure.

15-19  = Minecraft Newbie. Welp, if this were a test, you woulda failed it. Luckily, Minecraft isn't the real world. Keep gaming, keep playing. You obviously haven't failed the game of life, so congrats on that!

10-14 = Minecraft Pretender. You want to be in the cool, Minecraft crowd, but you just don't get it. You know just enough to drop some cool buzzwords. You often hear yourself saying, "Minecraft? Yeah, I've played that game."

1-9 = Mom. You must be a Minecraft Mom. You hear the words, "Steve", "Pig", and "Mods", but that is about all you know about Minecraft. What? You aren't a mom? Well... play on, my friend, play on! Your crafting table awaits.

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June Calendar Special Days Holidays

Planning your Calendar for June? Celebrate these Special Holidays

We've got a fun holidays printable calendar for June, is summer in the states. People are outside, children are frolicking in the park, birds are happily tweeting. How do we celebrate? With picnics, of course. In the states, there are two well-known June holidays: Flag Day and Father's Day. Enjoy!

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June Printable Calendar of Special Days and Activities

Printable June Calendar Special Days Holidays 2021

Flag Day 14 - Make a felt Flag, Make a colored rice flag! For Flag Day, you could dress up like the Statue of Liberty.

Juneteenth 19 - What is Juneteenth? It recognizes the emancipation of African Americans and is a national holiday for celebrating the end of slavery. Celebrate Juneteenth with a Barack Obama Paperbag Puppet.

Father's Day in U.S. - 19 (third Sunday) Father's Day Crafts to Make and Origami with Money for Dad.

June Calendar Special Days Holidays: Father's Day Origami
Origami Money Art from Powerful Mothering.

Summer Solstice - 21 Sunshine Crafts and Activities for Preschool from Inner Child Fun. Tie Dye Suns from Creative Family Fun.

National Doughnut Day - (First Friday in June) Make homemade doughnuts.

Go Fishing Day 18 - Here is a super cute fishing activity and song. Math Fishing Activity for Toddlers. Buddy and Buggy also has a Fish Theme Birthday Party post! 

Paul Bunyan Day - 28  You could go see a Lumberjack show. We did that one year in Northern Michigan. How about a Lumberjack Birthday Party? Little Treats blog has some amazing ideas, like the little tree party favors pictured below.

Lumberjack Birthday Party or Paul Bunyan Celebration Party Favors
from Little Treats blog.

Here is a fun game to play straight from elementary pe class, but play it with teenagers at a birthday party for a real hoot!

Lumberjacks and Farmers

You will need orange cones, if you have a cut up log, that's even better! These are your logs for the lumberjacks to "chop down."

Divide into a team of lumberjacks and a team of farmers. Spread the cones or small stumps around the yard, half sitting up, half lying on their side. 

The farmers have to set up all of the "logs." The lumberjacks have to knock them all over! Players can only use their hands. No kicking over the logs! After a few minutes, call time. The team with the most upright or knocked over wins!

Recommended Reading:

Paul Bunyan Swings His Axe

Paul Bunyan (Reading rainbow book)

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