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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query quote. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query quote. Sort by date Show all posts

Creative Country Saying, Old-fashioned Inspirational Quote for Southern Belle Wannabes

Remember when Ducks and Geese were all the rage, here is another creative country saying and inspirational quote (if you like company, that is)

creative country saying inspirational quote southern signs
Back door guests are always the best.

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Jake's Jokes for Kids: Chicken and Slide Clip Art Images

Need a Good Chicken Joke? Wonder why the chicken crossed the road?

A couple of silly jokes for kids from Jake. Why did the Chicken cross the playground? To get to the other slide! Enjoy these funny chicken jokes for kids. Enjoy!

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Chicken Memes Quotes Quote Chickens Meme Joke
Chicken Memes Quotes Quote Chickens Meme Joke.

Jake's Jokes: Chicken Jokes Memes Quote and Picture Clipart
Chicken Joke: Why did the chicken cross the playground?

To get to the other slide joke with picture
To get to the other slide...

  • Why did the chicken cross the road?
To show the possums how it is done.

  • Why did the gum cross the road?
It was stuck to the bottom of the chicken's foot.

  • Why did the egg hide?
Because she was a little chicken.

  • Why did the duck cross the road?
Because it was the chicken's day off.

Around our house, the duck crosses the road to follow the chicken's to the other side. The chickens cross the road to eat the neighbors bird seed and drink from his bird bath. Don't worry, it isn't a real road!

Weekend Quotes: Better Days are Coming

Teenagers Live for Weekends! Here's a Quote to Share

Looking for fun quotes to share on social media? The weekend is here, and you've been waiting all week long to relax and enjoy it! Share this with your Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, or Google+ friends so everyone will know, "Better Days are coming."

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Better days are coming meme quote social media sharing
Better days are coming quote meme.

Teenager Quotes to Share: Better days are coming!
Quotes to Share: Better days are coming!

Recommended Reading:

Creative Country Saying ~ A Day in the Country is Worth a Month in the City ~ Inspirational Quote

Recently we moved and this creative country saying about sums it up - what an inspirational quote!  Pack your bags!

Creative Country Saying and Inspirational Quote a day in the
A day in the country is worth a month in the city.
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Lora's Law #2: Cat Throw Up Quote

Cat Quotes to Share on Facebook: Lora's Law #2

Cats vomit. A lot. It is a thing. Why is it a thing? Anyway, if you have cats, you have throw up on the carpets, on the couch, on the tables. Throw up is everywhere. Lora's Law #2 is all about that. Beware when you clean the carpet. In the meantime, share this quote with your Facebook friends. Enjoy your cats!

Lora's Law: Cat Throw Up Quote #2 for Facebook
Cat quotes for Facebook: Lora's Laws.

Lora's Law Number Two

"The minute you clean the carpet, a cat will throw up on it... to keep things fur real."

Do you have pets? Dogs like to vomit too, just not as much as cats. Am I right? As soon as I clean up any cat mess, they make a new one. Hmm... kids are like that too.


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If Mama Ain't Happy Ain't Nobody Happy: The Family Relationship

Family Relationship Challenges

What’s the biggest relationship challenge in your family? How do you keep everything together, day in and day out, day after day? Time commitments, financial responsibilities, and emotional needs of each family member can take a toll on your happiness. Those people pleasers who need to take care of everyone often forget to take care of themselves. In my situation, I never wanted to spend money on personal needs (including health care) if it would take away from things my kids needed or wanted.

For years, we didn’t have health insurance, so any health setback caused major financial problems. I also didn’t take care of myself in other ways. I cut my own hair, never had a manicure until I was fifty years old, wore the same old clothes year after year, never went out to lunch with friends, never even saw my friends, and never indulged in frivolous things that I might want for the house. I considered any of that selfish.

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if mama ain't happy ain't nobody happy quote song

It’s important to take care of yourself. You’ve probably heard the quote, “If Mama ain’t happy, ain't nobody happy.” I’m sure there’s some truth to this. You can put on a happy face, but if your needs aren’t being met and you have nothing to look forward to, your relationship is going to suffer- even if you're not the one causing the majority of the turmoil. I know it’s difficult. I used to see other women spending too much time on themselves, ignoring the needs of their children. They’d go shopping for themselves several times a month while their children wore clothes they’d outgrown. I never wanted to be like that, but I took it too far the other way. You’ve been there. We don’t have to be martyrs to be mothers. Taking care of yourself, puts you in a better place. You’ll be better equipped to tackle those relationship issues with your partner. Communication is a key factor in the downward spiral of relationships. When communication is poor, everything else becomes difficult.

Eventually, lack of communication breaks the partnership. In my relationship, the more I tried to communicate with my partner, the more difficult the relationship became. There are things couples need to discuss. Things that can’t be swept under the rug. Plans for the future, health of your children, plans to make about family events to attend, even how each of you are feeling about the status of your relationship. When you have a partner who won’t talk to you about any of it, you’ve got a problem that needs fixed. Parents need to keep a united front for their children. They need to work together as a team for the greater good of the family, even if it means sacrificing the personal desires.

For me, self-care felt like a selfish, personal desire because my partner took up all that empty space for himself. He worked all the time or found extra things to do to help others, just to avoid coming home and facing real life problems. These problems ranged from my serious illness where I was bedridden for months, to house repairs, financial responsibilities, and even mental health problems the kids were facing. I couldn’t run off for a haircut or even a doctor’s appointment because there was no safety net. He couldn’t seem to  find an hour to give me a break and if he did, he’d use that hour to sleep - not to watch the kids. So, everywhere I went, I took the kids. Everywhere. 

Check out this old post about a family excursion, see any red flags?

Let me tell you, this is not only unhealthy for you, it’s also unhealthy for your kids. We all need time apart from each other. The kids feel it too. They need options. They need time away from the family.  Sure, we attended homeschool groups, summer camps, special events, 4-H and any other free or low cost activity I could find, but none of it made the pitfalls in our broken family any better. It just kept our mind’s busy enough to make it through another day- or so I thought.

Mama needs time to feel good about herself. Sure, you may think you don’t want to jog or join a walking club. You may think you can cut your own hair to save money for the greater good, you may think a vice here and there, maybe a pint of ice cream or bar of chocolate, are good survival mechanisms, but in the long run, if your always the one making sacrifices life’s not going to turn out like you hoped.

Remember when you started your relationship with your partner? You took care of yourself, you took showers- maybe even relaxing baths, you did your makeup, and bought yourself a flattering outfit. You went out to lunch with your friends. You had dinner dates with your partner and even did activities that you both enjoyed together. You probably even talked about your hopes and dreams for the future. Don’t let yourself get lost in the shuffle.  If it's not too late, fix it. If it is too late, do yourself a favor and try to fix it before throwing in the towel.

Don’t try to wait it out and hope it will get better. There’s no need to feel guilty about taking time for yourself.. If you can’t possibly spare the money or feel like spending money on relationship counseling would set you back financially, there are many affordable online counseling services out there. ReGain is a great place to start. There are  plenty of self-help articles and videos that can kick start your decision making process and help you decide what’s best for your family. 

Going back to school and investing in one's self is also a huge deal for self-confidence and mental stimulation/relaxation. Healthcare-related fields offer great satisfaction and challenge.  Looking at community colleges or schools for certification or insurance coding can be a great first step.

Life balance is important. Don’t suffer in silence. Don’t decide that you must've done something to deserve your current situation. Sometimes, you can’t fix it on your own, sometimes the answer is right in front of you, but the outcome will have unavoidable consequences. On the flip side, sometimes, if you make small changes in your personal life, if you start taking care of yourself and taking pride in your own achievements, everything else will fall into place. Your children won’t suffer from a parent who takes care of themselves, when Mama is happy, there’s a far better chance that everyone else is happy too. Don’t wait until it’s too late. 

Your happy ending is waiting for you.


Pamper Yourself

Ice Cream Recipes and More from Adventures of Kids Creative Chaos.

Mommy, you look beautiful.

More QUOTE memes

Lora's Law #1: Facebook Quotes about Life

Facebook Quote to Share: Lora's Law on Weight

Weight loss. Weight gain. It is a roller coaster. If you are looking for a Facebook quote about life, you've come to the right place! Feel free to share our quotes on your social media pages, but please give us a nod. Here is the first in the series, Lora's Laws. Enjoy!

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Lora's Law #1: Facebook Quotes about Life
Lora's Law #1: You set a goal to lose ten pounds...

Lora's Law Number One:

"You set goal to lose 10 lbs. You confirm weight on scale. You must first lose additional 5 lbs. to reach original goal weight."

Time to get on it! Do you have a goal weight in mind? Isn't it frustrating to see that you gained weight when you prep to lose some? Oh life...


Lora's Law #17: Most People Aren't as Dumb as They Act

Quotes about Success

A lot of smart people seem dumb. A lot of smart people feel dumb. The truth is, most people aren't as dumb as they act. Right? I mean, a lot of people always do their best and their best IS good enough. Other people, fool themselves to think that they are doing their best, but, in reality, they really don't care about the thing they are doing. It doesn't matter to them, it isn't as important to them as it is to someone else, and they just don't care. Then, they convince themselves that their best isn't good enough. Lora's Law #17 is a quote about mindset and success.

Feeling Disrespected by Family

Do you often feel cast aside and disrespected by family members?

Are you feeling disrespected in your relationships? Most of us feel disrespected at times, even when no one really means to show us disrespect. Parenting is hard, but being the mom is harder. Society puts pressure on moms to always do the right thing, to put on a happy face, and never to let the family see that you’re human too. How do you know when you’re just feeling emotional versus when the disrespect is out of control? Feeling disrespected by family stifles good vibes, what can you do?

Damned if you do quote
You're damned if you do and damned if you don't quote.

 This sponsored post contains Amazon affiliate links. All opinions are my own.


Kids will be kids. But when teenagers behave like teenagers, family relationships can get difficult. When do you choose your battle, when do you ignore the emotional roller coaster, and when do you jump on the parenting train to try to fix it? Is it just a phase or are they modeling the behavior of another family member? If your partner is disrespectful, chances are your kids will be too. Not sure if your partner has crossed the line? ReGain has a very eye-opening article that can help you decide.

Get my Debut Novel: Allegedly Mystic

If your kids are suffering from the effects of your relationship, they may act out or become depressed. Children, especially teens, get frustrated by their lack of control over their life situations. Sometimes they feel like the situation is hopeless- no matter how hard you try to work with them. I’ve been down this road more than once. It doesn’t get any easier with practice. All you can do is learn from your mistakes and be prepared to be the bad guy no matter what you say. The old adage, “You’re damned if you do, and damned if you don’t,” starts to feel like the title of your life.

When I split with my partner of fifteen years, we all suffered with depression and the fear of the unknown. As a parent, watching your children suffer is painful. No matter how much you want to help, your help may not be the answer. Public school counselors can often help zero in on issues like adhd, autism, depression, suicidal tendencies, or other emotional issues. If you’re a homeschooler, finding an affordable counselor isn’t as easy. There are many online resources. This article might help a teen who is fighting to hold back tears when they’re feeling frustrated or angry: Why do I cry when I’m Mad?

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, this article from GoodTherapy shares a list of teen help hotlines and other free mental health resources. Your pediatrician can also do a depression evaluation survey, and based on the results, refer you to a family counselor. Many family therapists operate on a sliding scale. 

Articles on Autism

After the upheaval in our family, the kids and I moved to our happy place. A little cottage on a quiet lake, where we could swim, kayak, and birdwatch to our heart’s content. The first few weeks we kept our minds busy by remodeling the house, but after a while reality set in, and we decided to try family counseling. No one really enjoyed it, we had to make some sacrifices to find an affordable therapist which ended up being an hour from home. By the time we got off the waiting list, much of the family dynamic had changed and the diagnosis was changed from severe depression to adhd. The counselor had to have a diagnosis for our insurance to continue to pay, but it didn’t really seem to fit our circumstances.

With other members of the family with adhd, we had some prior experience dealing with the ups and downs, and this really wasn’t the same thing. It was nice to have a neutral party listen to our problems, but it wasn’t really worth the trouble. It caused more stress on an already stressed relationship, because the kids didn’t want to go and the family dynamic continued to play out. I know that sounds counterintuitive. I know that I’m the parent and I shouldn’t let the kids overrule me, but believe me, this wasn’t good for any of us. At the time, an online therapy option would’ve been ideal. 

Finally, the best solution for our family came through the advice of our pediatrician, the kids needed their own life. They needed more activities that they enjoyed. Sure, we did homeschool groups, 4-H, and summer camps, but it wasn’t enough. My kids were at a place in their lives where they needed more, even if they didn’t want more. They also needed less. Less time with mom, less time with each other. We all needed some space to help distance ourselves from the previous situation.

The biggest battle we faced was a lack of real relationships. There were no close relationships so that the kids could see healthy family behaviors modeled. We lived over an hour away from any relatives, so extended family time was few and far between. It was definitely time for a major change. After some heartfelt conversations with the pediatrician, relatives, and close friends, we decided our life needed an overhaul. The biggest piece of the puzzle that we all longed for was a sense of belonging. So we packed our bags and moved back to my hometown where we could be closer to family that would provide a support network as we all stepped out into the real world for the first time in years. I took a part-time job as an activity assistant at a retirement home and the kids both enrolled in public school. Talk about change! Change is scary, but sometimes we need a catalyst to set our lives in the right direction. All of these changes have led me to a wonderful opportunity with our local Habitat for Humanity. Look for more updates in coming posts.



If Mama Ain't Happy Article from Adventures of Kids Creative Chaos

Signs of Trouble? Article from Adventures of Kids Creative Chaos

Make a List Quote: Lora's Law #11

Quotes to Remember: Make a List

A loaf of bread, a container of milk, and a stick of butter. A loaf of bread, a container of milk, and a stick of butter. A loaf of bread, a container of milk, and, ooh, chocolate! A loaf of bread, a container of- what's this? It looks like some kind of new ice cream. Okay, I got the chocolate, the ice cream... what did we come here for? Oh, yeah, a loaf of bread. This is me shopping with the kids. I need butter to make cookies for a bake sale. I often make lists on paper. They stay at the house or in the car or sometimes wadded up in my purse. As soon as I get home and get to work, I remember what I really went the store to get. Yesterday, it was duct tape. Lora's Law #11 is all about making lists. This quote is to remind us that we need to make lists and remember to read them!!! Use your phone. Enjoy!

Chocolate Quotes Soothe the Soul Memes

Got Chocolate? Quotes Memes for Facebook or Instagram

We've got quotes and memes to go along with your crutch or vice. Chocolate soothes the soul, and now they say it has health benefits too! Count me in. What does chocolate mean to you? Do you crave chocolate or use it as a pick me up? Chantbou chocolate is waiting for you. Here's annother chocolate quote memeEnjoy!

Got chocolate?  We've got quotes and memes for Pinterest and Facebook.
Here is a chocolate quote meme for your Pinterest Board or Facebook Posts.


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*We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

What Year is 2014 in Chinese New Year?

It is the Chinese New Year, Year of the Horse 2014

Looking for a meaningful horse quote for Pinterest or Facebook for the Chinese New Year? It is the year of the horse! When is the Chinese New YearThe new Moon on January 30, 2014 begins the year of the Wood Horse. Chinese New Year is a spring festival that begins on the second new Moon after Winter Solstice, with the Sun and Moon are in Aquarius. Last year, 2013, was the year of the water snake. Enjoy!

What Year is 2014 in Chinese New Year? It is the Chinese New Year, Year of the Horse 2014. Horse Quotes for Pinterest.
Horse quote by Ovid for the year of the horse.

In Chinese astrology, this year is considered fortunate, bringing luck and good things. The Magical Horse has supernatural powers, is heroic, strong, and can even fly! The horse is a hero in China because important battles were won due to its power and strength.

Here is a fun horse word search from or how about a horse coloring page printable from We have a Chinese Dragon New Year printable.

Recommended Reading:

Sign up for our free newsletter

Year of the Dragon

Bringing In the New Year (Read to a Child)*

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*We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

Creative Country Sayings: New Year Quotes for Facebook and Pinterest

Ring in the New Year, but Leave the Resolution in the Past: Quote for Facebook and Pinterest

We have lots of posts for ideas and activities to do with the kids on New Years Eve. Browse around or do a search for "New Year". Quote: Your resolution goes in one ear and out the other. Enjoy! 

 New Year's Resolution quotes and sayings for Facebook or Pinterest.
New Year Sayings and Quotes for Facebook or Pinterest posts. 

Recommended Reading:

A Wish to Be A Christmas Tree

Squirrel's New Year's Resolution

ADS DISCLOSURE: We've partnered with some wonderful advertisers who may sponsor blog posts or send us samples to test. Some companies pay us to review their products.

*We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

Creative Country Sayings: If It Crawls Quote

I need a sign with some of these creative country sayings on my back door

My kids don't know a stranger and that includes a creepy crawly toad, frog, snake, bug, or any other wild thing. Click the tab above for more inspiring quotes and country sayings.

Country Sayings If it crawls quote idioms and memes
Creepy Crawly: Can you see the frog?

Recommended Reading:

Try Something New

Learn to Draw Insects: Step-by-Step Instructions for 26 Creepy Crawlies

Be Happy: Happiness Quotes and Sayings

Don't Worry, Be Happy _ Happiness Quote Poster for Facebook

It seems like there isn't enough happiness to go around, especially on Facebook. We've compiled a list of happiness quotes for your Facebook posts. Share them on your wall or on a friend's page, and don't worry, be happy!

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Happiness quotes and sayings, "Be so happy,"

  • Friendship Quote
  • Be the reason someone smiles today.
  • Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect, it means you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.
  • Leave a little sparkle wherever you go!
  • No one is too old for fairy tales.
  • Be happy, not because everything is good, but because you can see the good in everything.
  • A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.
  • No one needs a smile as much as the person who fails to give one.
  • The bad news is there is no key to happiness. The good news is, it isn't locked!
  • Be happy; it drives people crazy!
  • "I have decided to be happy, because it is good for my health." - Voltaire.

Recommended Reading:

The Art of Happiness, The Dalai Llama

Have You Filled a Bucket Today? A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids

Creative Country Sayings: Inspirational Quotes: Enjoy the Little things in Life

Never Forget to Enjoy the Little Things Quote

Ahh, life full of great ideas for creative country sayings and inspirational quotes. Remember climbing trees? What? You've never climbed a tree? You should go do that before it is too late! Enjoy the little things in life!

creative country sayings and inspirational quotes enjoy the little small things
Enjoy the little things in life, they're really the big things. 
Go climb a tree today!

Recommended Reading:

Would You Teach a Fish to Climb a Tree?*

The Tree Climber's Companion*

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*We also use affiliate links, if you make a purchase we get a tiny commission. Kids Creative Chaos participates in the Amazon LLC Associates Program*, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a mean for blogs to earn advertising fees by linking to Amazon properties, including, but not limited to,,,,, or We also offer Tapinfluence, Google Adsense, SoFab, and Izea ads here. Thanks so much for helping us keep the lights on! :)

Mother's Day Activities for Kids with Sayings and Quotes for CARDS

Cards: Fun Ideas and Activities to Celebrate Mother's Day with Kids

Mother's Day. So many activities are cliche. Buy Mom a new vacuum cleaner, (Hey, I'd be okay with that) bring her breakfast in bed, give her a bouquet, a lovely card with a nice quote, some hand-print art...  What other things can you do with Mom for Mother's Day? Well, it depends on the Mom. Some Moms are offended by a gift of a household appliance; some are ecstatic. Scroll to the bottom for quotes for Mother's Day cards. Enjoy! 

Mother's Day Activities for Kids with Sayings and Quotes for CARDS

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Quotes and Sayings for Mother's Day. Cards: Fun Ideas and Activities to Celebrate Mother's Day with Kids
Quotes and Sayings for Mother's Day.

When is Mother's Day 2020? 

Mother's Day is the second Sunday in May or May 10, 2020.

If it were me, I would like to CELEBRATE MOTHER'S DAY this way:

Breakfast in bed? Aww.. that's sweet, but if they make breakfast in bed that means the kitchen is a nightmare. Wouldn't it be great if they'd clean the floor? I'd rather sleep in and go out to eat at a restaurant. It doesn't have to be my favorite restaurant, we'll save that for my birthday, because, after all, it is Mother's Day and they're my children. Without them, we wouldn't be celebrating. We can eat some place everyone likes.But, on my Birthday, were having seafood and cheesecake. 

Now, what do we do?

Let's do something fun and non-traditional. One year, my parents were in Florida for Easter. After the Easter Bunny visited, we had dinner at Chuck E. Cheese. It was Awesome. We had the entire place to ourselves for an hour and then another family came in, even so it was very cool! I got to play games and sing with Chuck E. -  Happy Mother's Day! Playing with the kids was a lot of fun.

How to Celebrate Mother's Day with Kids

Do things as a family! No, I don't mean a movie. Interact, engage:

  • Go Bowling.

  • Go to the park and play on the playground with your kids - don't just sit on a bench.

  • Garden. Instead of a bouquet, get Mom some flowers, gardening gloves, and seeds and then go outside and help her plant them while you talk about fun times together. "Hey, Mom, remember that time when we..."

  • Take a dinner cruise on a river boat.

  • Paint a picture together! Gather supplies, go outside, and paint a landscape together. It doesn't have to be perfect. Everyone pitches in and paints something. Take it outside so Mom doesn't have to clean up the mess.

  • Visit a theme park.

  • Finally, tell your MOTHER you have a great idea. You want to visit a retirement home. Gather construction paper and fabric scraps. Sit down as a family and make those cliche Mother's Day Crafts together- you're making memories. Design a variety of cards for "Mothers," buy some flowers at the grocery on the way to the home, and go out and deliver some smiles. Give each lovely Mother a carnation and a card. A lot of people are forgotten or separated by distance from loving family members. Making their day special will make your day memorable! Make a paper basket for Mom.  

Please follow our Wheelchair Games Board on Pinterest for more things to do with Senior Citizens.

Here are some Cute Mother's Day Card Crafts and Sayings.

This beautiful picture from, Artrageous Afternoon, is inspired by Pablo Picasso's, "Hands with Bouquet."  Hop over to see Picasso's version.

Hand on Bouquet card for Mother's Day
Give a bouquet to a Mother in a retirement home, like this one from
Artrageous Afternoon blog. Inspired by Pablo Picasso's, "Hands on Bouquet".

Or this one, have each family member draw some flowers on white paper, outline them in a darker color, and then cut them out and paste them to the front of a Mother's Day card. Family Collaboration at its finest. This was a class project from Artrageous Afternoon blog. We'll be making this one for sure!

Quotes for Mother's Day Cards

You'll need a nice sentiment for your Mother's Day Card. Here are some fun sayings for cards:

  • "Mothers hold their children's hands for awhile and their hearts forever."

  • "God could not be everywhere, therefore, he made Mothers.

  • "Wow! Mom!"

  • "I love how we don't have to say out loud that I am your favorite child."

  • "A mother is she who can take the place of all others, but whose place no one else can take."

  • "Just want to say... Happy Mother's Day!"

  • "The best moms get promoted to grandmas."

  • So, grab your construction paper, glue, and markers and get crafting! There are a lot of Moms who need an extra pick me up!

    Happy Mother's Day!

    Recommended Reading:

    The Night Before Mother's Day

    Cool Father's Day Crafts

    Chocolate, Flowers, or Teddy Bears